Tube Definition and 884 Threads

A vacuum tube, electron tube, valve (British usage) or tube (North America) is a device that controls electric current flow in a high vacuum between electrodes to which an electric potential difference has been applied.
The type known as a thermionic tube or thermionic valve uses the phenomenon of thermionic emission of electrons from a hot cathode and is used for a number of fundamental electronic functions such as signal amplification and current rectification. Non-thermionic types, such as a vacuum phototube however, achieve electron emission through the photoelectric effect, and are used for such purposes as the detection of light intensities. In both types, the electrons are accelerated from the cathode to the anode by the electric field in the tube.
The simplest vacuum tube, the diode, invented in 1904 by John Ambrose Fleming, contains only a heated electron-emitting cathode and an anode. Electrons can only flow in one direction through the device—from the cathode to the anode. Adding one or more control grids within the tube allows the current between the cathode and anode to be controlled by the voltage on the grids.These devices became a key component of electronic circuits for the first half of the twentieth century. They were crucial to the development of radio, television, radar, sound recording and reproduction, long-distance telephone networks, and analog and early digital computers. Although some applications had used earlier technologies such as the spark gap transmitter for radio or mechanical computers for computing, it was the invention of the thermionic vacuum tube that made these technologies widespread and practical, and created the discipline of electronics.In the 1940s, the invention of semiconductor devices made it possible to produce solid-state devices, which are smaller, more efficient, reliable, durable, safer, and more economical than thermionic tubes. Beginning in the mid-1960s, thermionic tubes were being replaced by the transistor. However, the cathode-ray tube (CRT) remained the basis for television monitors and oscilloscopes until the early 21st century. Thermionic tubes are still used in some applications, such as the magnetron used in microwave ovens, certain high-frequency amplifiers, and amplifiers that audio enthusiasts prefer for their "warmer" tube sound.
Not all electronic circuit valves/electron tubes are vacuum tubes. Gas-filled tubes are similar devices, but containing a gas, typically at low pressure, which exploit phenomena related to electric discharge in gases, usually without a heater.

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  1. Planobilly

    Need ideas for a LED Pilot light for a tube amp

    Hi, Is there any reason I should not use the 5VAC or the 6.3VAC taps on the power transformer and design a rectifier circuit to power a LED? Thanks, Billy Be back in a bit
  2. A

    A Contact Angle of Immiscible Liquids in a Tube

    I'm having trouble finding any sources which describe how to accurately measure the contact angle between immiscible liquids in a tube. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. J

    Speed of Hydrogen combustion out of a tube?

    Hello, I was curious about how to calculate how fast the escape velocity of hydrogen out of a tube/cylinder would be. Once end of the cylinder is closed, the other is open, obviously. Assume the cylinder is full of hydrogen at 1 atm. My thought is that you could use PV=NRT to calculate the...
  4. T

    I Siphoning through a straight tube

    Hi y'all, I am currently doing research in nuclear physics dealing with cryogenics. We want to pre cool the inner most part of a dewar with liquid nitrogen before we put liquid helium in since it's quite expensive. Once the nitrogen stops boiling off and reaches somewhat of an equilibrium, the...
  5. S

    Cross section change and failure of tube

    Hey, working on something for a personal project and was wondering if you could point me in the right direction. I have a 47 inch hollow steel tube that I'm going to cut the end 6 inches into a half circle tube . I have a load of 200 lb at the top and am wondering how about I would quickly...
  6. Planobilly

    How is it possible to run a 12AX7 vacuum tube at 415VDC?

    Hi, Here is the schematic link: The 12AX7 inverter tube has a measured plate voltage of 416 VDC just like the schematic indicates. V1a rail voltage is 394VDC with a 200K plate resistor and a...
  7. Tardis Traveller

    Maximum angle of the refracted light beam

    Homework Statement A light ray falls from the air (##n_a=1##) into the center of the upper surface of a long cilindrical glass tube with an index of refraction ##n_t=3/2##. The tube is submerged into water all the way to the upper edge and the waters index of refraction is ##n_w=4/3##. What is...
  8. Planobilly

    Effect of placing twisted wire in a Stainless tube

    Consider 12 inches of 22 g twisted insulated copper wire with a 1 amp AC current at 6.2 volts. The idea is to reduce the magnetic field effect on near by components. Would placing this wire in a stainless steel tube reduce the magnetic field? Can this be proven with a Gaussmeter? Note: I see...
  9. Planobilly

