I've solving some separation of variables exercises, and I have a doubt when it comes to the Laplacian
u_{xx} +u_{yy} =0
I usually have a rectangle as boundary conditions, so I use the principe of superposition and arrive to
\dfrac{X''(x)}{X(x)} = - \dfrac{Y''(y)}{Y(y)} = - \lambda
Hi there. I am making some numerical tests, and printing the results in a data file. The data file contains the Cartesian coordinates, and the function to be plotted at the x,y point for each time t in columns: x,y,f(x,y). I could add a fourth column for the time step, or equally print each time...
I'm working through a proof in my differential equations book, but I think I'm hung up on a basic calculus derivative.
If we have a function ##f(x,y)## and we substitute ##v=\frac{y}{x}## , rearrange to get ##y=vx##, and then take the derivative, supposedly by the product rule we get...
Homework Statement
I am looking at this question:
With this (part of ) solution:
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
I follow up to the last line-
I do not understand here how we have simply taken the ##1/t^{\alpha m + \alpha}## outside of the derivative...
Homework Statement
I want to generate two random variables, one is normally distributed N ~N(10, 25) and the other one, E, is exponentially distributed with mean 1. I was not given a particular correlation coefficient.Homework Equations
normal cdf, exponential cdf, inverse transform method...
I'm working through the problems in Mary Boas's Mathematical Methods text. Here's how she began solving one problem...
"We take differentials of the equation 1/i + 1/o = 1/f (f=constant) to get
-di/i2 - do/o2 = 0."
So on the left side the first term was differentiated with respect to i and...
So I've been reading David Bohm's original paper on the alternative interpretation of quantum mechanics in terms of hidden variables, just out of interest. In the 4th section he presents a complex function ψ in terms of R and S, and then (using the time dependent schrodinger equation, TISE)...
Given a convolution:
g(x) * h(x) &\doteq \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} g(z) h(x-z) dz
Do ##z## and ##x## have to be independent? For example, can one set ##x=z+y## such that:
\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} g(z)...
Homework Statement
In a 2-body scattering event, A + B → C + D, it is convenient to introduce the Mandelstam variables,
s ≡ −(PA + PB)2 ,
t ≡ −(PA − PC) 2 ,
u ≡ −(PA − PD) 2 ,
where PA,...,D are the 4-momenta of the particles A, . . . , D respectively, (· · ·) 2 = (· · ·) · (· · ·) denotes a...
Hello! (Wave)
I want to check if the method of separation of variables can be used for the replacement of the following given partial differential equations from a pair of ordinary differential equations. If so, I want to find the equations.- $[p(x) u_x]_x-r(x) u_{tt}=0$
- $u_{xx}+(x+y)...
Homework Statement
What is directly given in the problem:
Converging lens with f=1.43m
Hi = 2m
Homework Equations
Hi/Ho = di/do
M = Hi/Ho = di/do
1/f = 1/do + 1/di
The Attempt at a Solution
Ho = 2m * 20 = 40m
Not sure how I can get do from this. All of the equations seem to need di.
How do I solve this equation without killing the k(y) term:
I managed to derive an analytical solution for this one. I intend to run the numerical solution via Runge-Kutta but I can't stop myself from killing the k(y) term. I'm starting to think I'm doing something wrong... It goes...
Homework Statement
https://www.physicsforums.com/attachments/screen-shot-2017-04-15-at-12-28-52-pm-png.194886/?temp_hash=4939cc24bd25e6adfbe75458bec6d011 Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
If X and Y are independent then:
Would hidden variables still be consistent with QM if we abandon the concept of locality? For example, entangle particles could be connected via Einstein-Rosen bridges and any measurement would cause this bridge to collapse.
I'm currently working (slowly) through Goldstein (et al), 3rd Edition, and a remark in the section on Action-angle Varibles for Completely Separable Systems (10.7) is giving me pause. We're told that the orbit equations for all ##(q_i, p_i)## pairs in phase space describe libration or periodic...
