Vacuum Definition and 1000 Threads

A vacuum is a space devoid of matter. The word is derived from the Latin adjective vacuus for "vacant" or "void". An approximation to such vacuum is a region with a gaseous pressure much less than atmospheric pressure. Physicists often discuss ideal test results that would occur in a perfect vacuum, which they sometimes simply call "vacuum" or free space, and use the term partial vacuum to refer to an actual imperfect vacuum as one might have in a laboratory or in space. In engineering and applied physics on the other hand, vacuum refers to any space in which the pressure is considerably lower than atmospheric pressure. The Latin term in vacuo is used to describe an object that is surrounded by a vacuum.
The quality of a partial vacuum refers to how closely it approaches a perfect vacuum. Other things equal, lower gas pressure means higher-quality vacuum. For example, a typical vacuum cleaner produces enough suction to reduce air pressure by around 20%. But higher-quality vacuums are possible. Ultra-high vacuum chambers, common in chemistry, physics, and engineering, operate below one trillionth (10−12) of atmospheric pressure (100 nPa), and can reach around 100 particles/cm3. Outer space is an even higher-quality vacuum, with the equivalent of just a few hydrogen atoms per cubic meter on average in intergalactic space.Vacuum has been a frequent topic of philosophical debate since ancient Greek times, but was not studied empirically until the 17th century. Evangelista Torricelli produced the first laboratory vacuum in 1643, and other experimental techniques were developed as a result of his theories of atmospheric pressure. A Torricellian vacuum is created by filling a tall glass container closed at one end with mercury, and then inverting it in a bowl to contain the mercury (see below).Vacuum became a valuable industrial tool in the 20th century with the introduction of incandescent light bulbs and vacuum tubes, and a wide array of vacuum technologies has since become available. The development of human spaceflight has raised interest in the impact of vacuum on human health, and on life forms in general.

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  1. J

    Modelling a vacuum pipe using an orthogonal material

    Hi! I'm trying to model a vacuum pipe on Ansys. I've already modeled it using an isotropic material, assuming its a plane strain problem (infinate pipe), but now I want to use a laminate structure composed of an orthogonal material such as nomex (honeycomb) with a seal tight layer of Al or...
  2. N

    Mass and gravity originating from the quantum vacuum

    Following are some fascinating ideas (to me anyway) on the origin of mass and gravity from the quantum vacuum...have these ideas been dissected here in the forums before?? A superficial search did not turn up anything. Comments/criticisms? Other threads?? Tentative outline of a research...
  3. A

    Classical Version of Vacuum Polarization

    The vacuum polarization result in QED seems to always be written in a "QED form". I would be interested in seeing it in an old-fashioned classical physics form. Without vacuum polarization the electric potential in a region containing a point charge is of course Q/r. So if the vacuum...
  4. bcrowell

    A change of vacuum in string theory?

    As I understand it, string theory only has one coupling constant, but there is a whole discrete landscape of false vacua, each of which gives different values to the quantities, such as coupling constants, that are taken to be fixed inputs to the standard model. Since the false vacua are...
  5. TrickyDicky

    Understanding GR Vacuum Solutions: Explaining the Role of Matter in Curvature

    I would like to have a conceptually better understanding of GR solutions in the absence of matter, and a little difficulty I usually run into is that seemingly since in these solutions we have both the Einstein and stress-energy tensors equal to zero (which is what it means to have no...
  6. K

    Thermodynamics Problem with a Vacuum

    Homework Statement Calculate q, w, ΔH, ΔU, ΔS for the following problem: One mole of a monatomic ideal gas starting at 300K, and 10 atm, the gas freely expands into a vacuum to triple its volume. Homework Equations w = PΔV, ΔU = q - w or Cv dT, ΔH = ΔU + PΔV or Cp dT, ΔS =...
  7. M

    Is it possible for electricity to jump a vacuum gap?

    Is it possible for electricity to jump a vacuum gap? If so, what is it called when that happens?
  8. T

    MTBE production starting with a vacuum residue

    Hello all. Another year has begun and yet again I'm stumped with all this stuff. If anyone can provide me with sources, articles, or any type of information to help me with this design process. I uploaded a word document with a pretty nice intro I wrote with all the formulas and a...
  9. S

    Moistue content be inside a cylinder where a vacuum is pulled 25-30HG?

