Water tank Definition and 85 Threads

A water tank is a container for storing water.
Water tanks are used to provide storage of water for use in many applications, drinking water, irrigation agriculture, fire suppression, agricultural farming, both for plants and livestock, chemical manufacturing, food preparation as well as many other uses. Water tank parameters include the general design of the tank, and choice of construction materials, linings. Various materials are used for making a water tank: plastics (polyethylene, polypropylene), fiberglass, concrete, stone, steel (welded or bolted, carbon, or stainless). Earthen pots, such as matki used in South Asia, can also be used for water storage. Water tanks are an efficient way to help developing countries to store clean water.

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  1. D

    How Can Fault Detection Be Modeled in a Water Tank System?

    I am assigned to work on a project where I am required to perform multiple types of data analyses on process data using Python or Matlab. The analyses chosen must relate to at least one process objective (e.g., fault detection). I am required to choose one basic linear technique and one more...
  2. domv95

    B Pumping water upwards into a large water tank

    Hi everyone! Not sure if this is the right place, but here we go: I am layman when it comes to physics, so I might be overthinking this completely, but I need to make sure that the physics stack up before I do the actual pipes etc. I have a 1000-litre water tank and below it I have a smaller...
  3. EleSuki

    Can an iPhone placed inside a water tank receive wireless LAN signals?

    I've been considering some questions related to the properties of silicon carbide used in stealth fighter jets, which is known for its ability to absorb electromagnetic waves. Firstly, I would like to know if it is possible to have a sealed iPhone inside a 60cm water tank (using a Ziplock bag...
  4. S

    Improving heat transfer in domestic hot water tank?

    A typical UK domestic hot water tank holds c. 200 litres of water. Hitherto the common method of heating it to say 60C has been by means of an internal coil of copper pipe through which is pumped hot water from a gas boiler at ~ 70C. Heat transfer on the outside of the coil is by natural...
  5. S

    Hydrostatic pressure at a point inside a water tank that is accelerating

    I draw this diagram: The formula for hydrostatic pressure is: ##P=\rho g h## so I just plug everything $$P=1000 \times 9.8 \times 0.1=980 Pa$$ Will the acceleration of the cart affect the hydrostatic pressure? Another thing that came to my mind was there would be extra force coming from...
  6. A

    A Calculating the heat loss of an open water tank (aquarium)

    Hi, I have been calculating a series of hypothesis for some aquariums/tanks situations, using heat transfer equations (conduction, convection, radiation, evaporation) Typically we have aquariums that run at higher temperatures than the surroundings in winter and lower temperature than the...
  7. S

    I Water Tank Overflow Air Piston concept/question

    I am trying to determine the minimum piston weight/force that would be required to push the air from the air tank into the top of the supply tank, filling up the supply tank and purging the discarded water thru the outlet supply pipe. We can assume no friction loss and sufficient air in the air...
  8. S

    Why does a stationary wave form at a free end of a water tank?

    This is the set up to produce stationary wave. The oscillator on the left will produce wave on water surface then this wave will travel to right, reflected at the tank and the incoming and reflected wave will superpose to form stationary wave. My teacher said when the water wave hits the tank...
  9. seeker11

    Steam Speed from a Heat Ruptured 120 Gallon Water Tank?

    PROBLEM: A 120 gallon tank (26" diameter, 60" height) containing 40 Gallons of water is heated up until the tank ruptures from overpressure at 125 PSI (maximum tank rating). How to calculate the initial escaped steam velocity at the ruptured tank, assuming the gash is 2 feet long in the...
  10. jaychay

    Related rates calculus problem about a water tank

    Summary:: Consider the rectangular water tank, at the base the length is the same for 200 cm. There are 100 holes for water to come out which each hole have the same flow rate. Find the amount of water that come out in each hole by using differential when we know that there is an error in the...
  11. jaychay

    MHB Related rates calculus problem about water tank

    Consider the rectangular water tank, at the base the length is the same for 200 cm. There are 100 holes for water to come out which each hole have the same flow rate. Find the amount of water that come out in each hole by using differential when we know that there is an error in the measurement...
  12. A