Homework Statement
I am trying to minimize the function ##f(a) = (1+4a^2)^3 \left( \frac{1}{4a^2} \right)^2##. Here we are given that ##a>0##
Homework Equations
Definition of a minimum of a function
The Attempt at a Solution
Now the derivative here will be ugly and equating it to zero and...
Homework Statement
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I solved part a. I got an answer of 140. For part b, however, I am stuck. I came up with a set of points for D in the xy plane [(0,3)(0,6)(4,5)(4,8)] giving me a rhombus. How do i integrate this? I tried to split up the...
Homework Statement
Homework Equations
this is the entire syllabus of the test from which i got this question. Kindly mention if this question is out of syllabus[/B]
The Attempt at a Solution
I don't have the idea to approach this question. In normal limits, i know that graphically it is...
Hi all,
I am developing a very simple computer game to randomly move a point to on a bound region and check how many steps it takes to have the point landing to a certain place. To make it simple, I assume it is a 1D problem, the point could start on origin or any location on positive x axis...
A paradigm shift for me occurred when, I now realize, that position and momentum are random variables in QM. As such, it does not make any sense to say things like "take the derivative of the position with respect time".
Instead QM has the position and momentum operators which operate on the...
Find the critical points and test for relative extrema. List the critical points for which the Second Partials Test fails.
Given: f (x, y) = (x - 1)^2 (y + 4)^2
I found the partial derivative for x and y to be the following:
f_x = 2 (x - 1)(y + y)^2
f_y = 2 (y + 4)(x - 1)^2
I solved for x...
Homework Statement
Determine the spherical harmonics and the eigenvalues of \vec{\hat{L}}^2 by solving the eigenvalue equation \vec{\hat{L}}^2 |\lambda, m \rangle in position space,
[\frac{1}{sin \theta} \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta} ( sin \theta \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta} ) +...
Homework Statement
Consider a charge ##q##, with mass ##m##, moving in the ##x-y## plane under the influence of a uniform magnetic field ##\vec{B}=B\hat{z}##. Show that the Hamiltonian $$ H = \frac{(\vec{p}-q\vec{A})^2}{2m}$$ with $$\vec{A} = \frac{1}{2}(\vec{B}\times\vec{r})$$ reduces to $$...
Hi All,
I can perform the integration of the integral above easily by changing the variable
Of course first computing the Jacobian, and integrating over ##u## and ##v##
I am wondering how you perform the change of...
Q: Suppose ##u(x,t)## satisfies the heat equation for ##0<x<a## with the usual initial condition ##u(x,0)=f(x)##, and the temperature given to be a non-zero constant C on the surfaces ##x=0## and ##x=a##.
We have BCs ##u(0,t) = u(a,t) = C.## Our standard method for finding u doesn't work here...
My physics book is showing an example of why it matters "what variable you hold fixed" when taking the partial derivative. So it asks to show that
##(\frac{\partial{w}}{\partial{x}})_{y} \neq (\frac{\partial{w}}{\partial{x}})_z##
where ##w=xy## and ##x=yz## and the subscripts are what variable...
Hi all,
I have the following ode code, and I want to know how I could output the variable "k_mb" within my main script so that I can plot it to see if it's actually active when the solver is integrating.
function zdot = odenesttest(t,z)
global r_p r_g I_p I_g m_p m_g V k_mb
A_or_B =...
When I hear that mass of a particle has managed to hop through a solid barrier ..it tells me that the mass was a variable and not physical at the time.
I have a set of variables that are always inputs for several functions that I made. Does MatLab have a kind of function that stores these variables into a single matrix (or similar) so that I just need to call this matrix for each function rather than calling them one-by-one as inputs into the...
We start with:
And we want to consider x as function of y instead of y as function of x.
I understand this equality:
dy/dx = 1/ (dx/dy)
But for the second order this equality is provided:
d2y/dx2 =- d2x/dy2 / (dx/dy)3
Does anybody understand where is it coming from? The cubic...
Homework Statement
Hi guys, I'm struggling to figure out how the solution in the picture that I posted was able to get rid of their mg factors and then come up with a factor of k for x_1 in their eigenvalue equation. You can see that in the second equation of motion there is no k*x_1 but it...
