Undergrad Definition and 909 Threads

  1. J

    Schools Undergrad transfer to a school i am interested in for grad school

    Hey all Currently i am in my sophomore year at University A. University B is also close by and has a better reputation for my major. I have been thinking about transferring to University B to finish out my undergrad but University B is one of the schools i have been considering for grad school...
  2. D

    Long term drawbacks to undergrad research?

    I was thinking about this earlier today: The last 10 years or so has seen a steady increase in undergraduate research activity and the prevalence of undergraduates contributing to published research articles. I think inevitably this will lead to publications being required, at least informally...
  3. N

    Should I Switch to a Physics Major for My Love of Space Sciences?

    So let me give you a little background on myself first. I'm 19, I live in Alberta, Canada, and I'm currently in my first year of college taking "Environmental Sciences". I chose that program basically because I met the requirements and it was the easiest route for me to take without upgrading...
  4. S

    Advice for a young undergrad lusting after an older grad student?

    Long story short, I am currently an undergraduate at a public college and I, as high school-ish as it sounds, have a big crush on my former TA. He's funny, cute, and a math grad student, which is EXACTLY my 'type' but those of you who have experience with these types of guys know that they can...
  5. C

    Which Math Classes Should I Take to Be Well-Rounded?

    hey, I am trying to pick 2 out of these 4 classes. I want to be a well rounded under grad math major. I am in my second year and have done 2 semesters of analysis, 1 abstract algebra, 1 number theory, 2 stats, 1 complex analysis. these are the choices I have narrowed my options down to. I am...
  6. P

    How to do undergrad research in EE

    Hi! I want suggestions/guidence about how to carry out research in Electrical engineering at undergrad level? What constitutes for being a good research student in this field? I need detailed guidence. Thanks.
  7. K

    Stereotypical Physics Undergrad?

    Hi! I know everyone pretty much comes on here asking the same things, but I'm getting pretty confused and upset and thought I'd post. Since my junior year of high school I've wanted to be a physics major. Unfortunately I'm not one of those genius kids who do nothing but problem sets and...
  8. G

    Where to go for Physics undergrad

    I am trying to decide between Williams and Yale for physics. What are peoples thoughts on each program? I might double major in math too.
  9. M

    Trying to self-learn undergrad calculus & physics?

    I have finished my undergraduate degree in OCEANOGRAPHY where we used equations (but did not have to derive them) and I read up on maths concepts (e.g. Fourier transforms) but didnt learn them in class. I am looking to take a MASTERS in physical oceanography. I have not formally studied maths...
  10. X

    A good book on QFT for an undergrad

    Im still in 2year college, and studyin QM alone, would like to know a good book for QFT that I can understand. I have some questions that seems can only be answered with QFT, right now, I am half way through the Griffith's QM book..! thx a lot guys..!
  11. A

    For Undergrad: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, Stanford?

    I'm just wondering, but if you are a good student at HYPMS or maybe even UPenn, is there a good chance of earning near 100K fresh out of college? Or is this just a big misconception that most ambitious high school students have?
  12. C

    Which Texas University Offers the Best Physics Program for an Undergrad?

    Texas undergrad, choices Some quick background info: I'm about to leave the Marine Corps and go back to Texas. I left Sam Houston State a few years ago with 60 hours towards a BA in Philosophy. I've decided that I want to major in Physics. There are quite a few reasons for that decision, but...
  13. P

    Undergrad Research (how to make it work for you)

    I have had some limited research experience which resulted in me being a second author on the paper. I was not given any influence on the direction of the work or the actual paper though, and I now consider it to be a poor paper and the work to be completely lacking in direction. This...
  14. W

    Undergrad Research: Tips & Advice for Physics Majors

    Hey guys I'm a sophomore undergraduate majoring in physics and I would at some point in my career work in particle physics or condensed matter physics. If I want to go into this area of study, how do you guys suggest I try to get involved in some undergraduate research. I need a lot of help...
  15. J

    Small relatively unknown undergrad

    I'm currently a sophomore math major at a locally known, but nationally unheard of public liberal arts college. Recently, I've decided that I want to pursue a graduate degree in math. I was looking around at various institutions, and a couple listed the schools that incoming PhD students were...
  16. I

    Would a year abroad during my undergrad degree increase my employability?

