Undergrad Definition and 909 Threads

Undergraduate education is education conducted after secondary education and prior to postgraduate education. It typically includes all postsecondary programs up to the level of a bachelor's degree. For example, in the United States, an entry-level university student is known as an undergraduate, while students of higher degrees are known as graduate students. In some other educational systems, undergraduate education is postsecondary education up to the level of a master's degree; this is the case for some science courses in Britain and some medicine courses in Europe.

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  1. S

    Research Topics in Quantum Dots for Undergrad Summer Research?

    What Can be some Good Research Topics in Optical Applications of Quantum Dots? I'm Presently doing my B.Sc in electronics & require to Propose an Interesting Research Write-up for Summer Research(Duration~2 months). Personally I find Quantum Dots suits my Level of Understanding of Quantum...
  2. A

    Should the average undergrad be able to solve most of Griffiths' QM problems?

    I am a third year physics major and am studying quantum mechanics using Griffiths' textbook. I can do most of the problems with one star or no stars with relatively little effort, but a lot of the problems with three stars I find very difficult and I cannot do them at all. For the average...
  3. N

    Schools Biomathematics major in undergrad for computational neuroscience in grad school?

    What do you think about a major such as bioinformatics versus a major in physics and minor in mathematics or a major in 'cell biology& neuroscience' w/ minor in computer science in terms of preparing me for computational neuroscience -- taking in mind that I've completed courses such as linear...
  4. I

    Schools Will undergrad transfer hurt choices of Grad School?

    I'm currently a returning undergrad studying Physics at Penn State but I'm thinking about transferring to a smaller state school (Kutztown). I still have to take 2 years of my major classes to finish. My reason for transferring is to save money. Will graduating from a smaller/less known school...
  5. I

    Can I Transition from Engineering Undergrad to Physics Graduate Studies?

    So right now I'm a senior in high school. I intended to major in engineering physics at Cornell and probably also pursue a theoretical physics double major there as well. However, I also want to go to Cambridge for my masters/doctorate in physics. Since it gives no financial aid to international...
  6. B

    When to ask professors about undergrad summer research opportunities

    How far in advance should I contact professors about available summer research opportunities? For example, should I wait until a few weeks before summer begins? Right now seems like it'd be way too early. Thanks.
  7. M

    How often do you study each night in EE undergrad? Weedays? Weekends?

    I'm really interested in EE and want to maintain a high gpa. I hear that EEs tend to study more in their majors. I need to work atleast 25-30 hours a week to support myself.
  8. B

    Programs Can a Pure Math undergrad get into an Applied Math PhD program?

    I want to get my undergraduate in Pure math (I've taken and will take some additional CS courses). My question is, would I still be a competitive candidate for a PhD program in computational biology? (mathematical modelling of biological/behavioral/social systems) or should I really get my...
  9. T

    Engineer wants to self learn undergrad physics

    Okay, first of all I am hoping I have posted this in the correct place. So the background is the following, I currently have an engineering degree but wish to actually expand my knowledge more in the physics side of things.I just would like to know a level of physics up to undergrad standard...
  10. Z

    Schools Mathematics undergrad university choices help

    I've applied to five different universities (UK) and have started to receive offers. I'm having a hard time to decide which of the university to choose, as before applying I always had the idea in my head that your mathematics education doesn't really matter, and if you're good at maths then you...
  11. B

    Is it Worth Repeating Undergrad for a Better GPA and Top Grad School Acceptance?

    I'm a 4th year student in a university in Canada, studying pure math. My GPA so far is barely about 3.0/4.0. I was young and totally screwed my undergraduate years. I have planned to go to grad school right after I graduate, but these days I feel so regretful about my GPA that even makes me want...
  12. MathWarrior

    Courses Upper divsion undergrad course in geometry?