Hi all, I have logistically- regressed 3 different numerical variables ,v1,v2,v3 separately against the same variable w . All variables have the same type of S-curve (meaning, in this case, that probabilities increase as vi ; i=1,2,3 increases ). Is there a way of somehow joining the three...
Homework Statement
Transform the equation:
x2 * d2y/dx2 + 2 * x * dy/dx + (a2/x2)*y = 0
Homework Equations
The differential of a function of several variables, and the common rules of differentiation.
The Attempt at a Solution
Homework Statement
For the given function z to demonstrate the equality:
[/B]As you see I show the solution provided by the book, but I have some questions on this.
I don't understand how the partial derivative of z respect to x or y has been calculated.
Do you think this is correct?
Homework Statement
I have
##\int dx \int dy \delta (x^{2}+y^{2}-E) ## [1]
I have only seen expressions integrating over ##\delta## where the ##x## or the ##y## appear seperately as well as in the delta function and so you can just replace e.g ##y^2 = - x^{2} +E## then integrate over ##\int...
Homework Statement
Problem statement is attached...
Homework Equations
my attempt at solution is also attached...
The Attempt at a Solution
One of my assumptions was to treat the inlet concentration as a disturbance variable, and inlet flow rate as a manipulated variable...However, as I try...
i All,
I have a Jupyter Python Notebook with data like below:
I want to create an SFrame with 2 columns and 11 rows.Each row has two entries:
One containing the name of each word and the other entry containing the total count of the word. The words are part of a list called 'Selected...
hello there
Im trying to do a derivation of tsiolkovsky's rocket equation, but i got stuck at the step when i have to use separation of variables (marked with red in the pic), i used maple to solve it, so i could get on with it, but i want to understand what is happening to solve this, so can...
There's this problem that I've been trying to solve. I know the solution for it now but my initial attempt at a solution was wrong and I can't seem to figure out the mistake with my reasoning. I'd appreciate some help with figuring this one out.
1. Homework Statement
I have a set of random...
I need help to convert 2 variables A,B into 1 representative variable C, which is used to filter A,B:
Below is an example with C=A+B, which makes Set 2 the highest value:
Set 1: A=65, B=75, C=140;
Set 2: A=50, B=100, C=150;
Set 3: A=54, B=90, C=144;
Set 4: A=72, B=72, C=144;
Set 5: A=71, B=73...
In quantum mechanics, position ##\textbf{r}## and momentum ##\textbf{p}## are conjugate variables given their relationship via the Fourier transform. In transforming via the Legendre transform between Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics, where ##f^*(\textbf{x}^*)=\sup[\langle \textbf{x}...
Let ##f(x,y,z)=x^2e^{-x-xy-xz}##, if ##x,y,z>0## and ##f(x,y,z)=0## otherwise. Are the continuous random variables ##x,y,z## independent or not?
Intuitively they are not independent. I calculated the marginal density functions:
##f_x(x)=\iint_{\Omega} f(x,y,z) dydz=e^{-x}##...
I was overlooking page 47 of "The Physics of the Manhattan Project" 2.2 Critical Mass: Diffusion Theory, and author Bruce Cameron Reed reported that:
Can anyone explain how Bruce Cameron Reed got from (2.18) to (2.19)
I tried plugging ## N(r,t) = N(r) N(t) ## into (2.18) to get (2.19), but it...
For ##2\rightarrow 2## scattering with equal masses in the centre-of-mass frame, are all the four three-momenta equal to each other, or is it that the incoming three-momenta and the outgoing three-momenta sum to 0 separately?
In ##2-2## scattering, the Mandelstam variables ##s##, ##t## and ##u## encode the energy, momentum, and angles of particles in a scattering process in a Lorentz-invariant fashion.
My instructor asked us to create a binary search tree in python that supports variables. i.e. the tree will have variables inside, and the user can get the values for those variables by looking for the name of that variable. I don't really know how to implement this.
What I have so far: