Tree Definition and 312 Threads

In botany, a tree is a perennial plant with an elongated stem, or trunk, supporting branches and leaves in most species. In some usages, the definition of a tree may be narrower, including only wood plants with secondary growth, plants that are usable as lumber or plants above a specified height. In wider definitions, the taller palms, tree ferns, bananas, and bamboos are also trees. Trees are not a taxonomic group but include a variety of plant species that have independently evolved a trunk and branches as a way to tower above other plants to compete for sunlight. Trees tend to be long-lived, some reaching several thousand years old. Trees have been in existence for 370 million years. It is estimated that there are some three trillion mature trees in the world.A tree typically has many secondary branches supported clear of the ground by the trunk. This trunk typically contains woody tissue for strength, and vascular tissue to carry materials from one part of the tree to another. For most trees it is surrounded by a layer of bark which serves as a protective barrier. Below the ground, the roots branch and spread out widely; they serve to anchor the tree and extract moisture and nutrients from the soil. Above ground, the branches divide into smaller branches and shoots. The shoots typically bear leaves, which capture light energy and convert it into sugars by photosynthesis, providing the food for the tree's growth and development.
Trees usually reproduce using seeds. Flowers and fruit may be present, but some trees, such as conifers, instead have pollen cones and seed cones. Palms, bananas, and bamboos also produce seeds, but tree ferns produce spores instead.
Trees play a significant role in reducing erosion and moderating the climate. They remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store large quantities of carbon in their tissues. Trees and forests provide a habitat for many species of animals and plants. Tropical rainforests are among the most biodiverse habitats in the world. Trees provide shade and shelter, timber for construction, fuel for cooking and heating, and fruit for food as well as having many other uses. In parts of the world, forests are shrinking as trees are cleared to increase the amount of land available for agriculture. Because of their longevity and usefulness, trees have always been revered, with sacred groves in various cultures, and they play a role in many of the world's mythologies.

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  1. D

    Tree Diagram: Travel Itineraries for Pietro

    Homework Statement Draw a tree diagram to illustrate the possible travel itineraries for Pietro if he can travel from home to Ottawa by bus, car, or train, and then from Ottawa to Orlando by bus, train, or plane. The Attempt at a Solution /bus bus -train \plane...
  2. D

    Would you rather hit another car or a tree?

    I'm not really a bad student, but I just can't come up with an answer for this question: "You are driving along the highway and encounter an unavoidable situation. You must hit either an identical car moving toward you at the same velocity, or a large tree. Which do you choose?" Obviously, I...
  3. F

    Frequency of Oscillation of a monkey hanging from a tree

    Homework Statement A gibbon, hanging onto a horizontal tree branch with one arm, swings with a small amplitude. The gibbon's center of mass is 0.410 m from the branch and its rotational inertia divided by its mass is I/m = 0.289 m2. Estimate the frequency of oscillation. Homework...
  4. M

    Does a Falling Tree Make a Sound if Unheard?

    I'm trying to put an end this age old question, but I want to translate it into form of an equation. SOME SAY: No, because "sound" is ears interpretation of those waves. I SAY: Yes, because it makes a "sound" (as defined by the vibrations). I'm going by textbook definition. It makes sound...
  5. C

    Can You Prove the Time Bound for ANDing N Signals with Varying Arrival Times?

    Homework Statement There are N signals that must be all ANDed together using two-input AND gates, and produce a result as fast as possible. The N signals arrive at different times (T1 to TN) An AND gate first waits for both input signals to arrive, and then takes 1 second to output the...
  6. U

    Solve for Initial Speed: Dropping Chestnuts from a Tree

    Homework Statement While sitting on a tree branch 10.0 m above the ground, you drop a chesnut. When the chestnut has fallen 2.5 m, you throw a second one straight down. What initial speed must you give the 2nd chestnut if they are both to reach the ground at the same time? Other variables...
  7. C

    Proving Binary Tree Properties: 2^(h-1) Leaf Nodes & 2^(h-1) - 1 Internal Nodes

    2 questions that came up in a past paper. A binary tree which is both full and complete and has h levels contains a total of 2^(h-1) leaf nodes. Prove that this is the case for all h > 0. Show that with h levels the number of internal nodes is 2^(h−1) − 1 proof by induction apparently...
  8. A

    How Much Does the Spring Shorten When the Partridge is Removed?