    Hydrostatic Pressure in Freefalling Water Tank: Comparing Point A and B

    tank with water is pushed from construction into freefall, A is at 0.1m depth B is at 10m depth (so manometer will show aprox 1bar of hydrostartic pressure when tank is at rest on construction) from 0-5sec tank is accelrating,after 5sec tank is falling with constant speed..1)is hydrostatic...
  13. S

    Heat loss from a hot water tank

    This is a past exam paper Q. I think i might be missing info though. For i) i use q=UAdT A= 35m2 dT= (80-20) They haven't given U but if i know answer should be 1,050W So if i set U to 0.5 (0.5)(35)(60) = 1050W Am i missing something or could I calculate U with the info given? Also ii) Use...
  14. saxman2u

    How to calculate TDH of PVC downspouts and water tank height?

    Greetings, Looking for the best way to calculate TDH for some rainwater catchment systems I am designing in Texas. Some homes we are installing these systems on have large footprints, between 6,000 to 8,000 sq feet. The large rainwater collection tanks we install range between 30,000 and...
  15. H

    Calculate the Heat Loss in a Hot Water Tank from a Shower

    Hi, If it is assumed the temperature of a shower is to be 43°C and the electric shower consumes 50 litres of water at that temperature, then the Energy required for an electric shower would be: QElectric Shower = mcΔT QElectric Shower = 50 * 4.181 * (43-10) QElectric Shower = 6.89945 kJ or...
  16. Don Bori

    Water Tank Refilling via Hydraulic Water Pumping System

    Based on my understanding, Top Tank Refilling Advantage: Atmospheric Pressure Disadvantage: High Head (Requires more distance, thus more Work since W = f x d) Bottom Tank Refilling Advantage: Low Head Disadvantage: High Static Pressure (Requires more Force, thus more Work since W = f x d)...
  17. Mguidry43

    Needing to know the pressure in a water tank

    At work, we have a cylindrical tank that holds water. The tank is 5 feet round and about 6 feet long putting the highest part of the tank at about 6 feet off the ground. The tank holds 1000 gallons of water. There is a valve on the bottom that I am needing to test and I can’t seem to find a...
  18. P

    Force to lift a pyramid that is sitting in a water tank

    Homework Statement A pyramid weighing 4000 lb has a base 6ft square and an altitude of 4ft. The base covers an opening in the floor of a tank in which there is water 4 ft deep. Underneath the floor of the tank and on the water surface there is air at atmospheric pressure. What vertical force is...
  19. T

    FEA for Water Tank: Weight & Pressure Analysis

    Hi, I'm trying to do some stress analysis on a tank filled with water, I have split the walls into sections and applied the appropriate pressures. However, I'm confused as to whether I apply the weight of the water+pressure at that height difference to the bottom of the plate; or will the...
  20. DaTario

    Fringes in a One Slit Experiment with a water tank

    Hello All, I would like to know why it´s so difficult to find information about the generation of fringes in a one slit interference experiment in a water tank. Best Regards, DaTario
  21. F

    Optimizing Water Tank Volume and Pressure for a Wet Fire System on Upper Floors

    Hi, a water tank will be put in the third level floor or slab. What must be the volume if gravity tank will be used so the pressure would be strong at 2nd floor and ground? It will be primarily a wet fire system. The tank won't be used for any other water applications since the building already...
  22. L

    Heat transfer between water tank and pipe system

    Hello All, I have a question for heat exchange calculation and hope someone can help. I would like to recover the "cooling energy" from a ice melting pool for air-conditioning for a small office. I plan to install three fan coil units with 800CFM for the office with closed loop water pipe to...
  23. F

    What is the value of y in this water tank pressure problem?

