Theorem Definition and 1000 Threads

In mathematics and logic, a theorem is a non-self-evident statement that has been proven to be true, either on the basis of generally accepted statements such as axioms or on the basis of previously established statements such as other theorems. A theorem is hence a logical consequence of the axioms, with a proof of the theorem being a logical argument which establishes its truth through the inference rules of a deductive system. As a result, the proof of a theorem is often interpreted as justification of the truth of the theorem statement. In light of the requirement that theorems be proved, the concept of a theorem is fundamentally deductive, in contrast to the notion of a scientific law, which is experimental.Many mathematical theorems are conditional statements, whose proofs deduce conclusions from conditions known as hypotheses or premises. In light of the interpretation of proof as justification of truth, the conclusion is often viewed as a necessary consequence of the hypotheses. Namely, that the conclusion is true in case the hypotheses are true—without any further assumptions. However, the conditional could also be interpreted differently in certain deductive systems, depending on the meanings assigned to the derivation rules and the conditional symbol (e.g., non-classical logic).
Although theorems can be written in a completely symbolic form (e.g., as propositions in propositional calculus), they are often expressed informally in a natural language such as English for better readability. The same is true of proofs, which are often expressed as logically organized and clearly worded informal arguments, intended to convince readers of the truth of the statement of the theorem beyond any doubt, and from which a formal symbolic proof can in principle be constructed.
In addition to the better readability, informal arguments are typically easier to check than purely symbolic ones—indeed, many mathematicians would express a preference for a proof that not only demonstrates the validity of a theorem, but also explains in some way why it is obviously true. In some cases, one might even be able to substantiate a theorem by using a picture as its proof.
Because theorems lie at the core of mathematics, they are also central to its aesthetics. Theorems are often described as being "trivial", or "difficult", or "deep", or even "beautiful". These subjective judgments vary not only from person to person, but also with time and culture: for example, as a proof is obtained, simplified or better understood, a theorem that was once difficult may become trivial. On the other hand, a deep theorem may be stated simply, but its proof may involve surprising and subtle connections between disparate areas of mathematics. Fermat's Last Theorem is a particularly well-known example of such a theorem.

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  1. Y

    MHB Formal proof using the deduction theorem

    Hello everyone, I am trying to find a proof for: \[\vdash \left ( \sim \alpha \rightarrow \sim \left ( \sim \alpha \right ) \right )\rightarrow \alpha\] I am using the L inference system, which includes the modus ponens inference rule, and the axioms and statements attached below. That's the...
  2. CassiopeiaA

    A What Are Practical Applications of Noether's Theorem for Beginners?

    Hi I need a little help in my homework. It is not a direct problem to be solved. Rather I am supposed to find an application of Noether's theorem. All the article or papers I have found are very difficult for me to understand. In fact, I still don't understand any application of Noether's...
  3. C

    Proving fixed point(s) exist w/ intermediate value theorem

    Homework Statement Use the Intermediate Value Theorem to prove that any continuous function with domain [0,1] and range in [0,1] must have a fixed point. Homework Equations Intermediate Value Theorem (IVT) states that if a function ##f(x)## of domain [##a,b##] takes values ##f(a)## and...
  4. K

    I Sturm-Liouville Separation theorem

    Hi, I wonder why wronskian must be constant. I know that p(x)W[u1(x),u2(x)]=constant, according to the Abel's theorem, but wouldnt there a special case that W[u1(x),u2(x)]=c/p(x). Then for this special case, W[u1(x),u2(x)]=/=c and satisfies Abel's theorem. Is it ok to ignore this special case?
  5. G

    I Have Computers Simulated the Infinite Monkey Theorem to Recreate Literature?

