Term Definition and 775 Threads

  1. W

    Does chaos means long term numerical simulations useless?

    i am now reading a prl paper the authors used numerical simulations to study a nonlinear system in some parameters, the authors state that system enters into chaos My numerical simulations are the same as that of the authors but in the chaos regime, my simulations are quite different...
  2. Fredrik

    Does anyone actually use the term ensemble interpretation ?

    Does anyone actually use the term "ensemble interpretation"? People have been asking questions about the "ensemble interpretation" here lately. It's mentioned on the Wikipedia page "interpretations of quantum mechanics" and has its own page. But is that term actually used in books and articles...
  3. W

    Term Paper: Is the brain immunologically privileged?

    Term Paper: "Is the brain immunologically privileged?" I have to write a term paper for my neuroscience class and the theme is "Is the brain immunologically privileged?". According to my professor I have a pretty nice introduction that explains the anatomical aspects of the brain that makes it...
  4. A

    What is meant by the term gauge singlet ?

    What is meant by the term "gauge singlet"? Can anybody please explain what is meant by the term "gauge singlet"? To be more specific, I got the term in a discussion on wess-zumino lagrangian where the superpotential contains the term:a_i \phi_i . The author claims that in order the theory to...
  5. B

    What Does the IPCC Mean by 'Most' in Their Climate Change Reports?

    The IPCC and the term "most" An online "sparring partner" brought up an interesting point during one of our regular (some would say never-ending) climate debates the other day. He asked me for clarity on what the IPCC means by "most" in their Fourth Assessment Report when they say: "Most of...
  6. A

    Find angle to eliminate cross product term

    Homework Statement If you make the change of variables: x= ucos(\theta)-vsin(\theta) y= usin(\theta)+vcos(\theta) where the angle 0 \leq \theta <\pi/2 is chosen in order to eliminate the cross product term in: 4x2+8xy+6y2=30 What is the angle you would use? Homework Equations...
  7. J

    How is the -(ct)^2 term in Minkowski metric conceived?

    Hi, I am just trying to understand Special Relativity by reading http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Introduction_to_special_relativity All is ok except where in "The Minkowski formulation: introduction of spacetime", the introduction of -(ct)^2 term is not clearly justified (or so it seems to...
  8. D

    Long term drawbacks to undergrad research?

    I was thinking about this earlier today: The last 10 years or so has seen a steady increase in undergraduate research activity and the prevalence of undergraduates contributing to published research articles. I think inevitably this will lead to publications being required, at least informally...
  9. G

    The Origin of the term 'fossil' fuels

    This is a random question and I'm not scientifically oriented (which is obviously why I'm posting here). If the origin of 'fossil' fuels as we know them came from the leftovers of biological species, why is 'fossil' fuel not called 'tree' fuel? Sure it sounds stupid, but there have been...
  10. K

    What is the Role of the ω×L Term in the Torque Equation?

    Hello all, I'm sure you all know the standard relation between torque and angular acceleration: \tau = I\alpha However, in reading a doc on kinematics this weekend, the author gave the following formula for torque: \tau = I\alpha + \omega \times L My question is, from whence...
  11. O

    How can I expand this term ∇∙(φuu)

    How can I expand this term ∇∙(φuu) and ∇∙(T×u) ∇∙(φuu) where φ is a scalar and u is a vector and ∇∙(T×u) where T is a second order tensor and u is a vector.
  12. Vectronix

    Vector Calculus: Question about the origin of the term 'divergence'

    Why is the divergence operation called the 'divergence?' What is the significance of this operation on a vector-valued function? And what about "the curl?" The curl seems self-explanatory (at least it does in electrodynamics), but I need someone to expound on 'the curl' as well.
  13. I

    Diffusion Equation with source term

    I have been asked to solve a diffusion equation with a source term using finite differences method. I need to numerically integrate the following equation either in MATLAB or C++. The equation is dT/dt = d2T/dx2 + S(x) The form of S(x) is some function given by a Gaussian profile...
  14. A

    What does the term complementary interval mean?

