Tree Definition and 312 Threads

  1. evinda

    MHB Deleting Leaf Nodes from an Ordered Binary Tree

    Hi! (Nerd) Given a tree, I want to write an algorithm, that deletes from each node, from the corresponding ordered binary tree, the rightmost child, that is a leaf. That's what I have tried: Algorithm(NODE *P){ if (P==NULL) return error; if (P->RC!=NULL) P=P->RC; if (P->LC!=NULL)...
  2. evinda

    MHB Computing Binary Tree Sums without Globals/Statics

    Hi! (Wave) I want to write an algorithm, that counts the sum of the keys of the nodes of a binary tree, without the use of globals and statics. That's what I have tried: S(NODE *P){ if (P==NULL) return 0; int m=P->data+S(P->left); int n=m+S(P->right); return n; Could you tell me if it...
  3. evinda

    MHB Checking if a Binary Tree is Full: A Hint

    Hello! (Smile) I want to write an algorithm, that checks if a binary tree is full or not. Could you give me a hint how I could do this? (Thinking)
  4. evinda

    MHB Drawing Binary Tree: Exploring Pre-Order & In-Order Traversal

    Hi! (Smile) I am looking at the following exercise: It is given a binary tree with 8 nodes and keys 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16.The in-order tree traversal gives this order: 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16. The pre-order traversal gives the order: 10,8,2,6,4,16,14,12. Draw the tree. Explain how you drawed it...
  5. evinda

    MHB Divide Binary Search Tree at Key k: Algorithm & Analysis

    Hello! (Wave) Given a binary search tree $B$, I want to write an algorithm, that divides $B$ into two new trees $B_1, B_2$, so that the first one contains all the keys of $B$ that are smaller than $k$ and the second one contains all the keys of $B$ that are greater than $k$. Hint : Execute a...
  6. evinda

    MHB How can we add a node in a tree?

    Hello! (Wave) Suppose that we have a binary tree and a specific level $l$. I want to add in the tree, a node $e$, as a child of the leftmost node of the level $l$, if the latter hasn't two children. If the leftmost node of the level $l$ has two children, then we have to look for a leftmost...
  7. evinda

    MHB Writing an Algorithm to Check Depth of Leaves in an Ordered Tree

    Hello! (Wave) I want to write an algorithm, that implements an ordered tree(not necessary binary tree). It should check if all the leaves of the ordered tree (that is implemented from the binary tree) are at the same depth. Could you give me some hints how I could do this? (Thinking)
  8. Adriane

    How to Distinguish Between Similar Traits in a Phylogenetic Tree?

    Homework Statement Draw a phylogenetic tree to illustrate the ancestry of the seven organisms chosen: dog, human, kangaroo, snapping turtle, penguin, rhesus monkey, bullfrog At each branching point, identify the derived characteristic that creates the branch. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at...
  9. A

    Finding the Effective resistance of a tree of resistors

    1. A) Find the Effective resistance of a tree of resistors that bifurcates 3 times. B) Find the effective resistance of a tree of infinite resistors. (if the tree below went on to infinity) Homework Equations Ohm's Law The Attempt at a Solution I have no idea how to start this. There was no...
  10. evinda

    MHB Prim's algorithm-Minimum Spanning Tree

    Hi! (Mmm) I am looking at Prim's algorithm: Prim(G,w,v) for each u ϵ V key[u]<-oo // the minimum of the weights of the edges, that connect the vertex u with an other vertex of the tree p[u]<-∅ key[v]<-0 Q<-V // priority...
  11. K

    Potential energy in a falling tree?

    Hi, My first post here, hope it goes well. I wonder if someone of you skilled persons could help me and my friend calculate the energy in a falling tree. I´m no good at maths neither good in english but I will try to explain what I´m after. If you cut down a tree that is 25m heigh and weighs...
  12. evinda

    MHB Calculate the diameter of a tree

    Hey! (Smile) $$T=(V,E) \text{ tree }$$ $$\text{diameter of a tree } = \max_{u,v \in V} \delta(u,v)$$ $$\delta(u,v)=\text{the length of the shortest path from the vertex u to the vertex v}$$ How can we calculate the diameter of a tree,when we are given the algorithm of the Breadth-first-search...
  13. gfd43tg

    Binary Search Tree Homework - Setup BST & Write Functions

    Homework Statement Binary search trees In these problems you will set up a binary search tree and write some associated functions that make the search tree useful. Loading the data file students.mat (downloaded with this assignment) places a cell array called Students in the workspace...
  14. F

    Electrifying a Tree: Creative Solutions Needed!

    In my search for an effective way to protect my fruit trees from animal predators and birds, I looked at the electric fence option. But these require that the tree be insulated from the hot wires, otherwise it will be grounded and become useless. In my case, there's no way to totally insulate...
  15. T

    Calculate Height of a Tree - Geometry

    Hi, I visited my Mother and Stepfather recently, and admired the tall trees around their house. We estimated them to be around 180-200 feet tall. I told my Stepfather that the *Actual* height could of course be calculated. I said there are three angles and three lengths for any...
  16. S

    Two non ideal springs hanging on a tree

    Homework Statement One spring is located inside a wider spring. Both ends are welded together and hanged from a tree. both springs are ##30 cm## long when not deformed. The first spring has ##30 g## and ##k=5 g/cm## the second spring has ##60 g## and ##k= 6g/cm##. How deep under the branch...
  17. H

    MHB How to Generate a Function for Vertex Distance in a Planar Tree?

