Are space fighters really impossible in realistic Sci Fi?

In summary, the author suggests that fighters/drones might actually be a vital part of realistic space warfare, as they are much easier targets than larger ships and can be hit with lasers at long distances without the weapon becoming too inaccurate. However, even at long distances, the projectile is the limiting factor, not the weapon.
  • #71
I don't foresee a time where we have space combat with drones but they don't have the capability of being fully autonomous even in a com-zero (communications-zero) situation. Things like target selection and formation-keeping don't require communications, so assuming that drones are given appropriate objectives (go here and destroy target, patrol this region and engage anything matching without friendly IFF, etc) then communications may not strictly be necessary. Communications back to a mothership certainly aren't necessary.

Of course, there are other ways of communicating than radio or microwaves. WW2 pilots often got along just fine using hand signals, so something like a set of signal lights that can rapidly blink out binary signals would serve drones just fine in terms of tactical communication. Lasers could serve the same purpose for longer range comms, and are much harder to jam.

At worst they'd be about equal with human pilots who also don't have communications. They'd simply go about fulfilling whatever their immediate objectives are, just like pilots already do.

GTOM said:
Because in some situations, human level intelligence, decision making is needed.
Can you give a realistic example? Remember that things like friendly fire incidents or hitting the wrong targets already happen in real life, so the goal isn't to have perfect decision making, just to make the number of these incidents as low as reasonably possible.
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  • #72
Drakkith said:
I don't foresee a time where we have space combat with drones but they don't have the capability of being fully autonomous even in a com-zero (communications-zero) situation. Things like target selection and formation-keeping don't require communications, so assuming that drones are given appropriate objectives (go here and destroy target, patrol this region and engage anything matching without friendly IFF, etc) then communications may not strictly be necessary. Communications back to a mothership certainly aren't necessary.

Of course, there are other ways of communicating than radio or microwaves. WW2 pilots often got along just fine using hand signals, so something like a set of signal lights that can rapidly blink out binary signals would serve drones just fine in terms of tactical communication. Lasers could serve the same purpose for longer range comms, and are much harder to jam.

At worst they'd be about equal with human pilots who also don't have communications. They'd simply go about fulfilling whatever their immediate objectives are, just like pilots already do.Can you give a realistic example? Remember that things like friendly fire incidents or hitting the wrong targets already happen in real life, so the goal isn't to have perfect decision making, just to make the number of these incidents as low as reasonably possible.
The fighters are sent to make a small rebel colony surrender with minimal amount of damage/civilian casualties possible. A bunch of missiles can be sent to take out large lasers, then fighters search and destroy targets in low orbit.
  • #73
GTOM said:
The fighters are sent to make a small rebel colony surrender with minimal amount of damage/civilian casualties possible. A bunch of missiles can be sent to take out large lasers, then fighters search and destroy targets in low orbit.
So once the fighters/drones are launched, where is the human decision making needed?
  • #74
Drakkith said:
So once the fighters/drones are launched, where is the human decision making needed?
Like when to fire and when not, if civilan infrastructure nearby. What kind of weapons should be used to minimize damage to colony.
  • #75
GTOM said:
Like when to fire and when not, if civilan infrastructure nearby. What kind of weapons should be used to minimize damage to colony.
What infrastructure? I thought the targets were in orbit.

If the targets are obviously warships/fighters, then target selection and firing is trivial.
If the targets are using civilian ships and equipment that's been repurposed for military use then things change, but this is a situation that is already difficult for human pilots.
  • #76
Drakkith said:
What infrastructure? I thought the targets were in orbit.

If the targets are obviously warships/fighters, then target selection and firing is trivial.
If the targets are using civilian ships and equipment that's been repurposed for military use then things change, but this is a situation that is already difficult for human pilots.
I thought about attacking ground targets on a Mars or Moon like place or on an asteroid mine.
  • #77
Jetro said:
TL;DR at bottomIt's a somewhat accepted convention that in realistic scifi space fighters should be impossible to use effectively. In general they are regarded as being easy targets that, at interstellar ranges would be unable to survive in a battlefield that employs current plausible scifi weaponry such as laser and railguns. At a glance this would seem like a reasonable assumption. Lasers travel at light speed and would only have to point at the target and at shorter distances rail projectiles move fast enough that dodging becomes impossible. But is that all there is to it? I'd take the unpopular opinion that the picture of warfare for a fighter/drone wouldn't be as bleak and clear cut as the raw science makes it seem once you start considering the realities of how those kinds of weapons might perform in real world conditions. I'd even go so far as to say that fighters/drones might actually be vital in scifi settings that are trying to accurately portray space warfare. Here's my reasoning.

