What is Torque: Definition and 1000 Discussions

In physics and mechanics, torque is the rotational equivalent of linear force. It is also referred to as the moment, moment of force, rotational force or turning effect, depending on the field of study. The concept originated with the studies by Archimedes of the usage of levers. Just as a linear force is a push or a pull, a torque can be thought of as a twist to an object around a specific axis. Another definition of torque is the product of the magnitude of the force and the perpendicular distance of the line of action of a force from the axis of rotation. The symbol for torque is typically


{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\tau }}}
or τ, the lowercase Greek letter tau. When being referred to as moment of force, it is commonly denoted by M.
In three dimensions, the torque is a pseudovector; for point particles, it is given by the cross product of the position vector (distance vector) and the force vector. The magnitude of torque of a rigid body depends on three quantities: the force applied, the lever arm vector connecting the point about which the torque is being measured to the point of force application, and the angle between the force and lever arm vectors. In symbols:






{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\tau }}=\mathbf {r} \times \mathbf {F} \,\!}






{\displaystyle \tau =\|\mathbf {r} \|\,\|\mathbf {F} \|\sin \theta \,\!}


{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\tau }}}
is the torque vector and


{\displaystyle \tau }
is the magnitude of the torque,


{\displaystyle \mathbf {r} }
is the position vector (a vector from the point about which the torque is being measured to the point where the force is applied),


{\displaystyle \mathbf {F} }
is the force vector,


{\displaystyle \times }
denotes the cross product, which produces a vector that is perpendicular to both r and F following the right-hand rule,


{\displaystyle \theta }
is the angle between the force vector and the lever arm vector.The SI unit for torque is the newton-metre (N⋅m). For more on the units of torque, see § Units.

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  1. A

    Torque: find the force necessary for a body to be in equilibrium

    The question doesn't specify whether we're talking about translation or rotational equilibrium, so I suppose it's both: In order for the body to have translational equilibrium: 60 N + F2 = 0 F2 = -60N However, in order to have rotational equilibrium: 60 N * 3m + F2 *8 m = 0 60 N * 3m - 60 N...
  2. P

    Design problem with a constant torque motor

    I’ve been trying to design a counterbalance system using a constant torque motor spring assembly. The spring I’m looking at has 25.4kg cm torque on the shaft from the output drum. So if I put a 100mm diameter cable drum on this shaft I should be able to counterbalance 5kg over the given...
  3. P

    Making torque calculation from spring specifications

    I was thinking about making a kind of counterbalance weight. So I was looking this spring to make a constant torque motor. https://www.ondrives.com/sr119 They come in many sizes but to take this one as an example it's listed as 6.18N (63kg) at the top of the page. At a glance considering the...
  4. W

    Does Newton's Second Law for Torque Work for the Centre of Mass of an Object?

    I am reading Tipler & Mosca 5th edition. On pages 289-290 there is an example problem which seems to assume that Newton's second law for torque works just as well when we apply it to the centre of mass of an object. However, before this example problem was introduced, the authors did not state...
  5. T

    Aerodynamics and Torque calculation

    Hi :) I have to mount solar panels to columns. And for the stress calculations, I can't calculate the torque :( Could you help me out?
  6. Lone Wolf

    Resultant torque of a solid object

    a) ΔK = 1064 = 1/2 * I * (ω²(3) - ω²(2)) I = 2*1064/(ω²(3) - ω²(2)) If I assume α = n*t²: α = dω/dt --> ω = ∫ n* t² dt = n*t³/3 + ω0 = n*t³/3 ω(5) = 100 = n*5³/3 --> n = 2.4 α = 2.4 t² and ω = 2.4 * t³/3 ω(3) = 21.6 rad/s and ω(2) = 6.4 rad/s. Replacing the values: I = 2*1064/(21.6²-6.4²)...
  7. R

    What is the Required Torque for Moving a 20 kg Weight with a 10 cm Crank?

    Summary: I have an electric motor that produces 6 nm (4.4ftlb) of torque and rotates at 50 rpm through gearing. I have a weight I need to move. It’s a 20 kg weight that needs move up and down 20 cm with one second to move down and one second to go back up. The electric motor rotates at 50 rpm...
  8. A

    How to stop a steering wheel using an electric motor?

