Homework Statement
Figure 23.52 gives the magnitude of the electric field inside and outside a sphere with a positive charge distributed uniformly throughout its volume. The scale of the vertical axis is set by Es = 5.0 x 10e7 N/C. What is the charge on the sphere?
Homework Equations
Net Flux...
Hello, I am looking for resources on scale
symmetry including the persons who are at the forefront, arxiv preprints, history of the development of the idea, and any other sources you can think of. Thank you.
A twisted cylindrial rod has the cross sectional symmetry so that it's not posible to tell whether it is twisted or not without knowing if there is any torsional energy. now drawing a line on the surface of it can tell us whether or not it's twisted. It might not be a straight line.. there are...
Homework Statement
A beam (e.g. a steel liner) of a length L is bent between two supports, as shown in fig (a).
According to the Euler column, the shape is a half period of a sine.
Now, a force P is applied at the axis of symmetry - fig (b).
What is the shape of the liner? y=f(x)
Instead of the...
Hello !
In the book Quantum Field for mathematician, there is this Wick diagram as an example to understand how to compute the symmetry factor (I am sorry, I draw it with paint...)
This is about a hermitian field interacting with a complex field. The book says it has a symmetry factor of 2...
In case it's relevant, the context of my question is finding the allowed states of an atom. For example, given a nitrogen atom with (1s)2(2s)22p3, how do we find the possible states in terms of total orbital angular momentum L, total spin S, and total angular momentum J = L + S. It seems that...
Spontaneous symmetry breaking refers to the solution of a system loses some symmetry in its Lagrangian. Consider a Simple Harmonic Oscillator, its lagrangian is time translationally invariant but its solution is periodic in time, thus not time-translational invariant. Is this Spontaneous...
Homework Statement
Find the conserved Noether current j^\mu of the Dirac Lagrangian
L = \bar{\psi} ( i \partial_\mu \gamma^\mu - m ) \psi
under the transformation:
\psi \rightarrow e^{i \alpha} \psi \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, \bar{\psi} \rightarrow e^{-i \alpha} \bar{\psi}
Homework Equations...
Homework Statement
Consider the lagrangian L=\delta_\mu \phi \delta^\mu \phi^* - m^2 \phi \phi^*
Show that the transformation:
\phi \rightarrow \phi + a \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, \phi^* \rightarrow \phi^* + a^*
is symmetry when m=0.
The attempt at a solution
Substituting the transformation...
I am learning Feynman diagrams and I still do not understad quite well the symmetry factor idea. The equation is:
$$ \frac{1}{O(G)} = \frac{M}{n!(4!)^n} $$
I was trying the next example:
If I am not wrong it is O(G) = 10 taking care of the asymmetry of each pair of internal lines...
Homework Statement
Let S = { (x,y) in Z | 5x+7y is divisible by 3 }
Show that S is symmetrical.
Homework Equations
None apart from basic algebraic knowledge.
The Attempt at a Solution
The only thing I can think of is starting with 3a = 5x+7y and putting x (or y) into the...
Suppose we have some function f(x) with period L. My book states that if it is even around the point x=L/4, it satisfies f(L/4-x)=-f(x-L/4), whilst if it is odd it satisfies f(L/4-x)=f(x-L/4). Then we define s=x-L/4 so we have for the function to be odd or even about L/4 that f(s)=±f(-s)...
Hi guys, have a very tricky question on my HW to find compact group of global symmetry to this Lagrangian of 2 complex scalar fields
L={\partial_\mu \phi_1^*}{\partial_\mu \phi_1}+{\partial_\mu \phi_2^*}{\partial_\mu \phi_2}-\lambda(\phi_1^* \phi_1 - \phi_2^* \phi_2 - v^2)^2
and I can't figure...
Anyone can explain me what is the physical meaning of azimuthal symmetry?
Based on the book, azimuthal symmetry means when m=0.
However how can we determine that a system is azimuthal symmetry or not?
Like for example, I have a two concentric spheres with radius a and b and hold at different...
