Visual Definition and 215 Threads

The visual system comprises the sensory organ (the eye) and parts of the central nervous system (the retina containing photoreceptor cells, the optic nerve, the optic tract and the visual cortex) which gives organisms the sense of sight (the ability to detect and process visible light) as well as enabling the formation of several non-image photo response functions. It detects and interprets information from the optical spectrum perceptible to that species to "build a representation" of the surrounding environment. The visual system carries out a number of complex tasks, including the reception of light and the formation of monocular neural representations, colour vision, the neural mechanisms underlying stereopsis and assessment of distances to and between objects, the identification of particular object of interest, motion perception, the analysis and integration of visual information, pattern recognition, accurate motor coordination under visual guidance, and more. The neuropsychological side of visual information processing is known as visual perception, an abnormality of which is called visual impairment, and a complete absence of which is called blindness. Non-image forming visual functions, independent of visual perception, include (among others) the pupillary light reflex (PLR) and circadian photoentrainment.
This article mostly describes the visual system of mammals, humans in particular, although other animals have similar visual systems (see bird vision, vision in fish, mollusc eye, and reptile vision).

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  1. C

    Medical Can Our Brain's Limited Perception Cause Visual 'Blank-Outs'?

    Visual Sensory "blank-outs"? Is it true that if you attempt to visually perceive something that is so strange and beyond your personal understanding, you will not be able to "see" it? In other words: If your brain doesn't already have that particular image stored somewhere and you try to view...
  2. A

    Visual Derivative: Understanding Slope of 3-D Functions

    I am learning calculus and I liked the idea of how limits are represented visually, as a removable discontinuity (a single point gap) in a function of x. When we started studying derivatives I immediately came to the conclusion that a derivative is like a single curve "gap" in a function of x...
  3. R

    Entanglement + Fusion: need a visual metaphor

    Greetings, I'm trying to illustrate how nuclear fusion would "look" from the perspective of two nuclei that are quantum entangled. I have a very limited knowledge of quantum theory but I can imagine how two nuclei might be illustrated as a waveform consisting of two functions in...
  4. F

    C/C++ How Can I Generate a Calendar in C++ Using User Input for First Day and Month?

    okay so they asked us to make an entire calendar where the user inputs the first day of the month and month itself and a calendar is generated for an entire year.. so far I've gotten to being able to generate a good thingi for a month.. and well I've used a while loop to repeat till the months...
  5. N

    Visual Basic: Factoring Time in Light Alternation

    Hey all. I am working on this program that will light LEDs from the parallel port of my computer. I think i have everything all set, but i want to do something cool. I was thinking of alternating lights between three colors. i am new to VB (and programming in general) and was wondering if there...
  6. B

    Newton-Raphson in Visual Basic 6

    Hello, I am progamming in Visual Basic 6, need help to resolve equation using Newton-Raphson method. My program is running, but not properly! Thank you.
  7. P

    Visual effects of Nukes in Space

    Hello all, I hope I'm posting in the right sub-forum here, because I'm quite new and don't really know my way around yet. Not to mention that the topic encompasses quite a few different areas. The subject is nukes in space. Or more specifically, the visual effects they should produce...
  8. Saladsamurai

    Having a hard time with visual of FBD

    I am trying to write a position vector for point D I originally thought that the z component was 0...but now common sense is telling me that it can't be...the rope must be sagging. Are my first to components correct or am I visualizing this incorrectly? : 8i+7j-(something)k <---or...
  9. P

    Which Direction Do You See the Dancer Spin?

    this is supposed to be visual test on if you are mainly left brained or right brained, it a woman spinning around a point, and if you see it spinning clockwise, you are right brain, if you see it anticlockwise, you are left brained. It nearly always goes right for me. I'm not sure how accurate...
  10. M

    What is the Visual Model for Voltage?

    I've always had trouble visualizing what voltage is, and how it relates to other electric concepts that are easy to visualise such as the colomb or the amp. The best I can guess is that voltage is the difference between two charge densitys, therefore voltage is measured in charge/volume but I...
  11. B

    Learning Math with Limited Visual Tools When Calculus is Required

    I'm currently taking calculus ("differential calculus of several variables") and I really dislike math (even though I used to like math), but it's required for my major (comp sci). My teacher can't draw and does not show us graphics of 3-D graphs and functions, so I have a hard time 'seeing'...
  12. W

    Can You Solve These Visual Brain Teasers?