    Problem Statement: i have a steering wheel mounted on an electric motor, and i want to stop the driver from going beyond a certain angle. i can read the torque applied by the driver, and the steering wheel angular velocity as well. how can i stop the steering wheel, without sending it harshely...
  9. J

    Torque required to rotate an object at an angle

    I am trying to work out the torque required to rotate a platform, initially declined at an angle. See attached hand sketch. My situation is - I have a platform initially at a declined angle, say at 0 degrees. - I have a load at the end of the platform at 0 degrees - I want to be able to...
  10. J

    How Do You Calculate Torque for a Pusher Arm with a Dead Plate Friction?

    Hello All, I am designing a pusher arm for a project (Please refer attached picture), I need to calculate required torque to select a rotary cylinder. The arm is mounted on a rotary cylinder and it has a dead plate underneath. I understand we can calculate torque= Mass moment of Inertia x...
  11. EEristavi

    Why Do I Need to Sum All the Torques Along the Radius for Calculating Torque?

    Only problem I have is in calculating Torque I say: dT = R dF = R k g dm & dm = ##\frac m {\Pi R^2}## R dr d##\theta## However, in the solution I see that: dT = r dF = r k g dm & dm = ##\frac m {\Pi R^2}## r dr d##\theta##I don't get it: when taking the whole T (when I integrate), why do I...
  12. babaliaris

    Torque with Infinity length can lift anything?

    I was always wondering if you can lift anything (no matter how heavy it is) if you just use a really long pipe. Or does torque increases in a way like ##e^x## , ##a^x## and after some point it barely increases? Also if this can be explained mathematically, I would love to see it.
  13. Ismael Jarada

    How to measure the torque of a compressed air engine?

    Summary: The main idea of my graduation project is to convert the motorcycle engine to work on compressed air that come from a 180 L tank (10 bar compressed air inside the tank ) I have some problems to how calculate the required torque to move the cart . The main idea of my graduation project...
  14. C

    Torque dynamics: Slotted screwdriver head

    See attached image I experienced yesterday that when the slotted screw driver head was exact fit to the slotted screw, it was easier to turn the screw into the hard wood. I'd like to understand the physics of it. Is the bottom (in the picture) easier to turn because there is even contact...
  15. H

    Tension in a Rope from Lowering Down and Friction Braking Torque at Stop

    (The weight scale = 10 kg). After initial force, now the mass is lowering down at constant speed of 1 m/s. The motor with pulley's radius of 1 meter is exerted 100 Newton m to keep constant V. The motor speed is about 9.55 rpm. * All other weights, inertia and frictions of the system is...
  16. D

    Find the acceleration and the work done by a force pulling a spool?

    I already solved the first part, but according the my book, the answer isn't quite correct. This is what I did. Finally, I ended up with ##a=\frac{F(r-R\cos\alpha)}{Rm(\gamma+1)}##. But according to my book, the answer is ##a=\frac{F(\cos\alpha-\frac{r}{R})}{m(1+\gamma)}##, what am I doing...
  17. T

    Is 1800 Newton meters enough torque to generate 1.5 kilowatts of power?

    i am working on new project so i could use your help. Please and Thank you Tony
  18. M

    Engineering Induction Motor's Speed at Maximum Torque

    Maximum Slip s=4/35 Synchronous Speed ns=50*60/p ns=3000 rev min-1 Speed at Maximum Torque Torque is maximum when R2=sX2 For maximum torque, X2=R2/s I'm not sure after this.
  19. B

    Automotive EV hub motor torque for pulling a roller

    I am working on a 500 kg roller, which I want to pull using electric motor. I am considering hub motor, since it is easier to frame a basic ev with it. Now I need to know the capacity of the hub motor, I need to choose. Roller weight = 500 kg Frame weight + driver weight = 150 kg speed required...
  20. Robinson26

    How much torque do I need to move a 50lb object?

