Textbooks Definition and 461 Threads

A textbook is a book containing a comprehensive compilation of content in a branch of study with the intention of explaining it. Textbook are produced to meet the needs of educators, usually at educational institutions. Schoolbooks are textbooks and other books used in schools. Today, many textbooks are published in both print and digital formats.

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  1. drizzle

    Using Research Tools to Analyze Textbooks for Teaching EFL Writing

    Hey there, I thought PF can be helpful in many fields other than science. :biggrin: Here's the question:
  2. M

    Best physics textbooks for self-study

    Greetings all, Which textbooks do you recommend for self-study of 1. quantum physics 2. relativity, both special and general 3. cosmology/astrophysics Please take into account that I am a masters student in pure math, so "mathematical maturity" is not an issue (hopefully)...
  3. N

    Power and Circuit Theory Textbooks for BS Physics and MS Electrical Engineering

    I'd like to learn about how the fundamentals of how power works and how circuit theory works, while actually keeping a continuum between the fundamentals. In otherwords, I have a BS in physics, and am MSEE, picked up a book on circuit theory, and it was filled with rules with no physics-backed...
  4. S

    Reading textbooks on ebook reader

    Reading textbooks on ebook reader! Well I wonder that I am not the first with this Idea. I am reading lots great eBooks (by Walter Greiner) on my desktop. Well, I am so impressed by those books that I have decided to use them as my textbooks. But the problem is I can't sit in front of LCD for...
  5. K

    Best biology and chemistry textbooks to prepare for college

    Hi, I was wondering about your opinions and recommendations on some biology and chemistry texts, free or not. I want to use these mainly for review for college since I took these courses in high school with biology being AP. Since I'm planning on majoring in one of these, I would like to have a...
  6. T

    What Are Good Starter Textbooks for a UK Physics Foundation Year Student?

    Hi, I'm doing a foundation year in the UK at the moment for Physics (since I didn't take it at A level. I did do Maths A level though) and there is a huge library with many books available. Though many of the books I tried to pick up and read were rather Mathematical and to be honest, I didn't...
  7. qspeechc

    Where Can I Find Free Mathematics Textbooks?

    The following website has quite a few free mathematics textbooks http://us.geocities.com/alex_stef/mylist.html
  8. N

    What are the best electronics textbooks for physics undergrads?

    What is considered the best electronics books for physics undergrads who want to learn the basics of electronics? I would go and buy the art of electronics but many say that is more of a reference book than a textbook.
  9. E

    What are some recommended textbooks for teaching myself physics?

    I am looking for some textbooks in order to teach myself physics. My background in this area is rather limited. Many moons ago I did take a Physics C class as a junior in high school but beyond that I haven't really delved much into the subject. The topics I am interested in are classical...
  10. A

    The best textbooks in their subjects are ?

    As this my first post, I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question. But textbooks are learning materials, so I think it's alright. I enjoy learning new things in math, but textbooks are very expensive. I'd really hate to spend $100+ on a book, only find out that it isn't...
  11. B

    Studying Graduate School Textbooks: How Much to Budget?

    how much are graduate textbooks how much money did textbooks cost you in graduate school? Just in general I am not interested in an exact amount just in the general amount I would have to pay for each of them or all together, and I know each school requires different material.
  12. W

    Studying How important are textbooks in learning?

    I am going to be joining an Electrical Engineering course this month. I just checked out the syllabus and all the courses had some recommended textbooks along with some reference books. Now this got me wondering. I had some bad experiences with textbooks in high school, the textbooks in my...
  13. qntty

    Online Textbooks on Linear Algebra and Calculus

    From Kenneth Kuttler's page. I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of the elementary linear algebra book http://www.math.byu.edu/~klkuttle/
  14. B

    Will Pure Mathematics Benefit My Physics Studies?

    I've been interested in math and physics, and I already have a pretty good list of pure math books I'm going to read. (I'm about to start Spivak's "Calculus".) However, I also want to learn about physics, so I would like some recommendations for math books that are more "computational". I'm not...
  15. L

    What Are Some Recommended Textbooks on Fractals and Chaos?

    Hi! I'm perusing fractals out of personal interest. Although I come from physics, I have a background in math-major undergrad mathematics (complex analysis, a bit of modern algebra). I find Mandelbrot's Fractal Geometry of Nature relatively light reading, but I am interested in a more standard...
  16. T

    Best Textbook for Calculus: Stewart Calculus?

