2nd Unofficial PF Gathering in Chicago

  • Thread starter ZapperZ
  • Start date
In summary, the Unofficial PF Gathering is planned for the week of July 4, 2007, and the preference is for the 5, 6, 7, or 8 of July. The location is still to be determined, but is likely to depend on the number of attendees. There is no definite date yet, but the earliest that it could be is the 5, 6, 7, or 8 of July. The Gathering will be at either Tom's or Zz's place, and either Moonbear or Tom will pick up the attendee. If the number of attendees is small enough, we might do this gathering at my place, and I'll cook dinner!
  • #36
Mostly socializing. :biggrin:
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
MeJennifer said:
Sounds interesting. :smile:

Is the idea to discuss the "technicalities of the sciences" or is it mostly socializing?

Socializing AND Disneyizing, since we'd probably do this at my place.

[stacking up several Disney DVD's and trip videos by the TV]

Uh-oh, I can hear a few people canceling already!

  • #38
MeJennifer said:
Is the idea to discuss the "technicalities of the sciences" or is it mostly socializing?
Doesn't discussing science count as socializing? :confused:

  • #39
Oh, one more thing. To offset the scaring of people away due to the Disney content, would it help if I tell you one thing that I'm tentatively planning on serving at this gathering?

Chocolate fondue!


  • #40
This is another reminder that the 2nd Unofficial PF Gathering in Chicago will be held on Saturday, July 7. So far the tentative location will be my place and it will start some time in the afternoon.

So far, we have a few people that have either confirmed or indicated the possibility of coming. If you intend to join us and haven't let me know, please do so as soon as you can so that I can have a head count. You and your family/spouse/significant other/etc are most welcomed [note that my place is not childproof, so it may not be a good idea to bring children under the age of 5 - I can behave like one just fine].

Hope to see you then!

  • #41
I can't wait! :biggrin: And I know we had at least one student recently posting they got an internship at Fermilab...no excuse not to join us!
  • #42
I was just told today, that I can not have that weekend off. GRRRRRRRRRR
  • #43
I was told today that I have to take that entire week off, slow downs and such. I've got work the night of the 8th and a fishing/camping trip planned for sometime during the week. Hmm, I haven't been to Chicago in ages. How long do these things last? What are they like? What happened at the last one?
  • #44
So, who wants to meet in San Francisco?
  • #45
Huckleberry said:
I was told today that I have to take that entire week off, slow downs and such. I've got work the night of the 8th and a fishing/camping trip planned for sometime during the week. Hmm, I haven't been to Chicago in ages. How long do these things last? What are they like? What happened at the last one?

Since this will be the 2nd one ever held, there are set pattern for one of these. The last one was rather small. It was Tom, his parents, me, and Chuck. We spent a few minutes at my place, had a lovely conversation, and then we all went to an Italian restaurant in the neighborhood for our reservation. It was quite a pleasant evening, which is why I'm suggesting a second one.

If the attendance number is big, we will have to do this at a restaurant. But since so far the number is small enough to be manageable, I'll do this at my place. I will go as long as everyone wants, although I may have to kick people out by midnight before I turn into a pumpkin. What are they like? I'd imagine we chat, we eat, we drink, we chat some more, and I'm sure, somewhere along the line, I'll sneak in a Disney content here and there.

  • #47

I'll send out PMs (or e-mail if I happen to have yours) to everyone who has expressed confirmed or expressed an interest about the details (address, phone number, etc) roughly 2 weeks before the date.

It should be fun!

  • #48
It is about a month till our 2nd Unofficial PF Gathering in Chicago. If you are planning on attending, please let me know soon.

I will individually contact all who had either indicated they will attend, or who are considering it, with the details. We should have our final number of attendees a week before the event.

  • #49
I'll be in the neighborhood week after next (i.e. 2 weeks). :biggrin:

I believe we have a short visit at ANL.
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  • #50
Astronuc said:
I'll be in the neighborhood next week. :biggrin:

I believe we have a short visit at ANL.

Yes, I remember. If you have the exact day that you will be coming over, let me know. I should be around.

  • #51
This is another call for the 2nd Unofficial PF Gathering in Chicago.

If you have indicated an interest to attend this, you should have received a PM from me with the details. If you did not receive one but have indicated that you are interested to attend, then I have missed you. Please contact me as soon as you can.

The gathering will be on Saturday, July 7 at my place in the north side of Chicago. Expect plenty of food, drinks, merriment, mayhem, and a bit of Disney.


  • #52
ZapperZ said:
at my place
Is that an apartment or a real house with a garden ?

  • #53
Neither. It's a cardboard box under a bridge.

  • #54
ZapperZ said:
Neither. It's a cardboard box under a bridge.


:smile: If anyone wishes to continue the merriment into the night after Zz has turned into a pumpkin, I'm all for heading out into the city nightlife afterward with anyone who wishes to join me. :biggrin:
  • #55
Moonbear said:
:smile: If anyone wishes to continue the merriment into the night after Zz has turned into a pumpkin, I'm all for heading out into the city nightlife afterward with anyone who wishes to join me. :biggrin:

You don't even have to head out into the city. You'll soon discover that the neighborhood has plenty of sports bars, clubs, etc. In fact, people in downtown actually make their way up to my neighborhood to party! :)

Besides, what's more hilarious than seeing a pumpkin trying to dance? :biggrin:

  • #56
Moonbear said:
:smile: If anyone wishes to continue the merriment into the night after Zz has turned into a pumpkin, I'm all for heading out into the city nightlife afterward with anyone who wishes to join me. :biggrin:
You can then turn the pumpkin to a horse-drawn coach and have a fancy ride into town. Be home before midnight, though. :smile:
  • #57
ZapperZ said:
Neither. It's a cardboard box under a bridge.