    I'm about to start a 4-year Masters degree in Physics at Imperial College London, which supposedly includes a Year spent in Europe, working on a research project. Recently however I am beginning to doubt myself as to whether it is worth spending that year abroad as I will have to spend a...
  17. D

    Undergrad Research: Getting Involved in Research

    I'll be finishing up my freshman year shortly and want to get involved in research as early as possible, in order to establish relationships/connections and to make myself a more appealing grad school candidate in the future. My question is: Is it acceptable to simply contact a researcher at my...
  18. Y

    Schools High school through Undergrad Math Outline

    Hi, first time poster. I apologize if this topic has been done over and over, but I couldn't find an answer that suited my needs. So anyway, I've decided to return to college at age 30. I originally went for CompSci and dropped out to cash in on the dot com craze. That went well until a...
  19. R

    Schools Astrophysics undergrad + grad school

    Hey everyone. I've been looking into top universities for astrophys in the EU or Australia (English speaking - of course) but haven't found many choices. I still have quite some time before college (undergrad) but want to get all the information I can before I do something I regret. If anyone...
  20. D

    Programs Best Undergrad Majors for TAM PhD & Research Options to Explore

    So, I want to major in TAM (Theoretical and Applied Mechanics) for my graduate degree which would be a PhD. I'm wondering what kind of major for undergrad would be best for that since the university I want to go to doesn't offer that as an undergrad major. The relevant undergrad majors would be...
  21. E

    Which Midwest Colleges Have Strong Physics Programs?

    I'm a high school senior looking into colleges and I'm having trouble picking out good choices for physics programs. I live in Chicago and I'm looking into schools around the Midwest. My record ACT:32 GPA: 94.2 (My school is weird and they don't like the 4.0 scale) My course load is...
  22. N

    Chances of Going to a US Univ. with Low Undergrad Grades & 1 Recommendation

    Hello friends,I am doing my MSc equivalent coursework in Physics in a reputed research Institute in India.However,I do not want to continue here (Ph.D).The thing is that they would not give me an MS if I wish to leave. I wish to appear for general G.R.E and subject G.R.E next year (2010)...
  23. Ben Espen

    Salary survey for undergrad degress in the United States

    For those of you aspiring scientists and engineers in the United States, here arehttp://www.payscale.com/best-colleges/degrees.asp" . This is the kind of information I wished I had when I was in school, so I wanted to share. For those with a bachelor's degree alone [such as myself] the...
  24. X

    How much math is needed as an undergrad to de theoretical physics?

    If I'm interested in going to grad school to do theoretical physics how much math am I expected to pick up as an undergrad? I know theory requires a lot more math than experiment but how much more and do I need to do it while I'm still an undergrad or will I be able to pick it up along the way...
  25. C

    Schools Undergrad at a research university: what's it like?

    I'm trying to wrap my head around college admissions as I start my junior year in high school. Since my primary interest is in math, I'm thinking of an applied math major (but other hard sciences and engineering are also likely possibilities). I want to do undergrad research and/or...
  26. M

    Schools Navigating Grad School After Non-Ivy Undergrad Experience

    Hey all, I just graduated from a small-ish northeastern private liberal arts university known more for it's law and communications departments than it's science education. It's a fairly respectable school but a small physics department, about 50 students in total. I plan on taking a year...
  27. M

    Ways/Ideas for an Undergrad to be a Better Physicist?

    Just looking for some general advice or ideas for an undergrad physics student to get further into the field. I'm not asking for short cuts or anything but suggestions like 'find a mentor' or 'get involved in research' or even 'make sure you understand your problem sets' have helped immensely...
  28. R

    Creating my own Undergrad Cirruculum

    This is a cross-post to another sub-forum. I'm not certain if this is against the rules around here, but I am looking for help from a broad (yet focused) group of people: namely, physicists, mathematicians, and in particular, quantum physicists. Essentially, I am joining the Independent...
  29. M

    Schools Best physics university for undergrad?

    I know this forum is for grad school, but which are the top few colleges for undergrad physics? I am also looking forward to learning quantum mechanics, the layman books just intrigue me! Which colleges teach that topic well?
  30. C

    Computer Science undergrad. in Canada - Small uni vs Big uni

    Greetings, Recently, while for what must be the thousandth time, I've rethought my plans for university, and discovered that studying something I've always been very interested in - Computer Science, software design and development - is an actual possibility. For some reason, I've never...
  31. H

    Is Undergrad Research Outside of My Major Worth It for Grad School Admissions?

    Hey all. I am going to be a fifth year senior next year majoring in applied math - scientific computing. I originally began my college career stubbornly thinking I was going to get a B.Sc. in some biology related discipline. However, due to a general lack of interest in biology and bad study...
  32. C

    Programs Undergrad mathematics major - what kind of jobs might I end up with?

    I'm a junior in high school looking at colleges. I've recently become very interested in the idea of a mathematics major. My research has led me to the usual suspects, and I've heard that math majors often work in the following: Actuary CompSci Education Finance Mathematician...
  33. P

    Finding Part Time Work for Undergrad Physics Students

    I am currently an undergraduate studying physics, and am looking to get a part time job to make money. Are there any jobs that would be relevant and useful to a carreer as a physicist that someone with no college degree could get?
  34. S

    Undergrad Theoretical Physics/Astrophysics Books

    I was looking for some undergrad books covering topics that you would learn in a university as an undergrad in the fields of theoretical physics and theoretical astrophysics. I would also like to know what maths the books require.
  35. J

    Which Is Better for EE: University of Michigan or Georgia Tech?

