Visual Definition and 215 Threads

  1. T

    Visual effects of SR versus GR

    If you are traveling very very fast in a space ship, are there any visual effects produced by general relativity that you wouldn't see from just special relativity? Assuming we don't get close to large gravity wells like black holes. Does the acceleration of the ship produce any visual...
  2. P

    Have You Experienced This Visual Phenomena with Oil Droplets?

    Iwatch a very thin stream of oil falling from a pipe & into another pipe thru 1' of airspace. It looks like a stream until i abruptly twist my head horizontally [snaplike] & then i see droplets instead of a stream while my head is rotating [snaplike].
  3. T

    Visual basic algorithm for computing hermite polynomials

    Please I need Visual Basic algorithm for computing Hermite polynomials. Any one with useful info? Thanks.
  4. M

    Visual Studio deleting .exe files in \Debug\ folder.

    (Programming and VS newb here.) I'm hoping someone has had (and fixed!) this problem. I'm working on a project for my CS-150 class but I'm having some tech troubles. I'm running Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate (downloaded via MSDNAA) and it (or something else) seems to be deleting my project.exe...
  5. T

    Advise on writing program to collect visual sighting reports online autonomously

    Greetings, I'm an undergraduate electrical engineer with minimal programming experience and I'm here because I would like some advice as to how I should approach writing a program I'm interested in. I'm specifically interested in what programming language I should learn and use. The purpose...
  6. B

    C/C++ Image processing in visual studio c++

    how can i work with images in visual studio c++? i want to work with .jpg images. So how do i store them and access them?
  7. R

    Visual complex analysis problem

    Homework Statement Explain geometrically why the locus of z such that arg [ (z-a)/(z-b) ] = constant is an arc of a certain circle passing through the fixed points a and b. i tried to visualize the equation in a cartesian co-system but in doing so, i was not very successful.
  8. R

    Gen Physics Book for Right-Brained, Visual Learners?

    My screen name says it all, and I am desperate for help - trying to teach myself through this accelerated summer class is clearly not working with the materials & methods I have been using. Any suggestions for a Physics textbook, or supplementary book, alternate tutoring/learning methods for...
  9. QuarkCharmer

    Solving the Chain Rule: A Visual Guide

    Homework Statement \frac{d}{dx}(x+(x+sin^2(x))^3)^4 Homework Equations Calc up to Chain Rule. The Attempt at a Solution Using product and chain rule I got: \frac{dy}{dx}=4(x+(x+sin^2(x))^3)^3(1+3(x+sin^2(x))^2)(1+\frac{d}{dx}sin^2(x)) Then I calculated the derivative of sin^2(x)...
  10. N

    Draw with Teechart,language Visual Basic

    I have one problem about this matter,data update on graph,delay a long time,then it will cornered,i can't this disposition you can help me!
  11. B

    Determine body properties by visual spectrum?

    Hello, I'v been taking an interest to astronomical spectroscopy lately and I have some questions about that. In order to get myself going I wanted to get as much information about Sirius A and Sirius B using the distance, obtained by using parallax(I didn't do that but imagine I did) , and...
  12. L

    Medical What Causes Visual Illusions and Hallucinations?

    I've noticed this a lot, but I never though it was weird, so I'm deciding to ask PF. Every once and a while, I'll just be sitting around, bored or contemplating the universe, when I'll stare at a blank object and start seeing little tiny circles with dots in the middle. Kinda like a molecule...
  13. A

    [VECTORS] Got the answer, lack visual understanding

    Homework Statement Which of the following lines is parallel to the plane 4x + y - z - 10 = 0? ii) x = -3t y= -5 +2t z = -10t This is parallel, I confirmed it. The Attempt at a Solution I already know that this line is parallel to the plane. I know that if that "If this line...
  14. JeremyEbert

    What is the Visual Prime Pattern Based on Trig and Harmonics?

    Here is a visual prime pattern: I have developed one of my own based upon trig, square roots and the harmonic sequence. Here is an animation/application that shows the formula visually: Thoughts? Questions?
  15. S

    Visual field defects. Totally confused. Please help

    Visual field defects. Totally confused. Please help! Hello everyone, [PLAIN] I'm totally confused with this. If there is a lesion in A, why can't you see the left visual field. According to the arrows, if there is a lesion at A, you would...
  16. S

    Medical Explaining Visual Disturbances: Experiences & Research

    Forgive me if this isn't the correct spot for this post. Since about 15, before I had tried any drugs, I always experienced bright color blobs, patterns, visual snow and movement in the dark, as well as grids across the sky (this doesn't happen often anymore). It always kind of made it hard for...
  17. G

    What color would a door painted with ultraviolet paint appear to be?