    I was just wondering they have a course at my university and I am trying to figure out what exactly it covers. Most people learn basic geometry in high-school so I was surprised to find a course for mathematics majors that is an upper division course in geometry at the college level. The course...
  13. T

    Importance of undergrad research

    Alright, so I have a question that's really been bothering me. Suppose you're an undergrad, and you've done research for a year or two. And you've been fairly successful under two groups so you know what research is like. Then what is the point of being pushed ("encouraged") to do MORE...
  14. O

    Canadian undergrad physics in general and why not SFU?

    Continuing the thread I had about undergrad programs in Canada: https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?p=4081305#post4081305 In this thread I got very few different answers. Most of the answers I got were about SFU. The more I heard about SFU the more it got me excited, but then I...
  15. T

    Job Skills Undergrad Resume for an Internship (Junior)

    I am an undergraduate student, pursuing a B.S. in Nuclear Engineering at Rolla (Missouri S&T). I transferred here, and have been attending classes for about a month now. My studies in Nuclear Engineering are limited to the past month here at Rolla. We have a Nuclear Career Fair this coming...
  16. H

    Need a good real analysis book for undergrad intro course

    Need a good real analysis book for undergrad "intro" course I'm a computational math major (double majoring with MechE) and basically I'm required to take an "intro" (400 level) real analysis sequence with the comp. math department. This course is shaping up to be an incredibly nasty surprise...
  17. T

    Looking for undergrad communication research topics

    Hi, I'm a junior year electrical engineering student with communication major. Within 3 or 4 months i'll have to select a research topic. Can anyone help me with some latest topics? It is bad luck for me, I'm not adroit with circuits.:mad: Actually, I'm very much interested in physics and from...
  18. O

    Schools Deciding undergrad physics university in Canada

    Hello, I am from Israel (English speaker, so don't take it in account) looking to study towards an undergrad degree in Canada. Eventually my dream is to become a theoretical physicist. I am NOT looking for a so called "re-known" university. Don't understand me wrong, I am not a slacker looking...
  19. C

    Advice on Math Subjects for Undergrad & Grad Studies

    Hey guys, long time lurker, first time poster here. I'm nearing the end of the first year of my undergraduate mathematics program. Starting next year I'll be getting a little bit more freedom in regard to what math subjects I can choose. I know it's a bit too early to worry about this but going...
  20. D

    Schools Internship opportunities for summer between undergrad and grad school

    What research opportunities are there out there for the summer between undergrad and grad school? For undergrads, there are the REUs that most people do. But REUs require that you have not graduated yet. This upcoming summer I'll be between graduate and undergraduate studies. So no REU...
  21. F

    What's the toughest ME undergrad course?

    Random question for all you MEs out there, but feel free if you also have engineering courses taken in other areas (EE, CE, ChemE, etc), just wondering what is the hardest undergrad level course you have taken. If you choose to post, I'm interested in why is was so difficult for you. I know it...
  22. P

    Undergrad requirements for Medical Physics

    Hi, I'm an undergrad in engineering physics and I'm thinking about becoming a medical physicist. Do I need to have a biology or anatomy course before applying to a PhD program, and if so, which one is best to have? Also, since medical physics internships seem pretty rare, what other kinds...
  23. D

    One semester of undergrad left: What class MUST I take before leaving

    Hi all, (sorry for the length) I am an Applied Physics major in her senior year (yay!) at a liberal arts college. I have a double minor in Mathematics and Computational Physical Sciences (aka Programming, but not Comp Sci.) Because of the way the sciences are set up at my college, it's...
  24. jbrussell93

    How can I find a lab/field that I truly enjoy working in?

    Freshman year, I knew that I wanted to get involved with research but had so many interests that I thought I could just pick any lab and be happy. I started working in a neurobiology research lab in January of this year and continued through the summer until now. I'm planning on continuing in...
  25. M

    Meeting with a Professor for Undergrad Research Tomorrow.

