Vacuum Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. P

    Effects of different types of vacuum at equal pressure

    Hi everyobdy. First, forgive me for mistakes, since English is not my native language. I'm going to ask a kinda strange question, so let me add a short premise. I'm a first grade MD, andrology will be my area of expertise. I have to give an advice about a patient who has Peyronie' disease...
  2. I

    Condensation in vacuum container

    Hi, I'm building a lens and stupidly rinsed one component before putting the lens body together with epoxy glue. Now when I leave the lens in the sun the trace of water left in the vacuumed lens body turns into condensation and blurs out the vision. I've seen loads of forums suggesting using...
  3. N

    Pressure / Vacuum Analysis During Submersion

    I have a product that we perform submersion testing on to determine susceptibility to water intrusion. The product is heated to 120C and then placed in an ice bath. I have measured the pressure / vacuum during testing and have determined that the pressure can rise to 5 psi while heating and...
  4. wukunlin

    Vacuum tubes to semiconductors to ?

    This is something that has popped into my head recently. afaik, vacuum tubes were once the most common device used for switching, and amplifying. Then transistors and other semiconductor devices come along and almost wiped out vacuum tubes (not totally i think) what I want to ask is...
  5. M

    Dark matter may be an illusion caused by the quantum vacuum "His ideas (like those in the previous paper) rest on the key hypothesis that matter and antimatter are gravitationally repulsive, which is due to the fact that particles and antiparticles have gravitational charge of...
  6. J

    Producing a vacuum using a turbine?

    Hi: I’ve been trying to figure out how does the spinning action of the turbine blades in the video produce a vacuum so as to draw air down the shaft? I don’t see any venturi effect taking place. A bit puzzling on how this gadget works?:confused...
  7. S

    How Do You Connect and Operate a Vacuum Pump?

    hello I have to deal with a vacuum pump in my graduation project & i don't how ?? shall one help me with all my respect & greetings , i want to know the inlet , the outlet & the electrical connection of this vacuum pump the rest of the pic in is the next reply
  8. T

    Simple differential vacuum question

    This conundrum will sound hypothetical, but it represents a real-world problem: You have a pump sucking water through the same diameter line from the same level in 2 different places in a pool. FWIW, the pump is a Hayward Super Pump Series Model SP2607X102S...
  9. Y

    Calculating the Ratio of Electromagnetic Wave Speeds in Vacuum and Materials

    Homework Statement Electric and magnetic fields in many materials can be analyzed using the same relationships as for fields in vacuum, only substituting relative values of the permittivity and the permeability, ε = κε0 and μ = κmμ0, for their vacuum values, where κ is the dielectric...
  10. A

    If a soda can could contain a vacuum, could it float?

    Say there was a theoretical soda can made of a super strong material that could hold up to the pressure of the atmosphere while weighing the same as a regular soda can. If everything was sucked out of the can, would it float in Earth's atmosphere? I think physics says it would float, but tell...
  11. S

    Do magnets have a longer reach in a vacuum chamber?

    Do magnets have a longer reach of attraction in a vacuum chamber?
  12. N

    Is the cosmological constant equivalent to vacuum energy?

    Wikipedia says: second paragraph here: Vaccum energy (density) can vary over time and space? Is that accurate? I've read the cosmological constant can vary, but not vacuum energy.
  13. Z

    Vacuum Energy Form (aside from gamma rays)

    So apparently vacuum energy is created and destroyed within Planck time by matter, antimatter annihilation. If someone could theoretically stop or slow down time, would it be possible to tap into vacuum energy? Since annihilation creates gamma rays, I suppose vacuum energy would face the same...
  14. D

    How does light travel Through a vacuum

    Hi I am new, I've read the FAQ's and none of them seem to help. Its a classic question I know but I can't seem to find a full answer. I understand that light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum I also understand that light acts as both a particle and a wave. I think I understand the...
  15. J

    1 MV electrode limited by vacuum pair production?

    Hi, Someone told me that a potential of 10^6 volts is not stable because it would cause spontaneous electron-positron creation from the vacuum. Is this true? I thought one could reach higher potentials than 1000000 volts.
  16. C

    Elements in a Vacuum: What is the Nothingness?

    Is it possible that even in a vacuum that the void space in the vacuum could consist of some other material? What is the median on which gases move, what is the nothingness in between atoms?
  17. N

    Object rotation in vacuum and the Friction force

    Any object rotating on the axis does stop because of some kind of friction force. What happens if the same object rotates in the vacuum ? does the friction force applies to it ? or does it stop at any point in time ? or does it continue to rotate forever ? Thanks & Regards, Niral Soni
  18. L

    Question about why this vacuum setup works.

