Textbooks Definition and 461 Threads

A textbook is a book containing a comprehensive compilation of content in a branch of study with the intention of explaining it. Textbook are produced to meet the needs of educators, usually at educational institutions. Schoolbooks are textbooks and other books used in schools. Today, many textbooks are published in both print and digital formats.

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  1. Z

    Good undergrad ODE/PDE textbooks focusing on theory

    I'm looking for some good ODE/PDE textbooks that focus a little more on theory but that are still comprehensive in their respective subjects. I have taken ODEs and applied PDEs at my university but even though I got good grades, I feel like my knowledge is lacking. The books we used were...
  2. P

    Undergrad Textbooks: Physics, Chemistry & Biology

    I'm looking forward to buying some general undergraduate-level textbooks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology. What are your suggestions?
  3. P

    Affordable Used Textbooks: Where to Find Cheap Deals

    Anyone know a good place to find used textbooks? I know of Amazon, ebay and half.com, but sometimes their prices aren't all that great, or the book isn't really well "stocked". The campus bookstore charges absurd prices, so no way I'm getting books from them... I honestly don't care much...
  4. K

    Understanding the Different Versions of Thomas Calculus 12th Ed. Textbooks

    I'm sure everyone doing some level of calculus or physics here is familiar with the Thomas Calculus Textbooks Series. Anyways, I've been really confused when searching for these textbooks, because there are so many different versions. Can anyone list and explain each version of the 12th edition...
  5. C

    Are textbooks sloppy with the entropy change of an irreversible process?

    Trying hard to understand a basic textbook model meant to illustrate that entropy (of the universe) increases for irreversible processes. Help me out please? I get this part: A gas is compressed isothermally (constant T) and reversibly, getting worked on and expelling heat. To calculate ΔS...
  6. V

    Help me to chose the right calculus textbooks.

    I'm planning to learn calculus all by myself(from basic level).I selected some books,they are stewart's and for a bit more practice schaum's 3000 solved problems,so just tell me whether they are good if not advice me, Thanks.
  7. N

    Textbooks for Atomic and Molecular quantum mechanics?

    Hi, i am self studying quantum mechanics. I completed reading of "Quantum Physics_Eisberg, Resnick" and "Introduction to Quantum Mechanics - D. Griffiths". I want to study further on Atomic and Molecular quantum mechanics. Can anyone suggest me textbook on those topics? Thanks in advance.
  8. Z

    Unconventional Mathematical Theorems Beyond Textbooks

    I'm looking for something like a books filled with theorems not typically covered in textbooks. For example Viete's formulas for roots and coefficients of polynomials, which, strangely enough, I find useful. They speed up my computational speed and give interesting relationships between objects...
  9. edpell

    Open Source Physics Textbooks - Learn More

    Hello, does anyone know of any open source physics textbooks?
  10. L

    A Cumulative List of Math Textbooks

    I'm putting together a list to hopefully help those who are seeking a textbook to use. Please feel free to offer suggestions/corrections/etc. I'm starting with math and physics for now but will branch out into other subjects after having a solid foundation. At some point in the future, I hope...
  11. Z

    Studying In search of books or textbooks to study for the upcoming PGRE

    Hi, so as many of you who are in 3rd year or so know, the PGRE is coming this October and November.. exciting times.. So from what I have heard, there are barely any exclusively PGRE-prep books.. Hence I look forward to some input on what kind of books (in general) that would be a good idea...
  12. Z

    Why can't I find many nuclear physics textbooks ?

    Why can't I find many nuclear physics textbooks ?? Why are nuclear physics textbooks so few compared with quantum field theory texts for example?
  13. D

    Recomendations for Introductory Circuit Analysis Textbooks

    As the title states, I am looking for recomendations, and explanations as to why it was a good book. Some current suggestions I have had is by Robert L. Boylestad. Thanks in advance!
  14. E

    $50 dollars to spend on textbooks for Physics (soft covers are okay)

    So I have the following: Halliday & Resnick Griffith's Quantum Mechanics Ryder's QFT (I have a reason for getting this over Schroeder or the Zee book) Access to most of my friend's books (everything from Hewitt's Conceptual Physics to MTW's Gravitation) but I want my own copies for a number...
  15. B

    Which quantum mechanics textbooks?