    What does the term "complementary interval" mean? I'm studying the Cantor set and related notions right now, and I keep coming across the term "complementary interval." What does that mean? I can't find a definition spelled out anywhere!
  15. B

    Solving a linear homogenous 2nd order DE with a constant term

    I know how to go about solving differential equations of the form y''+q(x)y'+t(x)y = 0 through the methods of finding the characteristic polynomial of the differential equation and solving for the roots, etc. But what I am not clear on is how I would go about solving an equation like this where...
  16. R

    Is There a Ratio Between Short Term and Continuous Current for Power Cables?

    Hi guys, I'm looking to find out if there is a ratio between short term and continuous current for power cables. I know that people usually generalize around 5-10 x rated ampacity, but I'm just asking around to see if there is a certain #. On McMaster Carr, the highest rated cable is for...
  17. N

    Converging Series and Derivative Analysis for Positive Terms

    sum(1/(n(n^2-1)^(1/2)),n=2,infinity) first derivative <0 for x>=2 I(1/(x(x^2-1)^(1/2)),x,2,infinity) x=secT, dx=secTtanT I(secTtanT/(secTtanT),T) ?
  18. rootX

    Short-Term Investing: Stocks vs Forex | Interactive Brokers

    I want to make short term investments (currently, stocks I believe). Currently, I don't have any investment knowledge so wanted to know if stocks are better or forex? (edit: learning about them in next few days) I found this website: http://individuals.interactivebrokers.com/en/main.php If...
  19. marcus

    Near term observ. constraints on QG dispersion

    MTd2 spotted this paper on arxiv and flagged it for us: Yes! I am very glad to get this one. This paper follows up on a March 2009 video seminar talk Giovanni A-C gave at Perimeter. I'll get the link. Yeah, it's easy to google: just say "Amelino Perimeter". This often works, google...
  20. S

    Basic question: Is it possible for the equation of a circle to have an xy term?

    Can this be an equation of a circle x^2+y^2-2hx-2ky+2mxy+r=0
  21. M

    Finding the General Term of a Sequence

    What are some of the methods of finding the general term of a sequence of numbers? for a sequence from n = 1 to n = 6 such as: 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21 the general term is: n(n+1)/2. This is relatively easy to find using guess and check, however I was wondering if there was a general...
  22. F

    Why the at term on the exponential turned positive

    Firstly, I don't get why the at term on the exponential turned positive (red arrow).. can someone explain that please? And how do I start on this? How do I split it up such that I can do it for t>0 and t=<0? Do I just integrate e^2t between -inf and 0 and integrate e^-t...
  23. B

    Difference equation with non-linear term

    Hi all-- I can't figure out how to approach the following difference equation: ax_{t}+f(x_{t-1})+bx_{t-2}=e_{t} where a, b are constants, e_t is a known function and f(x_t-1) is a convex, u-shaped function that goes through the origin. (Sorry Tex would not want to work) To begin with, I...
  24. G

    Is the Entropy Correction Term Calculated Correctly?

    I assumed that entropy derives from combinatorics so I calculated S=\ln \frac{\prod_{i=1}^S n_k!}{n!} for n particles in S states. The result is S=\ln \frac{\prod_{i=1}^S n_k!}{n!}=n\sum_{i=1}^S p_i\ln p_i+\frac12 s\ln n if p_i=n_i/n and \ln n/n\ll S What about the second correction term...
  25. S

    My attempt at shortest definition of the term 'life'

    =================================== Life is an ability of matter to manipulate itself. =================================== --- So what do you think? PS: originally I thought it up and wrote it here: https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=302477&page=2
  26. P

    Which Calculus II Topic Best Applies to Telecommunication Engineering?