    Questions about vacuum tube data sheets

    Hi, Here is a typical data sheet for a commonly used 6l6GC tube. Under typical characteristics (in this data sheet) a value of Ra and Ra-a are given. I assume Ra-a means Za-a and it could also be written as Zout. Is this a correct assumption...
  10. A

    Cathode Coatings for Electron Emission: Investigating Materials and Techniques

    Homework Statement What 3 materials is the cathode coated with, from which the electron originate? Homework Equations None The Attempt at a Solution From what I managed to find, I think some may be nickel and barium but I'm not sure.
  11. Nile Anderson

    Determining the Wavelength of Sound using Resonance Tube

    Homework Statement [/B]Homework Equations I honestly do not know any relevant equations for this relationship. Well except f=v/2l. The Attempt at a Solution The only thing I could assume that it was was some sort of error , but I cannot find much material on the topic , so I was hoping to get...
  12. faradayscat

    How Does Air Pressure Affect Fluid Levels in a U-Shaped Tube?

    Homework Statement [/B] Suppose we have a u-shaped tube filled with water, with oil added at one end which disturbs the equilibrium. Now say one end is blocked off and the other is exposed to air flow which reduces the pressure above the water and causes the water to climb back to equilibrium...
  13. T

    B How Tube Size & Openings Impact Water Flow

    What affects how fast the water come out of the tube?(size of tube, size of opening where the water enters, etc) thanks in advance.
  14. V

    Moment of force exerted by water on tube

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Bernoulli's equation : ##P + \frac{1}{2}ρv^2 + ρgh ## = constant The Attempt at a Solution The pressure at the interface is ##P_{int} = P_0 + ρgH## . Applying bernoulli's equation between point at the interface of two liquids and exit of the tube ...
  15. G

    Bearing Stress of Hollow Tube w/ Pin & Force

    For a hollow tube inside a hollow tube, with a pin passing through both and a force pushing down on the innermost tube, what would the bearing stress be on the holes (assuming tube wall thickness is equal)? Would the equivalent reaction force be F/4 since the pin is passing through 4 holes? So...
  16. B

    X-ray Tube Output: 80μGy/mAs at 1m, 900µGy/s @1m

    Homework Statement (The question is in the image attached) (c) An X-ray unit in the cardiac catheter labs has an output of 80µGy/mAs at 1 meter when the unit is set at 100 kVp. After adding 0.3mm Cu to the beam the photon intensity is reduced to a quarter and tends to vary in proportion to...
  17. S

    I Amount of energy in wind blowing through a tube

    If wind was blowing through a tube at 15 kilometers an hour from an open end 2 meters wide to a tapered end only .3 meters wide how fast would the air be moving when it exits the pipe? I'm using the equation Q = v * A (Q is flow, v is velocity and A is area of the tube opening) but is that the...
  18. K

    Terminal Velocity of magnet down a copper tube

    Homework Statement I[/B] I am trying to find an equation that relates the velocity of 3 magnet when it falls down a copper tube to my measurement. The length of the copper tube is L=0.24m, The total mass of the 3 magnet is m = 4.98x10-3kg magnetic flux density B = 428mT, the thickness of the...
  19. H

    I What is the effect of a square transparent rectangle on the meniscus in a tube?

    Hi, I was wondering about the meniscus we get in a round tube, like a test tube or a boiling tube, or even a classic measuring cylinder. If we have a square transparent rectangle with water in - would this at all reduce the effect of the meniscus? How else is the effect of the meniscus reduced...
  20. Planobilly

    How do I modify this bias circuit Mesa Nomad 45 tube amp

    Hi guys, I was given this Mesa Boogie Nomad 45 chassis. I repaired it yesterday and have it working more or less well. Mesa does not install adjustable bias in any of their amps. I want to install a trimmer pot to control the bias. Where in the circuit should I place the trimmer resistor and...
  21. Salvador

    Do Vacuum Tube Amplifiers Emit X-Rays at Lower Voltages and Frequencies?

