Hi, well I'm new here.. and I wanted to congradulated you guys for making this awsome community... I've been sick all week & I've stumbled upon this forum... I read a lot of stuff here & learned way more then if I went to school... anyways that's about it, I should be around here now hoping to...
Happy New Year - reply to Lubos
Let us welcome the International Year of Physics! There is a
poster on the wall in the corridor here, saying "Help make 2005
another miraculous year".
Well, I don't know that I can do much - but one can try.
I've posted here...
Hi everyone, as you can see I'm new to this place and this is my first visit. Although I haven't seen much yet, I'm already fascinated with this place. To tell you a bit more about me I'm 14 years old probably the youngest or one of the youngest members here. Despite my age I believe I can still...
this is my first time in here. Thought I'd look around, see the place moonbear calls home. I like what you've done with the place, but I got to tell you the thread titled, "Sticky fun with molecular biologists." Wasn't exactly what I thought it would be.
Remember Me ?
Hi, old friends...don't know those I've seen last time still here or not...
If you guys and gals are still there and remember me can you raise your hand please? :-p
hi.. I am new. well, actually i signed up for this thing a few months ago back when i was in calc class... i was searching for math help on google and found a problem similar to the one i had a question on here... i signed up and havnet been here since. i think i can learn a lot from these fora...
Hey guys, I'm not sure if introduction posts are the norm here or not.. if not then I'm risking looking like a klutz eh? Hehe...
Anyway I just posted my first message in a book thread and thought I'd make an official "Hello" post here. It's 2 AM and I have nothing to do so I decided to take...
I'm starting to listen to a bit of Classical Music. I'm unsure what's good so does anyone have any favorites or a site that lists great songs perhaps?
Right now I have four songs: The Requiem by Mozart, Fur Elise by Beethoven, Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven and Allegro Concerto #3 by Bach...
Welcome to Java Class!
We're going to learn a bit of Java here, one bit at a time, using real world examples to understand what we're doing. My aim is that all of the Java posted here is executable, so you can try it yourself.
First, before you can make use of any Java programs, you'll...
Hey every one,
This is my first post on the forums glad to know i have such smart people here who can help me when I am stuck. right now I am taking physics 12 in British columbia. For some reason I am really having trouble grasping the topic of 2d kinematics. any pointers in helping me...
Ilja Schmelzer, the author of
just introduced himself in one of the Philosophy Forums.
I am guessing he is a new member of PF
so I personally wish to welcome him and
provide an opportunity for anyone who is
interested in alternative approaches to
Hello all,
Just found the forum..
Wanted to say hello and that i hope to find stimulating debate and little flaming here:smile:
You will find me in the Physics and Tech section mostly.
(@ mods: Please tell me if its wrong to advertise my stuff ^^ )
Well for the others :
Brought some new pics :
Burning Morning
Bird Song
Again critcs please...
I suppose all of us have at one time or another been fascinated by "magic squares"
My question is: has the relationship of numbers in a magic square been found to be useful in the mathematical sciences in any advanced analytical work? Or is is just a mathematical curiousity?
The Forum has changed since I last participated. I am glad to be back and so glad for the General Discussion area. Keep it up. Hope to interact as much as possible in the days to come. Remember, TIME is everything, without it, there would be NOTHING.
has anyone got a new idea of where we could be heading?
it either into space, or to the bottom of the sea, or into cyberspace, does anyone think that we are actual heading anywhere?
it just seems like chaos and with no clear goal we will just end up going around in circles forever
Figured this forum was as good as any for making a formal introduction since I'm a mechanical engineer with some aerospace background and a computer science/engineering hobby.
I'm happy Greg gave me the opportunity to moderate this forum. Its something I've never done before but always had...
Hi, everyone who remembers me! (there prolly arn't that many anymore.) anyway, as usual, I've come crawling back to physicsforums, where people actually respect my opinion. (or at least i hope they still do.) So, here i am, Ready to confound the greatest minds once again.
I been reading my way through your forum and thought I'd join in for a while :smile:
Just a bit of background:
I love maths and physics. Although I'm not the smartest guy in town I like to think I can hold my own when it comes to the theoretical side of things. Most people I know...
Hi, I'm the guy formerly known as carsten. This is just a test to see if everything works.
OK, you have the numbers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.
You may insert some + signs and one = sign so to make a valid equation.
12+34+5+6+78=90 (oops, false! )
Happy posting, and a big thanks to Greg...