Weight Definition and 1000 Threads

In science and engineering, the weight of an object is the force acting on the object due to gravity.Some standard textbooks define weight as a vector quantity, the gravitational force acting on the object. Others define weight as a scalar quantity, the magnitude of the gravitational force. Yet others define it as the magnitude of the reaction force exerted on a body by mechanisms that counteract the effects of gravity: the weight is the quantity that is measured by, for example, a spring scale. Thus, in a state of free fall, the weight would be zero. In this sense of weight, terrestrial objects can be weightless: ignoring air resistance, the famous apple falling from the tree, on its way to meet the ground near Isaac Newton, would be weightless.
The unit of measurement for weight is that of force, which in the International System of Units (SI) is the newton. For example, an object with a mass of one kilogram has a weight of about 9.8 newtons on the surface of the Earth, and about one-sixth as much on the Moon. Although weight and mass are scientifically distinct quantities, the terms are often confused with each other in everyday use (i.e. comparing and converting force weight in pounds to mass in kilograms and vice versa).Further complications in elucidating the various concepts of weight have to do with the theory of relativity according to which gravity is modeled as a consequence of the curvature of spacetime. In the teaching community, a considerable debate has existed for over half a century on how to define weight for their students. The current situation is that a multiple set of concepts co-exist and find use in their various contexts.

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  1. A

    How to Distribute Weight on a Table with Four Legs?

    Hello, I'm new to statics and currently working on a project where I will be placing a weight on a square rigid table at arbitrary locations, Point (x,y), and need to come up with equations to predict the weight distribution about the four legs. The weight of the table will be left out or be...
  2. M

    How much does car boot/trunk weight increase petrol costs?

    I often leave my golf clubs in the car rather than bothering to take them out I just wondered how much extra this is costing me. I have an Hyundai i30 ps109, ~1.2-1.3 tonnes and the clubs are about 10kg but more than happy for average car specs/approximations to be used. Can anyone do the maths...
  3. T

    Weight on wheels to keep from spinning wildly

    Hello, I'm working on my first year engineering project. I'm an electrical engineering major but this is a general engineering course. I'd like to know how I could figure out how much weight I would need to put on the wheels of a cart that is going to push a 2kg object (for about 3 feet)...
  4. S

    Forces when lifting a weight and punching

    When a person pushes up a weight like in this picture http://www.freefitnessguru.com/Anatomy/images/military%20press%205%20combined.jpg the weight is exerted on the wrist. So when the weight is stationary, the downwards force acting on the wrist is equal to the weight of the object. However...
  5. T

    Magnetic Levitating Globe Weight

    If I put one of those magnetic levitating globes on a bathroom scale, will the scale register the weight of the base only, or the suspended sphere, too? http://www.magneticfloating.com/photo/pc1358779-magnetic_levitating_globe_8_globe_floating_and_spinning_ufo_base_floating_display.jpg
  6. B

    Weight vs Mass On Moon and Mars Imperial Units

    Homework Statement Moon's gravity is 5.31ft/sec^2 An object has the weight of 3.5 lb-f on the moon. What is its lb-m What is the lb-m and lb-f on Mars with gravity of 12.1 ft/sec^2. Homework Equations w=mg=mg/gc gc= gravitational constant----> 32lbm*ft/sec^2 for earth The...
  7. D

    How Much Would You Weigh on Neptune?

    Neptune has a masss 17.2 times larger than that of Earth and a radius 3.88 times larger. A person weighing 176 lb on the Earth would weigh how much on Neptune? Earth's mass is 6x10^24; Earth's radius is 6.4x10^6. Neptune's mass is 1.032x10^26; Neptune's radius is 24832000. 176 lbs is 80 kgs...
  8. H

    How Much Electricity Can Be Generated from a Weighted Anchor Chain?