    I'm curious if anyone has ever simulated the infinite monkeys on typewriters using a computer, and managed to generate short sentences or phrases that have appeared in books/print media before. That would demonstrate the effectiveness of the infinite monkey theorem.
  6. DaTario

    I Problem with Theorem, Lemma and Corollary

    Hi All, I would like to know if is there any problem to present and prove a theorem and a Lemma (in this order) and after that use this theorem and this lemma to prove a corollary (which is simpler to prove and not so important as the theorem). I have looked up in some papers but with no...
  7. benorin

    I Does the incompleteness theorem apply to physics at all?

    I have been curious for some time, does the incompleteness theorem of mathematics have any consequences in physics? In order that I may understand your response you should know I'm was a senior math major at the university when last I was in school and my only physics background is the standard...
  8. Phylosopher

    I Why is Stoke's theorem of a closed path equal to zero?

    Hello,I had a discussion with my professor. He tried to convince me but I couldn't understand the idea. The Stokes Theorem (Curl Theorem) is the following: My professor says that the value of the equation should be zero whenever the area of integration is closed! (which will make a volume in...
  9. T

    Bayes' Theorem for Employee Napping Probability

    Homework Statement An employee goes to work from 9 am to 4 pm. He takes a nap for an average of 2 hours if he starts napping before 1 pm and naps for an average of 1 hours if he starts napping after 1 pm. His boss randomly checks up on him once during his shift. If his boss finds him napping...
  10. TeethWhitener

    I Quick question about Lagrange's theorem

    I was looking at the proof of Lagrange's theorem (that the order of a group ##G## is a multiple of the order of any given subgroup ##H##) in Wikipedia: I understand this proof fine, but I was wondering, instead of finding a bijection between cosets, is it enough to find a bijection between an...
  11. M

    I Recursion theorem: application in proof

    I have read a proof but I have a question. To give some context, I first wrote down this proof as written in the book. First, I provide the recursion theorem though. Recursion theorem: Let H be a set. Let ##e \in H##. Let ##k: \mathbb{N} \rightarrow H## be a function. Then there exists a...
  12. R

    B Projected Area Theorem: Exploring Physics Interests & Solutions

    I wonder why projected area has been of much interest among physics communities, while the surface area could well be the solution unless any complex geometries are involved. The question popped up in my head when the surface tension in a water jet was derived. Clearly the jet has a circular...
  13. D

    I Eigenvalues, eigenvectors and the expansion theorem

    If i have an arbitrary ket then i know it can always be expressed as a linear combination of the basis kets.I now have an operator A which has 2 eigenvalues +1 and -1. The corresponding eigenvectors are | v >+ = k | b > + m | a > and | v >- = n | c > where | a > , | b > and | c > are...
  14. D

    I Is there a name for this fact in physics? is it a theorem?

    Hi guys, So just wondering - the fact that the force is always the negative derivative of potential with respect to distance: F=-\dfrac{\partial V}{\partial x} Where does this come from and does it have a name or something? like a theorem perhaps? Thanks!
  15. FritoTaco

    Long Division and Remainder Theorem

    NO TEMPLATE BECAUSE MOVED FROM ANOTHER FORUM Hello, I've been trying to figure out how it works for complicated problems, I know how to use long division, but I'm not understanding how this process is done for a problem like I have. Instructions: Write the function in the form ƒ(x) = (x -...
  16. S

    I Proving Theorem 1 in Spivak's Calculus: Tips & Tricks

    Hello I am struggling with proving theorem 1, pages 98-99, in Spivak's Calculus book: "A function f cannot approach two different limits near a." I understand the fact that this theorem is correct. I can easily convince myself by drawing a function in a coordinate system and trying to find two...
  17. It's me

    Using Noether's Theorem find a continuity equation for KG

    Homework Statement Consider the Klein-Gordon equation ##(\partial_\mu \partial^{\mu}+m^2)\varphi(x)=0##. Using Noether's theorem, find a continuity equation of the form ##\partial_\mu j^{\mu}=0##. Homework Equations ##(\partial_\mu \partial^{\mu}+m^2)\varphi(x)=0## The Attempt at a Solution...
  18. S

    B Proof of a lemma of BÉZOUT’S THEOREM

    Hi, One silly thing is bothering me. As per one lemma, If a, b, and c are positive integers such that gcd(a, b) = 1 and a | bc, then a | c. This is intuitively obvious. i.e. Since GCD is 1 'a' does not divide 'b'. Now, 'a' divides 'bc' so, 'a' divides 'c'. Proved. What is bothering me is ...
  19. ibkev

    I Background required for Noether's Theorem?

