What is System: Definition and 1000 Discussions

A system is a group of interacting or interrelated elements that act according to a set of rules to form a unified whole. A system, surrounded and influenced by its environment, is described by its boundaries, structure and purpose and expressed in its functioning. Systems are the subjects of study of systems theory.

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  1. K

    Finding mass to resonate a system

    My first step was to calculate Torques acting on system, I found 3, one given(external): a)torque produced by point mass: (m2)grcos(θ)=(m2)gr b)torque produced by spring krsin(θ)rcos(θ)=kr2θ c)external torque τ_o(t)=10sin(20t) I also calculated moments of inertia I=m1r2+(1/2)m1∗r2 then I...
  2. karush

    MHB 311.1.3.19 find h and k in the system

    $\tiny{311.1.3.19}$ find h and k such that the system has, no solution (parallel) ,unique solution (intersection) , many solutions (same line) $\begin{array}{rrr} x_1+hx_2&=2&(1)\\ 4x_2+8x_2&=k&(2) \end{array}$
  3. Devs

    Engineering Mathematics modeling for a Mass-Spring-Damper system

    Summary:: How can I get mathematics modeling for these tree systems? First of all, my mother tongue is not English, so my expression could be ambiguous. I want to get mathematics modeling for these three system above, like this form. First one is b -> (b1+b2), right? but I'm not sure...
  4. karush

    MHB 311.2.2.6 use inverse matrix to solve system of equations

    $\tiny{311.2.2.6}$ Use the inverse to solve the system $\begin{array}{rrrrr} 7x_1&+3x_2&=-9\\ -2x_1&+x_2&=10 \end{array}$ the thing I could not get here without a calculator is $A^{-1}$
  5. A

    Ship thrust required to move out of the plane of our solar system

    Hello, We know that most celestial objects in our solar system are in the equatorial plane of the sun. So too, does most of our spacecraft orbit in this plane as it explores our solar system. For a spacecraft already traveling away from the sun and towards the outer solar system, how hard...
  6. J

    Understanding Tension in a Physics Scenario

    Confused on how to find tension in rope (this would be the force acting on mass 2 that is causing work). Fnet wouldn't be 0 since the speed isn't constant and no acceleration is given. I'm sure I'm suppose to use the masses in an equation somehow, but I'm not sure how. It makes sense that the...
  7. derya

    A Generic Solution of a Coupled System of 2nd Order PDEs

    Hi! I am looking into a mechanical problem which reduces to the set of PDE's below. I would be very happy if you could help me with it. I have the following set of second order PDE's that I want to solve. I want to solve for the generic solutions of the functions u(x,y) and v(x,y). A, B and C...
  8. adamm150

    A simple system of two masses and two pulleys

    hey there, I am confusing what is the right answer to this system of mass, I solved it a couple of time and I got different answers. can you help me with that? I need to find the expression of the acceleration of the 2 masses. thanks a lot,Adam.
  9. S

    MHB Solve System of 2 Equalities: 6x$^2$ + 19y + 3x + 15y$^2$ + 5y

    Solve the following system: 1) $6x^2+x(19y+3)+15y^2+5y=0$ 2)$10x^3+(11y+5)x^2+(3y^2+3y+12)x+6y+6=0 $
  10. S

    MHB How to Solve a System of Three Non-linear Equations?

    Solve the fpllowing system: 1) $x^2(y-w)=a$ 2) $y^2(w-x)=b$ 2) $w^2(x-y) =c$ a,b,c non zero
  11. S

    I Astronomy in a Simple Solar System

    It seems to me that Galileo and his successors benefitted from there being other bodies in the solar system other than the Earth and the Sun to prove that the Earth (and other bodies) orbited the Sun, and not the other way round. In an imagined solar system where the Earth has no moon, and...
  12. M

    MHB Linear system of equations: Echelon form/Solutions

    Hey! 😊 I am looking at the following exercise but I think that I miss something. The statement is the following: We are given the following system of equations: \begin{align*}2a-2c+d-2e=&-2 \\ -2c-2d+2e=&\ \ \ \ \ 3 \\ d+2e=&-2\end{align*} 1) Is the system in echelon form? Justify. 2)...
  13. Nagui

    Finding the Equation System of a Complex Mechanism: Using Lagrange Formalism

    Summary:: equation system of complex mechanism need to be done. Lagrange Formalism could be helpfull to do it but small errors could all destroy .. Hi everyone, I tried to find the equation system of the joined Mechanism (4 DoF). I think there is a mistake but I am not sure where is it . I...
  14. anemone

    MHB Solve System of 2 Variables: $x^5+y^5=33,\,x+y=3$

    Solve the system $x^5+y^5=33,\,x+y=3$.
  15. T

    Finding a Unique Solution to a System of Equations

    It makes sense that a=2 would cause problems because then we wouldn't have a matrix of full rank and we'd be unable to determine a value for w. But the key also says that when b+4a^2-4a-7≠0. Why is that an issue? For example, if a=1, that just says implies that w=0. Through back-subsitution...
  16. docnet

    System of two differential equations

    The first equation leads to x = ae^2t + be^t and the second equation leads to y=[1/(ln(sint+pi/2)+c)] this corresponds to the system a+b=1/c 2a+b=1 which has infinitely many solutions. what am I missing here?
  17. S

    MHB Solving System of Equations: xy, yz, zx

    Solve the following systemof equations: $\dfrac{xy}{x+y}=a$ $\dfrac{yz}{y+z}=b$ $\dfrac{zx}{z+x}=c$ where a,b,c are not zero
  18. phinds

    US School Districts: Changing Grading System - Is It A Good Idea?

