Unit Definition and 1000 Threads

UNIT is a fictional military organisation from the British science fiction television series Doctor Who and its spin-off series Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures. Operating under the auspices of the United Nations and initially led by Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, its purpose is to investigate and combat paranormal and extraterrestrial threats to Earth. Several UNIT personnel (such as the Brigadier, Sergeant Benton and Mike Yates) played a major role in the original Doctor Who series, and it was a regular feature from The Invasion (1968) until The Seeds of Doom (1976).
Originally referred to as the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce, executive producer Russell T Davies said in 2005 that the UN was no longer happy to be associated with the fictional organisation and the UN's full name could now no longer be used. However, the "UNIT" and "UN" abbreviations could be used as long as it was not explained what the letters stood for. In 2008, he announced that the organisation's name had been changed to the Unified Intelligence Taskforce. This new name was first mentioned on-screen in "The Sontaran Stratagem", also in 2008, in which it was indicated in a line of dialogue that the United Nations still supports UNIT with funding.

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  1. J

    Unit conventions (SI versus others)

    Can anyone explain to me how it comes that US not have accepted the use of SI ? Do you not understand the benefits ? Would it not be more effective if the new generation of students could concentrate on understanding fundamental physics relations rather than struggle whith old-fashioned and...
  2. M

    Verify Unit length to y-axis from Tractrix Curve

    Homework Statement The problem is described in the picture I've attached. It is problem number 6. Homework Equations Tangent line of a curve Length of a curve The Attempt at a Solution I don't know why I'm so confused on what seems like it should be a relatively straightforward problem, but I...
  3. joeyc

    Force per unit length acting on four parallel wires

    Homework Statement An arrangement of four wires, in cross section, with θ=30° and u=5cm. Wire 2 and wire 4 carry the same magnitude of current (I2=I4=10mA) directed out of the page. Wire 3 carries current I3=25mA directed into the page. If the resultant force per unit length on wire 1 is zero...
  4. A

    Inductance per unit length of coaxial transmission line

    1. Homework Statement An air coaxial transmission line has a solid inner conductor of radius a and a very thin outer conductor of inner radius b. Determine the inductance per unit length of the line. Homework Equations the book states the methodology to find the inductance as follows: 1)...
  5. B

    Statics: Dimensionless Unit Vector

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution So I began by subtracting. (205-160)=55 i (495+128)=623 j Both of these vectors are in the positive direction. So if I divide the vector by its magnitude I should get an answer of 1 in the positive direction for both i and...
  6. F

    I How to invert unit step function?

    I am trying to find out how to reverse the unit step function. The closest I could find is this sentence, which is more like a definition? "if we want to reverse the unit step function, we can flip it around the y-axis as such: u(-t). With a little bit of manipulation, we can come to an...
  7. I

    Air conditioning unit with slightly open window

    Hi all, I want to buy an air conditioning unit while they're cheap and I know you're not meant to have any windows open. I have strange windows so cannot use the fishnet attachment, long story short, if I hang the hose out of the window and just try to close the window as much as possible, will...
  8. T

    I Finding a branch of a function in the unit disk

    If trying to find a branch of ##(z^2-1)^{1/2}##, it can be shown that one acceptable answer is: ## i e^{0.5 Log(1-z^2)}## But I just want to clarify, is not the following an acceptable answer, too: ## iz e^{0.5 Log (\frac{1}{z^2} -1)}## It appears the argument of Log in both cases is always...
  9. karush

    MHB S6.12.3.35 Find the unit vectors

    $\tiny{s6.12.3.35}\\$ 35. Find the unit vectors that are parallel to the tangent line to the parabola $y = x^2$ at the point $(2,4)$. \begin{align} \displaystyle y'&=2x \end{align} the book answer to this is $\pm\left(i+4j)/\sqrt{17}\right)$ but don't see how they got this?
  10. G

    B Why I think radians should *not* be dimensionless

    As most know and rest can find out, radians are a dimensionless unit. Actually, it's even worse: angle in general is a dimensionless quantity. That stems from it being defined as a ratio of the arc versus the radius. I now present my opinion of disagreement to this concept. In the strict...
  11. dfklajsdfald

    Finding the Value of axb on the Unit Circle | Round to the Nearest Thousandths

    Homework Statement the point (log a, log b) exists on the unit circle. find the value of axb. round to the nearest thousandths. Homework Equations x2 + y2 = 1 The Attempt at a Solution x2+y2 = 1 loga2+logb2 =1 2loga+2logb = 1 2(loga+logb) = 1 loga + log b = 0.5 logb = 0.5−loga now i try...
  12. S

    A How Does the Volume Form on the Unit Sphere Relate to Its Position Vector?