    I am trying to calculate the output of a weight imposed on a electrical generator via a gearbox. Can anyone please help me with this? Let say the weight is 500 000 metric tonnes. How much electricity could this produce if putting a constant force on the gearbox? This is a theoretical...
  9. R

    Need help on figuring out weight distribution when adding a third axle

    We have a truck that weighs 20,000 lbs, 8,100 on the front and 11,900 on the rear. The wheel base from the front axle to the rear axle is 272". The center of gravity is 161.84" which we found by taking 272" * 11,900 / 20,000 = 161.84". What would the load be on each axle if we add a third...
  10. F

    Does air in an open bag add weight?

    This is a dumb question but I can't find a definite answer. If I have, say, a nylon groserry bag and I weigh it *when is open*, then I close it, then weigh again. It's quite clear that, depending on how I close it, different amounts of air will be locked in the bag so it will weigh...
  11. MarkFL

    MHB Trinket's question at Yahoo Answers regarding the modeling of weight loss

    Here is the question: I have posted a link there to this topic so the OP can see my work.
  12. A

    Weight distribution over multiple scales

    I am in a first year physics course at university, with little background in maths and science. Homework Statement When a dog stands at rest with each of its four feet on a separate set of scales, each scale reads a value of 45n. if this dog then carefully lifts one foot of the a scale...
  13. G

    Is Weight Training More Efficient Than Running for Burning Calories?

    I am very confused about weight training and running as I learn physics. When I run at 6 miles/hr (about 3 m/s) on treadmill for a minutes, I spend more than 10 calories. I believe these are food calories (KCal) so it is 10,000 cal or 10,000*4.18 Joules or approx 50,000 J ie 50KJ Ok so far so...
  14. X

    What is Space, Is it Transparent, Does it Weight Anything?

    Hi, I am in high school and would like to understand space. a.) What is space? Is it physical? Is it transparent in nature basically? b.) Does space weight anything? c.) What is outside of space? Anything at all? Thank you very much.
  15. A

    Weight supported by two supports

    Hi all, I am working on a problem that I can't even seem to figure out where to start. I have a horizontal beam of known weight (1100lbs, or 4893N). It is 1714.5mm long, and is supported by two vertical supports, which are at known location along the beam (Support 1 @ 200mm; support 2 @...
  16. R

    Not able to understand weight on the surface of earth

    When i am standing on the surface of earth, there are two forces acting on me 1)the gravitational force towards the center of the earth 2)normal force radially oppt to gravity as the normal force equals gravity, (that is why i don't sink into the ground or start floating in air), so they...
  17. L

    Weight difference between a charge and discharged battery

    Assuming an a suitably accurate weighing device , Would the weight of a completely discharged battery be different from a completely charged battery.
  18. L

    Weight of Fast Rotating Gyro - Does Angular Velocity Increase Weight?

    there is a gyro... put it on an electronic scales which has a smooth surface...it shows the weight is M. then, let it rotate... keep increasing the angular velocity... will the weight display increase? or else?
  19. P

    Torque / Pulley / Weight question

    Hi I'm 40 and teaching myself physics from the internet and have the following question but don't where to start! Here is the question: A solid disc pulley with a 5kg mass, radius of 0.5m has one layer of thin rope coiled around it. On the other end of the rope is a metal block with a...
  20. C

    How do I calculate the Velocity when only given the force and weight?

    I do not know how to calculate the velocity of a 50.0g steel ball shot from a slingshot with a 120N/m spring constant when pulled back 35cm and released. Can someone help me with the formulas to use?
  21. Markus Hanke

    The notion of weight in relativity

    The notion of "weight" in relativity I have recently been involved in a rather animated discussion on another forum on the subject of "weight". To make a long story short, the scenario involved a train moving straight and unaccelerated at relativistic speeds through a uniform gravitational...
  22. V

    What is the Tangent Weight of a Spline?

