Weight Definition and 1000 Threads

In science and engineering, the weight of an object is the force acting on the object due to gravity.Some standard textbooks define weight as a vector quantity, the gravitational force acting on the object. Others define weight as a scalar quantity, the magnitude of the gravitational force. Yet others define it as the magnitude of the reaction force exerted on a body by mechanisms that counteract the effects of gravity: the weight is the quantity that is measured by, for example, a spring scale. Thus, in a state of free fall, the weight would be zero. In this sense of weight, terrestrial objects can be weightless: ignoring air resistance, the famous apple falling from the tree, on its way to meet the ground near Isaac Newton, would be weightless.
The unit of measurement for weight is that of force, which in the International System of Units (SI) is the newton. For example, an object with a mass of one kilogram has a weight of about 9.8 newtons on the surface of the Earth, and about one-sixth as much on the Moon. Although weight and mass are scientifically distinct quantities, the terms are often confused with each other in everyday use (i.e. comparing and converting force weight in pounds to mass in kilograms and vice versa).Further complications in elucidating the various concepts of weight have to do with the theory of relativity according to which gravity is modeled as a consequence of the curvature of spacetime. In the teaching community, a considerable debate has existed for over half a century on how to define weight for their students. The current situation is that a multiple set of concepts co-exist and find use in their various contexts.

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  1. N

    Weight of an Object on another Planet

    Homework Statement How much would a 1 kg mass weigh on the surface of a very dense planet with the same mass as Earth, but 1/2 Earth's radius? Homework Equations Eg(universe) = -G[(m1m2)/d^2] Earth's Radius = 3,959 mi Earth's mass = 5.97E24 kg The Attempt at a Solution If I plugged in those...
  2. pitbull

    Current on a spring to withstand a weight.

    Homework Statement You have a spring of length l, radius R, with N loops and n loops per unit length. If you consider it a solenoid, what current do you need to apply to withstand a mass m hanging from it, without stretching or shrinking the spring. Homework Equations Magnetic field inside a...
  3. Harry Mason

    Exploring the Conservation of Energy in Weight Holding

    Everybody experiments fatigue holding a weight, and almost everybody knows that points of applications of the involved forces don't move. We also know that we cannot use the standard equation of the conservation of energy ( ΔK + ΔU = Wext ) because the system (Body+weight) is composed by...
  4. T

    Component of weight perpendicular to bar

    Homework Statement http://postimg.org/image/tlvhadljz/ I am trying to find the component of weight perpendicular to the bar. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I tried as shown and I got mgcos(theta) but I am supposed to be getting mgsin(theta)
  5. R

    Water hydro statics and presure

    hey guys. bellow is an upside down cone frustum with the dimensions given bellow where the green R is the radius of the larger circle and the blue r is the radius of the smaller circle and the red h to be the height of the object knowing that volume of this shape is calculated as...
  6. kostoglotov

    Part Derivs: Minimizing the Weight of a Rocket

    Homework Statement This is actually an Applied Project in the text, and overall is quite a large problem, so I won't post the entire thing, as there are lots of equations and steps where the text guides me by saying "show that...this thing...then...show that this other thing..." What I need...
  7. Ahmad Ramadan

    Static weight transfer of car with two wheels elevated

    I am trying to figure out what the weight transfer, CoG transfer, and actual weight for each wheel is, for the vehicles (specifically the Subaru wagon at 2:00 minutes) undergoing this test: My friend argues the test is flawed because so much of the weight is on the tires contacting the...
  8. K

    Calculating Reaction Forces on an Angled Column

    Homework Statement The mass of the weight is 600[kG], the tension in the wire 3000[N]. what is the force of reaction at C Homework Equations Disassembling of forces using pitagoras formula The Attempt at a Solution The vertical reaction at C: $$3000\cdot \sin 53^0+5886=8282$$ In the book 8480
  9. M

    Find the weight of a sphere connected to a pulley and to wall

    Homework Statement The system of 2 spheres is in equilibrium. Figure: . If the weight of the second sphere P2=20N, ABC=60 degrees and BAC=30 degrees, find the weight of the first P1 and the force that is applied on the drum of the pulley. Homework Equations P1=m*a The Attempt at a Solution...
  10. A

    How Does Hanging a Weight Affect the Sag and Tension in a Pulley System?