    I have following topics and I have to choose one among them for the term paper in Calculus II: 1- Numerical Analysis. 2- Sequence and Series. 3- Polar Coordinates. 4- Finding Areas through Integration. What topic would make the most interesting paper considering the applications? P.S...
  27. R

    Complex Fourier series has a singular term

    Homework Statement Find the complex Fourier series for f(t)=t(1-t), 0<t<1 Homework Equations \sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty}c_{n}e^{2in\pi t} where c_{n}=\int_{0}^{1}f(t)e^{-2in\pi t}dt The Attempt at a Solution I've worked out that c_{n}=-1/(2n^2 \pi^2). The problem is that for...
  28. R

    What is the Method for Finding the nth Term of a Series Given Sn?

    Homework Statement This type of questions seems to be easy, but a little confusing at the same time If we are given the Sn of a series, and were asked to find an how to do that ? Homework Equations the limit of series and Sn is the same The Attempt at a Solution Maybe we...
  29. P

    Exploring the Concept of an Infinite 4D Universe: The Theory and its Origins

    What is the name of the theory (or person who thought it up) that the universe is infinite in the 4th spatial dimension and that our big bang is only a local effect?
  30. V

    Define the term ‘’discrimination’’

    hello there any body know Define the term ‘’discrimination’’, as applied to power system protection. im can't find if you can help me please thanks a lot
  31. L

    Limits of 0<x<1: Exploring Confusing nx Term

    Homework Statement This should be easy but I can't find why. Why is the following true for 0<x<1, \lim_{n \rightarrow \infty}nx(1-x^2)^n = 0 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I understand why (1-x^2)^n goes to zero, but the nx part is not bounded and seems to...
  32. L

    Tangential acceleration - unknown term

    Homework Statement A man walks steadily outwards on a turntable (radius r) with radial velocity v. The turntable rotates with angular velocity w and angular acceleration alpha (anti-clockwise). What is the tangential component of acceleration? Homework Equations radial acceleration =...
  33. A

    Infinite Series without an x term

    Infinite Series without an "x" term What are the uses of an infinite series which does not include an "x" variable? If you are looking at an infinite series which sums terms based entirely upon each term's position in the series, or, a series which includes only the variable "n," how would...
  34. D

    Finding nth term of a sequence (explicit formula)

    √2, √(2√2), √(2√(2√2) ), √(2√(2√(2√2) ) ) this sequence has been giving me a lot of trouble. i have no idea how to write the fomula. please help me.
  35. A

    Explaining Gauss-Bonnet Term & Its Significance in Cosmology

    hi all,o:) anybody please give me a physical explanation for the Gauss-Bonnet invariant... What is its significance in cosmology??does it contribute to the late time acceleration of the universe?? is it possible to find the variation of Gauss-bonnet term with respect to any given metric?if...
  36. S

    Integrating Factor and Unintegratable Term

    I was given the following ODE to solve and it seemed simple enough. However, after you have used the integrating factor the integral is not integratable. y' = (1+x^2)y +x^3, y(0)=0 Find y(1) if y(x) is the solution to the above ODE. So I put it in the proper form of: y' + (-1-x^2)y...
  37. N

    Thermal Physics: Evaluating Limits at Zero Temperature

    Homework Statement Hi all. Please take a look at this expression, where T is our variable (it represents temperature): C_v = 2\left( {\frac{{\hbar \omega }}{T}} \right)^2 \frac{{\exp \left( {\frac{{\hbar \omega }}{T}} \right)}}{{\left( {\exp \left( {\frac{{\hbar \omega }}{T}} \right)...
  38. C

    What Does Connected Really Mean in Different Mathematical Contexts?

    Defining the term "connected" Some authors use the word "connected" as applied to a set S to mean that for any two points A and B in S there exits a (piecewise) smooth path in S from A to B. This is, for instance, the approach taken by Apostol in Calculus Vol II (p 332) and the approach taken...
  39. A

    How Do You Solve Basic Kinematics Problems?