    I so happen to like visual brain teasers. There's a lack, not to say a total absence, of these on this forum and I thought it'd be a good idea to start this thread so to undo the injustice. I was thinking maybe we could have some mods readily check this thread to validate image postings. That...
  13. P

    Medical I am wondering if I am exceptionally visual

    Lets say I am standing in the middle of the street in Newyork city. I can visualize ANYTHING. Not just a picture but a full movie like motion. Like water gushing into the city and I can see the waves crashing into the buildings and the physics are perfect. I can just sit here and dream of...
  14. D

    How to Control a Motor with Visual Basics and a Serial Port?

    hi please can anyone tel me how to control a motor connectd to an electronic chip connected to the computer uning serial port , using visual basics(iknow how to use VB )
  15. D

    Control a motor or a light using visual basic

    can anyone tell me how to control a motor or a light using visual basics (i know how o use visual basics but i don't know how to use it to control a motor or something)
  16. M

    Need Advice for Taking Visual Basic Programming as an IT Major?

    I am IT major who is going to take Visual Basic Programming in the fall. Any experts have any advice for me how is the programming I am going to also be taking courses in computer repair and networking. How difficult is database design I am going to be loaded 18 units. So I really need good...
  17. S

    Creating an Automated Advertisement Application in Visual Basic 6

    hey can anyone help me, i have to make an application, in which i have to change pictures in piture box ,means the i have to show advertisement in picture box, and a specfic period of time it automatically change to some other advertisement, i have to create this application in visual basic...
  18. I

    C/C++ Differences Between and Visual C++

    Hello, I am familiar with C(& C++) , and with Visual Basic, but not Visual C++. What are the differences between and Visual C++ ? Thanks
  19. J

    C/C++ Positioning Cursor in Visual C++ Console Program - Help Needed

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  20. P

    What are the best career options for spatial and visual thinkers?

    Alright, I am a VERY big visual learner. Always have been. I learn more through pictures and visual representation. Any audio simply confuses me. Now see, I don't know if everybody can visualize stuff like I can. I assume that you can though. I can picture ANYTHING happening before me...
  21. A

    Getting form/code from a Visual Basic EXE

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  22. S

    Fortran Visual Basic or Fortran? -I need your advice

    Hey everyone, I have a course requirement for taking one programming class, the choices are Fortran and Visual Basic. I am not doing well as i expect in fortran, but not sure if its becuase its my first time in programming or the language difficulty. I am thinking to swap to Visual Basic...
  23. Math Is Hard

    Comp Sci Troubleshooting a Test Program in Visual C++ 6

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  24. K

    Guide to Visual Programming (GUI) in VB.NET - Urgent Help Needed

    Do anyone know a guide about visual programming (gui) in VisualBasic. Net? It is really urgent. Thanks in advance..
  25. A

    Music Does literature tell the truth better than visual arts and musical?

    Hello everybody.. I just came across a question: Does literature tell the truth better than any visual arts like drawings or making sculpture or musicals such as choreography or singing? Can you all help me find out the answer?I think I want to narrow down this question to only the...
  26. G

    Help with Visual Basic 5.0 Assignment: Reverse Text Case

    Now, I know VB is hated in a lot of instances and 5.0 is out of date, however it is the only computer programming course offered here. Basically, I'm trying to do an assignment for fun at home - we never have homework (as everyone does not have VB5.0 at home, even though there is the free...
  27. M

    Open an MS access table by Visual Basic code

    Hi, I am writing a visual basic databse program, and need a code to open a MS access table which is protected by a password. It can open the table without password. I need to protect it by password to prevent someone to open and edit it, but I have got a problem to let the visual basic...
  28. zoobyshoe

    News How Can One Describe an Abstract Painting Using Words?

    The task here is to verbally describe an abstract work of art. This is quite difficult and I've always been impressed by the powers of description of art reviewers I encounter here and there in art magazines who seem to be able to verbally characterize a given abstract work. In my thread a...
  29. M

    Visual Basic MSComm port and Virtual port

    Hi, I am writing a visual basic program and used MSComm for testing communication ports of PC. It is working well. At company, we have a game machine using two standard ports (com1 and com2 which can use MSComm to test) and virtual ports (com3 and com4). Of course, the program cannot test...
  30. J

    Visual-Spatial Learners: Picture Thinking Process

    Im a visual spatial learner, a picture thinking process u can call it... My brain has been wired to pick up certain information in which a picture can be created in my mind, i say a picture, but a better explanation would be to say that a short movie clip is created and runs inside my mind...
  31. J

    Opening an fotran .exe file from Visual Basic

    Opening a fortran .exe file from Visual Basic Dear friends, I want to do something that is probably not too hard, I just can't figure it out. I want to call a executable (.exe) file that I have written in Fortran from my visual basic code. Let's say push a button and it automatically runs my...
  32. I

    C/C++ Opening a bit map in Visual C++

    Could someone recommend a way to open and edit a bitmap file in Visual C++?
  33. V

    Is Visual Studio Compatible with ANSI C Standards?