    I have a question, and forgive me for not presuming you have the same basic knowledge as my self. but I want there to be no doubt about the question when it is given. Light is a very wide spectrum from low end Inferred ultra violet the high end...
  18. madmike159

    Maximizing Dual Core Performance in Visual Studio

    My laptop has a duel core Intel Centrino processor. Whenever I write programs in C/C++ in Visual Studio and run programs which should execute at full speed only one core seems to be doing anything. Some programs seem to be able to make full use of both cores, is this possible in Visual Studio?
  19. E

    Fix "Cannot Register msvbvm50.dll" Issue for Visual Basic 5 on Vista

    I have VB5 on my old PC, and I want to use it on my new PC. Copied all the VB files, etc. When I tried to run I got "Cannot register msvbvm50.dll" So I did regsvr32 msvbvm50.dll and it DID register, but VB still will not run! Anybody know how I can fix this, so VB5 will run on my Vista...
  20. J

    The world without visual depth perception

    Though this sounds silly in itself to ask, I would still ask it. Is there any animal or bird which lacks the ability of depth perception? How would the world look to humans if they didn't have the ability to perceive visual depth? I'm not a biology or science student. Therefore, please be...
  21. B

    Calculating distance using absolute and apparent visual magnitudes

    Is there an equation for calculating the distance of a star if you have the values for apparent visual magnitude and absolute visual magnitude?
  22. T

    Medical Brain: How Do Visual and Auditory Systems Interact?

    First I'd like to thank some frequent contributors to brain topics in the Physics Forums: (in unbiased alphabetic order) atyy Moonbear neurocomp2003 somasimple zoobyshoe Some great discussions on brain topics here! Based on frequency of the word "brain" in subject headings I would...
  23. P

    C/C++ Learning Visual C++ 2010 Express IDE: Recommended Resources

    I need to learn how to use the Visual C++ 2010 express IDE. My programming skills are good enough to write code but when i open a project in the 2010 IDE I am overwhelmed by what is presented as the starting code. I have never used this environment before. Is there a good book on the IDE that...
  24. S

    How to Create a GUI in Visual Basic and Load Input into PIC18F2550 via USB?

    I am sorry because i recreate this post because the old thread is missing =( I need to create a GUI using Visual basic to get input from user.A simple button click will be enough for the GUI.After i get the input, i need to load the input into PIC18F2550 through USB. This will then control my...
  25. MotoH

    Basic Visual 6: Simple Program for Calculating Trigonometric Values

    Hi, I am a beginner at Visual Basic 6! I am trying to make a simple program that will allow you to enter an angle, and receive the sine, cosine, and tangent values. the code: Public Class Form1 ' Imports System.Math Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal...
  26. S

    Visual Luminosity and flux of sun.

    Homework Statement Some values for the Sun are, bolometric luminosity Lbol = 3.83 x 10^26 W, bolometric correction = –0.07, and radius = 6.96 x 105 km. Calculate the visual luminosity, LV, of the Sun and the flux, FV, radiated into space by the solar surface. Homework Equations M1-M2=-2.5...
  27. L

    Fixing Error "formatspecifier" in Visual Studio 2008

    Hi, My visual studioes is acting very weird the following code: #include <math.h> #define GRAVITY 9.81 int main(void) { double range; double angle; double initspeed; printf("enter speed\n"); scanf("%lf", &initspeed); printf("enter angle\n"); scanf("%lf", &angle)...
  28. sylas

    Xkcd provides some visual PF guidelines

    (link to xkcd)
  29. M

    How do you think? Logical vs visual?

    There is often a dichotomy posed between verbal thinking and visual thinking. I'm definitely very very visual. I hardly think in terms of words at all. However, within the context of math, there are two different mental mechanisms that come into play when I'm solving a math problem. There is...
  30. L

    Looking for visual models or discriptions of bullet vs. shape charge

    Hello, I'm creating a slide-show presentation that describes how a shape charge explosion (namely that of an improvised explosive formed projectile) is more effective than that of a bullet projectile. I would like to include visuals and equations which describe how the initial explosion...
  31. K

    Python Visual Python Pendulum: Solving the Forces

    Hello and thanks in advance for your help. For about a week now, I've been trying to write what should be a simple python program. The idea is first to write a program for a simple harmonic pendulum, then adapt it to a spring pendulum. However, in order to do this, I have to write the simple...

