Ti-89 Definition and 167 Threads

The TI-89 and the TI-89 Titanium are graphing calculators developed by Texas Instruments (TI). They are differentiated from most other TI graphing calculators by their computer algebra system, which allows symbolic manipulation of algebraic expressions—equations can be solved in terms of variables, whereas the TI-83/84 series can only give a numeric result.

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  1. B

    Calculators Why Is My TI-89 Titanium Giving Unexpected Results for Functions?

    Hello, I am new to the TI-Titanium and have run into a few rather simple obstacles that are keeping me from answering physics questions in the correct way. First off, by typing: \sqrt(5) the answer comes out to: =\sqrt(5) as opposed to 2.2360... (I believe this is a setting/mode issue)...
  2. G

    Calculators Mastering TI-89 Programming for Cartesian to Spherical Coordinate Conversion

    Hey guys, I recently tried to program something to convert cartesian coordinates into spherical coordinates. I have been using the TI-89 Titanium and my limited programming ability to program it. I know of the temporary input function where x^2|x=2 makes the output 4, but how do I input multiple...
  3. L

    Calculators Finding a Good FEA Program for TI89

    Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone had or knew where to get a good FEA program for my ti89. My homework has begun to take forever what with defining mass matrices and all this nonsense. Any help at all would be much appreciated!:smile:
  4. B

    Calculators Finding Trig Programs for TI-89 Calculators

    What programs should I download on my TI 89 for trig? Where do I get them? Where can I find all of the trig programs that are all ready on my TI-89? Can I find the arc length on circles and stuff like that with it the way it is?
  5. I

    Calculators SAT Reasoning Math with the TI-89

    Few questions... 1. I can't do inequalities with the regular TI-89...but the titanium can. Is it possible to transfer the titanium os to the 89? 2. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v407/ammad/sat1.jpg This is an SAT question. To answer this question I thought I could just solve the system...
  6. A

    Calculators How can I perform Laplace transforms and inversions on a TI-89 Titanium?

    Hello I have a final coming up in ODE and I would like to check my answers during the exam. Does anybody know how to how to do laplace transforms/ inversions on a ti 89 titanium? I tried just typing lap(function) in my ti89 but that doesn't work. I tried searching google but couldn't find...
  7. T

    Calculators TI-89 PAY program, infinite loop problem?

    TI-89 "PAY" program, infinite loop problem? I have tried to write a program required for class (Math Analysis, junior in high school, everyone else has an 83 or 82 but my grandmother bought me this one...so nobody else has been able to help yet) but after solving one error message (I had to...
  8. A

    Calculators TI-89 Titanium Help (graphing quadratic functions)

    Is there a way to input values within a certain range into my calculator? For example, if I come across something like this: "Draw a curve of y=2x between the values x=+3 and x=-3. From the curve write down the following values: etc, etc, etc" How can I make it graphic w/in a certain range?
  9. D

    Calculators Troubleshooting Simultaneous Equations with Trigonometric Functions on TI-89

    Homework Statement My problem is getting the SOLVE() function to work correctly. I have used it plenty of times in the past, but when I put in these 4 equations to solve simultaneously, it gives me the wrong answers. My Professor said that TI-89's sometimes have problems when having to solve...
  10. D

    Calculators How Do You Graph Polar Equations on a TI-89?

    Hey, I'm having trouble graphing polar equations in my TI-89. I just bought it and still don't understand how it works. For example I have r = 5 + 5 sin(theta). It's suppose to look like a upside apple thing (kind of). But I don't know how to get the graph to show up. I know I'm doing...
  11. W

    Calculators Choosing the Best Graphing Calculator: TI-89 vs. TI-85 Comparison

    I need to get a graphing calculator but I am not sure which one suits me best. I need it for graphing and possibly some more advanced functions. I checked out the prices and the TI-89 is somewhat expensive. It seems a little "hyped" than the other older models. Does the TI-85 have everything the...
  12. M

    Calculators Is my TI-89 calculator correctly expanding partial fractions?

