Unit Definition and 1000 Threads

UNIT is a fictional military organisation from the British science fiction television series Doctor Who and its spin-off series Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures. Operating under the auspices of the United Nations and initially led by Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, its purpose is to investigate and combat paranormal and extraterrestrial threats to Earth. Several UNIT personnel (such as the Brigadier, Sergeant Benton and Mike Yates) played a major role in the original Doctor Who series, and it was a regular feature from The Invasion (1968) until The Seeds of Doom (1976).
Originally referred to as the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce, executive producer Russell T Davies said in 2005 that the UN was no longer happy to be associated with the fictional organisation and the UN's full name could now no longer be used. However, the "UNIT" and "UN" abbreviations could be used as long as it was not explained what the letters stood for. In 2008, he announced that the organisation's name had been changed to the Unified Intelligence Taskforce. This new name was first mentioned on-screen in "The Sontaran Stratagem", also in 2008, in which it was indicated in a line of dialogue that the United Nations still supports UNIT with funding.

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  1. Alexander350

    B Solving a differential equation with a unit vector in it

    I need to solve: \dot{\mathbf{r}}=-kv\hat{r} - \dot{\mathbf{r}_s} However, I do not know how to deal with the fact that there is a unit vector. How can this be done? \dot{\mathbf{r}_s} is a constant vector.
  2. Bystander

    Special Unit 2 Now Available on Amazon - Official Release

    Special Unit 2 is out on Amazon, finally, not bootleg.
  3. kyphysics

    B Question About Planck Scale Unit

    Can someone clarify this for me. Is it the case that Planck scale unit is the smallest unit of measurement that can can observe/make, but not the smallest unit of measurement that exists? If so, is there some name for that which is smaller? Is there some fundamental measuring unit that...
  4. lahanadar

    Interpretation of the system response to a unit impulse

    Hi, I want to understand the meaning of unit impulse response when time flows. An example is given below: In the example the left signal depicts a δ[n] function value of which is 1 only at n=0. The LHS signal is response of the system to the unit impulse. I want to understand how to...
  5. K

    B Unit Not Homogeneous: Understanding the Formula

    Hello! I was reading an article from Wikipedia(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lapse_rate) and the formula seems to me not homogenous since g is in m/s2 and cp in J/K=(kg*m2)/(K*s2) so at the end, we'll get K/(kg*m). How they get rid of kg-1 ? Thanks
  6. rocdoc

    I The unit dyadic.A general expression for?

    Does anyone know of a general expression for the unit dyadic, given in terms of the language of general curvilinear coordinate systems?Perhaps an expression for its components?Perhaps an expression, just appropriate for use with orthogonal coordinate systems?$$~$$ In cartesian coordinates the...
  7. O

    Unit cell conversion and shape of fuel pellet

    As you may know, below is the conversion process of square unit cell into circular shape in order to calculate the thermal utilization factor (f) for a lattice. As far as I know, it is really difficult to make a simulation for which a lattice is constructed as a circular fuel and square...
  8. T

    Boussinesq theory (load per unit area)

    in question 10.19 , i use equation 10.26 to do the question . I have all the values of all variables , except q ( load per unit area) ... Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution How to get q ? It's not stated in the textbook . Is there something to do with the homework =4m ?? I assume q =...
  9. F

    I Why am I getting two different results in emu and SI unit?

    I am computing force between two magnetic poles each of one unit pole (in emu) and situated one centimeter apart. In electromagnetic units: ##F_{dyne}=\dfrac{p^2}{r_{cm}^2}=\dfrac{1^2}{1^2}=1 dyne## where ##p## is pole strength in emu In SI units: ##F_{N}=k_A \dfrac{P^2}{r_m^2}=10^{-7}...
  10. A

    Finding the direction of an angle in the unit circle

    Homework Statement I'm having trouble understanding how to find the angle of a vector. Here we are given the x and y component to help us find the direction of vector C. In this case, both x and y component is negative, so it should be in the third quadrant. I know that since we have both the x...
  11. K