When you add two angular momentum states together, you get states which have exchange symmetry i.e. the highest total angular momentum states (L = l1 + l2) will be symmetric under the interchange of the two particles, (L = l1 + l2 - 1) would be anti-symmetric...and the symmetry under exchange...
consider the following two graphs. I want to calculate the symmetry factors for them . I am using field contraction method for that. but I am getting 2 for the 2 vertex diagram and 1 for the zero vertex diagram where it should be 4 and two respectively. Can anyone do it for me. I am writing...
Hello. I need help with the following problem:
I don't know where to start. I know that the frame can be split up into one symmetric part and one symmetric+assymetric part but i forgot the theory and rules on translation and axis etc.
I hope someone can help as I have to hand in the...
I was thinking whether to ask this question or not because the mentor might not like it. Again it could be my misconception. But I think I should ask this question because it would help others who are at the same level of study as I am. So those people can just see this post of mine and clear...
The Polyakov action,
S=\frac{1}{4\pi\alpha^\prime}\int d^2\sigma\sqrt{-h}h^{\alpha\beta}G_{ij}(X)\partial_\alpha X^i\partial_\beta X^j
has the local symmetries, diffeomorphism on world sheet and the Weyl invariance.
But is diffeomorphism on the target space also a symmetry?
The target space...
Is there any simple justification about graphene having no band gap? How bout its linear E-K? Why bilayer graphene has a quadratic E-K and electric field can open a band gap there?
I do not completely understand the broken symmetry argument? Also Why MoS2 which has similar structure, do not...
I am reading Srednicki's book and I am stuck at this point of calculating symmetry factors for Feynman's Graph in the context of dealing with interacting scalar field. First of all my question is what is the standard procedure to calculate it. The way Srednicki has talked about it is that if...
It just occurred to me that induction can be seen as a statement quite analogous to that of "a function whose derivative is 0 on an interval is constant on that interval".
Suppose there is a property P about the natural numbers that we want to prove. Then let P: N -> {0, 1} be a function for...
I am trying to understand the (possible) couplings between scalar chemical reaction phenomena and vectorial phenomena such as heat conduction and mass diffusion. It is argued in the literature that I have read that the usual assumption of cross coefficients for scalar+vectorial phenomena only...
Hello,I read an article about fo generating mass for the first two generations of quarks by breaking the flavour permutation symmetry S3. In the top of the page 5 of the following article: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/9807214v2.pdf ,
they mention that "Mq1 transforms as the mixed symmetry term...
Hi all,
Have anyone heard about a symmetry called " Z symmetry " . It's considered a discrete symmetry, in which terms at a Lagrangian for example can take "Z charges" 0, 1 or +1 to be invariant or non-invariant under this symmetry ..
I heard about before, but I try to find any reference...
Homework Statement
the question is that there is a particle in 3 spatial Euclidean dimensions in cylindrical coordinates.
I want to find a symmetry for the lagrangian if the potential energy is function of r and k.theta+z
Homework Equations
k is constant
We know how objects such as the metric tensor and the Cristoffel symbol have symmetry to them (which is why g12 = g21 or \Gamma112 = \Gamma121)
Well I was wondering if the Riemann tensor Rabmv had any such symmetry. Are there any two or more particular indices that I could interchange and...
Is the Standard Model saved asymptotically by conformal symmetry?
A.Gorsky, A.Mironov, A.Morozov, T.N.Tomaras
(Submitted on 1 Sep 2014)
It is pointed out that the top-quark and Higgs masses and the Higgs VEV satisfy with great accuracy the relations...
What are the high symmetry directions for a two-dimensional oblique crystal? Please provide a figure of the corresponding Brillouin zone with high symmetry points labelled.
Hi guys,
I have a question about symmetry breaking in Susy, I hope it won't be so naive that I just started to study supersymmetry ..
The question is that there are two Higgs doublets in Susy, H_u and H_d, how these two doublets first break supersymmetry at high energy scale and then make...