    The volume form on the unit sphere ##S^{n}## in ##\mathbb{R}^{n+1}## is given by $$i_{{\bf r}}\ dx^{1}\wedge \dots \wedge dx^{n+1}=\sum (-1)^{i-1}x^{i}dx^{1}\wedge\dots \widehat{dx^{i}} \dots \wedge dx^{n+1}.$$ Why must the volume form ##dx^{1}\wedge \dots \wedge dx^{n+1}## act on the vector...
  13. D

    Calculating Air Compressor Size for a Manufacturing Plant Study"

    I am in a study of sizing air compressor for a new manufacturing plant ,I googled for some calculation and i got the problem shown in the attachment .i have one doubt how they got the unit bar in the final answer ...?
  14. E

    C/C++ [C++] Unit testing of a class HELP

    I'm given the code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class InventoryTag { public: InventoryTag(); int getQuantityRemaining() const; void addInventory(int numItems); private: int quantityRemaining; }; InventoryTag::InventoryTag() { quantityRemaining = 0; } int...
  15. J

    What is the power of unit step signal with magnitude A

    Homework Statement Find power of signal A u(t) A is constant like 5, 6 some value.[/B]Homework Equations Power is integration over -T/2 to +T/2 of [x(t)]2 dt The whole divide by T The Attempt at a Solution Power is integration over -T/2 to +T/2 of [A u(t)]2dt[/B] The whole divide by T So...
  16. Erenjaeger

    Finding orthogonal unit vector to a plane

    Homework Statement find the vector in R3 that is a unit vector that is normal to the plane with the general equation x − y + √2z=5 [/B]Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution so the orthogonal vector, I just took the coefficients of the general equation, giving (1, -1, √2)[/B] then...
  17. parshyaa

    B Exploring the Applications of Trigonometric Functions Beyond 90°

    Why trigonometric functions are defined for unit circle, here "why" refers to what made them to define it this way, they may have defined it for right triangle only , can you give me a application where sin(120°) or sin, cos , tan of more than 90° is used to find some values like in physics or...
  18. A

    I Is the Dot Product of Unit Vectors Related to Magnitudes and Angle Between Them?

    Okay so I understand that in order to represent a vector which is in cartesian coordinates in spherical coordinates.. we use the transformation which is obtained by dotting the unit vectors. So my question goes like this: when we dot for example the unit vector ar^ with x^ we obtain sin(theta)...
  19. B

    A Primitive cell parameter given chemical unit cell info

    Experimentalists usually provide chemical unit cell information including full symmetry (space group) information of the crystal together with coordinates of independent atoms. But this cannot be directly used by ab initio packages, which requires either primitive cell or unit cell information...
  20. A

    Understanding the Unit Vector: A Conceptual Explanation

    Homework Statement How does the unit vector have no units I know that the unit vector has a length of 1 and zero units. A representation would be I-hat j-hat k-hat(depending on the coordinate system). But the unit vector is the vector/magnitude. If the unit vector is its vector/magnitude then...
  21. L

    I What is the standard unit of mass and why is it defined in terms of an artifact?

    The standard unit of mass is defined to be "equal to the mass" of a cyliner of platinum and iridium in france. I have always wondered what this means? Why are all sources saying mass is defined in terms of mass? What were the steps taken to decide this unit? I know that base quantities have to...
  22. C

    Unit tangent vector of r(t) = (e^t)(cos t ) i + (e^t)(sin t

    Homework Statement Find the unit tangent vector T(t) for vector valued function r(t) = (e^t)(cos t ) i + (e^t)(sin t ) j + (e^t) k Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution i gt stucked here ... , the ans is [1/ sqrt (3) ] [ (cos t -sin t ) i + (sin t + cos t ) j +k) [/B]
  23. A

    I Velocity with respect to arclength is a unit tangent vector?