    Can someone please explain the progression of topics I would need to study in order to tackle Noether's Theorem? I keep hearing how important it is and am setting a self-study goal for myself to eventually understand it with enough rigour that I can appreciate it's beauty. I have a feeling I...
  20. ManicPIxie

    Fundamental Theorem of Calc Problem using Chain Rule

    Homework Statement F(x) = (integral from 1 to x^3) (t^2 - 10)/(t + 1) dt Evaluate F'(x) Homework Equations Using the chain rule The Attempt at a Solution Let u = x^3 Then: [((x^3)^2 - 10) / (x^3 + 1)] ⋅ 3x^2 *step cancelling powers of x from fraction* = (x^3 - 10)(3x^2) = 3x^5 - 30x^2 I am...
  21. JulienB

    A Noether's Theorem: Julien's Calculation Mistake?

    Hi everybody! I'm currently studying Noether's theorem, but I'm a bit stuck around a stupid line of calculation for the variation of the symmetry. The script of my teacher says (roughly translated from German, equations left as he wrote them): "V.2. Noether Theorem How does the action change...
  22. Math Amateur

    MHB Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic - Bhattacharya et al - Ch. 2, Section 1

    I am reading the book, Basic Abstract Algebra by P.B. Bhattacharya, S.K. Jain, and S.R. Nagpaul ... ... and am currently focused on Chapter 2: Integers, Real Numbers and Complex Numbers ... I need help with an aspect of the proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic in Section 1.3 ... ...
  23. Math Amateur

    I Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic - Bhattacharya et al

    I am reading the book, Basic Abstract Algebra by P.B. Bhattacharya, S.K. Jain, and S.R. Nagpaul ... ... and am currently focused on Chapter 2: Integers, Real Numbers and Complex Numbers ...I need help with an aspect of the proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic in Section 1.3 ... ...The...
  24. Math Amateur

    MHB Prime and Maximal Ideals in PIDs .... Rotman, AMA Theorem 5.12

    I am reading Joseph J. Rotman's book: Advanced Modern Algebra (AMA) and I am currently focused on Section 5.1 Prime Ideals and Maximal Ideals ... I need some help with understanding the proof of Theorem 5.12 ... ...Theorem 5.12 reads as follows: In the above text Rotman writes the following:"...
  25. Math Amateur

    I Prime and Maximal Ideals in PIDs ... Rotman, AMA Theorem 5.12

    I am reading Joseph J. Rotman's book: Advanced Modern Algebra (AMA) and I am currently focused on Section 5.1 Prime Ideals and Maximal Ideals ... I need some help with understanding the proof of Theorem 5.12 ... ...Theorem 5.12 reads as follows: In the above text Rotman writes the following:"...
  26. Math Amateur

    MHB How Does the Correspondence Theorem for Rings Prove Maximal Ideals?

    I am reading Joseph J. Rotman's book: Advanced Modern Algebra (AMA) and I am currently focused on Section 5.1 Prime Ideals and Maximal Ideals ... I need some help with understanding the proof of Proposition 5.9 ... ...Proposition 5.9 reads as follows: In the proof of Proposition 5.9, Rotman...
  27. Math Amateur

    I Maximal Ideals and the Correspondence Theorem for Rings

    I am reading Joseph J. Rotman's book: Advanced Modern Algebra (AMA) and I am currently focused on Section 5.1 Prime Ideals and Maximal Ideals ... I need some help with understanding the proof of Proposition 5.9 ... ...Proposition 5.9 reads as follows: In the proof of Proposition 5.9, Rotman...
  28. petrushkagoogol