    Hi, Please I need you help to solve this problem: ---------- Consider a planar tree with $n$ non-root vertices (root edge selected). 1. Give a generating function for vertices distance $d$ from the root. 2. Proof that the total number is $$\displaystyle...
  18. T

    How Do You Construct a Parse Tree for the Expression (a, (a, a))?

    Homework Statement Consider the grammar S←(L) S←a L←L,S L←S draw a parse tree for the expression (a, (a, a))The Attempt at a Solution I can't tell if the starting symbol should be S or L. Also what do the commas mean? The examples we did in class had plus and minus signs and stuff like that...
  19. M

    On tree level Feynman diagrams

    Hi folks, I'm assured that scattering cross-sections in QFT computed at tree level correspond to cross-sections in the classical theory. For example the tree level cross-section for electron-electron scaterring in QED corresponds to scattering of classical point charges. But I'm not sure I...
  20. B

    MHB Digraph of a Binary Positional Tree

    Hello- I think I understand how to draw a digraph of the given binary positional tree in my work. Could someone please tell me if I've got it correct, or if I'm not even close?
  21. B

    MHB Is this Tree of Algebraic Expression Correct?

    Hello I just wanted to see if I did this right. I've come up with two trees and I'm pretty sure one of them is correct, I'm just not sure. Construct the Tree of the algebraic expression: ((x - 2) + 3) / ((2 - (3 + y)) x (w - 8))
  22. S

    Rooted tree impossible constructs

    Homework Statement For a UVa problem, I am working on constructing a rooted tree with the following constraints. 1. A tree of depth D means that the tree should contain at least 1 node which is exactly D distance away from the root and there is no node of more than D distance from the...
  23. S

    Exploring t(n): Recursion Tree Analysis

    Homework Statement Let the function t(n) be defined recursively by: ##t(1) = 1## ##t(n) = 3t(\frac{n}{2}) + n + 1## for n a power of two greater than 1. Draw several levels of the recursion tree for t, and answer the following: What will the height of the tree be if n is a power of 2...
  24. S

    M-ary Tree: Given Nodes, find leaves

    Homework Statement (I'm struggling with trees now so I expect to have a lot more questions on here like this) I have a 4-ary tree with 173 nodes. How many leaves do I have? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution So I know that each node, if it is not a leaf, will have 4...
  25. E

    Attempting to get this interative binary tree insert to work.

    Homework Statement Binary Tree/ Insertion scheme Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution bool treeNodeADT::_insert(int item) { if(this->isRootted==false){ this->root=new node; this->root->data=item; this->root->right=0...
  26. W

    Minimum Spanning Tree of a Graph Solutions

    I recently wrote a program that implements a slightly modified version of Prim's Algorithm to find a minimal spanning tree and it seems to work correctly. However, I am doubtful because my prof claims that this certain tree has more than 1 solution but my program gives only one solution. Note...
  27. Omega0

    The Tree of Physics: Exploring Mechanics and Beyond

    The "Tree of Physics" Hi, I know this is pretty complicated in the end but I would be interested in something like "the Tree of Physics", more exactly speaking it would be a graph (and please don't take it literally how I describe the complexity). Say for example I have one particle...
  28. J

    Tree diagram to second derivative

    Is it possible to formulate the second derivate trough of a tree diagram, as we do with a first derivative? If yes, how do it? \frac{\partial f}{\partial t}=\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}\frac{\partial x}{\partial v}\frac{\partial v}{\partial t}+\frac{\partial f}{\partial...
  29. D

    Carbon-14 amount in an old tree

    Carbon-14 is an unstable isotope of carbon, with a half-life of 5730 years. Suppose a tree sample is 8170 years old. What is the ratio of carbon-14 in the sample today, to the amount of carbon-14 when the tree was alive? Suppose the amount of carbon-14 in a sample is observed to be 7 percent...
  30. I

    C/C++ MSVS C++ compiler:Visitor/iterator patterns and tree parsing

    While creating the compiler, did they use these patterns to process the syntax/grammar trees ? I use MSVS C++ as a specific example, it can be any compiler in general. Thank you a lot.
  31. J

    A tree with at least 2 vertices has at least 2 leaves

    Homework Statement Prove by induction: A tree with n≥2 vertices has at least two leaves. Homework Equations A tree is a graph in which any vertices are connected by exactly 1 simple path, connected and has no cycles. A leaf is a vertex with degree = 1.The Attempt at a Solution I have to...
  32. Evo

    Rainbow Eucalyptus Tree: Incredible Natural Wonder

    Who knew?
  33. karush

    MHB Did I Correctly Complete the Tree Diagram? well first want to see if i completed the tree diagram correctly text in the boxes are mine.
  34. L

    What is the probability of a defective component from two companies?