    A partridge of mass 5.05 kg is suspended from a pear tree by an ideal spring of negligible mass. When the partridge is pulled down 0.100 m below its equilibrium position and released, it vibrates with a period of 4.15 s. i figured out the first three parts, but part four has me stuck. What...
  9. D

    Divergent tree level Feynman diagrams?

    Hi everybody! I'm a new Physics Forums user and hope someone could help me out with my minor dilemma. I'm a PhD student in mathematical/theoretical physics and I' working on the Boltzmann equation in QFT. Up to now, there was no major emphasis on Feynamn diagrams - the approach was rather more...
  10. H

    Semantic Tree of Negated Conditional Statement

    Homework Statement Show the semantic tree of: \neg ( ( p_0 \rightarrow p_1 ) \rightarrow \neg ( p_1 \rightarrow p_2 ) ) Homework Equations \neg ( ( p_0 \rightarrow p_1 ) \rightarrow \neg ( p_1 \rightarrow p_2 ) ) The Attempt at a Solution I cannot understand its purpose...
  11. N

    BONG Man grows tree in lung. BONG
  12. S

    C/C++ Find Nearest Record in Binary Search Tree | C++ Implementation

    Hi everyone, i have a binary search tree proble, please help me.. * Find record with key x in the tree. If not found, return the two nearest records in the tree (in alphabetical order) * Return values: * FOUND: Return the address of the node in the tree which contains key x, set n1 =...
  13. T

    Statistics help, probability tree diagram

    Homework Statement Please can someone help me with this question, I am really stuck. I have drawn a tree diagram but I don't think it is correct, as it does not give the right answer. Can someone have a look at it and show me were I have gone wrong? Or show me what the tree diagram should...
  14. F

    Comp Sci How Can I Modify a C++ BST Implementation to Check for Duplicate Values?

    Homework Statement I am working on an assignment in which I have to add a method to my BST class which checks if a binary tree object is in fact a Binary Search tree. So (1) A left child must be smaller than the parent (2) A right child must be larger than the...
  15. srfriggen

    Does a tree exist if no one is there to observe it?

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  16. G

    Comparsion done at Level i on a tree

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  17. E

    Tree Creation Via Traversal Output

    Hi, I'm familiar with tree traversal alogirthms, post,pre and in-order. If you give me a tree I can print out the specified traversal of that tree. However, one thing I can't do is build a tree from a given output. For example, on my last test, my prof gave me this Question: A pre-order of a...
  18. B

    Static Equilibrium of a tree sapling

    Homework Statement Three forces are applied to a tree sapling, as shown in the figure, to stabilize it. If vector F A = 380 N and vector F B = 260 N, find vector F C in magnitude and direction. Homework Equations The Attempt at a...
  19. T

    Java Binary Tree java help please, with getRight and getLeft subtree.

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  20. M

    Drag Race Christmas Tree Design

    1. Homework Statement Question Details: A "Christmas Tree lighting system is used to start a drag race. The inputs to the system include a start button, a reset button, and two start line sensors. The outputs include lines for Red, Yellow, and Green lights and two Fault lights. When the...
  21. M

    Drag Race Christmas Tree Design

    Homework Statement Question Details: A "Christmas Tree lighting system is used to start a drag race. The inputs to the system include a start button, a reset button, and two start line sensors. The outputs include lines for Red, Yellow, and Green lights and two Fault lights. When the operator...
  22. J