    I want to begin self-studying some quantum mechanics, and was wondering whether Griffiths or Shankar would be more suitable. I know Griffiths is an introductory book, but I'm not sure where Shankar fits--some say it's a good place to learn QM for the first time, others say it's suitable for...
  16. S

    Explore Historical Textbooks for Math Insight

    Just last week I relieved myself of a mathematical burden, freeing up some time for myself. Coincidentally I came across the following passage by Arnol'd around the same time: So, having a bit of free time & the ability to understand old textbooks on mathematics, both of which I'd previously...
  17. C

    Find Intro QFT Textbooks: Beginner-Friendly Resources

    I completed my Physics undergrad studies a couple years ago, so I had forgotten a lot of what I learned. But since I plan to start grad school this fall, I have spent the past few months reviewing Griffith's QM and E&M, along with doing a little self-study of grad-level QM from Sakurai. However...
  18. C

    Creating 3D Graphs in Math Textbooks - Tips & Advice

    Does anyone know which program writers and publishers use to create graphs in textbooks (see attachement for example)? I'm trying to create a basic 3D graph like the one in the attachment, but can't seem to figure it out. To give you an idea, I'm trying to begin by graphing simple circles in a...
  19. V

    Different Naming Systems in Textbooks: IUPAC Standards

    I have encountered different naming systems in textbooks. Ignoring cis/trans, for example, some textbooks would give the name 2-butene, while others give but-2-ene. Are they both acceptable? The newer textbook uses the second type of naming, while the older textbook uses the first...
  20. T

    Soviet or Russian Physics and Math textbooks

    I recently have become aware of some old Soviet/Russian "classics" and am interested in learning more! It seems the style of the books I have found are always comprehensive but precise and to the point, much like Landau's Course in Theoretical Physics, and I appreciate this style. The ones I...
  21. MathematicalPhysicist

    Textbooks in engineering for mathematicians and physicists.

    I would like it if you can recommend me textbooks in Engineering that are geared to people from the pure sciences. mainly on topics such as information theory, control theory, Solid and Fluid dynamics and Aeronautics & Aerodynamic Engineering. Thanks.
  22. Z

    Essential List of Textbooks to Teach Myself Physics?

    Essential List of Textbooks to Teach Myself Physics?? Not a *complete* list since there are tons of supplements. However, I want to make a list of *essential* books I'd need to teach myself physics to the point where I may be able to pass the Physics GRE and have a reasonable head start in a...
  23. A

    Exploring Learning Philosophies: Beyond Textbooks

    What's your philosophy on learning? I have found that learning takes a lot of time and energy especially when reading from textbooks that are hard to follow or listening to professor's that like to plow through pages of powerpoints. All I have to say is thank God for the internet. There are...
  24. P

    Good spare time reading books, not textbooks

    Im finishing off my 1st year of general sciences in university, and I'm really interested in the first year courses I took and am thinking about perhaps making physics my major next year. Any recommendations on some good physics books to read during the summer? Not physics textbooks, I...
  25. R

    Which Physics Textbooks Are Used in US and UK High Schools?

    hello, I m looking for physics textbooks for high school. specifically the books that students taught at public school (age 10-18). especially from US or UK or any other English speaking country. thank for your help
  26. Greg Bernhardt

    Support PF: Buy your textbooks here

    Physics Forums has opened an affiliate account with Amazon.com. 5-7% of any purchase you make is sent to Physics Forums. Think about buying your school textbooks and other materials this way. Just click this link and the tracking system will register that PF sent you. Easy! Thanks...
  27. B

    Good textbooks for fluid mechanics and thermodynamics for MechE major?

    So I'm most likely studying abroad next semester and taking a Fluid Mechanics course. At my home university, the pre-reqs are multivariable calc, diff eq, statics and dynamics, and classical thermodynamics. Abroad, all I need are multivariable and diff eq. But I'm worried that I might be at a...
  28. D

    Difference between Freedman and Halliday physics textbooks

    I was wondering about the differences between the two textbooks "Fundamentals of Physics" and "University Physics:? Skimming a few pages of them on images on the internet, it seems University Physics has a lot of updated diagrams to help the reader understand but I couldn't tell much beyond...
  29. Simfish

    How many pages of astrophysics textbooks can you absorb in a day?

    This is sort of similar to the math theory thread. But I'm quite curious how this various from field to field, especially as it pertains to astrophysics (and pretty much all the quantitatively related sciences such as planetary sciences and applied physics). Unlike math theory though, there...
  30. N

    Studying Clarifying with authors of textbooks.

    Hi, Is it a good idea to clarify doubts in a textbook with the authors themselves? These authors are generally professors in universities. Would they find it offensive? Thanks.
  31. Simfish

    Studying Do you sometimes find learning from more elementary textbooks stultifying?

    Do you sometimes find learning from more elementary textbooks "stultifying?" And does this sometimes result in exceptionally slow learning when you read the more elementary textbooks, when you feel like you could learn much faster through more advanced textbooks? I'm feeling this effect with...
  32. C

    Exploring Topology: Follow-up to My PhysicsForums Thread

    A follow-up of sorts on my https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=457248". I've decided that, barring any technicalities that prevent me from getting a necessary override, I'm going to definitely take Topology next semester. (I need an override because Topology requires Linear Algebra...
  33. Q

    Fluid Mechanics introductory textbooks

    Hi Can anyone recommend me good introductory textbooks on fluid mechanics, both from the physical and engineering perspectives?
  34. Astronuc

    Good (Relativistic) Plasma Physics Textbooks?

