Variables Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. S

    Change of variables in a second order SDE

    Hello everyone! I am fairly new to SDE theory, so I'm sorry if my question may be a bit naive. I have the following coupled set of SDE:s d\phi = \frac{v - v_r}{R}d t + \frac{\pi}{\sqrt{t_c}}d W d v = A\cos(n\phi - \phi_w)d t + a_v d t + \sigma_v d W. W denotes a Wiener process, and the...
  2. camilus

    Top grad programs in several complex variables and complex geometry?

    I know UC San Diego is good, Rothschild and Ebenfelt are there, but are there any other ones that stand out in these and related fields? Thanks a bunch
  3. M

    Limitations of Comparing t/U and t^2/U Variables

    Let U and t be independent real variable. In the limit: t/U \rightarrow 0 Can I say that t^2/U \rightarrow 0 too? Or I can compare only same powers of both? Regards.
  4. I

    Solving for a variable in terms of two other variables

    solve the following equation for z in terms of x and y 3y^{2}+2yz-5z-2x=0 i've spent a lot of time on this question, but i keep getting something along the lines of 0=0 i tried solving for x in temrs of y and z to replace the x but i get 0=0 Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at...
  5. M

    Mathematica Evaluate limit relation between variables in Mathematica

    Hello. How do I evaluate, in Mathematica, limits like this: "X+Y" when X is much bigger than Y, i.e., when Y/X->0. The unswer should be X+Y->X. Regards.
  6. G

    Measuring error analysis with 3 variables

    Homework Statement Consider the function F(xyz)=x^4+5y^4+2yz+3. Let the uncertainty in x be represented by the variable dx, the uncertainty in y be represented by the variable dy, and the uncertainty in z be represented by the variable dz. Find an algebraic expression for the uncertainty in...
  7. M

    Complex Variables Homework: Determine Set, Compute Derivative

    Homework Statement Determine the set on which f(z) = 1/(z^3 +1) is analytic and compute its derivative. Homework Equations Hint: you do not need to appeal to the Cauchy-Riemann equations The Attempt at a Solution Total stuck with this one. everything we have done this far has...
  8. C

    Question about parametrization and number of free variables

    Hey guys, how come when you have a parametric equation with two free variables it creates a surface, but when you have a parametric equation with one free variable it draws out a line? I sort of get it intuitively, one dimension is just a line, two dimensions is a plane, so I guess this sort of...
  9. mfig

    Transformation of variables in definite integral limits

    Hello, I am going through Whittaker's treatise on Classical Mechanics. In chapter 3 he derives the equation of motion for a simple pendulum, and I have a question about his method. Starting from the general form for the equation of energy (s is the path): \frac{m}{2}\dot{s}^2 =...
  10. J

    Why Does Treating Variables as Constants Fail in Line Integrals?

    Hey guys and gals, this isn't actually an assignment of any sort, so I didn't want to put it in the homework section. This is also my first post, though I have been lurking for quite a while, reading the copious amounts of information available here. :p Anyhow, could somebody please elaborate...
  11. U

    Change of Variables in Tripple Integrals

    Homework Statement In double integrals, the change of variables is fairly easy to understand. With u = constant and v = constant, along line KL v = constant so dv = 0. Therefore the only contributing variable to ∂x and ∂y is ∂v. The Attempt at a Solution However, in tripple...
  12. J

    What is the ε & δ definition of continuity of f(x) at x=0?

    what is the ε & δ definition of continuity of f(x) at x=0
  13. R

    Change variables and expand around new variable (Mathematica)

    I have a differential expression that I want to expand to some order around infinity (it's for calculating weak-field limits in GR). I have two functions, B(r) and n(r), and some expression involving them along the lines of n[r] (3 r B'[r]^2 - 4 B[r] (2 B'[r] + r B''[r])) Basically I want...
  14. karush