    Hey everyone, Tomorrow I'll be meeting with an undergraduate professor (does work in Astrophysics/Astronomy) to discuss work as an undergrad for the quarter. I know it'll mostly be grunt work and I'm not harboring any illusions on that but, I have no idea what she'll ask me during this...
  26. S

    Change of Career Path Between Undergrad and Grad School

    Hello everyone, I have a question on applying to graduate school to study a different field than one studied for their undergrad degree. Specifically, I am due to graduate from a Boston area school with a combined electrical engineering / physics degree. I have an A/A- average, solid GRE...
  27. I

    Programs From Undergrad Scotland to PhD America, theoretically what would the steps be?

    Hi, I'm just beginning my undergraduate course (Physics) and have been thinking/dreaming :) what, Ideally, I would like to do. I understand I can't really decide on where to do post-grad until I've decided what I want to do more specifically, but what are the general steps that need to be...
  28. C

    Programs Does this make any sense (2 undergrad degrees)

    Hi, If you are sick of me already, I don't blame you. Ok so here is the update. I just got fired from my job for a code of conduct violation. I have an undergrade business degree with a focus on economics. Basically, I like banking and finance and especially stock trading, but I hate...
  29. S

    Engineering To acquire a P.Eng. designation, do I need an undergrad degree in engineering?

    Like many other posters here, I am interested in pure mathematics and physics who wants to open postgrad school options in engineering. It would be so nice if I can do a double degree in engineering and mathematics or physics, but my school won't allow it due to the heavy course load of their...
  30. Darth Frodo

    Undergrad Research Q&A: Tips for Applying and Choosing Research Areas

    Hi guys, I really want to engage in some undergrad research this year but I have some queries. 1. If I wanted to apply for the summer what is the ideal date to ask the professor or set up a meeting? After Christmas Break when I get results back? 2. My Uni does mostly work in Solid State...
  31. B

    Physics Undergrad to P Chem Gradute/Career?

    Hi everyone, I've been doing a lot of soul searching over the past year. I am an undergrad who recently became an applied physics major, with a chem and math minor. I am probably going to turn the math minor into a double major. Anyhoo, with that brief intro, I was wondering if there was...
  32. T

    Best upper division undergrad physics books for self-study?

    I'm currently working on Mary L Boas "Mathematical methods for the physical sciences", which I've been told cover almost all of the mathematics needed to follow undergrad physics books. I'm about halfway done, and I'd like to start looking for physics books. The only reason why I started...
  33. C

    Good non ivy league physics/astronomy undergrad programs.

    Ok. I'm a late bloomer into science. I'm 21 almost 22. I am about out of the military. During my high school years I didn't push myself. I stayed around a 2.8 to 3.2 GPA and top 40% of my class not high. I've changed since then and always test extremely high. I was selected for AP classes but...
  34. X

    Undergrad doing work on the 3 body problem.

    Let me cut to the chase. What are the chances a undergrad who took junior level mechanic class can make useful original research on the 3 body problem? If my understanding is right it hasn't been solved yet. I've been studying from Landua and studying from Taylor and just finished learning about...
  35. T

    Does undergrad matter? Specific vs Engineering Science

    Short question: Does it matter if I do specific engineering or is engineering science just as good? Background info: I've taken two years of engineering science so far but they were all base level courses and haven't got too much into the real meat of engineering yet. I did just switch...
  36. A

    Undergrad w/o formal quantum introduction, having trouble

    I am about to start my junior-level courses (advanced mechanics, quantum I, etc) and I've been working on a project with a professor this summer. Basically, I am trying to reproduce the results of this paper: http://arxiv.org/abs/nucl-th/9611049 . Right now I am trying to work only with...
  37. G

    Should I Delay Graduation for More Research Experience?

    So I am about to begin my third year of undergrad physics at a private school with a relatively unknown physics department. Because I came into college with a lot of AP credit, I am able to graduate at the end of this year with BS degrees in both physics and math. I have an excellent GPA and am...
  38. M

    What GPA should an undergrad aim for to get into a decent physics grad program?