    I am currently designing a closet that will automatically open and close. The closet will be 8 feet high 5 feet long and 2 feet deep weighing in at 50 pounds. I was planning on having the movable side being on wheels with a motor powering the movement. I want the distance when it is open to be...
  21. M

    Simple harmonic motion of a bar pivoted at one end

    Hi, I am unsure how to proceed with this problem. I believe that I can correctly calculate the frequency of the oscillations for a bar that is not suspended from a spring but I do not know how to take the effect of the spring into account. The answer given by my professor is $$...
  22. L

    Measure the torque of a servo motor

    I have a servo motor which rotates 180 degrees. I want to calculate torque of the motor. To calculate the torque I'm thinking of lifting a load of a known value, with a known angular velocity. But I am struggling to find/calculate the torque based on these values. Does anyone know how to do this...
  23. M

    Stepper torque calculation to drive a solid cylinder

    Hi All, I'm working on some design and apparently my physics expertise are getting rusty,i'd appreciate some help with the following:- I need to calculate the required torque for a stepper motor to rotate a solid cylinder with the following properties:- radius : 20cm height: 12cm density : the...
  24. T

    Force applied to lever arm to twist foot pound torque

    If i need 1000 foot pound torque of 1000 foot pounds twisted very easily How long should the lever arm be and and how much force at the end of lever arm is required ? Tony Singh
  25. Jeviah

    CFD analysis of a turbine, interpreting torque values

    Hello, I am using CFD to analyse a Kaplan turbine and am unsure on how to interpret the torque values as they come as x, y and z components. My understanding is that the z component in this case will determine the rotation direction depending on whether it is positive or negative however I am...
  26. T

    How much torque would be on the motor?

    I would like to make a project where a dc motor will help the movement of a human arm. The motor will be at the elbow, the stationary part will be attached to the upper arm, and the moving part will be attached to the forearm, so the motor will help to rotate the forearm at the elbow. I think...
  27. B

    A question about magnetism that causes a wheel-loop to rotate

    This question is from 1977 AP Physics C so I suppose it would be clear enough, but I am confused about question c. Question a is easy (it rotates counterclockwise), question b too (Στ=6*rxF=6*r x (I*i x B)=0.06). Question C is where I am stuck. The diagram provided with the question looks like...
  28. S

    Torque on circular current loop

    So I'm having a little trouble getting to the solution to this question so here's my attempt at a solution and I'm not seeing the issue with it 1. I calculated the B-field due to the long wire (approximating the distance from the dipole to be equivalent to that in the centre since r>d) B=...
  29. Np14

    What is the tension force for this system in rotational equilibrium?

    The system is in rotational equilibrium and therefore experiences no net torque, meaning all individual torques must add to zero. τNET = 0 = FFTsin(θ)L - FgL - Fg(L/2) τNET = 0 = FTsin30°(0.6?) - (0.5)(9.8)(0.6) - (2.0)(0.6/2) My only problem (I think) is figuring out what the length L is for...
  30. S

    Given a force in 3d what is the resulting force and torque?

    I'll preface this by saying I've done these sorts of problems before (though it was only in 2d) in my statics and dynamics class. I have no idea where my book went and the major problem I'm dealing with is vocabulary, so if I say something that doesn't make sense, please let me know, I've almost...
  31. C

    Express torque as a function of angular velocity

    I am strugglin with this step in my assignment. I am dealing with a centrifuge with a known moment of inertia. I should write the expression for a torque of the motor and express it as a function of angular velocity. Can you help me please?
  32. J

    What Forces Affect the Rotation of a Submerged Disc?

    1. A 20-lbf disc with diameter 18" and thickness of 3" is held static while completely submerged in water. Upon release of a lock, the disc experiences a torque from a torsional spring that causes rotation about its center of mass along the x/y axis (think coin toss, not wheel). If the spring is...
  33. D

    Increasing Torque with Gerotor Design: Lengthening, Diameter, and Series

    How do you increase torque in gerotor design other than increasing flow. Will lengthening it increase torque? Will increasing diameter increase torque? What about running 2 or 3 in series?
  34. M

    Torque required to tilt 1200 kg mass?

    Object to be tilted = 1200mm diameter cylinder Cylinder height = 2.5 meter weight of tilting assembly = 1200 kg Cylinder is on platform which is "L" shaped and tilting point is on that corner of "L" as in attached image. Shaft diameter on which it is tilted id 63mm Angular acceleration = 0.05236...
  35. L

    Gears create more torque? Prove it

    Hi guys, I was sizing up a servo motor the other day and started thinking. While we all know gear ratios will effectively "convert" speed into torque. I couldn't help wondering about the initial starting conditions.. The problem below... Lets say I have a motor with a max load of 1Kg...
  36. D

    What angles produce a net torque of 1250 Nm on an angled arm?