    MHB -12.1 find x w\ eq w\ 3 variables

    $x^2+m^2=2mx + (nx)^2$, $n\neq1$, $n\neq-1$ isolate $x$ rewriting $m^2-2 m x-n^2 x^2+x^2 = 0$ $m(m-2x)-x^2(n-1)(n+1)=0$ I set this to 0 thinking I could factor by grouping but not.. So seem to be stuck on how to to isolate x the books answere to this is $\frac{m}{1-n},\frac{m}{1+n}$ thnx...
  15. S

    Cumulative distribution of binomial random variables

    Homework Statement The probability of being dealt a full house is approximately 0.0014. Find the probability that in 1000 hands of poker you will be dealt at least 2 full houses Homework Equations I can use binomial distribution. The Attempt at a Solution The probability of getting...
  16. P

    Complex Analysis or Complex Variables?

    Hi everyone, I'm a Physics student going into my Junior year and I'm currently registering for my courses for the following semester and I have two options for my "complex" course, namely: --------------------------------------------------- Complex Variables Theory of functions of one complex...
  17. PhizKid

    Solve for 'x' (with 4 variables and 1 equation)

    Homework Statement ac + bc = (a - c)(a + b) - xabcd^2 Homework Equations Various factoring rules (difference of two squares, etc.)The Attempt at a Solution I got it expanded to: ac + bc = a^2 + ab - ac - bc - xabcd^2\\0 = a^2 + ab - 2ac - bc - bd - xabcd^2 I tried factoring different ways...
  18. P

    Proving Global Max/Min for Function w/ 2 Variables: Advice Needed

    I am struggling with this question which appears in every adv. calculus exam paper I practise and would love some help or advice on how to even approach it! I have no trouble getting the extreme points and determining whether they are local minimum, local maximum or saddle points, but proving...
  19. M

    Change of Variables: Rewrite g(s) as g(t)?

    Homework Statement I am performing a change of variables, s --> t and am wondering can I just write g(s) --> g(t) or do I have to alter the function e.g. g(s) --> a*g(t). Homework Equations s = (a/b)* t g(s) is to be found numerically and therefore we do not have it's definition. So...
  20. H

    Multivariable Calculus book with Taylor expansion for several variables

    Hi. I borrowed many multivariable Calculus book so that I can choose one for the next semester. The one I liked most is Multivariable Calculus by Ron Larson. It is full of graphics and colours, somthing that is essential to understand functions of two variables. The only thing is that it does...
  21. B

    MATLAB Troubleshooting MATLAB Functions and Variables

    i have a question. i just try to learn MATLAB however i couldn't define the functions and variables inside the one script. i open new script file and give the function comment in it for example like this... function [ y ] = betaf( x,Ee) lambda=0.1; y=100*gammaf(Ee)*lambda/(2*pi*x)...
  22. W

    Pesky change of variables in integral

    Hi All, I've managed to confuse myself with a simple change of variables. I have an integral of the form: $$ I = \int_f^{\infty} dt \int_0^1 ds\, t\, F(t(1-s),ts), $$ where $F(a,b)$ is some well behaved function and $f$ is a positive number. I want to change variables: $$ x =...
  23. parazit

    Mathematica Mathematica:Solving two equations with two variables ?

    Mathematica:Solving two equations with two variables ?? Hi, I am trying to solve two equations with two unkonwn variables. These equations are equal to zero so my way was first picking one of the variable to one side of the equations and equalize them and find the other unknown parameter...
  24. A

    System of three equations and four variables

    How to solve this system? \begin{align} & \sqrt{\frac{x_{1}^{2}x_{4}^{2}}{4}-{{({{x}_{1}}-{{x}_{4}})}^{2}}}-\sqrt{\frac{x_{1}^{2}x_{3}^{2}}{4}-{{({{x}_{1}}-{{x}_{3}})}^{2}}}=\sqrt{\frac{x_{3}^{2}x_{4}^{2}}{4}-{{({{x}_{3}}-{{x}_{4}})}^{2}}} \\ &...
  25. P