    Hi all, I have long had this unsolved question about arclength parameterization in my head and I just can't bend my head around it. I seem not to be able to understand why velocity with arclength as the parameter is automatically a unit tangent vector. My professor proved in class that s(s) =...
  24. Iron_Man_123

    Body diagonals -- unit vector notation

    Homework Statement I'm fully convinced that the zero values make sense, yet they are wrong, can somebody please explain why is that the case Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution Attempt in the image above
  25. S

    Co-60 Unit Activity: Treatment Time Calculation

    Homework Statement A patient is treated for cancer using radiation from a cobalt-60 unit. Exactly 1.5 years later another patient is treated for the same cancer using the same co-60unit previously used. How much longer would treatment be for the second patient? Homework Equations Decay...
  26. J

    I Is it possible to calculate Tsupercon from the unit cell?

    Hi folks, It is an elementary question for people expert in superconductivity. I know there is a theory, the BCS theory, and the GIzburg Landau theory too that apparently explains superconductivity. My question is, if I give you a unit cell would you be able to tell me the temperature at...
  27. Z

    Energy per unit length of a cylindrical shell of charge

    Homework Statement "An infnitely long hollow cylinder of radius ##a## has surface charge density ##σ_a##. It is surrounded by a coaxial hollow cylinder of radius ##b## with charge density ##σ_b##. The charge densities are such that the total confguration is electrically neutral. Using whatever...
  28. C

    B States as positive operators of unit trace

    I read that states are positive operators of unit trace - not elements of a vector space. Is it referring to quantum states or all classical states? I know operators are like minus, plus, square root and vectors are like rays in Hilbert space.. but why can't quantum states be vectors when in...
  29. G

    Unit of MCNP Line for Neutron: Questions & Answers

    Hi everyone Does anyone help about unit of below MCNP line for neutron? Is it "neutron*barn/cm^2" right ? fm14 (1 108 102) And also what's the unit difference between "fm14 (1 108 -6 -8)" and "fm14 (1 108 -6 )" ? Many thanks
  30. Nader AbdlGhani

    I Why Planck's Constant Has Dimensions and a Unit?

    Despite being a constant, It has both dimensions and a unit, can someone kindly explain why ?
  31. J

    Find mass per unit length of a string graphically

    Homework Statement frequency, Tension, mass, mode of vibration Homework Equations v = sqrt(T/μ) The Attempt at a Solution length of string is 2.14m weight .00247kg mass per unit length (μ) .00089 However, I need to confirm this graphically. I solved for mass per unit length μ = T/V^2 or...
  32. K

    MHB Extreme points of L^p[0,1] on unit closed ball

    I would like to prove that if $\|f\|_p = 1$ then $f$ is extreme point of unit closed ball in $L^p[0,1]$. [here $1<p<\infty$] I suppose we should try to prove it by contradiction. That is, if $f \in L^p$, with $\|f\|_p=1$, is not extreme, then exists $g,h \in L^p$ with $\|g\|_p,\|h\|_p \leq 1$...
  33. nmsurobert

    I Converting Milligauss to Hertz: Explained

    this may be a stupid question, but does anyone know the conversation from millgauss to hertz. Let me explain because I feel it's made up. Someone posted this on another forum I frequent. http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/threads/emf-radiation-aquarium-pumps.674555/ I didn't know what a...
  34. A

    B Why physical quantities need a unit?

    my question is why physical quantities need a unit?
  35. Mr Davis 97

    B The equation relating a vector to a unit vector

    I am studying physics, and I see the equation ##\hat{A} = \frac{\vec{A}}{A}##. What makes this relation obvious? It's quite obvious when one of the components of vector A is zero, but if both components are not zero, then what leads me to believe that this relation works every time?
  36. C

    How to Prove that u and Gradient(f(u)) are Colinear on the Unit Sphere?