    Suppose we have a weight D (1 Kg) hanging from a pulley on a rope connected to a wall A suppose also the distance AB from the wall is 1 m. If I hung a weight C =1 kg as a counterweight and the pulley were not connected to the wall, the length of the rope BD (1) would equal the length of the...
  11. SmokeyMTNJim

    Exercise: who does more work weight lifter/marathon runner

    I was trying to identify which athlete does more work per rep/stride. I am trying to understand how a marathon runner can run sub 6 minute miles under aerobic conditions. To me this seems like a high intensity to I wanted to figure out who was doing more work, producing more force, or if you can...
  12. D

    What is the required weight for a wind load of 0.42kN/m² on a mounted post?

    I am setting up a test and the brief is as follows; 1. Mount a post horizontally on to a wall. 2. Apply a load corresponding to 0.42kN/m² at the centre of the post. What weight corresponds to 0.42kN/m²?
  13. B

    Question regarding boat weight and paddling on the water

    Hi all, I am asking if I might have a premise or two correct. First a little background. And I beg your patience. I paddle on a Dragon Boat team. That is a 45' long canoe with 10 rows of two people for a total of 20 paddlers, plus a steers-person with an oar. The canoe with people weigh about...
  14. A

    Does a scale *display* weight or mass?

    I know that scales measure weight (a force) via displacement of a spring. I also know the difference between a force and a mass. I know that, on the moon, the numbers on a scale might be different (depending on the answer to this question). I've read through the few threads on this matter here...
  15. Suraj M

    Racing on Water Slides: Does Weight Matter?

    I had a small question regarding water slides. Imagine 2 identical water slides, let the slides be a fun one as in with all the ups and downs, of course not going higher than the initial height! If two people have a race: would their weights matter? If so who would win? Also if they were of...
  16. evol1

    Mass v Weight, Earth Moon and Space.

    We all know the confusion between Mass and Weight, from the language barrier. Would I be correct to say that: On Earth Bathroom weigh scales = 100kg. Mass therefore is 100kg. Weight = 981N On the Moon Bathroom weigh scales = 16.7kg. Mass is still 100kg. Weight = 167N In Space, (away from any...
  17. D

    Shoe weight effect on pedaling force?

    Cut/Re-posted from general Physics because I only skimmed the FAQ. my bad. Hi everyone, and thanks so much in advance for any help given. I'm hoping you guys can help me come to a conclusion (and settle a friendly wager) over an applied physics problem. I took general physics and biomechanics...
  18. D

    Height and Weight: Impact on Cycling Speed Formulae

    Hi, I was reading about bicycles the other day and a question popped up in my head: Does the rider's weight and height affect the speed of the cycle? I have been researching extensively about it but I cannot find any formulae that can be used to measure the effectiveness of the height and...
  19. M

    A question on weight function from Ashcroft and Mermin book

    I am not able to understand the top 2 lines on page 536 that are mentioned regarding the weight function mentioned in chapter 27 of ashcroft and mermin solid state physics book. I don't get the statement where the authors state Igrad(f)I/f should not be appreciably greater than the minimum...
  20. physicsquestion

    Tension of a string attached to an instrument inside rocket

    Homework Statement Suppose the rocket is coming in for a vertical landing at the surface of the earth. The captain adjusts the engine thrust so that rocket slows down at the rate of 2.40m/s2 . A 6.00-kg instrument is hanging by a vertical wire inside a space ship. I don't know if there are any...
  21. RJLiberator

    How Does Riding in a Cart at the Bottom of a Valley Affect Apparent Weight?

    Homework Statement A 60 kg person rides in a 20 kg cart moving at 13 m/s at the bottom of a valley that is in the shape of an arc of a circle with a radius of 36 m. What is the apparent weight of the person as the cart passes the bottom of the valley? Homework Equations F_centripital = m*v^2/r...
  22. C

    Two ropes hold a 200N weight. Find the tension in each rope.