    Evaluate the integral by making the appropriate change in variables

    ∫∫9(x + y) e^(x2 − y2) dA, where R is the rectangle enclosed by the lines x−y=0, x−y=10, x+y=0, and x+y=5 Relevant Equations: The Jacobian: ∂(x,y)/∂(u,v) The attempt at a solution: I began by making u=x+y and v=x^2-y^2 So, u=0 and u=5, but I don't know what to do with the x-y line...
  26. P

    Photoelectric Effect - Variables

    1. A scientist is investigating the effect of different types of radiation on the surface of a piece of Sodium metal. He uses a freshly cut surface on a Sodium plate. 2. a) Which of the variables is the dependent and independent variables? b) Why must the surface of the Sodium...
  27. N

    Differential equation with three variables

    Can anyone help me on this equation. I want to find a solution for dr/dt. a, b and c are constants.
  28. E

    Separation of variables , but for 2nd order

    "separation of variables", but for 2nd order Ok, I know how to separate variables in solving an ODE. I am unable to understand a solution I have for a problem which was the result of reduction of order- we end up with u''*sinx-2u'*cosx=0 so turn this into u''/u'=-2cosx/sinx At this point I...
  29. T

    IDL Problem- passing variables between procedures

    Hi all. This is my problem. I have two IDL procedures hr2altaz, hour, dec, alt, az -- which takes the HA and DEC and converts it to ALT and AZ altaz2hr, hour, dec, alt, az -- which takes ALT and AZ, and converts it to HA and DEC. What I need to do, is to begin with a certain HA and DEC...
  30. K

    Okay I have a problem with using variables in differential equations

    Consider the differential equation where I''+I=e^it where i= sqrt (-1) So I don't know what to do. I do know that The second derivative of c*t*e^(i*t) is -c e^(i t) (-2 i+t) But I don't know what to do for a and b and I need help to get threw this problem before I take my test...
  31. C

    Meauring deviation of something using some party randomized variables

    hi, i want to take an x-y data set and find the deviation from another dataset. the master dataset is two identical y=1/x curves of different amplitude; also one only registers at periodic intervals and the second is multiplied by a noise signal. so part of the problem is going to be...
  32. C

    Statistics and independent variables

    Homework Statement Let's say the independent variable (in statistical terms) A depends on variables B, C and D. We perform tests, and find out that the variable A causes "something" with the values of B, C and D equal to B2, C2 and D2. Let's also say that A with variables B, C and D of B1...
  33. M

    Schrodinger Equation and seperation of variables

    Hi, In Griffiths QM, it is claimed that to solve the Schrodinger Equation, we take the solution wavefunction \Psi(x,t) to be of a seperable form \psi(x)\phi(t). He then says that a superposition of these seperable forms can always give us the general solution. Can someone help me prove that...
  34. V

    Pivot Variables in Reduced Row Echelon Form

    Why do we solve for only the pivot variables when we are trying to solve a system of equations using reduced row echelon form? Thank you
  35. U

    Chain rule with multiple variables

    I was reading over a textbook that stated the following, where y(s,t) = v(x(s,t),t) \frac{\partial y}{\partial t} = \frac{\partial v}{\partial x}\frac{\partial x}{\partial t} + \frac{\partial v}{\partial t} and \frac{\partial^2y}{\partial t^2} = \frac{\partial^2 v}{\partial x^2}\left (...
  36. Einj

    Grassmann variables and functional derivatives

    Hi all! I'm sorry if this question has been already asked in another post... I'm studying the path integrals formalism in QED. I'm dealing with the functional generator for fermionic fields. My question is: The generating functional is: $$Z_0=e^{-i\int{d^4xd^4y \bar{J}(x)S(x-y)J(y)}}$$...
  37. A

    Significance of derivative for functions of several variables

    For single variable functions derivative means slope of tangent what does it mean for functions of more than one variable. book says that a function is said to be differentiable if: f(x + Δx , y + Δy) - f(x , y) = AΔx + BΔy + ε'ψ(Δx , Δy) + εh(Δx , Δy) WHERE ε, ε' → 0 AS Δx , Δy → 0...
  38. M