    Homework Statement My teacher gave us a solution of + 1250 Nm Where CCW = positive torque I know that the torque of the 600N + 300N forces + 1250Nm = the torque of the 500N force. I can't figure out what angles work with the forces at the end of the pipe. Homework Equations Σ T = 1250 Nm T...
  37. Isolde Wilde

    Are angular & vertical velocity the same if the objects are connected

    think of a engine. it has a flywheel and a rod connected to it. a string had been totally wrapped around the rod and a mass is hanged from the very end of the rod. the system is in equilibrium. but as the engine starts to rotate, the rod with rotate as well and cause the hanged object to go...
  38. C

    Calculating Net Torque in a Rotating System

    Homework Statement hi my question is that say if rod of length l is 3m and is 90 degrees from horizontal pointing upwards with 2 kg weight on the end then there will be no torque produced because the force of gravity is acting parallel to the lever arm if the angle theta is 80 degrees then the...
  39. D

    Is there any way to vary the torque of a gerotor

    Can you vary the torque of a gerotor motor? I am having trouble finding an answer on the internet. The same Gerotor will produce different torques.
  40. S

    Mounting Arm Torque for Short Throw Projectors on Different Walls

    Hi there, I'm going to install same kind of short throw projector in multiple locations, with different wall materials. Projector has integrated wall mount arm (see picture). - How to calculate total torque affecting mounting plate top row screws? Some locations have plasterboard walls...
  41. M

    Modeling torque on a half car model

    Imagine an half car model with the two suspension and two wheels. There is a torque applied to the rear wheels, that torque create the force between tire/asphalt that pull the car. How that torque react in the main body? I have two hypotesis: 1) It's only internal force that tend to bend the...
  42. T

    How does mechanical torque affect generator volts and amps?

    Hello! today I have a question regarding the most efficient way to generate electricity by moving a magnet across a coil. The theoretical magnet would be moving in a circular motion fixed to the outer circumference of a driver wheel like in many simple generators, how does the physical torque...
  43. J

    Diving Board Torque with No Mass Given For the Diver

    The board is 4m and has 2 supports: support 1 exerts 5400N and support 2 exerts 6000N before the diver performs the dive. Neglecting the mass of the board, what is the force on the board due to the weight of the diver? My attempt at this question: FS2 - FS1 = 6000 - 5400 = 600N But I'm having...
  44. P

    Calculate the magnitude and direction of the torque

    Homework Statement [/B] a) (a) Assuming the HCl molecule consists of point-like ions (H+ and Cl) separated by 1.0 * 10^-10m, find the dipole moment of the molecule. b) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the torque exerted on this dipole if the molecule is subjected to an external electric...
  45. R

    Tension and net torque in a cable

    Homework Statement In figure 12-34, a uniform beam of weight 500N and length 3m is suspended horizontally, on the left it is hinged to the wall and on the right end of the beam is a cable attached to support it. the cable is attached distance D up the wall from the hinge. The least amount of...
  46. D

    Force and Torque Calculation and Observation

    Something does not make sense. I have built a large bookcase on rolling wheels (on a concrete floor). I have connected it to wire rope and pulleys as shown in "Pulley Question.jpg". I always keep a 10 lb weight on each side so the lines do not go slack and fall off the pulleys. I need to add...
  47. J

    Hydraulic winch torque questions

    I am designing a winch to put behind my tractor, and I am going to power it using a hydraulic motor. My tractor puts out about 1000 PSI of hydraulic pressure, and the hydraulic motor I want to use is 9.8 cubic inches per revolution. I calculated that at those specs, the hydraulic motor will...
  48. J

    Automotive Torque formula to throw a mass with two pulleys and a belt

    Hey guys What's is the formula to find the force(torque) to throw a mass in the air that is 500kg/m(3) with 2 pulley and a belt. Thanks
  49. J

    Snowblower project: max torque at the impeller blower

    Hi Guy Hopefully someone can help me. Here's my project my issues is pulley size for getting the max torque at the impeller blower. I need to found the p2, p3 and p4 pulley size in the picture to get the maximum torque at p5 and p6. Here a link on YouTube of what I have right now it does work...
  50. S

    Torque required to rotate a hollow cylinder containing chips

    I am designing a prototype to remove cutting oil from waste metal chip during Gun Drilling. My prototype consists of a netted(meshed) metal cylinder rotating horizontally about its axis with help of shaft and a pressurised air blown from above. The metal chips will be put inside netted cylinder...