    Homework Statement i am asked to find the value of y in this question . I am not sure should i consider the atmospheric pressure acting on the mercury or not . Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution i choose to consider the atmospheric pressure as 0 in this case . So , my working is...
  24. A

    Velocity of efflux out of a water tank

    Homework Statement A container of height H has a orifice at a distance h from the top, the ratio of the cross section area of container and orifice is. 1, find velocity of efflux Homework Equations Using Bernoullis equation we get v=(2gh)^.5 Equation of continuity A1V1=A2V2 The Attempt at a...
  25. Biker

    Work Done to Move Water & Fold Iron Chain

    Homework Statement A cylinder water tank its radius 0.5 m, its height is 2 m and it is full of water. Determine the work done to move the water to a height of 4 meters above the height of the cylinder water tank. Another question related to it is: An uniform iron chain its length is 10 m and...
  26. T

    Water tank level control system

    I have a project to build a water level control system. Basically I will have two sensor probes one connected near the bottom and the other near the top. When the water level goes below the bottom sensor it will trigger a pump to pump water back into the tank until it reaches the top sensor...
  27. C

    Frequency of Vibration of a water tank

    Homework Statement Assume that there is a tank on a 200 ft pedestal type support. When full the tank and contents have a weight of 50,000 lbs and it is never drained to a point where the tank and contents have a weight less than 20,000 lbs. Assume the pedestal weight is negligible compared to...
  28. C

    Determine conditions of water tank and pump

    1. The problem statement, all variables and given/know In rural communities where landowners have their own water wells, large tanks are used to store water, which is pressurized by a sealed “air cushion”. Water is pumped intermittently from the well to restore the tank supply when the level is...
  29. R

    Masonary Wall Design for water tank

    Are there any good design resources on masonary wall design? Specifically, I was considering an above-ground, open-to-sky, rectangular tank storing approx. 25 m3 of water in it. Is it possible / economical to build such a tank out of masonary alone or does an RCC construction become economical...
  30. A

    Reflection/Refraction water tank question

    Homework Statement [/B] The 80-cm-tall, 65-cm-wide tank shown in the figure is completely filled with water. The tank has marks every 10 cm along one wall, and the 0 cm mark is barely submerged. As you stand beside the opposite wall, your eye is level with the top of the water. Part A asked...
  31. P

    I have to design accumulator of energy

    I have to design accumulator of energy. Let's consider insulated cylindrical tank with water. How to calculate all heat losses. Should i consider convection between water and wall and then conduction? but what with all sides of tank? It would be easier with single wall. how to get all...
  32. C

    Bubble in water tank affects overall weight?

    Homework Statement Compare the weight in these 3 cases: http://imageshack.com/a/img913/4506/hlmnbL.png Homework Equations -- The Attempt at a Solution I think the weight is the same in three case, is it correct ? http://imageshack.com/a/img538/1879/rjJyK3.png
  33. J

    How to design a vertical cylindrical Water tank

    I Need to design a Vertical cylindrical water tank to be build by Fiberglass. I need to calculate the tank also for 7.5 m bar pressure and 2.5 m bar vacuum pressure. Tank Dimensions to be 4m Dia, 5 m High (60000 Liters). I have Fiberglass laminate of 6 mm Thk and Modules is 1470000 psi. I have...
  34. U

    Pressure and Weight in Water Tank

    Hi all, Can someone clarify whether the following is right? Assume a Cylindrical tank with a base area of 2000 sq.cm, is filled with water upto 15 metres ( tank starts from ground level) 1) The pressure at the bottom of tank will be 2.5 bar ( approx) i.e 1 bar pressure for every 10...
  35. X

    Heat transfer rate from Mild steel bars to a chilled water tank issue

    Homework Statement Hi all, I am helping in designing a conveyor that takes freshly milled mild steel bars and submerges them in a tank of cooled water to reduce their temperature enough to to not damage the proceeding equipment. The tank of water will be connected to a separate...
  36. B

    How Much Friction Is Needed to Prevent Leakage in a Cubical Water Tank?