    The Week magazine Oct 30, 2020 page 8 To be fair, it's not quite as simple-minded as that makes it sound, but it is still, to me, is a terrible idea. Another progressive education idea that is well-meaning but likely to be disastrous in practice. Here's an article with more detail...
  19. C

    I Simplest self-contained numeral system for complex numbers?

    Anyone know what the simplest possible self-contained numeral system for complex numbers would be, analogous to signed ternary for integers? My guess would be quarter-imaginary base (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quater-imaginary_base.)
  20. A

    Heat Capacity of a Van Der Waals' gas in an Open system

    In our class, we're using Wassermann's Thermal physics as textbook. I always try to solve all question which included in Text book. But sometime when I meet a problem that look like easy but actually hard, I'm so embarrassed. This problem do also. First, in the textbook grand potential for van...
  21. karush

    MHB General Solution of Differential Equation System

    $\tiny{27.1}$ 623 Find a general solution to the system of differential equations $\begin{array}{llrr}\displaystyle \textit{given} &y'_1=\ \ y_1+2y_2\\ &y'_2=3y_1+2y_2\\ \textit{solving } &A=\begin{pmatrix}1 &2\\3 &2\end{pmatrix}\\...
  22. thaiqi

    I Dynamical System & Hilbert Space: Analyzing the Relationship

    Is there any relation between dynamical system and Hilbert space(functional analysis)?
  23. T

    I Launch to Space: Exploring the Possibility of a Tube Launch System

    Build a tube to space. Use our atmosphere to push a ship up the tube.
  24. yecko

    Vapor-compression refrigeration system - boiling & critical point

    Is it the lower the boiling point the better? As room pressure and temperature already can change the phase without working at vacuum? And the higher critical point means it is hard to reach super critical phase? But there is transcritical CO2 cycle, which the critical point is so low, and...
  25. M

    First Law for a Eulerian non-inertial system

    Hello to everyone, I'm trying to demonstrate (a) starting from a Lagrangian system. However I have found some difficoulties so I hope you can help me. First of all, I'm going to illustrate a demonstration I found of the First Law, for a Eulerian -inertial system...
  26. Andrea Vironda

    Understanding the Principle of Dampening in Hydrostatic Systems

    Hi, In some hydrostatic tables I can see many spring-shaped pipes that are traversed by oil. Spring is responsible for a kind of dampening that I ignore how to deal with. Do you have any idea of the physical principle behind it?
  27. TheShadowDragon

    Calculation of a Propagator for a Spin 1/2 system

    Well, this calculation is straightforward in the Heisenberg picture. After finding the eigen values and eigen vectors of the total Hamiltonian, I found the explicit form for the exponential of the integral of the matrix and then did the matrix multiplication and calculated its expectation value...
  28. A

    Conservation of Angular Mometum for a Car/Earth System

    See attached. You can see how the car as a whole conserves angular momentum with earth. Car pushes back, Earth moves back and rotates, car accelerates forward. https://www.animations.physics.unsw.edu.au/jw/momentum.html However, the ground puts a friction force on the front non-driving wheel...
  29. willDavidson

    Electric field in a second dielectric given a 2 dielectric system

    I tried approaching this by finding the tangential and normal electric fields. Is this the correct approach? I've attached a drawing of the surface provided. ##\oint_S E \cdot dl=0## ##E_{tan1}\Delta x-E_{tan2}\Delta x=0## We know that ##E_{tan1}=E_{tan2} Next, we can find the normal...
  30. Hamiltonian

    Maximum extension in a system with two blocks separated by a spring

    the acceleration of the center of mass is ##a_{cm} = F/(M+m)## I considered the forces on the block of mass m(when the system is at maximum extension) I got the equation $$kx - \frac {mF}{(M+m)} = ma_{cm}$$ and from that I got the value of the maximum extension $$x = \frac {2mF} {k(M+m)}$$ which...
  31. P

    Comp Sci Convert between base system in C on Linux

    We have been requested to run this on linux. I am able to read in the original base system and then I am able to enter the number. As soon as I enter the original number the system reads out "Enter the base of the output:" then does not allow the user to enter the second base. Instead it just...
  32. T

    B Measuring distance between two stars in a binary system

    Hello I am trying to teach myself some basic maths for astronomy from a book, namely trying to calculate the distance between two stars in a binary system. One thing i am confused with is what angular separation means and how it can be translated to true physical distance between them using...
  33. J

    China's PISA Performance: Talent or Education System?