Ok, i don't think so. You don't seem to be THAT adventurous. So, we'll settle for the apartment then. I knew it, i just knew it...

  • #58
ZapperZ said:
Besides, what's more hilarious than seeing a pumpkin trying to dance? :biggrin:


Just don't overdo it.
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  • #60
I wish I could go :( Post up here how it goes! Any chance of having one in Sydney ;]
  • #61
Would love to go, but I'll be at the Health Physics Society meeting in Portland.
  • #62
So, what's up with the party?

Who's there?
  • #63
Theres certainly nobody in GD today so I assume everyones at the meet but me :cry:
  • #64
Don't worry, I'm still here!
  • #65
Sorry to be such a flake. I got so overwhelmed with work and school I completely forgot!
Happy 4rth to the U.S. PF'ers!
  • #66
Math Is Hard said:
Sorry to be such a flake. I got so overwhelmed with work and school I completely forgot!
Happy 4rth to the U.S. PF'ers!

Oh yeah all that independence nonsense :wink:

Have a great time to all those celebrating something today.
  • #67
Astronuc said:
So, what's up with the party?

Yeah, we need a party report! Did you all go to the Fourth of July fireworks at Taste of Chicago? Although they were actually last weekend, they were broadcast on TV tonight for the rest of the country. I thought they were more spectacular than the fireworks in Washington which were shown live on PBS.
  • #68
jtbell said:
Yeah, we need a party report! Did you all go to the Fourth of July fireworks at Taste of Chicago? Although they were actually last weekend, they were broadcast on TV tonight for the rest of the country. I thought they were more spectacular than the fireworks in Washington which were shown live on PBS.

I was there. It was a great time. I didn't eat at Taste of Chicago though, since we went to Giordano's(translation="delicious").

A couple of friends and I decided to go to Chicago last weekend. Too bad we didn't go a little bit later! We could have went to the gathering. I would be there if it wasn't 7 hours away from me, and I didn't have to work(I'm in Pittsburgh for the summer. It's 12 hours when I'm home). I can't do that drive that often! Either way I hope it went well. We need pictures from the people there.
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  • #69
Hey, G01, no excuse not to visit Chicago...you're an hour and a half closer than I am! :biggrin: Actually, next time, I'm probably going to fly. That drive got a bit long, especially when I got stuck in traffic on the way home tonight.

I'll give the brief version now, and the longer version when I'm more awake (I just got home about an hour ago and have a long day awaiting me at work tomorrow after a week away vacationing).

The gathering consisted of Zz and his significant other (who hosted all of us with a delicious feast and a great time), Greg and his significant other, and Zenmaster99 and I (for those who were not aware previously, Zenmaster99 and I are also dating, so it was 3 couples).

We had a fabulous and tasty feast prepared by Zz. Photos will follow when I have time to upload them. We even gave him access to the sisterhood's chocolate vault, and a fondue fountain filled with Belgian chocolate was provided for dessert. :approve:

And, of course, we had Disney! I had already had a sneak preview earlier in the week (and have previously had a glimpse of their Disney shopping addiction), but I think Greg was a bit overwhelmed by the amount of Disney crammed into that home. :biggrin:

A good time was had by all. Thanks very much to Zz for hosting this gathering!

Since jtbell specifically asked about the fireworks, I did go to see the Macy's fireworks held on the 3rd (which are the ones televised as the 4th of July fireworks). ZM and I watched them from Navy Pier instead of Grant Park (Navy Pier was not nearly as crowded and still an excellent view, plus there's a mall there open until midnight, so we hung around for Hagen Dasz until the EL was running again...though we only learned it had been down when we got to the station just as the massive crowds were clearing). We also watched the NUMEROUS July 4th fireworks from the Hancock Tower...we ate dinner at the restaurant there (95th floor) and the view was absolutely spectacular! It was like little geysers of fireworks were erupting all over the city as the sun set. The Taste of Chicago had a smaller fireworks display on the 4th than on the 3rd, but I actually liked it a bit better, but that might have also had to do with the perspective of watching from the tower with no tall people in front of me blocking my view. If anyone really wants to impress their date with a spectacularly romantic evening, I highly recommend the Hancock Tower on July 4th. :smile: :blushing:
  • #70
As Moonbear has mentioned, it was a terrific time. I certainly had a lot of fun. It was nice meeting Greg finally. We all resisted the temptations to bow at his feet and give him offerings. :biggrin:

The dinner went well, at least most of it. We had a slight trouble with the chocolate fondue fountain in the beginning, thanks to my stupid suggestion that we stop it from running while we add most stuff to it. Bad idea. It caused the chocolate already in the shaft to seize. Still, the chocolate was fine and we call dip all the stuff in it to our hearts' content. And just our luck, after Greg left, it started working again beautifully. So Greg, you got to come back! :smile:

I took a few pictures of our food layout. I think Moonbie took more. So here are some of them.

This is our food spread. We certainly had enough food to feed the whole block.


We even had some sushi rolls, courtesy of Costco.

But here's the chocolate fondue fountain in its working glory. ZM was about to dip a juicy strawberry into it.

All in all, a fun time was had by everyone. Hopefully, if I'm still around, we can do another PF gathering some time soon. :smile:


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