    I am trying to use partial fractions to expand (3200x+16)/(x+400)^2 on the ti-89 calculator but I keep getting .010075 as the answer when I use the expand function! What am I doing wrong here?
  13. M

    How do I find this answer on TI-89 calculator?

    Here's the problem: Find the general solution of x*dy/dx+2y=10x^2. How do I find the answer for this problem on Ti-89 calculator? What's the input?
  14. E

    Calculators How do I input negative exponents on a TI-89 calculator?

    can anyone help me to get this quotation "e^(-x)" on ti-89 ? after i putting "-" before "x" and pressing enter , the error syntax happens ... :confused:
  15. F

    A PC software similiar to TI-89 ?

    Hi all, I am particularly looking for a program able to compute a phasor expression, and also able to compute complex trigonometry. in TI-89, one can easily input phasors like : (1<3) + (1<5) = or: Sinh(3+4i) = And the calculator gives the answer. is there a software for PC...
  16. D

    Calculators Troubleshooting TI-89 Connection to Windows 7 PC

    Okay, so I'm trying to connect my TI-89 to my computer (I run windows 7 by the way) so I can put notefolio files on the calculator. I have the CD and usb that comes with the calculator, and used those to connect to the computer and download the TI connect software. This is where the...
  17. B

    Calculators Can I Transfer Titanium OS to My Regular TI-89 and Use FlashApps?

    Hi, I was trying to solve inequalities on my regular TI-89 today and discovered I couldn't! I did solve((x+6)(x-2)>8,x) and pressed enter. Instead of the answer it just spit me back the question. I tried on 2 different TI-89 Titaniums and it worked fine. I called TI tech support and they...
  18. S

    Calculators TI-89 question (graphing x and y)

    Basically I have to graph x and y but the 89 isn't letting me. x = -y^2 y = x + 20 I'm sure I have to be in a specific mode or something - I tried function and parametric but neither worked and give me the error "Undefined Variable". Any help would be much appreciated. :smile:
  19. H

    Calculators Inputting Uneven Equations on the TI-89 Calculator?

    I have problems with finding out how i can insert these three equations: into the TI-89 calcualtor, so i get the 3 answers in the bottom of the picture. I know how to do it if the 3 equations have the same amount of parts/sections, but like you see here the fir equation has 2 parts, but the...
  20. J

    Calculators Why is my TI-89 Titanium not factoring equations correctly?

    Hi, when try factor(2x^2+17xy+y^2) the result is the same equation, the same result with quadratic polynomials doesn't give a facotr answer. Thanks
  21. M

    Calculators Troubleshooting My Unresponsive TI-89

    Hi all, After about 15 weeks of no use (set theory course this term), my TI-89 is now completely unresponsive to any input. I have tried removing the batteries, holding down [left] + [right] + [2nd] + [on], and [-] + [)] while reinstalling one battery as indicated in the owner's manual. I...
  22. J

    Calculators How can I transfer programs from ticalc.org to my TI-89 Titanium?

    I recently bought a TI-89 Titanium and I want to put some of the programs on ticalc.org onto it. I downloaded the program and dragged it into the TI connect program and it transferred but didn't show up on my apps list. I tried it with other programs to and got the same result what am I doing wrong?
  23. R

    How can I get decimal answers on my TI-89 calculator when using pi?

    This is not necessarily a math question, but I have a problem with a TI-89 calculator. Calculating something with pi doesn't give me a decimal answer. For example, if I put in 2*pi, it will just give an answer of 2pi instead of 6.28. How do I fix this?
  24. R

    Calculators TI-89 Titanium - Probability - Expected Value

    EDIT: I found the solution, it can be done using the TwoVar() function on the TI-89 and it gives you a whole lot more than just the expected value. thanks anyways
  25. R

    Calculators HP50g or TI-89 Titanium: Which Calculator is Best for Calculus II?