    Cartesian unit vectors in terms of cylindrical vectors

    How do I express ex,ey,ez in terms er,eθ,eZ? r=(x^2+y^2)^1/2,θ=arctan(y/x),Z=z A(r,θ,z) ∂A/∂x=x/(x^2+y^2)^1/2er+(-y)/(x^2+y^2)eθ=cosθer-(sinθ/r)eθ ex=(∂A/∂x)/|∂A/∂x| I should get ex as cosθer-sinθeθ, but I don't get ex correctly. am i doing this wrong?
  12. yecko

    Unit conversion:lbm/lbf*h to (N/s)/N

    Homework Statement Given Thrust-specific fuel consumption cT=0.5279lb/lbf*h... as other units in the question are in SI unit, I have to convert it to (N/s)/N first... Homework Equations 1 lbf = 4.448 N 1 lbm = 0.4536 kg Thrust-specific fuel consumption = weight of fuel burned per unit time...
  13. Manoj Sahu

    What is a Ring Main Unit (RMU)?

    I have RMU training from tomorrow. The RMU will be of 24kV Siemens make. I have no idea about it. I would like to get prepared for training. Can you tell me about it in detail with Single Line Diagram.
  14. A

    Unit Conversion of Flux: Jansky to Erg/s/cm²/Å - Simplified Guide

    Hello, I am struggling a little bit with what I believe to be a simple unit conversion. For this problem, I have many fluxes given in units of Janskys. I would like to convert them from their original units of Jy = 10-23 erg s-1 cm-2 Hz-1 to units of erg s-1 cm-2 Angstrom-1 When I try to do...
  15. S

    Is there a named unit for inertia?

    That is, an honorific title. Eg force is cited in Newtons, charge in Coulombs, etc, as opposed to kilograms.. Generically "m" seems to be used as a symbol I guess but it overlaps with generic references to mass. eg F = ma is usually taken as referring to mass per se not inertia. But it...
  16. A

    Chemistry Polystyrene repeat unit molecular weight.

    Edit: thread moved from non HW forum. I'm trying to calculate the unit molecular weight of polystyrene. I'm given the structure, and I have to count all the elements in the structure. To calculate the weight, I keep counting 8C & 7H. The correct answer is 8C +8H. I'm having a hard time...
  17. lfdahl

    MHB What is the Sum of Lengths for a Regular n-gon Inscribed in a Unit Circle?

    Let $S_n$ be the sum of lengths of all the sides and all the diagonals of a regular $n$-gon inscribed in a unit circle. (a). Find $S_n$. (b). Find $$\lim_{{n}\to{\infty}}\frac{S_n}{n^2}$$
  18. A

    A Origin of the polarization in BaTiO3 unit cell

    hi, in perovskite crystal, such as BaTiO3, due to the off-centre of Ti ion, there exists a polarization moment in the unit cell (as shown in below link). my question is: does the disposition of Ti atom lead to separation of electron cloud from the nuclei of the Ti atom and so the Ti atom plays...
  19. Abdul Wali

    How to choose the sampling time for the delay unit

    hi, i am designing a fuzzy logic controller, i need to use a delay block for the change in error signal now i don't know that based on what factors should i choose the sampling time for this unit
  20. D

    I Finding a unit normal to a surface

    Hi. I'm trying to self-study vector calculus and I have to admit I struggle with it. As regards finding normals to a surface I know 2 ways - one involves writing the surface equation as f(x.y.z) = 0 and taking the gradient. The other method involves writing the surface in terms of 2 parameters...
  21. Mr Davis 97

    I Why is this line not homeomorphic to the unit circle?

    I've been told that ##[0, 2 \pi )## is not homeomorphic to the unit circle in ##\mathbb{R}^2##. Why not? From intuition, it would seem that I could just bend the line segment to fit the shape of a circle.
  22. L

    I Simplified imaginary unit to the power of imaginary unit

    Where is my simplification wrong?
  23. R

    What Units are Used for Powers in X-Men?