    Homework Statement Let be ##f : V \rightarrow \mathbb{R}## a ##C^{1}## function define on a neighbourhood V of the unit sphere ##S = S_{n-1}##(in ##\mathbb{R}^{n}## with its euclidian structure.). By compacity it exists u in S with ##f(u) = max_{x \in S}f(x) = m##. My goal is to show that ##u##...
  37. M

    Dimensional Analysis of Specific Speed: Explained

    Hi Specific Speed is defined as: Ns=N(Q^0.5)/(H^.75) How Dimensional Analysis of it can be done? Unit of N is 1/sec and Ns is unitless. Then Dimension of Q^0.5 must be equal to dimension of H^0.75. It seems no to be equal. Please explain it.
  38. N

    Piston Pressure and Unit Conversion

    Problem: CO2 is contained in a vertical cylinder at a pressure of 30 atm by a piston with a mass of 57 lbm. If g is 32.4 ft/sec2 and the barometric pressure is 29.7 in. Hg what is the area of the piston? Relevant equations F = Ma/gc W = Mg/gc P= F/A gc = 32.174 lbm ft / (lbf sec2) 1 atm = 29.9...
  39. L

    MHB Calculation of concentration unit

    I would like some help in working out the correct unit of concentration in the question below please. I added a substance which has a density of 1.020 kg/m3 to a sample at a rate of 800 uL/ L of sample The substance is also 60% w/w. Will the final concentration in the sample be in 490 ug/L or...
  40. C

    Unit tangent vector vs principal normal vector

    Homework Statement http://mathwiki.ucdavis.edu/Core/Calculus/Vector_Calculus/Vector-Valued_Functions_and_Motion_in_Space/The_Unit_Tangent_and_the_Unit_Normal_Vectors In the link, I can't understand that why the Principal Unit Normal Vector is defined by N(t) = T'(t) / | T'(t) | ,can someone...
  41. E

    A The unit of atom scattering factor

    Hi, I read in some papers which say the unit of atom scattering factor is e/atom. what is the meaning of that? thank you!
  42. J

    Why is there a time unit in some inertia units and not in others?

    Why are some inertia units lb-in-s^2 and others lb-in^2. what the difference? The first one is from a gear box spec and the second is from a motor rotor.
  43. U

    I How to write the unit vector for the spherical coordinates

    So I'm reading the Schaum's outlines while trying to prepare for a big test I have in September. And I'm trying to understand something here that maybe someone can offer some clarification and guidance. So, using Coulomb's Law, we can find the electric field as follows: \begin{equation} dE...
  44. H

    Derive energy density proportional to emitted power per unit area

    The following derives the relation that for a blackbody radiation the energy density is proportional to the energy emitted per unit area over unit time. The average energy density ##d\psi## is obtained by dividing the radiant energy ##dE## received by the surface ##dB## in 1 second by the...
  45. highvoltpower

    Ring Main Unit Design in Electrical Panels

    what is Ring Main Unit design in electrical panels ?
  46. S

    I How to Convert Cgs to SI Units for Flux and Energy Values?

    Hi I have a value that is 10.7 mJy, that I need to convert to SI units. I thought it would be 1.7*10^(-2)*10^(-26) but that might be wrong? Then I have a flux value, kappa, of 2 cm^2.g^(-1) that needs to be converted to meters and kilogram. I thought it was 2*10^(-7) m2/kg, but that might be...
  47. ElijahRockers

    Measuring volume: Solid vs Liquid/Gas

    I was just curious... what is the practical reason behind having two separate units for measuring volume? For instance, we can use cubic centimeters and mL interchangeably in practical medicine, i.e. injections. But we tend to use cubic (centi)meters for solids, and liters for liquids/gasses...
  48. G

    How to confirm unit of electron mobility as m^2/(V*S)?

    Hello. Electron mobility in plasma is μ = q/m⋅ν, where q, m and ν are charge and mass of electron and electron collisional frequency. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrical_mobility) And unit of the mobility is m2/V⋅S (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron_mobility) According to the...
  49. avito009

    I Explain the formula, rpm unit conversion

    Revolutions(RPM) * Pi/30 = Angular velocity What is the purpose of pi/30 in the equation. Why can we not just use rpm as unit of measure of angular velocity?