    C/C++ Connecting to an Access 2000 .mdb database with visual C++ ADO commands

    Hello all, I am trying to connect to an Access database, the Northwind sample database, by following this example, I am using a Windows XP OS with Visual C++ 2008 Express for the compiler and IDE. The program is a console...
  33. V

    Algebra question - quick visual

    It's a physics question but I need help solving for the radius in the picture bellow I need to solve for r so i can finish my physics question off work so far (r-y)^2 + L^2 = r^2 r^2 - (2*r*y) + y^2 + L^2 = r^2 I'm not to sure how to...
  34. W

    Visual anomalies during nuclear explosions

    In some pictures of nuclear tests from the 50's and 60's you will often see illuminated "tendrils" falling through the air away from the mushroom clouds. Always wondered what it was? Any ideas Darren
  35. JasonRox

    Press Enter to initiate Event in Visual Basics

    Ok so I'm trying to make this game I made easier to play because rightnow it's a pain. Here's how the game playing goes now.. Click "Button"... Get Word In Textbox Type in an Answer Click "Button" to see if right and new word comes up So the typing to click and typing and clicking...
  36. R

    C/C++ C++ IDE - Eclipse vs. Visual C++

    I've become fairly proficient in C (relatively speaking) and want to start learning C++. However, I can't for the life of me get it working with Eclipse. I keep getting errors saying it can't find iostream, even though minGW works perfectly when compiling C. My brother recommended Visual C++...
  37. E

    Solving for F: A Visual Approach

    Homework Statement I need to find F from the picture above Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution My answer so far is: \frac{-y}{(x^2+y^2)} \vec{i} + \frac{x}{(x^2+y^2)} \vec{j} is this correct?
  38. M

    Fortran Compaq Visual Fortran: Does it Have IMSL Library?

    Hello, I have one questions. Does Compaq Visual Fortran have IMSL library? I tried to compile program which use MSIMSLMS module but program said that did not found the module. Thanks, Marden
  39. M

    Where Can I Find Visual Resources for Understanding Chemical Reactions?

    I learn rapidly in physics and biology but there are a lot of areas in chemistry that I struggle with like mad because everythings explained so abstractly and there's no way to visualize what's going on. Can anyone recommend a good book which has visual representations of what's going on in all...
  40. A

    A Visual Representation of the Vector Scalar Product?

    To any teachers or students, either instructing or taking, a Calculus-based Physics I course: I tutor a calculus-based general physics course in kinematics, and similar topics, and, I recently had a student approach me about his inability to grasp the scalar/dot product, in vector operations...
  41. W

    What are visual particle dedectors?

    i have a presentation for nuclear course, but i can't find in any resources about visual dedectors. there are many types but none specific topics. can anyone give me an example to study on?
  42. F

    C/C++ Printing from Visual C++ output

    I need to be able to print the output from my c++ program, which obviously comes up in a dos screen. Is there an easy way to print this without writing it into the code? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  43. J

    Filtering/Displaying records from Access in Visual Studio 2008

    First I must mention that I'm a novice-intermediate VB programmer. I have a subtle understanding (I bought a book!) of database programming for a SQL Server db. However, I'm using Access and this book simply isn't cutting it. Any resources/advice to lead me to be able to using SQL...
  44. 0

    How does sound localization vary with distance and frequency?

    Hi there, This is not a homework question. I am currently conducting a visual perception experiment with a professor. We are trying to find out how duration of a sound presented concurrent with a visual stimulus affects the localization of the visual stimulus which participants have to...
  45. J

    Basic vending machine logic circuit, with visual

    1. Homework Statement Design a logic circuit to simulate the circuitry that might exist in a vending machine. the vending machine accepts inputs of nickels, dimes, and quarters but only one of each. It dispenses water and beer. Use three logic switches to simulate the coin detectors one each...
  46. J

    Visual Basic 2008 Character tallying

    I'm trying to write a program which analyzes a string consisting of multiple names/words and outputs how many of each letter occurrences there are. (including upper and lower case characters.) i.e. string: "lafayette polk detroit" contains: 2-a's, 3-e's, 1-i, 2-o's, etc., etc. I'm...
  47. C

    Visual Basic OLE Portability Issue

    I am writing a GUI application that I want to display data in table format. The first thing I think of is to use Excel through OLE. But this is the first time I use OLE and I am particular concern about the portability of my program, as the program will be running on machines that could have...
  48. Y

    VB Help: Fix "Conversion from string to type 'Double' is not valid" Error

    Ok I'm just starting to teach myself and I thought I could have at least gotten this part but I'm getting a Conversion from string "" to type 'Double' is not valid. error message. Private Sub StockPricetxt_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles...
  49. D

    C# Hi-prec math for visual studio c#?

    Is there a Hi-prec math for visual studio c#? Thanks in advance, Devin
  50. S

    Visual Calculus - Great Aid for Pre-Calc to Calculus 2 Students

    Here's a website created by Professor Lawrence S. Husch, along with the help of some of his students, from the University of Tennessee. I just came across it through Google trying to understand series and sequences better as well as...