    Homework Statement Components purchased from 2 companies. Company A is 60% of total purchase with 2% defective parts. Company B is 40% of total purchase with 1% defective parts. Components from both companies are thoroughly mixed on receipt. A/ Draw a tree diagram to represent...
  35. MarkFL

    MHB Ivyrianne's question at Yahoo Answers regarding finding the height of a tree

    Here is the question: I have posted a link there to this topic so the OP can see my work.
  36. S

    Program that counts all the vertices in a given tree

    Homework Statement "Write a program that counts all the vertices in a given tree." Any language can be used. (I've been using Perl mostly but could do C too. C++ would be ok too, if it was significantly easier.) Homework Equations I've been trying to find this. I read if a tree has n...
  37. A

    MHB Use a tree diagram to calculate the probability

    Hi everybody! I have to solve this exercise. We observe a tournament of 2 ^ n players, which consists of n rounds. In each round every 2 players play against each other and only the winner goes to the next round. At the beginning of each round random pairings are defined, all with the same...
  38. B

    Amps through Christmas tree lights

    I always wanted to know how this worked? I know AMPs is how many Electrons move past one point in a SEC. I know that Voltage is the Force that drives the AMPs. I know that a House Outlet will supply 120 Volts at 15 Amps. Now take Christmass Tree Lights and to keep this easy let's...
  39. D

    Can Any Decision Tree Be Converted into DNF?

    Homework Statement How can we proof that a decision tree can be written as a DNF? Homework Equations A boolean form made of literals (X1 and X2 and X3) or'ed with other literals f = ( (X1 and X2 and X3) or (X4 and X5 and X6) ) The...
  40. D

    Does the order of insertion affect the structure of a binary search tree?

    Homework Statement I need to prove that different insertion orders of the same keys always gives us a different binary tree. Homework Equations All obvious BST properties apply: The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys less than the node's key. The right subtree of a...
  41. S

    Calculating Tree Height with a 5cm Mirror

    Homework Statement A 5cm mirror is just large enough to show the whole image of a tree when held 20 cm from the eye of the observer whose distance to the tree is 100 m. What is the height of tree? Homework Equations n/a The Attempt at a Solution n/a
  42. G

    A monkey falls from a tree problem

    Homework Statement Homework Equations x= x.initial + v.initial(t) + .5(a)t^2 v= v.initial + at v^2= v.initial^2 + 2ad The Attempt at a Solution I tried plugging into above formulas but there were too many unknowns. I'm not sure what I'm missing...
  43. shahbaznihal

    What is the decay tree for b quarks from neutralino WIMP annihilation?

    Hi, I am studying the soft neutrino spectrum from WIMP annihilation in Earth through the b-bbar channel as a part of my research. Can some one please tell me what is the decay tree for the b-bbar from neutralino WIMP or just the decay tree of the b quark. This seems like a simple...
  44. Spinnor

    Odd looking pine tree, one branch did not follow the rules?

    Walking the dog takes me past an odd (to me) looking pine tree. I live in south eastern Pennsylvania. With help of Google I think the tree in question is a White Pine, see Also see the images below of the tree. I don't think...
  45. P

    Designing an outdoor electronic product (LED tree)

    Hello, I thought I'd run this past you guys. My wife wants to start making LED trees for outside use. I have been running a part time solar power business, but all my stuff comes assembled to a degree. I have no idea how electrical code might come into play regarding electrical...
  46. S

    A tree and a mirror on the ground

    Homework Statement A plane mirror made of a very thin piece of glass lies flat on the ground. As shown in the following figure, one end of the mirror is 2.1 m from you and the other end is 35 m from a nearby tree. You are 1.6 m tall, and the mirror has a length L. The mirror is arranged so...
  47. S

    How high is the tree branch(conservation in energy/kinematics)

    Homework Statement 45a) A watermelon with a mass of 2 kg falls out of a tree house that is 5.4 m above the ground. What is the speed of the watermelon just before it hits the ground. (this part i have solved) mass = 2kg Δd= 5.4m v=? v1^2 =v2^2+2gΔd v1^2=0+2gΔd...
  48. T

    Infinitely tall tree falling in a forest

    Homework Statement Suppose that there is a negligibly thin tree in the forest of infinite length that begun tipping over. Negating frictional effects from the pivoting, does the tree ever hit the ground? Homework Equations My approach was to solve the problem for a tree of length l and...
  49. A

    Trying to prove dual of there are at least tree points on every line

    trying to prove dual of "there are at least tree points on every line" Hi, Assuming the propositions of incidence: (1) on any two distinct points is at least one line. (2) on any two distinct points is at most one line. (3) on any two distinct lines is at least one point. and the...
  50. S

    A Christmas tree ball hangs from a hook in the ceiling.

    Homework Statement A Christmas tree ball hangs from a hook in the ceiling. If the radius of the ball is 8 cm, find the period of the ball's oscillation as it swings on the hook. Homework Equations T=2pi*√L/g The Attempt at a Solution I tried pluggin the number and I'm way off...