    I Imposition of relativistic constraints on Bell's theorem

    Bell's theorem states that super-luminal communication exists between particles that are separated by space-like separation viz. faster than light transmission of information. There is spontaneity in this. Relativistically this would amount to going back in time. The state of creation of...
  29. V

    Applying work energy theorem to unifrom circular motion

    Homework Statement attempt to derive the equation of centripetal acceleration using work energy theorem Homework Equations work done = Change in kinetic energy The Attempt at a Solution consider diametrically opposed points occurring in uniform circular motion - displacement = 2*R and let...
  30. throneoo

    I "Moment of Inertia" in Virial Theorem

    Moment of inertia is supposed to be defined with respect to a rotational axis such that for a system of point masses, I=∑miri2 where ri 's are the perpendicular distances of the particles from the axis. However, in some derivations of the virial theorem (like the one on wiki), the so-called...
  31. E

    Find the Surface integral of a Paraboloid using Stoke's Theorem

    Homework Statement Let S be the portion of the paraboloid ##z = 4 - x^2 - y^2 ## that lies above the plane ##z = 0## and let ##\vec F = < z-y, x+z, -e^{ xyz }cos y >##. Use Stoke's Theorem to find the surface integral ##\iint_S (\nabla × \vec F) ⋅ \vec n \,dS##. Homework Equations ##\iint_S...
  32. AlanKirby

    I Origin of mass and Noethers theorem

    Let me set up the question briefly. Emmy Noether's theorem relates symmetry to conserved quantities, e.g. invariance under translations in time => conservation of energy. A fundamental truth revealed. Massive gauge bosons, leptons and quarks all appear to acquire mass through the spontaneous...
  33. P

    I Gauss' theorem and inverse square law

    So, I know that the gauss law states that the Flux of the electric field through a closed surface is Q/ε , but does the gauss theorem works also for non inverse square law Fields? I think not because in order to not have a Flux depending on distance but a constant one we need that r^2 of the...
  34. Spinnor

    Pulling apart a charged capacitor and Poynting theorem.

    Suppose we have equal and opposite charge densities on a parallel plate capacitor. Let the plates be separated some small distance d (small when compared with the plate size). Now slowly separate the plates so that their separation is now doubled to 2d. We have done work and the electrostatic...
  35. FeDeX_LaTeX

    Generalisation of Parseval's Theorem via Convolution Theorem

    Homework Statement [/B] Suppose we have a 2\pi-periodic, integrable function f: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{C} whose Fourier coefficients are known. Parseval's theorem tells us that: \sum_{n = -\infty}^{\infty}|\widehat{f(n)}|^2 = \frac{1}{2\pi}\int_{-\pi}^{\pi}|f(x)|^{2}dx, where...
  36. Urs Schreiber

    Insights Why Supersymmetry? Because of Deligne's theorem - Comments

    Urs Schreiber submitted a new PF Insights post Why Supersymmetry? Because of Deligne's theorem. Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.
  37. A

    I Understanding Bloch's Theorem: Dependence of u on k

    As I understand it Blochs theorem says that the solutions to the one electron Schrödinger equation in a periodic potential has the form: ψ(r) = exp(i k⋅r)un(r) , where un(r) has the same periodicity as the lattice and n labels the band number. Now a detail that confuses me: In a book I am...
  38. J

    MHB Proving Onto and 1-1 Properties of Function Compositions

    I am trying to prove this function theorem: Let F:X→Y and G:Y→Z be functions. Then a. If F and G are both 1 – 1 then G∘F is 1 – 1. b. If F and G are both onto then G∘F is onto. c. If F and G are both 1 – 1 correspondences then G∘F is a 1 – 1 correspondence. Part a has already been...
  39. C

    I Does Continuity of F Affect the Maximal Solution Theorem?

