What is Torque: Definition and 1000 Discussions

In physics and mechanics, torque is the rotational equivalent of linear force. It is also referred to as the moment, moment of force, rotational force or turning effect, depending on the field of study. The concept originated with the studies by Archimedes of the usage of levers. Just as a linear force is a push or a pull, a torque can be thought of as a twist to an object around a specific axis. Another definition of torque is the product of the magnitude of the force and the perpendicular distance of the line of action of a force from the axis of rotation. The symbol for torque is typically


{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\tau }}}
or τ, the lowercase Greek letter tau. When being referred to as moment of force, it is commonly denoted by M.
In three dimensions, the torque is a pseudovector; for point particles, it is given by the cross product of the position vector (distance vector) and the force vector. The magnitude of torque of a rigid body depends on three quantities: the force applied, the lever arm vector connecting the point about which the torque is being measured to the point of force application, and the angle between the force and lever arm vectors. In symbols:






{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\tau }}=\mathbf {r} \times \mathbf {F} \,\!}






{\displaystyle \tau =\|\mathbf {r} \|\,\|\mathbf {F} \|\sin \theta \,\!}


{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\tau }}}
is the torque vector and


{\displaystyle \tau }
is the magnitude of the torque,


{\displaystyle \mathbf {r} }
is the position vector (a vector from the point about which the torque is being measured to the point where the force is applied),


{\displaystyle \mathbf {F} }
is the force vector,


{\displaystyle \times }
denotes the cross product, which produces a vector that is perpendicular to both r and F following the right-hand rule,


{\displaystyle \theta }
is the angle between the force vector and the lever arm vector.The SI unit for torque is the newton-metre (N⋅m). For more on the units of torque, see § Units.

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  1. saleh2

    Calculating Stepper Motor Torque for a 4-Wheel Robot

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  2. P

    Why Might a Rotating Ring in a B-field Ignore Certain Torques?

    Summary:: Please see the attached photo. I have obtained the correct answer, and my solution agrees with the official solution. However, I have some questions about why the solution is correct. (One may have to draw out some diagrams for this problem, it was quite hard to visualise for me.)...
  3. C

    Automotive Need help calculating load torque and acceleration torque of a vehicle

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  4. K

    Finding the torque required for telescopic cable mechanism

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  5. P

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  6. B

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  7. teun-lll

    Snail Cam shaft torque calculations

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  8. HarryLime

    Accelerometer vs. Gyroscope - measuring torque

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  9. S

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  10. A

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  12. H

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  13. G

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  14. Y

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  15. T

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  16. S

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  17. F

    Engineering Find the brake torque in separately excited machine

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  18. Leo Liu

    In which situations does the equation for torque t=Iα hold?

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  19. A

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  20. titanan

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  21. A

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  22. E

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  23. Ayandas1246

    Conceptual questions about Angular Momentum Conservation and torque

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  24. T

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  25. B

    Automotive Two IC Engines: Comparing Torque Curves

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  26. J

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  27. J

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  28. bugdry

    Slider Crank Mechanism Torque Question

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  29. archaic

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  30. G

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  31. R

    Unreasonable values for engine torque in vehicle simulation

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  32. greg_rack

    Torque on a current loop caused by a magnetic field

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  33. greg_rack

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  34. MattGeo

    Torque and Moment of Inertia of a Lever Arm

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  35. jaumzaum

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  36. G

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  37. M

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  38. H

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  39. E

    What are angular momentum and torque?

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  40. andyonassis

    Gyroscope (Coriolis Torque and Force)

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  41. K

    Calculating torque from moment results in CFD analysis

    Hi there, attached were the results: https://prnt.sc/v3yg1f Both are negative and need to be added together to get the torque force. Calculations are from a model of specified radius and input air speed, its a turbine. Just need help in understanding what the negative results mean and how they...
  42. S

    Pulleys and a Belt, with friction and Torque

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  43. Feodalherren

    Torque to force conversion (from a motor)

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  44. H

    Ansys Maxwell Simulation- Torque Fluctuating

    Hi guys! I do have a problem in ansys maxwell simulation of a generator. The moving torque (which represents electromagnetic torque) fluctuates around zero which is not correct. Induced Voltages are ok. How can I fix this problem?
  45. PhysicsTest

    Please confirm the torque curve of a DC motor

    This is the explanation in the section of DC motor Based on the above explanation i have drawn the torque curve. Can you please confirm if it is correct? In the initial position the torque is maximum and when it reaches the diagram 2 the torque is 0 and then it is maximum.
  46. L

    DIY Simple analog engine dynamometer -- How to do it?

    Hi, I have to measure the HP of a small engine at the crankshaft. The only usable things are. A dinamometer A brake disk An rpm meter The brake caliper is floating so when we apply de load it pull the dinamometer. The rpm meter show the revolution during the load apply. It can works? How I...
  47. LCSphysicist

    Interesting exercise: Torque, radiation, momentum and equilibrium

    t is Torque I is the inertia moment P is the power c is the constant light speed r is the spot distance to the fiber p is the torsional constant theta is what we want In the equilibrium $$t = 0$$ $$ F\Delta T = \frac{E}{c} = \frac{P\Delta T}{c} => *F* = \frac{P}{c} (1) $$ This will be the...