    Calculating Rope Strain for 90' Tree Cut

    I have to cut a tree down that is 90' tall and weighs 12000 lbs. It is leaning 10 deg from vertical away from the direction of pull. My rope is tied at 50' up on the tree and the angle from horiz for the pull rope is 15 deg. I would like to how much strain will be on the rope as I cut the tree...
  23. J

    Pick A Better National Tree Than US Oak

    There are a lot of different kinds of trees in the US that we haven't driven to extinction yet. The Oak, one of these uneradicateable weeds, has been designated by act of Congress as the National Tree of the US. This is a wise choice in my opinion. My living room floor is covered with a...
  24. T

    Where can i find binary tree recursion manual

    where can i find a tutorial on binary tree recursion i searched in google: and there is no tutorials for this kind of stuff ??
  25. N

    Why is My Potted Christmas Tree Drying Out and Losing Needles?

    I have a potted tree that I bought last year, it was to be my Christmas tree for many years to come. Unfortunately it seems to be drying and the needles are falling off. Is this because it is root bound? Not getting enough water (I doubt this one)? Too much water? Not enough fertilizer...
  26. K

    Calculating Magnification of Christmas Tree Ornament

    Homework Statement A spherical Christmas tree ornament is 4.76 cm in diameter. What is the magnification of the image of an object placed 11.9 cm away from the ornament? Homework Equations f = .5* r (1/di) + (1/do) = 1/f m=-(di/do) The Attempt at a Solution f = .5*2.38 =...
  27. K

    What are the key decisions that shape our lives and how can we analyze them?

    Say you map out the entire decision tree of an individuals life starting from birth. Each node has N branches, where N is very large, and delta t approaching zero. Let's keep it finite density because we want some results. Now you trace out the individuals realized path outcome amongst...
  28. L

    Oldest Living Tree: National Geographic

    Just thought this was interesting...
  29. T

    Changing a tree into a list question

    i got a BST tree each node builded like this: typedef struct node node; struct node { int value; node *left,* right,*next; }; i need to change it into a sorted linked list from the smallest to the biggest. i can't use malloc and i can't change the anything in this tree i...
  30. D

    Distance cut in half infinitely (shooting an arrow at tree)

    (I looked for a Stupid Question section but couldn't find one anywhere - I apologize if this is the wrong section for this question.) If you shoot an arrow at a tree, the arrow will eventually travel half the distance between your bow and the tree. From that point, you could go on infinitely...
  31. ZapperZ

    VOTE Photo Contest - The Tree Of Life

    This promises to be a difficult contest to vote on since there are so many wonderful pictures. Still, please pick the picture that best represents our theme, which is on trees. Note that the participants were asked to submit a photo that has the tree/s as THE main subject, and not the scenery...
  32. A

    Is a Full Binary Tree's Internal Path Length Equal to Its External Path Length?

    The internal path length of a full binary tree is the sum, taken over all internal nodes of the tree, of the depth of each node. Likewise, the external path length is the sum, taken over all leaves of the tree, of the depth of each leaf. Consider a full binary tree with n internal nodes...
  33. ZapperZ

    PF PHOTO CONTEST - The Tree Of Life (9/13-9/19)

    The Tree Of Life This one should be easy. Pictures this week must be on trees. Trees (or a tree) must be the main subject of your picture, not the background scenery, the people in front of it, or anything else. Please note that fake trees do not qualify. Zz. Contest Rules: 1. Any...
  34. Y

    Binary Tree Algorithms: Generating Random Trees

    Does anybody know where i can get info on generating random binary trees? I've been checking a lot of publications and have come across the yule process and uniform method. The trees they are being applied to, however, are speciation trees and most of the stuff is incomprehensible to me. Can...
  35. D

    Collision of bullet with mass hung from tree

    a wooden tree trunk with A mass M=9.98kg is hung from a tree by a cord who's mass is irrelevant, it is hit by a bullet with a mass of m=0.02kg and is traveling at v1=500m/s. the bullet hits the trunk and immediately gets stuck in it, what is the maximum height that the trunk and the bullet in it...
  36. L

    Can Software Automatically Create Tree Diagrams from Research Paper References?