    Limit of a function in two variables

    Homework Statement Prove with \epsilon-\delta: Lim_{(a,b)\rightarrow(0,0)}\frac{sin^{2}(a-b)}{\left|a\right|+\left|b\right|}=0 Hint: \left|sin(a+b)\right|\leq\left|a+b\right|\leq\left|a\right|+\left|b\right| Homework Equations 0<\sqrt{(x-x_{0})^{2}+(y-y_{0})^{2}}<\delta and...
  39. H

    Finding a Limit in two variables

    Homework Statement f(1/u,0)=1 and f(0,1/u)=-1 for all positive (integer) values of u. Prove whether or not the limit as (x,y) ->(0,0) exists. Homework Equations none. The Attempt at a Solution I argue that 0,0 is not in the domain of the function, but this neglects the behavior of f(x,y)...
  40. M

    The product of exponential and a uniform random variables

    Homework Statement I'm trying to show that U(X+Y) = X in distribution, where X and Y are independent exp(λ) distributed and U is uniformly distributed on (0,1) independent of X+Y.Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution X+Y is gamma(2,λ) distributed. But I can't figure out how to deal with...
  41. M

    Intuition for Change of Variables Theorem

    Hi, The change of variables theorem states that given a diffeomorphism g:A \rightarrow B between open sets, and a continuous function f:A \rightarrow R, then \int _A f = \int _B f \circ g |Det Dg| given that either one of the integrals exist. I was wondering if anyone here could help explain...
  42. S

    MATLAB MATLAB Help -- how to ask user for 2 input variables

    I have an assignment where we have to ask the user for a number of data points which then we will graph a linear regression. Enter the number of input data points: 7 Enter [x y] pair for point 1: [1.1 1.01] Enter [x y] pair for point 2: [2.2 2.30] Enter [x y] pair for point 3: [3.3 3.05]...
  43. S

    Analyzing a 7-variable data set where multiple variables changed at once

    Hi, I have some experimental data from a colleague which has been collected with different values for 7 parameters. It isn't nice, as in it's not as if 6 of the parameters were held fixed while the seventh was adjusted. Beyond that, I don't have much data. I'm not up on my statistical...
  44. M

    Separation of Variables, Solutions to Laplace's Eqtns with Boundary Conditions

    Not really a specific problem, but just a general question: Does anyone have any good references (preferably online) for solving E&M problems with this method? I'm using Griffith's Electrodynamics book for my class and I'm trying to get ready for a final. This is the only part I'm having...
  45. H

    Critical points with multiple variables

    Homework Statement Locate and classify the critical points of f(x,y) = (x-y)(xy-1). Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I found the partial derivatives with respect to x and y and I got: ∂f/∂x = -y2+2xy-1 ∂f/∂y = x2-2xy+1 After setting them both equal to zero I can't...
  46. A

    Hermitian operators = values of variables

    I have read in different places something like the following: Hermitian operators have real eigenvalues Hermitian operators/their eigenvalues are the observables in Quantum Mechanics e.g energy I am not sure what this means physically. Let us say I have a Hermitian operator operating on a...
  47. Z

    MATLAB Solving MATLAB Problems with R1, RF, R2 and w Variables

    I have such MATLAB problem: I create variables R1 RF R2 and w so: Code: syms RF R1 R2 w then I write expression: Code: 3*R1*w*(RF + 200)/((R2*w*29*i + 3)*(3*R1*w - 2*i)) which gives: Code: (3*R1*w*(RF + 200))/((3*R1*w - 2*sqrt(-1))*(R2*w*29*sqrt(-1) + 3)) why sqrt(-1) and not i...
  48. F

    A*log(b), Separating the two variables

    Hi! I have a problem with the following equation: log(D)-b*log(K) = b*log(z)-log(c) I would like to get D and K on one side of the equal to sign, so that: f(D,K) = g(b, c, z) Is this possible? Peter
  49. J

    MATLAB MATLAB help for modelling with changing variables.

    Hi, I'm new to MATLAB and programming, but I hoping to find out if I can have a variables in my program take on certain values only for certain time intervals. For example, I am using ode23s to solve some equations for me, but for the time interval [0,10] I would like one of the variables...