    My gpa is subpar, but improving. Freshmen year at SUNY OswegoUndergrad Coursework: Semester 2 Brains, Minds and Consciousness (3) -A Calculus 2 (4)- C General University Physics 2 (4)- A Principles of Human Behavior (3)- A overall 3.42 Semester 1 Archaeology and Human Ev (3) - B- Calculus 1...
  39. jbrussell93

    Importance of research area as an undergrad

    As an undergrad, how much does the area of research matter when applying to graduate schools? I am a biological engineering student hoping to go to graduate school for neural engineering. I'm currently in a neurobiology lab working working in the theoretical/computational side of neuroscience...
  40. F

    Suggestion for undergrad thesis in math

    hello guys, I'm so very worried about my thesis, i can't come up with a title or any idea what will be my thesis all about .. would you lend me some help or suggestion what topic ? thank you
  41. T

    Programs Navigating the UK PhD Admissions Process: Tips for American Undergraduates

    What does an American undergraduate student have to do to get into a physics PhD program in the UK at a school like Cambridge, Oxford, etc.? I've checked their admissions sites, but they are very vague about what constitutes a competitive application. It seems that taking graduate level...
  42. S

    Is Taking a Gap Year During Undergrad Beneficial For Graduate School Admissions?

    Hi, I've completed one year of undergrad. I started in engineering but have now decided that I want to pursue math. Before continuing, I want to take a year off to refocus and take care of other aspects of my life. I feel like I will do better if I take a year off. On the other hand, I enjoy...
  43. P

    Transferring to CA School to Finish Undergrad - Private or Public?

    Hello all, I am looking to transfer to CA next school year to finish my Physics BSc at a school that has a stronger program than my current university, which will better prep me for grad school. I am coming from out of state, so it actually seems like private universities could cost me less...
  44. X

    Courses More Maths or Physics Courses as an Physics undergrad?

    Hi, I'm looking for some advice on course selection and their potential impact on graduate school applications. I'm going into my third year and I'm primarily interested in Physics. I was originally thinking of doing a double major in Maths & Physics, but unfortunately they conflict with some...
  45. P

    Choosing a Specialty in Physics: Is Age a Barrier?

    Hi everyone! I have been stalking on this forum for a while now, and have finally gotten some courage up to post this. I am currently a physics undergraduate major at a state university. I am enjoying my studies and getting straight A's. I worked for many years in Silicon Valley as a test...
  46. J

    Should I choose UBC or SFU for my undergrad in physics and astronomy?

    Hello everyone, I don't know if i should be even stressing about what undergraduate school to attend but i don't know whether to choose UBC or SFU. i am interested in theoretical physics, astrophysics/cosmology. i have broken down the pros and cons of each but still I'm stuck in between. I...
  47. I

    Schools Engineering Physics Undergrad to EE Grad School

    Hey guys, I was wondering if someone on the forums would be able to give me some advice on graduate school? I go to Berkeley and will be finishing up an undergraduate degree in Engineering Physics with a minor in Electrical Engineering. I was hoping to go to graduate school in Electrical...
  48. M

    Should I start my undergrad with Calc 3?

    Hi everyone. I just graduated from high school this month and I will be attending Stony Brook University as a Physics Major in the fall. Even though I took AP Calculus BC, I was forced to take the mathematics placement exam because my AP scores won't be back in time for orientation, which...
  49. N

    How to move forward with a less than perfect undergrad gpa

    I recently got by B.S. in physics and political science from Wisconsin. I may have had a little too much fun in the beginning of college. I had a couple of bad semesters. I got my act together during my last three semesters. But anyway, I have B.S. in physics from a pretty good school with a...
  50. P

    OK to transfer in the middle of undergrad, even if it takes an extra year?

    Because of the shortcomings that have recently come to light at the physics department (and math department, actually) of my current university, I am considering transferring to a stronger school for my area of study. I'm also a little behind on advanced and degree-specific courses because of...