    I want to know i great textbook for calculus. Unfortunately, the cost of textbooks is much too high to be buying more than one. So is there a textbook that has a good intro to calculus as well as covers almost all of calculus and differential equations. Also, do i need any prior knowledge of...
  17. B

    Most rigorous pure math textbooks

    I'm highly interested in pure mathematics, so I wanted to know some of the best textbooks that would prepare me for advanced pure math classes in college. I already understand most math that would be taught in high school, however I would like to re-learn it in a more rigorous way. (Our school's...
  18. thrill3rnit3

    Buying classical editions of textbooks

    I was just wondering if and where I can buy classical editions of certain textbooks. eg. I want to get George B. Thomas's Calculus, but I want the classical 2nd edition. Amazon only has the latest edition(s), and I don't want those.
  19. A

    Textbooks that cover plane mirror waveguides

    Anyone know of an E&M textbook that covers plane mirror waveguides in any reasonable detail?
  20. T

    Physics Textbooks and Learning Materials- Help

    Can someone list any physics textbooks or any other sort of learning material that i can use. It should cover most of classical mechanics (including electrodynamics, thermodynamics, etc,,,). I prefer it to have a lot of math, better than none. Also, are there separate books for quantum mechanics...
  21. R

    Studying How important is it to buy textbooks for university courses?

    Hello all, I'm entering my second year of university (Physics/mech engineering major) and am wondering whether it is worthwhile spending money on the textbooks? In my first year, I found there were some subjects where I didn't touch the textbooks - primarily Calculus I and II (Calculus...
  22. B

    Primary Authors Earn Royalties from Math/Science Textbooks

    How much can one expect to earn if they are one of the primary authors of a math/science textbook? For example, my Differential Equations book is "Differential Equations: A Modeling Prospective," second edition, by Coleman and Borelli. How much money does someone earn by authoring a book like that?
  23. C

    Textbooks about Black Hole physics

    Any good suggestions? Thank you.
  24. D

    What are the best linear algebra textbooks for self-study?

    Hi, I'm a grad student in pure math and I'm trying to re-learn my linear algebra from scratch because I never learned it properly while I was an undergrad. Actually, the course I took in second year was aimed mostly at science students and so we never went into much depth (half the course was...
  25. P

    Good Textbooks for Mass, Heat Transfer, Material & Energy Balances, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics

    Hi, What are good first texts in mass and heat transfer, material and energy balances, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics? I was recommended Felder and Rosseau, and Incropera and Dewitt. However, no books have been recommended for fluids and thermo and the consensus on amazon seems to...
  26. F

    Navigating Honors and AP Physics Textbooks: A Student's Experience

    So I just finished two years of post secondary liberal arts. And I've decided to switch to sciences. Yay! However, during high school I regrettably didnt pay much attention to the sciences, and may have even failed a few... So now I am at the local community college retaking math and chem 12...
  27. T

    Calculus textbooks, Single or Multi-variable?

    I am looking for a good book to go over the basics of Calculus again, currently I am looking at my schools library and have found this one called: Essential Calculus: Early Transcendentals by, James Stewart. My goal is to over the year probably finish this book or if possible even before...
  28. H

    Should QFT Be Taught from First Principles Like Weinberg?

    Looking at most textbooks, I found Weinberg's Quantum Theory of Fields to be by far the most superior and I think that's how QFT should be taught as well. I also think the way Weinberg presenting the subject from first principle is the way to make progress in research in fields such as...
  29. Cyrus

    No More Textbooks: How Copy-Cat Books are Ruining College Education

    I was in the library today. Luckily, I can find almost any book on amazon at my schools engineering library. I was looking for a controls book in the controls section. I checked it out with the intention of 'try before you buy'. But I noticed that for every one controls book there are about (not...
  30. R

    Differences between the 3 Halliday textbooks

    What are the differences between the 3 books below? Are they all pretty much the same? I wanted the text that would serve well for independent study for General Physics I and II and with not just plug-and-chug problems. What is "extended" in that edition compared to the regular edition...
  31. K

    International textbooks vs us print

    I am one of many poor college students looking to save some money this upcoming academic year and I am thinking of buying international versions of my textbooks. Specifically, Classical Mechanics by Robert Taylor Optics by Eugene Hecht I was wondering if anyone knew in general the...
  32. R

    Algebra/Trignometry based Physics textbooks

    Hello, I've been looking through several posts, but its hard to get a consensus answer. I will be taking General Physics I and II next year. I don't know yet whether I will be taking it in the calculus-based or non-calculus based version. I am looking for a textbook in which I can truly rely on...
  33. Z

    Finding Textbooks for Modern Physics Course Without Calculus

    Hi Everyone... I need some help. I have read everyones threads on textbooks for modern physics. I am currently writting a new course in modern physics for my high school. The problem I am having is finding a textbook, or even several smaller books that do not use calculas. I am hoping to...
  34. D