    I am starting a programing class for scientists and engineers at the end of the month. I wanted to brush up on my C. I used to compile C programs with Visual Studio, but now that no longer seems to work. Even simple example programs in the book generate a litiney of compile errors in Visual...
  34. dextercioby

    Visual Proofs in Mathematics: Does Pictures Tell More than 1000 Words?

    People usually say that pictures tell more than 1000 words. Is that still true in mathematics...? I think so. Let me first say what i mean by 'visual proof'. Let's say we have an identity. To prove it's true one may write from a line to more than one page. But what if one was able to write only...
  35. M

    C/C++ Can I Use Borland C++ and Visual C++ for Different Types of Programming?

    I need to know if there is a difference between programming in borland c++ and microsoft visual Are the two languages compatable or did microsoft introduce some new syntax? Can I learn just the borland version without worrying about using the visual version later? Which versions are...
  36. D

    Can You Customize Message Box Buttons in Visual Basic 6?

    i'm learning a bit of VB at the moment and i wondered if it is possible to change the text of the message box buttons? like if you have a warning boxtriggered by some event, can you make it say something different to 'OK' ?
  37. T

    Apparent visual magnitude/brightness problem

    Hi I am working on a problem that requires me to calculate the brightness of a distant star. The problem i have is that the only information i have on the star is its distance and its apparent magnitude. I think that i can solve this problem with the equation for magnitude i.e m = -2.5...
  38. W

    C/C++ Microsoft Visual C++ / Tutorial

    Anybody have a link to a good site that'll teach me some of the MS C++, and is it the same as C++?
  39. M

    Diagramming the Integral: A Visual Guide

    Problem: "Draw a Diagram to show over which area the following integral (see integral in attached file) is integrated." I drew a little diagram of what I think the area looks like (see diagram). But I am very, very insecure about what I did and would appreciate if anyone could have a look...
  40. Hootenanny

    Average Human Reaction Time to Visual Stimulus

    I was wondering if anyone knows of a site that gives the average reaction time for a human. I'm looking for something which relates to someone stopping a stopwatch when a visual stimulus is seen? Any help would be appreciated.
  41. N

    Medical Visual System: what signals the Millions of Colors

    Where in the visual system does one begin to recognize the millions of Colors in teh visual spectrum? Do the retinal cells differentiate between them? Or are generic signals carried to the Color Zones(??V4??/IT) where they are differentiated? How would one convert (256,256,256) pixel colors...
  42. R

    Medical Visual Recognition: Latest Results in Machine Recognition

    What are the latest results in visual recognition by machines? How good have computers become in recognizing faces, etc.?
  43. S

    C/C++ Visual C++ or C# is better to learn ?

    For the sake of getting job in ICT field, what shall i focus on ? C++ or C# ? :confused:
  44. Z

    Visual Basics programming help required

    I've posted this in the homework section since it is an assinment. I am required to write a program in VB than creats N number of 'particles' in a random position within a caresian co-ordinate system. The x and y-axis are to go from -100 to 100 and be bounded i.e if a particle's x or y...
  45. E

    C/C++ Visual C++ vs C++: Understanding the Difference

    Umm guys, is visual c++ a very different programming language than c++. I mean, I installed a copy of visual c++ and looked at the pre-made template of hello world but saw that it is very different from the normal source code for c++. I have this code made from devcpp, the calculator if you...
  46. zoobyshoe

    Medical Charles Bonnet Syndrome: Non-Psychotic Visual Hallucinations

    "Charles Bonnet syndrome (or CBS for short) is a term used to describe the situation when people with sight problems start to see things which they know aren't real. Sometimes called visual hallucinations the things people see can take all kinds of forms from simple patterns of straight lines to...
  47. JamesU

    C/C++ Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition beta 2

    for anyone who owns or is familliar with 'visual C++ 2005 Express Edition beta 2' . I'm new to programming, and I don't understand how to compile. probably a stupid question, but can anyone tell me how?
  48. T

    What is the process for composing rotations in Visual Complex Analysis?

    "Visual Complex Analysis" I have gotten myself wound around the axel regarding something in "Visual Complex Analysis" (Dr. Tristan Needham) that should be easy. On p. 18 (paperback edition), towards the bottom, the result for two rotations about different points has got me stumped. I cannot...
  49. W

    LaTeX Online LaTeX Tool: Get Visual Outputs Easily

    Hi Guys, Does anyone know if there is an online LaTeX tool anywhere. I'd like be able to feed the online tool a set of LaTeX instructions and have it return and image that I can use in my posts? Thanks Warrick
  50. R

    C/C++ Creating an exe file in visual c++

    How do you create an exe file in visual c++? I was unable to find any relavent information in the help files. I'm looking to save my program as an exe so that it can be ran on any computer by simply opening the exe file.