    So I'm degasing a solution in a glovebox. The way we did it is get a rubber septum that can cover the bottle opening. We stuck a needle through the top of it, as well as a glass tube with a porous end. We used the needle to create a vacuum in the bottle by hooking up it up to a pump. The glass...
  19. kelvin490

    What is the temperature in vacuum

    hi, I have learned that temperature defined by man is a measurement of average kinetic energy of particles, how about that in a space that is no particles at all or just a very few number of them? What readings will we get if we put a temperature-measuring device in a highly vacuumized...
  20. X

    Semi-idealized atomic gas and it's free expansion in vacuum

    Hello! I was thinking about what would happen if an atomic gas was allowed to expand in vacuum and concluded I don't have much of a handle on the subject, so if anyone would help me out - I'd really appreciate it. So, let's say we have an ideal gas in a container located in vacuum...
  21. Z

    Find Instruction Manuals for Oscilloscopes, Vacuum Pumps and More

    Stuff like osciolloscopes, vacuum pumps, plumbing/tubes/joints, soldering guns, etc. that it would be nice, cause it takes some time to find all these manuals, and filter the information... *instruction manuals (in title)
  22. 1

    Geiger and Marsden experiment. How did they create a vacuum?

    Hi, I would just like to know how did Geiger and Marden create a vacuum for alpha particles during the Rutherford scattering experiment? Also, when Rutherford discovered the alpha particle did he know it had +2e charge? Any help would be appreciated. I've looked everywhere for the answers but...
  23. L

    Quantum Fluctuations of Fields: Vacuum Explained

    Do fields have quantum fluctuations and are non-zero in the vacuum? Non-zero in the same way that for a harmonic oscillator the wave function is non-zero for values of the position of the harmonic oscillator? Or are they considered as 'mathematical fiction' just as 'virtual' particles? thanks
  24. O

    Opening switch on inductor circuit in absolute vacuum

    So, a professor in class a about a year ago mentioned that opening a switch in a circuit that an inductor is providing power to would cause a breakdown in the air and a spark would jump across it because the current can't change instantaneously to zero in an inductor. Something just made me...
  25. N

    QED: Force of a Vacuum Explained

    So this is a decent series of videos introducing QED At 7:05, the host starts talking about the force that a vacuum creates, but doesn't elaborate further. What force is this? Are they attracting the plates through electromagnetism? Or...
  26. A

    Vacuum in hydro electric power plants

    2 questions. 1. why vacuum is not used in hydro electric power plants and 2. why water under presure from big depths are not used for revolving turbines? 1. with vacuum you would need only small amount of water faling from a big altitude to revolve turbine. Turbine would revolve faster and...
  27. H

    Light Speed in Vacuum vs Media: A Question

    Hi, I know the speed of light is the highest in vacuum. And in any other mediums is a bit slower. I just want to know... ...if a light passes through a medium (water let's say) and comes out in vacuum, will it retain the same speed as it had in the water, or will it increase back to its...
  28. S

    Efficiency of electric generator in the vacuum of space?

    I was just thinking that if you set something spinning in space it keeps turning, so does this mean once you started an electrical generator turning would you get ‘free’ energy?? Will the force from the magnetic field eventually case the wire to stop spinning?
  29. G

    Expansion around a classical vacuum

    Hi everyone, I have a severe confusion about the notions of "expanding the theory around a classical vacuum" and "considering small fluctuations around a classical vacuum" which I find in QFT textbooks. My problem is: in the path integral \int D\phi e^{i S[\phi]} one doesn't integrate only...
  30. P

    Quantum Vacuum before the big bang?

    I understand that the quantum vacuum is nothing with particles popping into and out of existence and I also understand that this has been in existence since the big bang but I am curious as to whether this type of nothing could exist before the big bang (not relying on a multiverse). I assume it...
  31. B

    Calculating Cooling Rate for a Black Body in a Vacuum with a Radiation Screen

    Homework Statement A spherical black body with a radius r and a temperature T is placed in a spherical thin shell (radiation screen) with a radius R. The shell is also absolutely black on both sides. The space between the shell and the sphere and the space outer of the shell contain vacuum...
  32. C

    Why is photon self-energy called vacuum polarization?

    Can electron self energy diagram contribute to the vacuum polarization? Or is the question meaningful? What's the exact meaning of vacuum polarization? Does it necessarily involve some charged particle? For example, for the ordinary phi^4 theory, can I identify any diagram that can be called...
  33. E

    Why is argon better than a vacuum?

    Argon gas is used in a lightbulb because it's not reactive, whereas air is. But why is it better than a vacuum?
  34. C

    Can a Vacuum Generate Energy?