    I am currently in Calculus II and would like to know which calculator to get. I have read good arguments for both and am leaning towards the HP.
  26. J

    Calculators Using TI-89 for confidence intervals

    How do you use a TI-89 to get phi(z) when you do a confidence interval, i.e. phi(z) = 1/2 (1 + erf(z / sqrt(2))) The Normal CDF function has lower and upper values so I don't see how I can do it, and erf(z) doesn't do anything when I enter it so it must not be built in. Integrating the error...
  27. E

    Calculators Transfer Excel Files to TI-89 Calculator

    I have been looking around for some information about placing a microsoft excel file onto my TI-89 (The non titanium model). Has any done this before? Thanks
  28. Saladsamurai

    Calculators Download TI-89 ROM Image for Emulator: Step-by-Step Guide

    Hey there, They used to have the image available at the Ti website, but have since done something with it due to piracy issues. It is legal to dowload if you own the Ti89 which I do, do I am trying to locate it. A friend told me that it was on the Ti site under something else now. they have...
  29. K

    Calculators Finding Maxima and Minima with TI-89

    I am new, but i have a question about the TI -89 Titanium calculator, does anyone how if i can plug in the equation f(x)=2x^3-15x^2+36x-1 to identify each location of the local maximun and minimum, and inflexion poits? Will this calculator do this?
  30. F

    Calculators Is there any TI-89 support forum?

    Hi, Do you know any TI-89 support forum? Thanks.
  31. M

    Calculators TI-89 Problem - Fixing x==2 Issue

    I just got a new TI-89 today, and it's really nice. The problem is, it thinks that x==2 for some reason. Any other variable works fine, but if I just do x and press enter, it says 2; and x^2 says 4. Not sure why, and I'm positive I never told it to do that. Any idea how to fix it? Thanks in advance.
  32. C

    Calculators Casio calculator that's similar to TI-89

    Hi all, I've been wondering if there is any casio calculator that's similar to Ti-89? This is because I've been using casio calculators all my life and I've tried using Ti but I'm not used to it at all. If there is such casio calculator, do you know what's the difference between both of them...
  33. F

    Double Integral of sin(x^2) on TI-89

    Homework Statement \int\stackrel{9}{0}\int\stackrel{9}{y}sin(x^2)dxdy Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I don't see where there's enough "stuff" to play with to get past the first integration. My TI-89 can't do it and sin(x2) isn't in my integrals tables. Sorry about...
  34. J

    Calculators TI-89 Titanium date log GPA and Pass or Fail in jeopardy?

    Alrighty, I know the TI-89 keeps up with date and time. It seems logical that it would somewhere inside the chips and silicon it makes a log of the date that data was inputted...rightttt. I made an idiot out of myself and didn't double check my scan-tron after an exam, my professor jokingly said...
  35. J

    Calculators TI-89 Titanium batteries Problem

    I use TI-89 Titanium normally. It was not even a month since I changed my batteries. One day I pressed on but did not turn on. I tried out other batteries and found out that batteries were not the matter of problem. What's wrong? What should I do?
  36. J

    Calculators A system of complex equations in a ti-89?

    Homework Statement While trying to analyze a mechanism, I find I have a complex equation that boils down to a couple of simple-looking equations with two unknowns. I'm under the impression that the ti-89 will solve this sort of set, but I'm having a huge problem figuring it out. The...
  37. T

    Calculators Graphing Sinc Function on TI-89 and TI-84 | Step-by-Step Tutorial

    how to graph sinc function on ti-84 sinc(x) = sin(pi X) / pi X solution: sinc(x) = sin(pi X) / (pi X) yes it was that simple!
  38. X

    Calculators How do I calculate this on a TI-89?