    Please help with Kinematics HAVE MID TERM TOMRROW :(! I have a mid term tomorrow and I'm in a dire situation. I don't remember how to do kinematics equations like A bus leaves the terminal and travels for 900s at an average velocity of 10 m/s before it stops at its first destination. How...
  40. S

    Graphing an Equation with a Complex Term

    1. If you`re given an equation such as w(t) = (1+t)e^jt how would I go about graphing it. For different values of t i get a different complex number but how do I represent that complex number on a w(t), (t) axis?
  41. P

    What does off-diagonal term mean?

    when we apply Higgs mechanism to the lagrangian of a complex scalar field... we get terms for a Glodstone boson, a massive scalar and a massive vector field in the new lagrangian.. we also get other terms.. one of them takes following form A_\mu \partial^\mu \xi this term is said to...
  42. F

    Why Hamiltonian and L^2 Don't Commute in Linear Molecules

    Lambda is the quantum number for the total orbital angular momentum of the electrons about the internuclear axis. Unlike in atoms, the cylindrical symmetry created by the strong electric field of the nuclei in a linear molecule destroys the relationship [H ,L^2] = 0. Can anyone tell me...
  43. A

    Why Can't I Cancel e^x in this Expression?

    [SOLVED] Why can't i cancel this term? http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2jcc49l&s=4 The function g(x) is stated in the first line. The question asks for g' when x=0 In the third line, i canceled e^x from both terms in the expression. The TA wrote that i can't do that. I forgot to ask him...
  44. H

    Why Is the Term Separable Used in Topology?

    Origin of the term "seperable" I was just curious as to why out of all properties of metric spaces (ie compactness, closure, etc), i don't know how the term seperable makes sense intuitively... is there an origin to this term? Just curious. cheers
  45. P

    What is the interpretation of a mass term in field theory?

    Hello! I've some problems understanding why in field theory a term (appearing in a Lagrangian) like \propto \phi^{2} is called "mass"-term (whereas \phi denotes a real field). Is there any interpretation? And is this a general expression for a mass term or could it be of any other shape...
  46. J

    The term mutual velocity, can be described as?

    The term "mutual" velocity, can be described as? Homework Statement A 110 kg tackler moving at 3.0 m/s meets head-on (and tackles) a 95 kg halfback moving at 7.5 m/s. What will be their mutual velocity in meters/second immediately after the collision?Homework Equations m1 = 110kg V01 = 3.0...
  47. G

    Coefficient of term in expansion

    Homework Statement Find the coefficient of X^3.Y^2 in (1+2X+5Y)^6 The Attempt at a Solution This question would be much easier for me if not for the constant term inside the brackets. I seem to recall that the coefficients of expansion for functions such as (ax+by)^n can be determined...
  48. A

    Solving Nth Term of a Series Homework

    Homework Statement Not really sure where tou go with this one. Homework Equations If the nth partial sum of a partial series is given by, Sn= \frac{1}{n+1}+\frac{1}{n+2}+...+\frac{1}{2n} = \sum_{k=1}^{n}\frac{1}{n+k} a) write the associated series b) test for convergence c) if...
  49. H

    Dirac equation with gamma_5 mass term?

    During my research a while ago, I have unexpectedly derived a "modified Dirac equation" with a \gamma_{5} mass term. (\gamma^{\mu}\partial_{\mu}+\gamma^{5}m)\psi(x)=0 I was quite surprised, and went about asking a few people. The answer I got is this equation is not new and has been...
  50. M

    First term test 8 mark triple TIPS question

    Homework Statement (note: this is not an easy question and will be marked very strictly.) Find the values of the constant a and b such that limx->0 ((ax+b)^1/3)-2)/x = 5/12 NOTE: you are not allowed to use L'Hospital's Rules for this question Homework Equations whatever you learned...