    I recently got an older tube amplifier , since ti was dirty from being left for a long time in an old shed i took the covers off and cleaned it , now I am listening it also with the covers off , everything works etc. Now I wonder do tubes at lower voltages and lower frequencies such as in the...
  22. prashant singh

    What Happens When You Connect a 10,000 V Supply to a Normal Tube Light?

    suppose I connect a 10,000 v supply to a normal tube light. what will happen? will it behave like a cathode ray tube or something else
  23. Planobilly

    Need Some Guidance For Testing Process On Vacuum Tube Amp

    Hi Guys, I am having issues trying to repair this amp. A little history is in order I guess. I have not been working on guitar amps for too long, several months now. I have repaired perhaps fifty or so...
  24. SDewan

    Capillary rise in tube of insufficient length

    When there is Capillary rise in tube of insufficient length, why does not the liquid overflow?
  25. P

    This formula is applicable for a point charge distribution.

    1. The problem: A Geiger-Mueller tube is part of a Geiger counter, a device used to count the number of ionizing particles passing through it. It consists of a conducting outer cylinder held at zero electric potential with a thin central wire held at an electric potential of roughly 1000 volts...
  26. T

    Use of draft tube in Francis turbine to increase output

    Work output(deal) for a hydraulic machine per kg of incoming fluid is V(TANGENTIAL)*SPEED OF BLADE (assuming zero out swirl velocity. Draft tube causes static pressure ont runner outlet to fall below zero. Thus available head is increased by an amount equal to this drop. But power output from...
  27. G

    [optics] How to transport light/image in narrow tube

    Hello there! I'm new on the forum and english is not my first language. I'm working on an art project and I wonder if there's any mean by which I can transport the light from an illuminated scene across a small tube (let say not larger than 5 cm in diameter) and over some distance (let say 2...
  28. T

    Thistle tube height when setting up gas generator

    For a gas generator like this, I have seen diagrams of the thistle tube in the water, below the other tube or above it, where is it meant to be? Also, where is the other tube meant to be because I have seen it in multiple positions. Thanks!
  29. G

    Downward Turbulent Flow in a Vertical Tube: Pressure Change

    "For a particular flow rate, the pressure drop due to the downward flow of the fluid is balanced by the pressure gain due to gravity—that is, at this flow rate, the static pressure in the pipe is independent of the distance along the pipe." Book says this. Can you explain how the pressure...
  30. V

    Microwave tube mechanism of heating

    Hello, first of all, I understand, how microwave tube works but I'm interesting in how exactly the microwave heat up a things? What's the matter inside. I have heard about increasing energy of molecules of water by polarization them by micro-wave. But I have got a plate which is not from...
  31. Andrew Wang

    Cathode Ray Tube and magnetic field Question

    Homework Statement A cathode ray tube (CRT), consisting of an electron gun and a screen, is placed within a uniform constant magnetic field of magnitude B such that the magnetic field is parallel to the beam axis of the gun, as shown in figure...
  32. marcbodea

    Heated air below mercury pushes it out of glass tube

    Homework Statement vertical glass tube with height of 2H. H is 760mm. the lower half is full of an unknown gas. the upper half is full of mercury. The gas gets heated so it pushes the mercury out of the glass tube. What temperature must the gas be heated to? here is the photo if, for some...
  33. D

    Askew Pitot tube, airplane velocity measurement

    Homework Statement A horizontal Pitot tube (with one end open for airflow and another closed) is accidentally installed into an airplane askew, so that the tube is not horizontal. Instead the closed tube end is higher (in the y-direction of a xy-plane) than the inlet end. How does this affect...
  34. S

    Shell & Tube Falling Film Evaporator Nickel Tubes Collapsed

    An unfortunate incident happened at our triple effect caustic evaporator (32w.t% to 51w.t%). The third effect (highlighted red) where major steam (~12-13bar depending on flowrate) assisted evaporation take place, here for some reason Ni tubes get severely collapsed, while the plant was offline...
  35. Sarah00

    Medicine & Physics -- Question about chest tube suction techniques

    Homework Statement Hi, I'm a junior doctor. It's been so long since I had physics! I've question about tube that's placed in chest cavity to drain air/fluid/etc. The second bottle, is under-water seal bottle. I know that its purpose is to prevent air moving TO the patient. but how? The "trap...
  36. L

    Exploring Fluid Oscillations in V-Tube: Does the Angle Matter?