    I haven't read any of the X-Men books.. what units do they use for the powers? For example.. if a telekinetic can stop or deflect a meteor like in Tunguska in 1908.. what unit should be used for comparison purposes.. can Jean Grey also deflect an meteor?
  24. Erenjaeger

    B What is the Unit for Gas Giant Planets in Astrophysics?

    what is this unit, ⊕ ?? was reading an astrophysics book and came across it. "Gas Giant planets (>10 M⊕)" I am guessing that its mega something?
  25. OcaliptusP

    Understanding Heat: Definition & Unit

    What is definition of heat? And why it's unit is kgm^2/s^2? I couldn't be able to link the unit to the definition.
  26. U

    Find the unit normal vector of r(t)

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The equation has already been given in the question. The Attempt at a Solution So what I did was find r'(t), r"(t), v(t), v'(t) and plug it into the equation. I've done 3 different full pages of this and have gotten 3 different answers. I'm guessing due...
  27. Nim

    I Why Is There No SI Unit For Information?

    Why is the quantity "information" missing from the SI system? Also, if they did add it, do you think it would be added as a base unit or dimensionless derived unit?
  28. terryds

    I Which Unit Normal Vector of a Surface is Correct?

    What is actually the unit normal vector of a surface? Is it this? Or this one? I see that those are opposite in direction. But, I want the correct one, which means that it should point outward. So, which one is correct?
  29. Timothy Schablin

    I What Unit Results from Dividing Joules per Kilogram by Meters?

    What unit would i end up with if i divide 1 Joules/kg by .5 meters? Would it be N/kg?
  30. J

    Moisure build up in sealed unit

    Hi guys, so I am building this light fixture as a concept an inside of the light fixture is a sealed cavity which houses the power supply and control gear. Now to service this unit that cavity opens up, but let's say on a hot humid day the unit is opened and that air enters the cavity. Its then...
  31. M

    Can Sound Absorbing Mats Reduce Noise from Central Heat & Air Units?

    I have a central heat and air unit enclosed in a closet like area and it is very loud in my living room, is there a way to install a noise cancelling unit to muffle that sound of the blower unit?
  32. Prizzard

    I Crazy steam-hydraulic unit design

    I can't find equations for wall thickness or required temperature to generate steam at 6000psi. The goal here is a pressure vessel 'cylinder' 30" diameter, 36" long. It will be used to pump 42000psi hydraulics using a piston pump directly driven to a smaller series of pistons to allow the...
  33. ciao_potter

    What is the unit of angular velocity for a moving child on a merry-go-round?

    The unit of angular momentum is kg * m^2 / s (or I * W). The moment of inertia for a point mass, mr^2's unit is kgm^2. That means the unit of W has to be 1/s. I'm having trouble converting this to radian/s. Thank you!
  34. M

    B How Does the Unit Circle Relate to Euler's Formula in Complex Numbers?

    Hi everyone. I was looking at complex numbers, eulers formula and the unit circle in the complex plane. Unfortunately I can't figure out what the unit circle is used for. As far as I have understood: All complex numbers with an absolut value of 1 are lying on the circle. But what about...
  35. A

    Integral of unit impulse function?

    Homework Statement let's use this symbol to denote the unit impulse function δ When integrating the unit impulse function (from negative infinity to infinity) ∫δ(t) dt I know that this results in a value of 1 and is only nonzero at the point t = 0. However for example take this integral into...
  36. Deadawake

    Calculate Change in Speed Using Unit Vectors: Easy Physics Solution

    Actually that's very easy question but I have some difficult to understand the logic behind . So-"The initial velocity of an object (m/s) is Vi=1i+5j+2k. And the final velocity is Vf=3i+5j+7k. What was the change in speed of the object?"X Solution - |Vf|-|Vi| = √(32+52+72)-√(12+52+22) = 3.63...
  37. pallab

    Correct option for n dependence of free energy f per unit

    Homework Statement The equation of state of an ideal gas is p = nkT, where p is the thermodynamic pressure and n = N / V is the thermodynamic variable for the number of particles per unit volume. The n dependence of the free energy f per unit volume of the ideal gas is obtained by the following...
  38. Vengo