The target is very small. Your gun is very big.
In Future War Stories, the author cites that a fighter craft at a range of ~239,000mi would have about 2.5 seconds to dodge an incoming laser. As such it wouldn't have enough time to evade enough shots to make it closer to a target. I think there's two problems with this suggestion. Firstly, the laser that's firing can only determine a shot based on trajectories that are 2.5 seconds old. If the fighter is always altering it's course this estimate will always be wrong and it will take 5 seconds for the firing computer to even confirm whether or not it made a hit to update it's firing solutions and try again.

Secondly, even if the fighter were traveling is a predictable straight line, would the computer be able to hit it anyways? That might seem like a simple yes, but it really isn't once you consider how far away such a small target actually is. So a laser fires at a fighter 3 yards tall 239,000mi away. Let's make it easy and say the fighter is traveling upwards at 90 degrees to the laser so the computer can use really simple trig. The fighter is also moving really slow, only 1.2m/s relative to the laser. The laser is In order for that laser to hit the target, it needs to adjust the firing mechanism on it's laser by 4X10^-7 degrees or 4 ten millionths of one degree. If the laser were 10 meters long, it would have to raise it's barrel by 4.5 x 10^-11 or 4.5 hundred trillionths of a mile, which I'm not going to covert, but it's smaller than a picometer adjustment. And that's only for adjust aim up/down.

And that's the main problem. At those ranges, the projectile isn't the limiting factor, it's the weapon firing it. At a certain point you can't make the weapon anymore precise. Even if it can adjust it's aim to ten thousandths of a degree couldn't be expected to hit a target at those ranges, even if the target was standing still relative to the gun. It doesn't matter how precise the targeting computer is at calculating since the gun will be limited by physics.

So then we have to ask, at what ranges could a large laser be expected to hit a target reliably. So let's assume it's 10 meters long, and can adjust by as little as 1/10,000 of a degree/second. At 20,000 miles which Future War Stories cited as a realistic engagement range for fighters, the gun needs to adjust by 5 millionths of one degree. Still too inaccurate.

Let's try 5,000 miles. You need to adjust by 2 hundred-thousandth of a degree.

500 miles. You're right about there at 2 ten-thousandths of a degree.

TL:DR With an incredibly ridiculously precise laser gun, firing at the easiest moving target imaginable without account for other issues, like ship vibrations, thermal expansion of the the weapon, the presence of a gravity well, and no third dimension you'd only have an effective range of ~5,000 miles. This would give fighter/drones armed with missiles a very distinct advantage as they could close distances with a larger ship from a variety of angles and fire a very large number of missiles that the targeting computer would have to deal with in addition to the fighters themselves.

And to be frank I wouldn't really expect any weapon large enough to shoot down a fighter to be reasonably expected to have more than 1/100th a degree of precision at the very most, which is just 9 miles effective range. If you can only get one-tenth a degree of precision for the weapon, you'll be able to see Luke Skywalker in his cockpit at less than a mile. At one degree of precision, an A-Wing may crash into your bridge, since your effective range is now 4700 feet.
Lets not forget that you can only know what the target was actually doing a few seconds ago, in you're example. If you fire a laser at the expected position of the target assuming it is in uniform motion, that is probably fine, it can be compensated for. But by the time you get your firing solution, the target may have already changed course.
  • #78
GTOM said:
I thought about attacking ground targets on a Mars or Moon like place or on an asteroid mine.
Recon, select targets, assign targets to various strikes, send out the drones on strikes. No human intervention needed once the drones are launched. Weapons and targets are pre-selected to minimize civilian casualties.
  • #79
Drakkith said:
Recon, select targets, assign targets to various strikes, send out the drones on strikes. No human intervention needed once the drones are launched. Weapons and targets are pre-selected to minimize civilian casualties.
Anti matter powered fighters can travel million kms. How to adapt to shifting situations with no human squadron leaders?
  • #80
GTOM said:
Anti matter powered fighters can travel million kms. How to adapt to shifting situations with no human squadron leaders?
if you need a human involved because of the the comms lag you can just put them on an escort ship far from the action. You certainly wouldn't want them on a fighter.
Note that the latest generation of fighter aircraft (F-35 etc) could very well be the last, we are already in a situation where drones are carrying out a lot (most?) of the missions and drones for aerial combat are already being tested (AFAIK successfully), not having to worry about a pilot if a major advantage in a high-g turn. Hence, it is very likely that the next generation of combat aircraft will be unmanned, If that is the case then it would be very unlikely that military tech in the far future will directly involve humans in combat roles, we are way too soft and squishy...
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  • #81
GTOM said:
Anti matter powered fighters can travel million kms. How to adapt to shifting situations with no human squadron leaders?
Hold on. Look at the way fighters work in the real world. They are sent out on specific missions with very limited scope such as strike missions, ground support, air superiority, CAP, etc. These all have very clear objectives and engagement rules that must be followed. The pilots themselves don't decide what to do if the situation changes drastically, they await orders from their superiors. If no such orders are forthcoming, perhaps due to communications issues, they usually abort their mission.