    I recently thought about using capillary action to power a generator (capillary action lifts water, right?) then researched it and learned that 1) I'm not the first one to think of it and 2) it wouldn't work anyways. Then I thought, why can't you use a vacuum to lift the water through a tube...
  35. P

    Vacuum Metastability: Estimating the Lifespan of a False Vacuum”

    I recently learned about the possibility of the universe being in a false vacuum, but it seems really hard to find real information on it. I've looked at academic papers but they're well above my undergrad math. Does the acceleration of inflation imply that we do exist in a false vacuum...
  36. J

    Space-Time Distortion: Matterless Vacuums in Space

    Imagine a spacecraft containing a perfect vacuum, hurtling through space at 0.9c. This movement distorts the space the matter of the ship occupies. But what happens to the space inside the ship? It contains no matter. Is space irrelevant without matter?
  37. B

    Gas Expansion: Exploring Effects of Temperature & Vacuum

    1. why does gas expand to fill a container when there is no increase in temperature or any force applied to it? ( I am confused with the rising effect of gas in air and the expanding effect. how can we distinguis it?) 2. how can we determine the limitation of gas expansion when there is no...
  38. L

    Nikola Tesla's Observation of Vacuum Electricity

    Nikola Tesla observed that electrons transmitted through a near perfect vacuum in his vacuum tubes appeared as corona several feet through the air surrounding the tube. He thought that if there is nothing in the tube between the electrode and the glass then how do the electrons convey through...
  39. P

    Is vacuum energy really identical to the cosmological constant?

    When Einstein proposed the cosmological constant, it was regarded as an arbitrary constant having no connection with flat-spacetime physics (e.g. QFT to be invented later). IMHO the effective cosmological constant, in principle, should be the sum of QFT vacuum energy and Einstein's arbitrary...
  40. TrickyDicky

    Understanding Vacuum Energy Density in Relation to Universe Expansion

    Is the vacuum energy density, in case it exists which is the mainstream view, supposed to be continuously varying (decreasing) as the universe volume expands or is it really a constant (wich would be rather odd judging by what density and volume usually mean in physics)?
  41. S

    Buoyancy in Air-Filled & Vacuum Bottles: What's the Difference?

    Will there be any change in buoyancy in bottle full of air and vacuum bottle?
  42. R

    Causes Virtual Particles or Vacuum Energy or Other?

    I understand the basics of the double slit experiment. I'm trying to imagine what would happen if one slit could operate at a 180 degree phase shift, or nearly that. The obvious answer is not much except between the slits, and even less if the distance between the slits is near the wave length...
  43. R

    Vacuum Energy and the Casmir Plate and Electromagnetics

    See followup for clarification and simplification of the question. I have a challenging question about electromagnetics, vacuum energy. I'd appreciate any leads on clearing up any of my misunderstanding. I presume if two antennas were designed to broadcast the same signal, but were designed...
  44. C

    Can bomb sitll ignite in vacuum?

    Hello, Chitose here. First, I don't know which group should I post this but I put it here just in case. ........ As topic says, Can bomb still explode in vacuum area such as space? I heard that fire cannot lit without oxygen. but a lot of sci-fi movie show explosion scene in space...
  45. fluidistic

    Solving Maxwell's Equations: Wave Equation in Vacuum

    If I understood well my professor, he showed that "playing" mathematically with Maxwell's equation \frac{\partial \vec E}{\partial t} = c \vec \nabla \times \vec B can lead to the result that \frac{\partial \vec E}{\partial t} satisfies the wave equation (only in vacuum). So what does this...
  46. B

    Designing a Vacuum Chamber for Samples Dissolved in Ethanol

    I work with some samples that are dissolved in ethanol. Currently, we plate them, and evaporate overnight in a fume hood, and then bake them using a standard convection lab oven. It takes about 24 hours and really slows me down. And buying an explosion proof vacuum oven is ridiculously...
  47. S

    How Do Eo and Bo Relate in Maxwell's Equations for a Vacuum?

    [b]1. Show that: electric field E(x,t) = [0, Eo, 0] * f(kx-wt) magnetic field B(x,t) = [0, 0, Bo] * f(kx-wt) (where k, w, Eo, Bo are constants) satisfy the Maxwell equations in a vacuum where charge and current densities are zero. What relation between k and w must hold for a...
  48. P

    Can a vacuum of 1.5 Bar be used to lower the boiling point of liquid?

    Now this may seem a stupid question, but as my old dad said there are no stupid questions only stupid answers! I am distilling some liquid which has a boiling point of about 190 C, I have put the liquid under vacuum of -1bar and the liquid now boils at about 160C, I would like the liquid to...
  49. Y

    Drying Solution in Vacuum Oven: Difference in Speed?

    In a hypothetical situation. If I have a vacuum oven that has an internal volume of say 2 gallons. And I want to completely dry up a solution containing around 10 mL of water (~0.5 mol). Would it make much difference if I bring the oven to a very low absolute pressure (say 5 in Hg or 17kPa) and...
  50. G

    How does the condensation of steam into water create a vacuum?

    I know the ideal gas law applies, but how?