    Ok I have been accepted by university of michigan (ann arbor) as well as george tech(atlanta) for EE. Any advise to choose one from the other is welcome. Thanks.
  36. E

    Schools Math and Physics undergrad to EE Graduate school?

    Hi, I'm going to be entering my senior year of undergrad and I'm pursuing a math and physics degree. I've got a good, high GPA, and really enjoy all of the math classes I've been in. Physics, however (especially particle physics and classical mechanics) were not so enjoyable. With respect to...
  37. W

    Masters After Undergrad vs. Part-Time While Working

    Hey, In the opinions of the members of this forum, which is more beneficial in the long-run: Pursuing a masters degree (MSEE) directly after undergrad or working for a company with tuition reimbursement for about 6 months and doing it part time. I figure that the 30 credit hours needed for...
  38. C

    Schools Recommend a college for undergrad math or engineering

    Hello all! I am a rising high school junior in Alaska who needs to start making a list of colleges to consider for undergraduate study. Here's some quick info about me: - Should have 9 AP classes by graduation (including Calc AB, BC, Stats, Physics, and Chem) - 4.0 unweighted GPA up to...
  39. P

    What to do as an undergrad if I want to go for theory?

    Hey all, So, if I'm an undergrad, going onto his senior year, who doesn't have any research experience or anything shiny like that, and wants to be a theoretical physicist, what should I do? Should I just suck it up and do research in a lab?
  40. L

    Schools Help choosing universities for undergrad physics

    I heard it doesn't matter, but still there are differences in between schools. I was accepted into U of T Scarborough, UofT Mississauga, Queens, McMaster and Waterloo (co-op) for physics. I am interested in a math/physics major and in pursuing a career as a physicist or mathematician. Do...
  41. M

    Undergrad: ooptics vs electronics?

    Hey. As an upper level "lab" kindof class I am asked tot take either optics or electronics. To be honest, I wasn't a sucker for circuits in my other physics classes so instead I chose optics because I liked that part of my physics classes. However, would not choosing electronics put me behind...
  42. M

    Programs Condensed Matter Physics, best undergrad major/classes for it?

    I've been researching CMP and it looks really interesting. I'm getting to the point of where I need to decide on my major. I'm a sophomore and have most core classes done. I understand that I won't be dealing with CMP until Grad School, but what kinda classes/major would help most in CMP as an...
  43. E

    How can a school's undergrad be so diff from its grad?

    For example: (US's best undergrad mech. engineering) http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/college/spec-mechanical (US's best grad mech. engineering) http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-engineering-schools/mechanical-engineering I really...
  44. F

    Undergrad books for physics and math

    I was wondering if you people knew any good book for undergrad physics(mechanics,gravitation,Heat and thermo all topics covered in halliday resnick) I already have Irodov. Do you know any other book of its level. I am alos searching for a a tough undergrad books for trigo,calculus and algebra
  45. S

    Programs Physics undergrad degree (→theoretical high energy physics) in the US?

    I am currently a high school student (in my final year) in South Africa. I am passionate about physics, and can frankly see myself following no other career path. Ultimately it is my goal to become a theoretical high energy physicist. (And then unify quantum mechanics with general relativity...
  46. D

    Schools Peace Core+ Physics Undergrad = ? Grad school?

    Peace Core+ Physics Undergrad = ? Grad school? So, I am two years younger than the rest of my undergraduate peers. I will graduate from undergrad at age 19, hopefully with a decent GPA and high GRE scores (I usually do well on standardized tests), as well as research experience starting from...
  47. H

    Programs Problems with a 3 year undergrad degree

    hi, I am an undergrad student in India doing my second year(physics) at the chennai mathematical institute. I have done a few courses in General Relativity and Cosmology and am doing projects during this summer. I understand that most US universities are not willing to take 3 year undergrads...
  48. N

    Engineering Need help deciding on an engineering major (undergrad)

    I'm currently a freshman engineering student in my second semester and am currently in materials science engineering. So far I've just taken the core engineering courses such as general chemistry, organic chemistry, calculus (up to multivariable), and physics (mechanics, waves, thermodynamics...
  49. C

    Is it pointless for me to do undergrad research?

    I currently plan on graduating next fall semester, with a physics B.A. my main concern is when I plan on applying to grad school next fall for mechanical engineering, probably for a M.S. in fluid mechanics or heat transfer. Is it a good idea to do it at a different school from my undergrad...
  50. Y

    Schools Undergrad for physics grad school?

    Hello all, I am a rising sophomore at Appalachian State University, but have come to realize that the school is not for me. I have decided to transfer to ECU, which is much closer to home, for several reasons. Although ECU is a pretty good school (from what I've seen), it does have a...