An objective like "make a rebel colony surrender with minimal casualties" is not a tactical objective, it's an operational or strategic one that's far above what either a drone or a pilot would ever have to deal with. These are handled by people, not computers, typically generals/admirals and their staff, possibly with overseeing civilian authorities. A reasonable issue a drone would run into is having to decide which targets are real vs fake, searching for a target that's not where it's supposed to be, or navigating to a target in the midst of enemy opposition.
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  • #82
f95toli said:
if you need a human involved because of the the comms lag you can just put them on an escort ship far from the action. You certainly wouldn't want them on a fighter.
Note that the latest generation of fighter aircraft (F-35 etc) could very well be the last, we are already in a situation where drones are carrying out a lot (most?) of the missions and drones for aerial combat are already being tested (AFAIK successfully), not having to worry about a pilot if a major advantage in a high-g turn. Hence, it is very likely that the next generation of combat aircraft will be unmanned, If that is the case then it would be very unlikely that military tech in the far future will directly involve humans in combat roles, we are way too soft and squishy...
Sure there will be no problem with unmanned planes, when Iran could down a drone with jamming, and key infrastructure like a pipeline could have been hacked :P
In Ghost in the shell, the major is a human although only her brain is orgainc, she is definitally not soft.
  • #83
Drakkith said:
Hold on. Look at the way fighters work in the real world. They are sent out on specific missions with very limited scope such as strike missions, ground support, air superiority, CAP, etc. These all have very clear objectives and engagement rules that must be followed. The pilots themselves don't decide what to do if the situation changes drastically, they await orders from their superiors. If no such orders are forthcoming, perhaps due to communications issues, they usually abort their mission.

An objective like "make a rebel colony surrender with minimal casualties" is not a tactical objective, it's an operational or strategic one that's far above what either a drone or a pilot would ever have to deal with. These are handled by people, not computers, typically generals/admirals and their staff, possibly with overseeing civilian authorities. A reasonable issue a drone would run into is having to decide which targets are real vs fake, searching for a target that's not where it's supposed to be, or navigating to a target in the midst of enemy opposition.
In the story i plan, the one who actually man a fighter is a high ranking person who want to be present at action and don't trust remote control. When his ship is basically the same as drone fighters, that means safety, they don't know which ship is the ultimate target.
  • #84
GTOM said:
Sure there will be no problem with unmanned planes, when Iran could down a drone with jamming, and key infrastructure like a pipeline could have been hacked :P
In Ghost in the shell, the major is a human although only her brain is orgainc, she is definitally not soft.
Of course there are problems, but it is presumably still better than a captured pilot. Also, remember that the current generation of drones are not very autonomous, they are more or less constantly remote controlled (there is a pilot sitting in a shed somewhere doing the flying) . The drones that are now being developed (being tested, I don't think any have been deployed) should be "clever' enough to carry out st least simple instructions even without an active command link. If you are talking about tech in the far future there is very good reason to believe that AI will be capable of carrying out quite complex actions, but (hopefully,) with humans giving the high level orders.