    Is China allways first at PISA test because they have the most people in the world so statistically they must produce the most number of talent children? Or they have the best education system?
  34. M

    Engineering First law of a thermodynamic system

    After crossing out all the variables which I think equals 0 in the equation, I was left with: ∆PE + ∆U = Qin mg (0.2) + ∆U = 300 10*9.81*0.2 - 300 = - ∆U = -280J This was the answer I derived. However, the correct answer was supposed to be 123.3J. Please can someone explain to me how to get...
  35. S

    Acceleration of a spring - mass system

    m1 = top left m2 = bottom left m3 = top right m4 = bottom right My questions: 1. Will all the object (m1, m2, m3,and m4) have same acceleration? 2. Should I assume initial extension of both spring is the same? (only based on the picture) 3. Will the extension of the spring change after the...
  36. anemone

    MHB Solving $x^3+y^3=7$ and $x^2+y^2+x+y+xy=4$ System of Equations

    Find all real $x$ and $y$ that satisfy the system $x^3+y^3=7$ and $x^2+y^2+x+y+xy=4$.
  37. M

    Mathematica Solve a system of equations numerically

    Hi PF! I'm trying to solve three equations in Mathematica, but NSolve is taking FOREVER. Am I missing perhaps an easier way? The equations are below: NSolve[{1/2 r (r \[Theta] + (2 h + r Cos[\[Theta]]) Sin[\[Theta]]) == v, Cos[\[Alpha]] == -Sin[\[Theta] - \[Beta]], Tan[\[Theta]] == (-h...
  38. T

    Lagrangian mechanics, system of a spring and a pendulum

    Hello! I have some problem getting the correct answer for (b). My FBD: For part (a) my lagrangian is $$L=T-V\iff L=\frac{1}{2}m(b\dot{\theta})^2+mg(b-b\cos\theta)-\frac{1}{2}k\boldsymbol{x}^2,\ where\ \boldsymbol{x}=\sqrt{(1.25b-b)^2+(b\sin\theta)^2}-(1.25b-0.25b)$$ Hence my equation of...
  39. V

    I Object in or out of a circular field of view? (celestial coordinate system)

    In celestial coordinate system (right ascension/declination), how to check if an object with position RA and dec is within a given circular field of view of radius R (in arcminutes) and centred at (0,0)? R is small in this case so I assumed that I could compute the distance d of the object from...
  40. Athenian

    Finding the Basis Vectors for a Coordinate System

    To my understanding, to get the basis vectors for a given coordinate system (in this case being the elliptic cylindrical coordinate system), I need to do something like shown below, right? $$\hat{\mu}_x = \hat{\mu} \cdot \hat{x}$$ $$\hat{v}_z = \hat{v} \cdot \hat{z}$$ And do that for...
  41. Elias_HH

    Engineering What is the difference equation of the system?

    Hey guys, what is the difference equation of the signl seen in the figure ? my suggestion is: y(k) = 2u(k) + 2u(k-1) + 2u(k-2) - y(k-6)
  42. K

    Curvilinear coordinate system: Determine the standardized base vectors

    How I would have guessed you were supposed to solve it: What you are supposed to do is just take the gradients of all the u:s and divide by the absolute value of the gradient? But what formula is that why is the way I did not the correct way to do it? Thanks in advance!
  43. Kashif

    MCNP5, dose calculation, subcritical system

    Greetings to all need forum members help regarding MCNP5 college assignment. The task is to calculate dose from a system comprising of a neutron source surrounded by natural uranium. the system is subcritical. The problem is how to calculate dose due to fissions in the uranium because dose from...
  44. maxim

    Non magnetic linear displacement system for moving a Hall Sensor

    Dear mechanical expert I have to realize a linear displacement system for a Hall sensor that has to slide along the central axis of a narrow cylinder and with which high intensity magnetic field measurements (1-14 Tesla) have to be made. The field is produced by a commercial vertical magnet...
  45. K

    MHB Numerical Methods for system of integral equations

    Are there any standart ways to solve such systems? \[ \begin{cases} m(t, x) - f(t, x)= \int_{0}^{t} q(\tau,x) \, d\tau \\ u(t,x) = \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} \frac{1}{2 \sqrt{\pi s t}} e^{-\frac{(x-\xi)^2}{4st}} f(t,x-\xi) \, d\xi \end{cases} \] Unknown functions are \( f(t,x) \) and \( q(t,x)...
  46. LCSphysicist

    Question about a coupled system of pendulums

    I am not sure if i get the question... At first i would say it is impossible to give a answer, we can not distinguish. But i think if we know the phases in this instant, we can give and answer, so my answer would be: "If we know, by some reason, what are the phase in this instant, we can give...
  47. anemone

    MHB Integer solutions of system of equations

    Find all integer solutions of the system of equations $x+y+z=3$ and $x^3+y^3+z^3=3$.
  48. Hamiltonian

    First law of thermodynamics and the work done on a system

    The first law of thermodynamics states that the change in the internal energy of a system equals the net heat transfer into the system minus the net work done by the system. In equation form, the first law of thermodynamics is ΔU = Q − W. in the mathematical expression of the first law of...