    Homework Statement The question is; Two ropes hold a 200N weight as shown here; http://i.imgur.com/BgeoIVq.png Find the tension in each rope using a vector diagram. The forces are in equilibrium in the diagram btw. Homework Equations Well they gave us 200N so no need for F = MA Rx = R *...
  23. S

    Acceleration of Submarine when Ejecting Water from its Tanks

    Brief Summary of Question: One submarine starts with a neutral buoyancy 100m below the surface when it displaces 8.9m^3 of water from its ballast tanks. If the mass of the submarine is 69 metric tons what is the initial, vertical acceleration of the submarine immediately after displacing the...
  24. T

    How Does Weight Change When an Object Falls?

    Mostly for self interest: If I drop a 1lb weight from 15 ft (5m), what does it weigh when it hits the floor. If I have a 10lb weight and it drops from the same 5m shelf, does it weigh 10 times as much as my 1 lb weight from the 1st question? I may have the wrong terminology, but basically the...
  25. Hawk

    Methodology for weight reduction

    Hi all, as you know, aircrafts are highy dependant on their weight goals to be met or exceeded to ensure the performance perceived during the design studies can be realized. However, it is nonetheless often that the resulting design still becomes overweight in some way or place because you...
  26. R

    Does magnetic force transfer weight?

    Hello, I'm new here but I think this is the correct place to post this topic but please let me know if I am incorrect. Question: Does magnetic force transfer weight? For example: If you have one magnets negative side being lowered onto the positive side of another, they would repel. So now you...
  27. A

    Inappropriate perception of objects as massive

    Sometimes when I'm lying on my back, trying to fall asleep, I create an image of something very small like a floating dust particle, marble, pinpoint, or a tiny steel ball. My brain automatically imagines an extreme weight or massive density of the tiny items. Then suddenly, a very odd feeling...
  28. avito009

    The Weight of a Lion's Blow: Gravity vs Force

    I came to know that a lion's blow is equivalent to a strike of a sledge hammer. A sledge hammer weighs 15 kgs. So the force of the lions blow is 15kg. But weight is force on the object due to gravity. So here there is no gravity involved and the force is 15kg. Can we call 15 kg as the weight of...
  29. Borek

    Is There an Intrinsic Weight to Entanglement in Quantum Systems?

    Hi guys, a dumb chemist here. There is a paper http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.4007 by David Edward Bruschi. It stirred some interest between my Polish colleagues and friends, but none of us is skilled enough to understand the details, so we prefer to see it discussed by others.
  30. B

    Friction in a Weight and Counterweight system

    I was curious on how you would determine the friction in an elevator system with a counterweight. Thanks
  31. B

    How much weight required to submerge this object?

    Hi all, So A quick question for all the smart minds out there to ponder (plus I'm stumped and need help). I'm helping a friend out with a short film and we are trying to be cost efficient. I need to submerge a 2000L plastic tank (circular and approx 1.5 high) and then release it to make it...
  32. C

    The weight with a fluid: center of mass or force at bottom?

    Homework Statement It is a question I asked to myself because I need to reply to another one. I imagined this case: http://imageshack.com/a/img912/7730/R964Vq.png The step2 needs the energy E1, the step3 needs nothing because the gravity is 0 (I imagine the device between the Earth and the...
  33. H

    Analysis of weight and its relationships

    Homework Statement Explain in details in one paragraph (without using formulas) what effect the weight of a block has on the normal force, frictional force, and coefficient of friction. How would you increase or decrease the coefficient of friction? Homework Equations Give me any...
  34. C

    Bubble in water tank affects overall weight?

    Homework Statement Compare the weight in these 3 cases: http://imageshack.com/a/img913/4506/hlmnbL.png Homework Equations -- The Attempt at a Solution I think the weight is the same in three case, is it correct ? http://imageshack.com/a/img538/1879/rjJyK3.png
  35. D

    Would changing the weight of gun components affect recoil?