    Homework Statement A water tank is formed by sliding four identical cubical blocks together. All edges are watertight. Each block has mass M and is L meters on each side. You wish to fill the tank to its brim, i.e. to depth L. What is the minimum coefficient of static friction between the...
  37. P

    Measuring pressure of water tank

    Dear All My water tank fixed on roof top 5M from the ground Height of tank 1m width of tank .75m ( Cylinder type water tank ) if water out from the tank by .5 inch hose how can I measure the pressure at 1m height from the ground Please advice Thanks in advance
  38. S

    Shear stiffness for elevated water tank

    Hello, I just have simple question regarding shear stiffness for elevated water tank, this tank is elevated on a column and this column is fix in the base my question is which formula should i use to calculate k k=3EI/L3 OR 12EI/L3 i know the the first for fix pin case and the second...
  39. D

    SIN Contest Water Tank in a Moving Vehicle Question

    Homework Statement Audrey McLaughlin has a vehicle with a built-in rectangular swimming pool. The pool is 2.4m long, 1.4m wide, and is partly filled with water to a constant depth of 1.2m as shown. Calculate the minimum additional height, h, to avoid water spillage when the vehicle maintains...
  40. J

    Easy problem with heat transfer from surrounding air to water tank

    Hi! Im doing some measures on a closed water tank with the water temperature 14C and surrounding air with temperature of 20C. I want to know how much heat transfer there is between the surrounding air and the tank. A= 47m2 (area of tank in contact with the surrounding air) Q=UA...
  41. U

    Fluid mechanics water tank level

    Homework Statement A large cylindrical tank has a hole of area A at its bottom. Water is poured in the tank by a tube of equal cross-sectional area A ejecting water at the speed v a)The water level in the tank will keep on rising. b)No water can be stored in the tank. c)The water level...
  42. F

    Time it takes for a water tank to empty

    Homework Statement A cylindrical tank of diameter 2R contains water to a depth d. A small hole of diameter 2r is opened in the bottom of the tank. r<<R, so the tank drains slowly. Find an expression for the time it takes to drain the tank completely.Homework Equations...
  43. W

    How can I calculate heat loss in a hot water pipe system?

    Hello friends, I am into modelling of electric hot water tank which is vertical and has the capacity of 120 litres. I just assumed certain charactersitics of an existing heater so as to be more realistic in my approach. Now I am facing certain troubles in my calculations, if you know please...
  44. M

    Practical problem - fill 1000 liter water tank with pump using solar power

    Hi all. This is my first post so please forgive me if I write anything wrong or post on wrong forum. In the attachment below I have a problem. I need to buy a water pump (PUMPA in img) that works on 12 or 24 volt DC current being powered with solar panels. This pump must be able to fill a...
  45. M

    How to input objects into the bottom of a water tank.

    Hello, I am 17 years old and studying Mechanical engineering an i started thinking of creating some sort of game ( a bit boring) where children have to grab different coloured balls from a tank of water, i was wondering how to create a dispensing system to allow balls from a dispenser in which...
  46. S

    Pressure on heated water tank (rocket)

    Mythbusters did a test to see if a water heater would shoot through the roof of a two story building (home). They close all orfices, heated the water and it soared through the roof. They computed the final pressure as 85,000 pounds. As I recall they computed this by multiplying the area of the...
  47. A

    Differential Equation Water Tank Word Problem

    I am having trouble starting this problem: A tank is filled with 1000 liters of pure water. Brine containing 0.08 kg of salt per liter enters the tank at 9 liters per minute. Another brine solution containing 0.03 kg of salt per liter enters the tank at 9 liters per minute. The contents of...
  48. B

    How to stop leak of water tank while steel rod enters and exits?

    Hi: I have a tank of water (of plastic) of about 2 x 4 feet. I want a steal rod (with a ball of 5 inch at end of rod) to be cross that water tank from center, but water should not leak from tank (rod will enter from right and exit from left of tank) You can get more idea from image that...
  49. K

    Centripetal/radial velocity in a water tank.

    Hi, We are running an experiment where we pull a velocity measuring probe through water at certain speeds to calibrate it. However, our linear motor broke, so we have to try and use our rotary one instead. We've set the probe up so that it gets pulled round in a circle at a set angular...