    What is meant by the tangent weight of a spline?
  23. G

    Calculating the weight of an object required to overcome grease seal

    Hi I am trying to work out a problem with a piece of equipment: imagine a container that has grease injected into it at say 3,000 Psi The container has a piece of wire running though the middle vertically with a 100lbs weight attached to bottom. Only the wire is in contact with the...
  24. B

    Gravitational Weight into kilograms

    Isnt Weight = mass * gravity of earth so 1 kilogram = 1 lb? Or am i missing something
  25. J

    Min weight of elevator accelerating, constant velocity, decelerating

    Homework Statement Starting from rest, an elevator accelerates uniformly between the 1st and 2nd floors, and decelerates uniformly between the 5th and 6th floors, coming to a stop at the 6th floor. Between the 2nd and 5th floors, the elevator covers the 6 meter distance between each two...
  26. N

    Pilots, diving and apparent weight

    Homework Statement While pulling out of a dive, does a pilot's apparent weight increase or decrease? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution My instinct for this question says increase but only because of the feeling that I remember from being in planes. I'm trying to grasp...
  27. P

    Does Inhaling Air Increase Your Weight on a Scale?

    I was having a discussion with a friend and we could not come to an agreement on the following: If you were to weigh yourself on a very sensitive set of scales, would you register the amount of air that you breathe in as an increase in measured weight? The way I see it is, you can make one...
  28. A

    MHB Weight and distance of a binary code

    Is there a relationship between the distance and weight of a binary code? I want to find the weight and distance of the code consisting of the codewords: 0000 0000 0010 1110 0101 1100 1011 1010 1110 0101 1100 1011 0111 0011 1001 0111 (spaces inserted for readability) The weight can be checked...
  29. C

    How to adjust cars diagonal weight without scales?

    hellow everyone, this is not a homework but a real life problem this is the weight distribution of my car , on 4 tires http://i1328.photobucket.com/albums/w527/chkhikvishvili/20130611_112304_zps58a4ee33.jpg it is very important to make the diagonal weights the same, so I want to rise...
  30. G

    DIffering Weight at equator and poles

    Homework Statement 23) A person weighs less at the equator than at the poles. The main reason for this has to do with A) the spin of the Earth. B) the shape of the Earth. C) both the spin of the Earth and the shape of the Earth. D) the influence of the sun, moon, and all the planets...
  31. C

    Addressing Force Direction in Torque Equations

    I know how to complete an actual torque equation and have done so, my question is more of what sign do I address the force of the problem. One problem I have is: F1=50N, d1=9cm, d2 = 10cm and d3=8cm F1 is situated between d2 and d3. I used the equation t=f(la) so my equation was...
  32. Jadaav

    Free body diagram - Weight and normal reaction

    Let's consider a stationary ball lying on the floor. The weight of the ball acts downwards and the normal reaction acts upwards. They are of the same magnitude but not of the same type. So normal reaction is the reaction to what, if not weight ?
  33. J

    Weight driven pendulum & torque?

    Need some help understanding if torque changes. Does lengthening the pendulum affect the torque on the other gears (purple, green, and plum)? In other words is torque inversely proportional to speed still applicable here? thanks
  34. Greg Bernhardt

    Can Nutrie Skinne Help with Weight Loss for Those with Thyroid Issues?

    I have a friend who told me they are interested in this new weight loss product. I am always highly skeptical of such products, but the friend said she knows someone who lost 6lbs in two weeks without changing anything else. Anything in here that looks promising or is this more fools...
  35. S

    Propeller Driven Aircraft with Thrust to Weight Ratio Greater than One

    Hello all, this is my first post. I was wondering if any of you could point me in the direction of a source with details on propeller aircraft able to produce a T / W Ratio greater than one. Thank You!
  36. C

    Weight and gravitational force?

    Hi, I'm wondering if anybody could explain me the difference between these two concepts with a clear definition for someone who JUST began physics. Thanks ! Particularly, concerning this equation w=Fg=mg Also, just to be sure I'm doing it in the right way, could I say that would be good...
  37. A

    How Can the Equivalent Weight of Sulfur be 32 in S2Cl2?

    Equivalent weight of sulfur in SCl2 is 16,what is the equivalent weight of S in S2Cl2? [S=32,Cl=35.5] I know that the answer is 32. But how how can the equivalent weight of Sulfur be 32? We know that equivalent weight=atomic weight/valency Now sulfur has variable valency of 2,4,6 .So the...
  38. A

    Determining the equivalent weight of molecules.