    What would the moistue content be inside a cylinder where a vacuum is pulled 25-30HG? Could such a cylinder be used to "dry out" something?
  10. X

    Create Vacuum Container - Lawrence's Crazy Idea

    Hey physics forum, My name is Lawrence and I have a crazy idea, i want to create a vacuum container (as close to space as POSSIBLE). then I want to fill it with equal parts of the pure elemental gases. I know this might be impossible but if anyone knows away to build a containment field...
  11. fluidistic

    Speed of light in a medium other than vacuum

    I'm wondering if the speed of light in a medium other than vacuum is well defined. I explain myself: Say I am underwater and I create a laser pulse. I know that at any given time, the speed of the photons constituting the light is always c. However I also know that photons will get absorbed...
  12. M

    Pb^208 - Pb^208 collisions and vacuum metastability disasters

    First off, I'm not in any way anti-LHC. Quite the opposite to be honest. Even so, this speculative disaster scenario (vacuum bubbles) have caught my attention latelly, and I haven't been able to let go off it. Mostly because I find the otherwise brilliant LSAG-report (both actually) to be quite...
  13. K

    Computing vacuum expectation values

    I have small question computing vacuum expectation values here" from Mark Srednicki. My problem is with equation 210 on the pdf page 69. In the second line of 210, where does the second term come from? Z(J) and W(J) are defined...
  14. G

    What Would Happen if an Object Fell in a Vacuum?

    I had a idea while driving, I have some physics background from college but not much. If an object were to fall in a vacuum with a gravitational force there would be nothing from slowing it down and it would keep accelerating. If you were to drop an bowling ball in a vacuum with a extreme...
  15. S

    Is there a perfect vacuum between atoms in space?

    As the title states, if I go to space and detect several atoms per square meter of space, does this suggest that the space between these atoms is essentially void of all forms of matter? Thus is this a perfect vacuum?
  16. H

    Vacuum Metastability: Could We Set Off a Catastrophe?

    When the LHC was starting up, there were some worries that a collision of two particles could form a bubble of "true vacuum", as opposed to the "metastable vacuum" that the universe is in today. This bubble would then expand outward at the speed of light, annihilating any matter that stood in...
  17. R

    How Do I Calculate Time as a Function of Distance for Two Electrons in a Vacuum?

    Five years ago I posted this question. At the time it was difficult for me to understand almost all of what I was trying to learn and was very frustrated. I put it down and studied other stuff including math. I just looked at this question again and am finding myself still unable to derive...
  18. P

    Force in Vacuum: Gravity, EM or Entropy?

    I understand that there are 4 forces: Gravity, Electromagnetic and the two nuclear ones. So, which one is responsible for the force that pushes air (for example) into a vacuum? Am I correct in assuming its electromagnetic? Like... there is some sort of electromagnetic potential between the...
  19. F

    Dark Matter and the vacuum energy

    I wonder if there is any correlation between the weak coupling of a quantum field in the path integral and how it adds to or cancels out vacuum energy. If so, then how would weakly interacting dark matter effect the vacuum energy? Thanks.
  20. C

    Explaining the Vacuum Catastrophe: Is the Quantum Theory Correct?

    "Vacuum Catastrophe" When looking at I thought about my problem in understanding the question of virtual particles being real physical things or not. It appears to me that if the virtual particle pairs were actually real, always existing in high...
  21. Q

    Why is the QCD vacuum important in non-abelian gauge theories?

    Hi, I was wondering about the G\tilde{G} term that can be added to the QCD Lagrangian. It seems clear that the analogous QED term can be left out because it is (just as the G\tilde{G} term) a total divergence and thus has no influence on the physics. But in the case of a non-abelian gauge...
  22. C

    How Does a Vacuum Pump Affect Container Movement in a Pipe System?