    B The fundamental units in Physics

    I have been in my physics crash course for my entrance exam. I was looking at the chapter "Units and Measurement". I got a doubt in this chapter and I didn't get it cleared by my teacher. So I am posting this in this forum. We have 7 fundamental quantities and other quantities are derived...
  39. R

    I Arc Length Parameterization for Unit Circle: Cos(s) & Sin(s)

    (cos(s), sin(s)) gives an arc-length parameterization of the unit circle so that the speed is constantly 1, but the second derivative doesn't give zero acceleration which should be the case with constant speed?
  40. G

    I Determining Vector Direction: Finding Unit Vectors

    Why is there a need to find unit vector? If we are given a vector we can always find its direction.
  41. D

    Strange unit of mass flow rate G?

    Hi When I was writting my thesis I found in an article, published in International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, an unit of mass flow rate G - kg/(m^2*s). Isn´t it wrong? I think that the unit of mass flow rate is kg/s. Would you mind helping me to figure it out? Thanks.
  42. J

    Calculating the weight of 1 atomic mass unit

    I'm trying to deduce the weight of 1 atomic mass unit (##1u##) in ##kilograms## from the following scenario: One atomic mass unit is 1/12 of the weight of a ##^{12}C## atom in its ground state. A ##^{12}C## atom consists of 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. This means that $$1u =...
  43. Caio Graco

    Quantities without unit of measure

    Homework Statement Quantities without unit of measure are: A) Necessarily scalar B) Necessarily vector C) Can be scalar or vector D) They are neither scalar nor vector Justify your answer!Homework Equations No equations The Attempt at a Solution For example, the refractive index of a medium...
  44. V

    MHB Trouble understand IVT, FVT, unit step input.

    Here is my transfer function, G(s) = 1/(s+1). I know this will be a half parabola looking output with a unit step input whose initial value will be 0 and final value will be 1. I got the initial value by takeing the limit of the function at inf and the final value by taking the limit of the...
  45. B

    I Ave length of intersection of all lines through a unit cube

    I'm having trouble even beginning to figure out how to approach solutions for this. I begin with a unit cube, and imagine all the possible lines that intersect the cube. I am assuming there must be an average length of these intersections; I want to find that average length. Another way to...
  46. T

    Sound & Music - Mass per unit length

    Homework Statement Suppose a harp string is tuned to middle C (C4) and is 0.56m long. If I want the tension to be 193.5 N, what mass per unit length do I need the harp string to be? Calculate your answer in kg.m Homework Equations Vs = sqrt(T/μ) V = fλ The Attempt at a Solution Having a very...
  47. B

    Unit vector perpendicular to the level curve at point

    Homework Statement Find the unit vector perpendicular to the level curve of f(x,y) = x2y-10xy-9y2 at (2,-1) Homework Equations Gradient The Attempt at a Solution I'm not sure what it's asking. Wouldn't this just be the gradient of f(x,y) evaluated at (2,-1) then normalized? or am I missing...
  48. Math Amateur

    MHB Thinking about the Definition of a Unit of a ring R .... ....

    I have been thinking around the definition of a unit in a ring and trying to fully understand why the definition is the way it is ... ... Marlow Anderson and Todd Feil, in their book "A First Course in Abstract Algebra: Rings, Groups and Fields (Second Edition), introduce units in a ring with 1...
  49. Math Amateur

    I Thinking about the Definition of a Unit of a ring R .... ....

    I have been thinking around the definition of a unit in a ring and trying to fully understand why the definition is the way it is ... ... Marlow Anderson and Todd Feil, in their book "A First Course in Abstract Algebra: Rings, Groups and Fields (Second Edition), introduce units in a ring with 1...
  50. W

    Derivative of unit vector in spherical coords.

    Homework Statement Given ## d \vec r = dr \hat r + r d \theta \hat {\theta} + r \sin \theta d \phi \hat {\phi}.## Find ## d \hat r , d \hat {\theta} , d \hat {\phi}. ## Homework Equations I know that ## d \hat {e_j} = \omega^i_j \hat {e_i} ## and that ## \omega_{ij}=- \omega_{ji} ## and ## 0 =...