    Suggestions on Undergraduate Physics Textbooks

    In a few months I'll be entering college towards a physics degree, and I'm in need of some suggestions for introductory physics textbooks. I'm looking for a book that encompasses all of the basics of physics, but nothing too watered-down. Calculus-based would be nice. Anyone have any...
  35. C

    Physics of Ion Traps: E-books and Textbooks

    This is my first post, so please move if it is not in the correct section. Anyway, I would like to read about the physics of ion traps. Can anyone recommend any e-books or textbooks on the subject? I googled it but didn't find many things...
  36. E

    Coauthoring Textbooks: My Perspective

    I cannot imagine writing a math or physics textbook with someone else. I mean it would be so hard for me to reconcile my ideas with another persons. I mean I like collaborating on homework assignments and such. But in each of the subjects I have taken, I have developed a very individual system...
  37. S

    Good textbooks on modern cosmology ?

    Is there a modern cosmology textbook as good or better than Scott Dodelson's?
  38. M

    Conflicting statements from two topology textbooks

    Conflicting statements from topology textbooks Definitions: A point p is a limit point of A iff all open sets containing p intersects A-{p}. Let A' denote the set of all limit points of A. So far, so good. Cullen's topology book (1968) states that (A U B)' = A' U B'. I read her proof...
  39. qspeechc

    Amazon.com a Rip-Off? (Long) Rant about Textbooks.

    So I was looking about for an electrodynamics book I needed for my course (the international version): https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=216696 Now, if I had ordered it from amazon.com, it would have cost me about R.1 200 (that's in our local currency), and that's excluding...
  40. T

    Studying Why maths textbooks when you can have Wikipedia?

    ? I seem to be able to do all my maths homework using Wikiepdia as a resource alone. It is so good for definitions and examples.
  41. E

    Comparing Textbooks for Real Analysis Self-Study

    I am trying to decide which textbook to use to self-study real analysis. I am debating between https://www.amazon.com/dp/0716721058/?tag=pfamazon01-20 and https://www.amazon.com/dp/007054235X/?tag=pfamazon01-20 It seems like Rudin is pretty ubiquitous on the course websites I have looked at...
  42. S

    Please recommend textbooks or websites on spectroscopy

    hey everybody, please suggest some good books and online websites for basic concepts of spectroscopy
  43. M

    Good textbooks for feedback control systems

    Hi guys, i am taking a module on feedback control systems this semester and i was wondering if anyone has any good recommendations of textbooks. Thanks guys. Marcus.
  44. P

    Studying Purpose of university lectures when we have textbooks

    It is my first year in university, I was wondering about the aim of a Lectures, since all the information introduced in the lectures are found in the textbook required and in the additional reference textbooks ( one or two ). It may be a stupid question, what is the aim of the University...
  45. T

    Feynman integration trick - textbooks?

    "Feynman integration trick" - textbooks? I was quite impressed by the use of the parametric differentiation e.g. in integrating sin(x)/x in https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=80735. Can anyone recommend textbooks that cover this use as a strategy in evaluating integrals? Ideally...
  46. P

    Studying (Physics Textbooks) or (Physics Lectures)

    It my first year in university as a physics major. I was wondering if I can stop attending lectures, since the textbook informations covers all the lectures notes and a lot more.
  47. MathematicalPhysicist

    Cohen-Tannoudji or Shankar's textbooks in QM?

    So what are the pros and cons for choosing either QM by tannoudji or principles of QM by shankar? which one has more exercise and also interesting problems and which covers the QM undergraduate course more thoroughly? Which is better as a reference? and other enquiries that i will have as i...
  48. D

    Newbie Seeks Math Assistance: Log Questions & Calculus Textbooks

    [SOLVED] Help a newbie! Hey everyone. This will be my first post. A little background info: I have a bit of math anxiety due to doing very poorly with it in school despite a bit of effort. I had finished college in May with a degree that required only Statistics. My last year, I had...
  49. B

    Studying What is the best real analysis textbook for math majors?

    I'm a math major. I'm looking for the best real analysis textbook that clearly breaks every proof down ,step by step, explaining the purpose of each step , and why you this step is important for the proof.I want a real analysis textbooks that's the subject to comprehend better for all math...
  50. P

    Studying Good textbooks for math and science?

    so, list some good textbooks for undergraduate math and science. of course early transcendentals by james steward will probably be on everyone's list for math, but let's try to get some new names. i would say physics for scientists and engineers by serway and beichner is extremely well...