    I am trying to fit a vacuum pump at one end of a pipe system and a cylindrical container with a size that has minimal clearance with the inner pipe wall would be inserted at the inlet to the pipe system. The purpose of the vacuum pump is to create a pressure difference so that the lower...
  23. M

    If there was steal between earth and the sun instead of a vacuum

    I'm witnessing an argument elsewhere about whether a vacuum is a good insulator in space. Person 1 said this: Person 2 said this: I said this: what would really happen if the vacuum between us and the sun were replaced with steel?
  24. A

    Vacuum System Design: Learn Fabrication & Calcs

    Hi, I would like to learn to to design Vacuum Systems for typical materials processing. Pressures on the order of 1*10^-8 torr. I know there is an ASME standard, but I am looking something more introductory that goes about how the fabrication is done and what calculations are important. If...
  25. F

    A philosophical question about piston and vacuum

    Hello everybody, I have kind of a philosophical question about vacuum and piston. I know this does not work in the real world because, of imperfection in seals and lack of "real vacuum", but here it goes. If you have a tube which is closed in one end, open in the other end, and 100% rigid...
  26. T

    Help measuring central Vacuum low voltage circuit

    I need Help measuring central Vac low voltage circuit. I would like to put a relay in line if possible to trigger when the unit powers on. I measured 17.78 DC volts when off and then 0 when vacuum powers on. Seems like an odd voltage for the contacts that start the unit when you insert a hose.
  27. P

    Effectiveness of nuclear weapon in vacuum

    I saw a science fiction movie in which some guys planted an atomic bomb in a cave in an asteroid which was headed toward Earth. The bomb blew the asceroid into a million meteroites which harmlessly burned up in the atmosphere. Is this possible ? An atomic bomb, detonated on Earth, creates...
  28. S

    Will a Siphon Function on the Moon?

    According to", an Australian physicist has discovered that The Oxford dictionary's definition of "siphon" is incorrect, attributing its effect to atmospheric pressure, rather than gravity, which is what he maintains causes it a siphon work. This seems to me to come...
  29. M

    Exploring the Possibility of Siphons Working in a Vacuum

    The Oxford dictionary is about to change its definition of a siphon to remove the reference to air pressure as being required. Will a siphon work in a vacuum?
  30. J

    Vacuum solutions, and Explicit source terms

    This is a question about solving Einstein's Field Equations for some simple cases, but I'm not sure how to explain this without analogy. So bear with me for a brief discussion. Consider the electrostatic equation: \nabla^2 V = \rho / \epsilon_0 which show explicitly how the charges source the...
  31. S

    What is the Boiling Point of Mineral Oil in a Vacuum?

    Boiling point in a vacuum... Gidday, I am as new here as it gets, and I have a question to post. I have been having a (heated) discussion with regards to the temperature that water boils in a vacumm. Given: @ 10in Hg water will boil at 192F. If you had a pressure reading of 29.7in of...
  32. turbo

    Best Vacuum Cleaner: Miele S5001 Blue Moon

    Need a vacuum cleaner? My wife just brought home a new Miele and test-drove it. She loves it. We have bought and maintained lots of vacuums over the past ~30 years, and none of them performed all that well - even the top-end Electroluxes. A co-worker of hers used to sell and service Mieles...
  33. M

    Why is the vacuum normalised to 1?

    I'm studying (relativistic) quantum field theory and have a very simple question. Take for example the real scalar field. My notes simply state that <0|0>=1 is a very natural normalisation. If I'm not mistaken, then this implies that the probability of measuring the vacuum state is 1. How is...
  34. rrw4rusty

    Vacuum Energy: same inside a rock?

    Hi, Even though it is called 'vacuum energy'... do we know or do we have some theory on... whether the activities of virtual particle pairs is the same whether in the relative vacuum of space or... with in ther Earth's atmosphere (where tests confirmed it) or... say inside a rock? Rusty
  35. I

    Why Do Vacuum Tubes in CRT TVs Get Hot Despite the Vacuum?