In the Dirac equation, the only thing about the gamma matrices that is "fixed" is the anticommutation rule:
\gamma^\mu \gamma^\nu + \gamma^\nu \gamma^\mu = 2 \eta^{\mu \nu}
We can get an equivalent equation by taking a unitary matrix U and defining new spinors and gamma-matrices via...
I have a homework problem where I have to solve for the displacements of the attached system using cyclic symmetry. To do this, I know that I have to find the harmonic load components of the system. One thing that my professor did not make clear (or if he did, I missed it) is how to determine...
First I want to consider an example of 1D motion. Lagrange equation:
$$ \frac{d}{dt} \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot x} - \frac{\partial L}{\partial x} = 0 $$
If we transform $$L \rightarrow L+a$$ with a is constant, the equation of motion remains unchanged. This is global symmetry.
To obtain...
I have a few questions about the Pauli exclusion principle:
1. Why do physicists believe that the symmetry in the wavefunction we assign to particles (indistinguishability) is due to an actual restriction in the physical state space that the particles can occupy (the attributes following from...
Hi I am re-reading Srednicki's QFT.
In chapter 58,
he points out that the Noether current $$ j^\mu=e\bar{\Psi}\gamma^\mu\Psi$$ is only conserved when the fields are stationary, which is obvious from the derivation of the conservation law.
Meanwhile he assumes that $$\partial _\mu...
Why is it so important to the universe that if you measure the spin of an entangled pair and its up then the other particle must be down.
It seems to have no practical use so why does the universe enforce this rule, how would reality differ if it wasn't true.
And is it a law of symmetry...
I am wondering what kind of approaches people take to a cyclic symmetry analysis in FEM when you have multiple repeating features that don't divide to the same integer. Take the example below for example. I have a N_HOLES = 136 and I have N_SLOTS = 52.
I am not sure what to do here. The...
In Carroll's "spacetime and geometry" he defines a spherical symmetrical spacetime as a spacetime ##(M,g)## for which there exists a Lie algebra homomorphism between the Lie algebra of the killing vectors of ##g## and the Lie algebra of ##SO(3)##.
Now, this does imply by Frobenius theorem...
I know about symmetry and antisymmetry and so on, but a thought that I had never considered just hit me. If we had two fermions in the triplet symmetric spin state and hence therefore an antisymmetric spatial state, for example a harmonic oscillator in the first excited state must be one in...
Hi, I'm just getting a little confused with all the definitions here and I need some confirmation on what I say is correct or not;
Isospin symmetry: The property that an interaction is independent of the T_3 value?
Isospin breaking: The property that it is dependent on T_3 ?
Charge symmetry...
Homework Statement
Homework Equations
e= electric field
Q = charge
R = radius from point to charge
K is a constant, 9x109
The Attempt at a Solution
If my handwriting sucks, I basically did the standard integral of...
I am trying to understand the connection between symmetry and conservation.
For the electromagnetic force, the conserved quantity is charge, the corresponding symmetry is the phase of the wave and the force carrier is the photon.
For the electroweak force, the conserved quantities are the...
Can one set up a multiplication table for the symmetry group C3V of the equilateral
Then show that it is identical to that of the permutation group P3.
I need some clarification...
What about a matrix representation (2x2) for these groups?
→ Here was thinking to use...
1. P. Marder ever said that there is no special symmetry results in two dimensional oblique lattice. But it still possesses inversion symmetry. r → -r
How to understand r → -r?
2. Many book ever states that space symmetry broken by atomic displacement can bring ferroelectricity. But why...
If the probability for a state α prepared initially to be in a state β at a later time is given by:
S_{\beta \alpha} S_{\beta \alpha}^*
and for a state β prepared intitially to become a state α is: S_{ \alpha \beta} S_{ \alpha \beta}^*
then in order for the two to be equal (by...
I know--because of Noether's theorem--that continuous rotational symmetry implies conservation of angular momentum, and that continuous translational symmetry implies conservation of linear momentum. It also turns out that the discrete translational symmetry exhibited by a Bravais lattice...