    Homework Statement Basically, the goal of the "project" is to find the equation for oscillation of a "fractionless" fluid in a v-shaped tube, regarding the angle. I know how to solve the same problem regarding a u-shaped tube, but in this case, I can't figure out where to place the angle in the...
  37. Ian Limjap

    Heat transfer -- length of the tube required to heat water....

    Homework Statement Water flowing at the rate 3.5 kg s−1 through a tube with an inner diameter of 2 cm is to be heated from 20 to 40◦C. If the tube wall temperature is maintained at 90◦C, determine the length of the tube required. Homework Equations Q'=Cp*m*(DeltaT) Q=2*pi*r*L*Q' The Attempt...
  38. Nemika

    Cathode ray tube- thermionic emission

    I have just learned about the cathode ray tube in the class room. There is a part called electron gun in it which emits electrons and these electrons finally strike the fluorescent screen.(I hope its correct till here.) But I want to ask that won't there be a loss of electrons in this process...
  39. kostoglotov

    Why is the open end of a tube a node for a standing wave?

    I understand, from my textbook, that certain frequencies of sound (depending on the length of the tube) will reflect off the interface between the air in the tube and the air outside, that this interface is a discontinuity. But in all other cases where discontinuities caused (partial)...
  40. D

    Dynamic pressure and pitot tube

    Hello, Normally a pitot tube points in the direction of airflow so that it measures static and dynamic airflow. If it points in the opposite direction my assumption is that it will not measure the dynamic pressure but will only measure the static pressure. Is this correct?
  41. J

    Can this Steel tube size hold this weight safley?

    Hi, I need some advice on what steel tubing to go for. I have either 65x35x2mm or 50x25x2mm. The steel tube is 2.4M & stays in upright/vertical position, with an extended 40cm long piece horizontal on top holding some weight between 30-40KG for some time. I would like to go the 50x25x2mm as...
  42. B

    Cathode Ray Tube with magnetic field

    Homework Statement A solenoid is placed beneath a CRT that produces a magnetic field of 1.10 x -2. The CRT is 1 meter away from a screen. The electrons that make up the beam were accelerated from rest through a potential difference(V) at the beginning of the CRT. Acceleration of the electrons...
  43. L

    Change in pressure of a gas inside a tube

    Homework Statement A U-shaped tube of uniform section "S" has one extreme closed and the other one open to the atmosphere. The tube contains mercury (M) in the central part, a gas (G) to the left that exerts a pressure "p" and a column of water (W) of height h_w to the right. Then, a mass "m"...
  44. E

    Can a Vortex Tube Be Reversed to Generate Compressed Air?

    If atmospheric pressure hot and cold air are sent into the opposing sides of a vortex tube (the ports normally used for gas outlet), will compressed air be generated/released from the hole/port normally used for gas input? The reverse of the system above (cold and hot air enter from opposing...
  45. F

    Why are startup sources typically not used in BWRs?

    Why doesn't the ceramic pellets react with each other in the fuel tube when it is being fabricated?
  46. B

    Building a Flow Bench - Testing Cylinder Heads with a Pitot Tube

    Hello everyone, I'm in the process of building a flow bench to test cylinder heads. What I'm after is to make a pitot tube to measure port velocity. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  47. N

    What Variables Can Be Changed in a Cathode Ray Tube Experiment?

    For my year 12 physics EEI (extended experimental investigation) i need to develop some sort of experiment with variables i can change to retrieve data from. I have a basic cathode ray tube from a few months ago much like the one in this video: . Does anyone have any idea of what variables i...
  48. R

    Electrometer tube in UHF apllication

    Hello. Has someone ever been heard about using (in the past) an electrometer tube, for instance CK5886 as UHF preamplifier ?
  49. O

    Statically indeterminate tube in Torsion

    Hey guys. It's been a long time since I've done anything beyond a simple shear stress calculation, so have what will hopefully be a basic question. I've found similar examples but not ones I was confident I could apply to mine. As per the dodgey paint sketch I've made below, I have this...
  50. Sachin Vaidya

    Light through a tube - Solid Angle (Oblique Cone)

    For a physics problem, I need to calculate the solid angle subtended by an oblique cone (cone where the apex does not lie on the line perpendicular to the cone's base from the center of the base). Consider the following problem: I have a 2D disk which emits light in an ever growing hemisphere...