    Old CRT tv's use vacuum tubes and they get hot, but how does the glass get hot when the inside is under a vacuum and therefore shouldn't transfer any heat?
  36. L

    Can a Dry Pump be Reused for Vacuum Chambers? | lamonster

    Can any dry pump be reused for evacuating a chamber? Ie: I have a 2hp compressor, can I use it to make a vacuum chamber. -lamonster
  37. D

    Ever-Present Vacuum: Light's Constant Velocity in Space

    If light travels at constant velocity c in vacuum and constantly relative to any inertial reference body, then does that not mean all bodies and space are perforated, or rather filled in, with vacuum within which light can travel?
  38. J

    Speed of light in and out of vacuum

    I've read ZapperZ's thread on the speed of photons through a solid and am still confused. If you imagine an experiment where two emitters A and B are set up to emit one photon each simultaneously towards two receptors (also A and B)in a vacuum 558,000 miles away. The receptors will sense the...
  39. N

    Free Field Vacuum: What Does It Correspond To?

    Hello PF, If the the interacting field (phi^4 theory or QED) vacuum corresponds to bubbles for example: photon goes into electron-positron pair and then vice versa.. etc... etc... To what does the free (non-interacting) field vacuum correspond? 10x
  40. Phrak

    Liquid in a Vacuum: The Phenomenon of Mercury's State in a Vacuum

    Are there any substances that are liquid in a vacuum? It seems mercury should be liquid. If so, what forces keep it from solidifying, yet not disipating into a gas?
  41. S

    Rate of air pressure drop in a reservoir with a hole to a vacuum

    Homework Statement A space capsule, which may be treated as a sphere of radius 10m, is hit by a micrometeorite which makes a hole of diameter 2mm in its skin. Estimate how long it will take for the air pressure to drop by 30%. Avogadro's number is about 6 \times 10^{23} Homework Equations...
  42. C

    I'm stuck with my 'Balls in a vacuum'

    Hey, Can anyone help me with my imaginary experiment? In a large glass tank I place air-filled balls of thin rubber (like a balloon but perfectly spherical). I fill the tank to the top with the rubber balls, seal the lid and evacuate the tank of air. The internal pressure difference...
  43. fluidistic

    Question about the solution to Maxwell's equations in vacuum

    The maxwell's equations in vacuum are satisfied by a non trivial solution involving \vec E (t,\vec x) and \vec B (t, \vec x). Correct me if I'm wrong. I don't really understand the physical interpretation of the solution. I know that if I'm given an initial condition then I can know the...
  44. S

    Is the space between the electron shell and nucleus a perfect vacuum?

    Is the space between the electron shell and nucleus a perfect vacuum?
  45. D

    What Happens When a Marshmallow Collides with a Human in Space?

    Hey guys, I have a question; I was in a Physics lesson at school today, me and my teacher got into a discussion about space and vacuums. Somehow we managed to get marsh mellows into te convosation, and my mind wondered until I came up with this question - If a Marshe Mellow is traveling...
  46. B

    Can a spaceship withstand acceleration in a vacuum?

    We all know that if you accelerate at 1g in a vacuum, you'd be pressed into the floor/wall of your spaceship in the same way that you're pressed into the ground on Earth; that is, you would have "Earth Gravity". I got into a discussion with some people about the structural integrity of a...
  47. N

    Powerful Vacuum Motor - Ideas for Use

    I have a powerful vacuum motor and wanted to put it to use. I would hate for a great functional motor to go to waste. Any project ideas, excluding vacuum cleaners?
  48. G

    Vacuum fluctuations and matter

    Does the process of pair production mean that the quantum vacuum fluctuations can produce atoms(given enough time) as the following quote on wikipedia seems to suggest? Has it been experimentally confirmed that atoms can be formed in the seething with virtual particles zero-point energy state of...
  49. J

    Difference between Nothing & Vacuum

    Difference between "Nothing" & Vacuum Could you please tell me what is the difference between "Nothing" an a "theoretical perfect vacuum" ? The question is serious. Regards
  50. R

    I just created a vacuum in a cup when doing the dishes?

    I want to know the mechanism behind this. I folded a paper cloth (may of been of the bounty kind), and put my wet cups on there mouth down. I heard a hissing, and I thought I may have left the stove on. I followed the noise to the cup, and noticed it was hissing like crazy. I tilted the cups...