There is nothing wrong with hard sci fi stories about humans in combat, but the only way to make it "realistic" is to come up with some convoluted reason for why AI can't be used (which is usually done by referring to past wars where ai/robots became self-aware and tried to kill all humans...)
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  • #85
Jetro said:
TL;DR at bottomIt's a somewhat accepted convention that in realistic scifi space fighters should be impossible to use effectively. In general they are regarded as being easy targets that, at interstellar ranges would be unable to survive in a battlefield that employs current plausible scifi weaponry such as laser and railguns. At a glance this would seem like a reasonable assumption. Lasers travel at light speed and would only have to point at the target and at shorter distances rail projectiles move fast enough that dodging becomes impossible. But is that all there is to it? I'd take the unpopular opinion that the picture of warfare for a fighter/drone wouldn't be as bleak and clear cut as the raw science makes it seem once you start considering the realities of how those kinds of weapons might perform in real world conditions. I'd even go so far as to say that fighters/drones might actually be vital in scifi settings that are trying to accurately portray space warfare. Here's my reasoning.

The target is very small. Your gun is very big.
In Future War Stories, the author cites that a fighter craft at a range of ~239,000mi would have about 2.5 seconds to dodge an incoming laser. As such it wouldn't have enough time to evade enough shots to make it closer to a target. I think there's two problems with this suggestion. Firstly, the laser that's firing can only determine a shot based on trajectories that are 2.5 seconds old. If the fighter is always altering it's course this estimate will always be wrong and it will take 5 seconds for the firing computer to even confirm whether or not it made a hit to update it's firing solutions and try again.

Secondly, even if the fighter were traveling is a predictable straight line, would the computer be able to hit it anyways? That might seem like a simple yes, but it really isn't once you consider how far away such a small target actually is. So a laser fires at a fighter 3 yards tall 239,000mi away. Let's make it easy and say the fighter is traveling upwards at 90 degrees to the laser so the computer can use really simple trig. The fighter is also moving really slow, only 1.2m/s relative to the laser. The laser is In order for that laser to hit the target, it needs to adjust the firing mechanism on it's laser by 4X10^-7 degrees or 4 ten millionths of one degree. If the laser were 10 meters long, it would have to raise it's barrel by 4.5 x 10^-11 or 4.5 hundred trillionths of a mile, which I'm not going to covert, but it's smaller than a picometer adjustment. And that's only for adjust aim up/down.

And that's the main problem. At those ranges, the projectile isn't the limiting factor, it's the weapon firing it. At a certain point you can't make the weapon anymore precise. Even if it can adjust it's aim to ten thousandths of a degree couldn't be expected to hit a target at those ranges, even if the target was standing still relative to the gun. It doesn't matter how precise the targeting computer is at calculating since the gun will be limited by physics.

So then we have to ask, at what ranges could a large laser be expected to hit a target reliably. So let's assume it's 10 meters long, and can adjust by as little as 1/10,000 of a degree/second. At 20,000 miles which Future War Stories cited as a realistic engagement range for fighters, the gun needs to adjust by 5 millionths of one degree. Still too inaccurate.

Let's try 5,000 miles. You need to adjust by 2 hundred-thousandth of a degree.

500 miles. You're right about there at 2 ten-thousandths of a degree.

TL:DR With an incredibly ridiculously precise laser gun, firing at the easiest moving target imaginable without account for other issues, like ship vibrations, thermal expansion of the the weapon, the presence of a gravity well, and no third dimension you'd only have an effective range of ~5,000 miles. This would give fighter/drones armed with missiles a very distinct advantage as they could close distances with a larger ship from a variety of angles and fire a very large number of missiles that the targeting computer would have to deal with in addition to the fighters themselves.

And to be frank I wouldn't really expect any weapon large enough to shoot down a fighter to be reasonably expected to have more than 1/100th a degree of precision at the very most, which is just 9 miles effective range. If you can only get one-tenth a degree of precision for the weapon, you'll be able to see Luke Skywalker in his cockpit at less than a mile. At one degree of precision, an A-Wing may crash into your bridge, since your effective range is now 4700 feet.
Nope you won't see the lasers and hear the explosions
  • #86
Just FYI, the United States already has a (defunct) laser weapon capable of taking down ICBM's from 370 miles out. So I'd guess that aiming the weapon won't be the limiting factor unless you're target is beyond at least a few thousand miles.