    f(x) = 2x^3 [1,3] \int_1^3 2xdx
  39. S

    Calculators Sequences, Cumulative Sums, Partial Sums Plot - Ti-89 Titanium

    Sequences, Cumulative Sums, Partial Sums Plot --- Ti-89 Titanium My proffessor just gave us all these packets for all these programs he wants us to put into our calculators. They are for a Partial Sums Plot, and a List of Cumulative Sums, nth terms and differences. They're all for the Ti-83...
  40. M

    Calculators Solving TI-89 Exact/Approx Homework Problem

    Homework Statement Recently got a ti-89 and when I use it to derive for example d(x^2+4x-10, x) I get a decimal, 5.27 instead of getting 2x+4. The Attempt at a Solution I tried changing the mode to exact, approx, and auto. All give the same answer. I tried pressing the diamond button...
  41. S

    Calculators C compatible with TI-89 calculator

    C compatible with TI-89 calculator! hello. I would like to know how can I run a C programm with TI-89. Are there any programming languages that are compatible with TI?
  42. P

    Calculators How can I keep my calculations in exact form on the TI-89?

    Homework Statement I've been trying, with no success, for the past few hours to find a way to keep calculations done in the TI-89's "Stats/List Editor" in exact form instead of decimal. For example, when I enter the following information: http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/4061/prob1y.jpg...
  43. D

    Calculators Need help coding with TI-89. Int{sin(x),x,0,inf}

    I'm trying to code a laplace transform function into my calculator. Right now, I'm doing it by definition: \int{e^{-st}*f(t)dt} from 0 to \infty But whenever I try to use a transcendental function, it loops infinitely. I figured this is because the calculator cannot evaluate \int{sin(x)dx}...
  44. J

    Calculators Why Does My TI-89 Calculate Definite Integrals Instead of Indefinite?

    When I use the integral feature, my TI-89 is giving a numerical answer even if I'm not selecting any bounds for integration (i.e., if I'm just taking the antiderivative). It's as if there's an implicit integral or something. How do I change this so I can just get a normal antiderivative? For...
  45. J

    Calculators Integrate w/o Bounds on TI-89: How to Change?

    When I use the integral feature, my TI-89 is giving a numerical answer even if I'm not selecting any bounds for integration (i.e., if I'm just taking the antiderivative). It's as if there's an implicit integral or something. How do I change this so I can just get a normal antiderivative? For...
  46. T

    Calculators How do I retrieve deleted applications on my TI-89 calculator?

    My problem is that I don't understand how to really work my TI-89. Today I wanted to make more space so it wouldn't work so slowly, but I deleted majority of my applications without meaning to. I don't know how to get these applications back either, please help!
  47. B

    Calculators Get Urgent Help with Solving Equations on Ti-89 Titanium - Tips and Tricks

    ti-89 titanium urgent help I have been using the ti-89 over over a year now and have never come across this problem. I went to the numeric solver category in the APPS menu and put in a numeric value. When I went back and put in an expression to be factored ex. (x^2-36). It gave me the answer...
  48. M

    Calculators Why does my TI-89 give an incorrect result for this integration problem?

    The integral is I = \int_0^\pi (~3\cos^2(t) - 1~)\sin^2(t)~dt . My TI-89 Titanium says I = 0 , but I know the answer (verified by hand and by mathematica) to be -\pi / 8 . I am 100% sure I entered it correctly into the calculator. What gives?
  49. X

    Calculators Having problem with using ti-89 titanium solving integral problem

    I just bought my ti-89 Ti Please help me with this problem. I can't get the right integral, instead I get a matrix look output. Check the picture I attach to this post, then tell me what I should do to have the right answer. Thank You
  50. X

    Calculators I want to buy a new Ti-89 titanium, but I don't know where is the cheapest

    I was checking the price for ti-89 titanium on both ebay and amazon, the cheapest price I can get is 132 with shipping. Can anyone give me some suggestion or website that I can get a cheaper price? Thank You