    What is the equivalent weight of ozone molecule? I mean how can I find out the equivalent weight of molecules? Is it same as the equivalent weight of element? For example, FeCl3 ,what will be the equivalent weight of chlorine ?
  39. V

    How much weight can .75 sq tube tripod handle

    How much weight can .75" sq tube tripod handle I would like to build a tripod 12' high to lift and permanently hold approx. 150lbs. It will be lifting an 18" dia. drum as high as the tripod will allow. I thought of using a triangle shaped plate at the top to enlarge the upper diameter of the...
  40. P

    Can the spacing of rods affect the weight needed for applied force?

    Hey guys, i need you help to find the weightof a mass required to produce the same applied force to rods. (sorry english is not my first language) i will try to explain this with a diagram. Homework Statement First problem: So let's say i have 10 small rods with a diameter of 2mm and a length...
  41. Z

    Why there is no work done when one is holding weight?

    why there is no work done when one is holding weight? there isno work done when moving while carrying a school bag?
  42. A

    Apparent weight of a pilot in a loop

    Here's a picture: Edit: Here's a description of the problem in case the picture isn't clear. A 54-kg pilot flies a jet trainer in a half vertical loop of 1200-m radius so that the speed of the trainer decreases at a constant rate. Knowing that the pilot’s apparent weights at Points A and C...
  43. S

    Determining the Weight of a simple string

    Hey, It's been a while since I've dealt with the 'Weight' concept, if we have a string with N molecules and 'n' of the N molecules are in an excited state and the rest (N-n) molecules are in a ground state - what is the weight of this system? Any help would be appreciated, SK
  44. S

    Related rates weight of duckling

    Homework Statement Suppose that during the first year after its hatching, the weight of a duck increases at a rate proportional to its weight. The duck weighed 2 pounds when hatched, and 3.5 lbs at age 4 months. How many lbs will it weight at 6 months? A) 4.2 lbs B) 4.6 lbs C) 4.8 lbs D)...
  45. B

    Sizing a DC motor to move a weight and counterweight

    This might be a silly question for some but I was wondering how do I size a DC motor to move a weight and counter weight? Suggestions for a better design are also welcome. I want to build an enclosure with an automatic door (simple limit switches and an arduino to flip the motor on and off)...
  46. adjacent

    Finding the weight of the planck

    Homework Statement The information is on the attachment the plank is uniform meaning the mass of the plank is uniformly spread so the center of gravity is in the mid point of the plank.The plank is in equilibrium.Find the weight of the plank,Let the weight be w. Homework Equations...
  47. A

    Methylene Blue's equivalent weight

    Hello, I have to prepare a Methylene Blue solution 1ml = 0.01 meq, or 0.01 N, from MB powder. To know the amount of powder required, I need to know MB's equivalent weight, or equivalent number, but haven't been able to find it so far. Does anyone know? Help appreciated
  48. A

    Apparent weight / Rotating coordinate system

    Homework Statement Show that, owing to the rotation of the Earth on its axis, the apparent weight of an object of mass m at latitude λ is : m((g-ω^{2}Rcos^{2}λ)^{2}-(ω^{2}Rcosλsinλ)^{2})^{1/2} where ω is the angular velocity of the Earth and R its radius. The first space travellers to reach...
  49. J

    See Saw Weight Balance: How to Find Angle Beta with Two Sensors?

    Hi everyone , I have a small question .. I have attached a ppt . I am having two sensors which can measure the weight of my object at two end position so fmy support .. My question is that can i find the angle beta if am having the value of X kg and Y kg .. your answers would...
  50. C

    The drawing shows a lower leg being exercised. It has a 49 N weight a

    Homework Statement The drawing shows a lower leg being exercised. It has a 49 N weight attached to the foot and is extended at an angle θ with respect to the vertical. Consider a rotational axis at the knee. a. When o θ = 90.0 , find the magnitude of the torque that the weight...