    Hello everyone! Quick question, anyone know of any computer codes that will take in a long list of block data linked to other lists of block data and will create tree diagrams? My specific problem is for documents (research papers) that reference other papers and so on. If not, should I...
  37. H

    What are some recommended tree visualization software options?

    Any suggestions for good tree visualization software? I'm thinking something along the likes of Treemap. Thanks!
  38. russ_watters

    Do Tree-Huggers Really Fling Poo?

    No, this quote is not about monkeys, it is about tree-huggers. Really. If you don't believe me, read the article!
  39. D

    Delete operation on binary search tree

    The following diagram is from the section in my notes titled "Operations on Binary Search Trees". Specifically it explains via pseudocode how to implement a delete function for a BST: What I don't understand in the 2nd box is why...
  40. L

    Explore the Tree of Life to All Species

    I was wondering if there was any resource out there that had a complete tree of life for all the species.
  41. L

    Solving 3-1 Trees: Proving Even # of Vertices & Finding Leaf #s

    please help solve tree problem... A tree is called a 3-1 tree if every vertex in the tress has degree equal to either 3 or 1. 1. Draw all 3-1 trees with four or fewer vertices of degree 3. 2. Prove that a 3-1 tree must have an even number of vertices. 3. Find a formula for the number of...
  42. C

    Finding the Ratio of Angles of Tree A & B

    Homework Statement Tree A is 10 m tall. Tree B is 60 m tall. You're standing on level ground at a position that is 25 m from tree A and 75 m from tree B. You're eye height is 1.5 m above the ground. Find the ratio of theta B/ theta A, of the angles (measured from the horizontal) at which you...
  43. C

    With what speed does the car then strike the tree?

    Homework Statement THe driver of a car slams on the brakes when he sees a tree blocking the road. The car slows uniformly with acceleration 5.10m/s^2 for 4.40s, making straight skid marks 64.6 m long ending at the tree. With what speed does the car then strike the tree? Homework Equations...
  44. S

    Constructing a binary tree from inorder and postorder traversals

    Homework Statement Construct the tree from the following traversals Preorder: EXAMFUN Inorder: MAFXUEN The Attempt at a Solution E / \ X N...
  45. T

    Java How to Calculate Leaf Node Difference in a Binary Tree Using Recursion?

    there is a given binary tree each of member are of a Node type class Node { int info; Node left; Node right; } in the info part of each node we have a number. in each one of his leaves we have some number and in each one of its roots (crossroads) we have zeros. my gole is to...
  46. B

    Is There a User-Friendly Program for Creating Truth Trees?

    I'm looking for a simple program that will create truth trees for me. You see graphics like this ( all the time, but I can't believe anybody would be fiddling around on MS Paint...
  47. F

    Calculating Impact Force and oil well tree

    I was wondering if anybody could help me. I need to calculate the impact force exerted on an rov if it collides with a oil well tree. The information I have are the mass of the rov = 500 kg, initial velocity othe rov is 1.5 m/s and the oil well tree is a fixed body. I am unsure how to calculate...
  48. H

    C/C++ Code : Binary Search Tree C++

    #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> #include <stdio.h> void main() { struct znode // binary search tree node { int data; // data type is integer struct znode * left; // left subtree struct...
  49. N

    Maple Growing a Maple Tree From Seeds

    Anyone have any advice on starting/growing sugar maples from seeds? I bought some seeds a little while ago, and followed the directions on the package, but they never sprouted. The package said to put them in the fridge for a few months, then plant them. I did that with no luck, so I was...
  50. wolram

    Half Man Half Tree: Discovery Documentary

    Just watched this on discovery, the guy had a weak immune system which allowed massive wart growths on his hands and feet. Another was the man with no face, he had tumours bigger than his head on his face worth watching but horrible.