    This question really does the need assistance of somebody trained in physical sciences. I've asked countless gun people and they are very opinionated but few of them can put forward answers that show they know anything about physical science. I myself dropped out of Engineering school halfway...
  36. S

    Weight of 2 Blocks on an Incline

    Homework Statement Block B rests on Block A. Block B is restrained with a string, while Block A slides down the incline. During the time Block A is between Block B and the inclined plane, Block A slides with constant velocity. If the weight of Blocks A and B are both w, and the coefficient of...
  37. D

    Added weight to front of tractor

    Hey Everyone, This is a continuation to the 'increasing front tyre of tractor' project. This is a new approach I'm looking at, as I came to the conclusion that increasing the size of the front tyre would effect the drive chain negatively, and was not cost effective and essentially wouldn't...
  38. C

    Center of gravity of a 3d triangle using weight

    Hi all, I am after some help to find out how to do the following: I have a triangular object (weighing around 40,000kg) which I can measure and weigh. I have 4 load indicators I can position anywhere beneath the object, these will give me a very accurate reading of the weight of the object at...
  39. M

    How much weight can vertical aluminum angle support?

    I have to build a new stand for our single compartment concrete laundry tub since two legs of original steel stand are corroded. I want to make the new stand out of angle aluminum to avoid corrosion and also because it's easier to cut and drill. The laundry tub weighs about 135 lbs. I...
  40. W

    Hourglass Weight: How Sand Weight Changes

    How does an hourglass's weight change while sand is dripping in it? (better be in a diagram)
  41. MiladP

    Does the weight of a relativistic mass change when measured on a moving scale?

    Consider two equal masses, m, are placed on two identical scales in a uniform gravitational field. If one of the masses moves with relativistic speed, does the moving scale read mg or γmg? Why? It seams that people used to call γm the relativistic mass where m is the rest mass. However, more...
  42. A

    Cannon Ball in Space: What Happens & How Much Does It Hurt?

    What would happen if you were shot with a cannon ball in space? How badly do you reckon it would hurt, compared to if you were shot with the same cannon ball on Earth?
  43. N

    Does Manouvering Speed Change with Aircraft Weight?

    Given an aircraft with a fixed MTOW and a maximum load factor of 6 g's. Let's assume that the Manouvering Speed is 120 Knots. Does it change with the actual weight of the airplane? The manouvering speed is the stall speed at the maximum load factor, in this case the maximum speed at six times...
  44. O

    Weight Driven Generator Calculations

    Hello! I am in the beginning stages of designing a system that would drive a generator using gravity - similar to an old grandfather clock. I have a couple of questions about my assumptions/design that I am stuck on: - I found a motor which is rated 6v-12v DC, 188 RPM @ 12V with no load, and a...
  45. B

    Atom or weight fraction in MOX fuel

    Hi. I have a problem with some calculations. I have to find atom or weight fraction in MOX fuel. MOX fuel is a mixture of UO2 and PuO2. It can be mixed with a various enrichment of PuO2. The fraction of isotopes of uranium and plutonium are as here: U234 234,041...
  46. J

    How does weight affect air resistance?

    How does weight affect air resistance? [i.e A heavy feather falling v.s a light one}Please be simple
  47. G

    Calculating Stiffness & Displacement of Structure w/100kN Weight

    Homework Statement 1. A structure with weight of 100 kN and which has a natural period of 1 second. Compute the stiffness of the structure. The structure has 5% critical damping. The structure when at rest is subjected to a half sine wave loading having a magnitude of 10kN and lasting 2...
  48. G

    Free Body Diagram Forces of a Rope Hoisting a Weight via Pillars

    So I am designing an apparatus to lift a 500g load up 500mm and I am trying to find reactions. I have filled in these values in my head with my own logic but I don't know how to do the maths and if I am right or not. I can do the initial position ok but it is the final position I am unsure of...
  49. R

    Spring and weight, acceleration

    Homework Statement A spring has an equilibrium length of 20.0 cm and a spring constant of 51.9 N/m. The spring is connected to the underside of the roof of a car and a 0.214 kg block suspended from it. How long (in cm) is the spring when the car is at rest? How long is the spring if the car is...
  50. B

    Solving a Physics Problem: Large Weight Over a Building

    Homework Statement A large weight hangs over the side of a building from a cable. The cable goes over a pulley to a horizontal roof and is attached to a small weight of half the mass. The coefficient of sliding friction between roof and the small weight is 0.5. What is the approximate...