    I happened to stumble across these books which seem to give decent backgrounds on the subject. Nuclear Reactions for Astrophysics: Principles, Calculation and Applications of Low-Energy Reactions by Ian J. Thompson and Filomena M. Nunes...
  35. M

    Intro math textbooks recommendations?

    Please recommend 1 textbook from each of the following 3 pairs. My plan is to self-study up to calc I level and be well prepared for the intro physics/EE courses before the Spring semester. Algebra and Trigonometry, 3rd ed by Beecher Algebra and Trigonometry, 8th ed by Sullivan...
  36. F

    Studying How am I suppose to read heavy textbooks?

    You know some textbooks are just so big and heavy that it is nearly impossible to read it from a 45 degree angle? When you try to put it on a 45 degree angle it slides and strikes your feet/stomach? You know how annoying it is to keep it leveled with your arms and they get tired? How do...
  37. R

    Math Textbooks from Algebra to Calculus: A Comprehensive Guide

    I think that pretty much describes this topic. I'm in Calc ATM and realized that I've forgotten many ideas from previous math classes. I don't have most of my notes as it was mostly problem solutions anyway, furthermore, that's not really what I want. I want to start from Algebra I...
  38. V

    Economy Textbooks for Math Lovers

    I'm looking for good economy textbooks for the mathematically inclined (me :-) ). Anybody any suggestions ? Mostly interested in monetary aspects and macro economy but might also be broader.
  39. P

    Effective Studying from Textbooks

    When taking notes out of a book I sometimes feel like I am wasting too much time mindlessly copying ideas and equations down and that this is slowing down my learning speed. Does anyone have any general advice on how to study out of a textbook and what should and should not be copied by hand...
  40. T

    Question about international editions of textbooks?

    The international addition of "Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change" I bought just arrived, and on the cover it says, "This International Student Edition is not to be sold or purchased in North America and contains content that is different from its North American version." I...
  41. J

    Supplementing E&M Textbooks: Griffiths vs Reitz

    I'm taking junior level E&M this semester and we are using Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory by Reitz. I have previewed the book and it seems a little on the less thorough side while also requiring much prior knowledge of the subject. Are there any other texts which I could supplement with...
  42. D

    What do you think about Lang Textbooks?

    What do people think about Lang's textbooks? I am learning Complex Analysis for the first time from Lang. (literally the 1st time I'm seeing ANY sort of complex analysis/calculus, although I have extensive experience with real analysis). I have gone through quite a love-hate relationship with...
  43. R

    Ordered a couple of AoPS textbooks

    I ordered the Intermediate Algebra and Precalculus books for my precal class (half of which is covered in each). Does anyone have experience with these textbooks? Here are the links: http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/Store/viewitem.php?item=interm:algebra...
  44. N

    Why aren't Student Solution Manuals published for Engineering Textbooks?

    I do not understand why engineering curriculum begins with calculus, physics, and chemistry textbooks that have published student solution manuals and then switches to engineering textbooks that do not have student solution manuals. First and second year engineering students learn how to use...
  45. R

    Best Textbooks for Second-Year Engineering Mechanics and Fluid Dynamics?

    Hi I'm going into second year engineering and I'm wondering if anyone can recommend some good classical mechanics (mainly deals with forces etc.) and fluid dynamics textbooks for my level. Thanks.
  46. I

    Studying What to do about textbooks with solutions

    edit: whoops, the title should read, "what to do about textbooks with no solutions" So I'm trying to learn real analysis (using C.C. Pugh's book) and its going alright until I hit the exercises. There are no solutions! How am I supposed to know I proved something correctly? Is there a website...
  47. N

    Can someone explain to me why college textbooks are ridiculously costly ?

    I was looking on amazon.com and looking at Leonard susskind's black hole war and David Griffith's Introduction to quantum mechanics and they were both hard cover and Leonard susskind's book contained more pages than Griffith's Introduction to Quantume mechanics costs 5 times as much as Susskind...
  48. B

    What are the best textbook options for a graduate nuclear physics class?

    Hi. I am soliciting opinions for a choice of textbook in a graduate nuclear physics class. I am woefully uneducated in such things. I know of Das and Ferbel (my own textbook when I was a student), which is really not appropriate for a graduate course I think; and Sam Wong's textbook, which is...
  49. E

    You're in pretty good shape first year physics textbooks

    "you're in pretty good shape" first year physics textbooks.. Hi, I'm wondering if there were any books for which if you were able to do the problems, then you're in good shape.. For example, if you can problems from Spivak's "Calculus" book as you are in your first year, then you're in pretty...
  50. datafiend

    Introductory Pre-Calc or Calc textbooks

    Hey all, What would you recommend for an introductory pre-calc or calc textbook? I am considering going back to school and instead of taking the Business Calc class I took 10 years ago, (which I passed with a C) attempting the more rigorous engineering series Calculus Courses. It's been a...