    Hello, I know a theorem that say that if ##F : \mathbb{R} \times \Omega \rightarrow E## is continuous and local lispchitziann in is seconde set value(where ##\Omega## is an open of a Banach space E.). we have that the maximum solution ##(\phi, J)##(where J is an open intervall and ##\phi : J...
  40. Valour549

    A Trying an alternate Proof of the Fundamental Theorem

    The proofs of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus in the textbook I'm reading and those that I have found online, basically show us: 1) That when we apply the definition of the derivative to the integral of f (say F) below, we get f back. F(x) = \int_a^x f(t) dt 2) That any definite integral...
  41. Math Amateur

    MHB Theorem 2.3: Submodule Generation by Family of Submodules - T. S. Blyth

    I am reading T. S. Blyth's book "Module Theory: An Approach to Linear Algebra" ... ... and am currently focussed on Chapter 1: Modules, Vector Spaces and Algebras ... ... I need help with a basic and possibly simple aspect of Theorem 2.3 ... Since the answer to my question may depend on...
  42. karush

    MHB Is the Integral of ${x}^{2}/({x}^{5}+2)$ Convergent or Divergent?

    71. Use the Comparison Theorem to determine weather the integral $$\displaystyle I=\int\frac{{x}^{2}}{{x}^{5}+2} \, dx$$ is convergent or divergent. Comparison Theorem Suppose that $f$ and $g$ are continuous with $f(x) \ge \, g(x) \ge 0 $ for $x\ge a$ (a) if $\displaystyle \int_{a}^{\infty}...
  43. C

    Fixed Point Theorem: Necessary & Sufficient Conditions for Convergence

    Homework Statement Let be ##f \in C^{1}(\mathbb{R}^{n}, \mathbb{R}^{n})## and ##a \in \mathbb{R}^{n}## with ##f(a) = a##. I'm looking for a suffisent and necessar condition on f that for all ##(x_{n})## define by ##f(x_{n}) = x_{n+1}##, then ##(x_{n})## converge. Homework Equations ##f(a) =...
  44. Math Amateur

    I Module Over a Division Ring - Blyth Theorem 1.1, Part 4

    I am reading T. S. Blyth's book "Module Theory: An Approach to Linear Algebra" ... ... and am currently focussed on Chapter 1: Modules, Vector Spaces and Algebras ... ... I need help with an aspect of Theorem 1.1 part 4 ... Theorem 1.1 in Blyth reads as follows: In the above text, in part 4...
  45. Math Amateur

    MHB Module Over a Division Ring - Blyth Theorem 1.1, Part 4

    I am reading T. S. Blyth's book "Module Theory: An Approach to Linear Algebra" ... ... and am currently focussed on Chapter 1: Modules, Vector Spaces and Algebras ... ... I need help with an aspect of Theorem 1.1 part 4 ... Theorem 1.1 in Blyth reads as follows:In the above text, in part 4 of...
  46. R

    I De Movire's Theorem: Applications for Root Extraction

    I want to know about applications of De Movire's theorem for root extraction.
  47. M

    MHB Geometry problem midpoint theorem

    A problem on geometry proof Hi (Smile), When considering the \triangle ABM E is the midpoint of AB & EO //OM (given).I think this is the way to tell AO=OM , Help .Many Thanks (Smile)
  48. Titan97

    I Is Kirchoff's Theorem Misunderstood in Relation to Power Absorption?

    According to Kirchoff $$e=J(T,f)A$$ ##e## is the power emitted and ##A## is the power absorbed If ##E## is the power supplied, can I say that $$e=E-A$$
  49. H

    [Statistics] Factorisation theorem proof

    Hello. I have a question about a step in the factorization theorem demonstration. 1. Homework Statement Here is the theorem (begins end of page 1), it is not my course but I have almost the same demonstration : Screenshot of it: Homework...
  50. Kirito123

    Apply Area and Pythagorean Theorem to a prism

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Formula for Area of a retangle : A = L x W Pythagorean theorem: A2 + b2 = c2 The Attempt at a Solution So I am pretty sure I did it correct but I just want to be 100% certain I will get this right, By the way its a picture cause I found it easier to...