My lower-middle range amateur telescope mount can reliably move my telescope by roughly an arcsecond, or 1/360th of a degree. I would expect a future laser weapon to be able to track to at least as accurate as 1/1000th. That's less than a 3x improvement over some low cost amateur equipment using a worm gear and stepper motors.

What's more of a concern for the range of a laser weapon is probably the beam width at the target. Lasers spread out over range just like any other light source, just not as quickly.
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  • #87
Starboy674 said:
Nope you won't see the lasers and hear the explosions
Hmmm, I guess mostly when we think of seeing lasers, it is just scattering of light off of the atmosphere or some smoke to enhance, much like hearing sound waves is the rapid expansion of air creating waves in a medium. But perhaps seeing and hearing will just happen at the last moment, of the observer has the laser pointer at their face and are in a pressurized environment.
  • #88
f95toli said:
There is nothing wrong with hard sci fi stories about humans in combat, but the only way to make it "realistic" is to come up with some convoluted reason for why AI can't be used (which is usually done by referring to past wars where ai/robots became self-aware and tried to kill all humans...)
Or you just ignore the issue of 'AI has to be in control' and go with the 'humans as soldiers' story. Most readers won't pin your plot to the wall for it, esp. in sci fi where a lot of the attraction of such novels is to picture yourself as the hero protagonist, swatting the bad guys with the proton cannon attached to right arm of your combat skel.

Also, we're expendable in the 'AI as overlords' future, so why wouldn't we fighting the wars? You think an AI is gunna get their (metaphorical) hands dirty engaging in that type of dangerous behavior?
  • #89
Melbourne Guy said:
Also, we're expendable in the 'AI as overlords' future, so why wouldn't we fighting the wars? You think an AI is gunna get their (metaphorical) hands dirty engaging in that type of dangerous behavior?

i wasn't referring to "self aware" AI, just the level of AI that already exist or can be expected to exist in the next 10-20 years or so (at the level of a self driving car). There is no reason for why you would need something more sophisticated if all you need it do is to control a fighter craft of some sort in space.
This level of AI is relatively rare in books, and stories that do include AI controlled equipment (say the books by Iain M. Banks or Alastair Reynolds) tend to make the AI's self aware even when it makes no sense from a functional point of view. The only reason for this is of course that you need to have protagonist to write about; it is hard to get the reader to care about a drone controlled by a regular computer.
  • #90
f95toli said:
The only reason for this is of course that you need to have protagonist to write about; it is hard to get the reader to care about a drone controlled by a regular computer.
Yep, we're agreed on that, @f95toli, but your constraint seems unlikely: "just the level of AI that already exist or can be expected to exist in the next 10-20 years or so" in an environment with space fighters. That raises more questions in the reader's mind than self-aware AI not bothering to be the targeting system for whatever reason.

I've used both self-aware and somewhat less so AI in one of my novels, but humans still 'man the guns' in terms of strategic decision making on the warships. My feeling is that so long as I write interesting characters, keep the scenario self-consistent, and move the action along at a reasonable clip, readers will generally forgive little niggles like why there are humans involved at all (and one of the ships, a freighter, is almost fully autonomous, there is only two human crew). Probably, I'll include fully AI-run ships at some point, but they'll be foils to the humans, because as we both appear to feel, that's the point of the story, after all 😂
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  • #91
A couple of thoughts: These space-war lasers seem assumed to be pulsed, the optical equivalent of gun-fire, or SW mega-ships having crew feed munitions to their turrets...
'Continuous' beam weapons would be 'fire, then aim'. Technically much harder, wasteful, but difficult to dodge...

Um, having watched gamers battle the near-AIs in 'first-person shooters', I must wonder if such 'bots' would suit the 'brains' of the many missile types an attacker must throw at an AI defense...
  • #92
I'm still struggling with the definition of "realistic Sci Fi" in the OP's title, because that seems able to accommodate anything the author can throw at it, but @Nik_2213, your assumption of pulsed lasers is a common one in the space warfare genre, mostly, I find, because it loads up the narrative with more tension than a continuous beam when fighting small, nimble craft.

Nik_2213 said:
Um, having watched gamers battle the near-AIs in 'first-person shooters', I must wonder if such 'bots' would suit the 'brains' of the many missile types an attacker must throw at an AI defense...
Are those FPS games really 'near-AIs' though? And is my interpretation of your comment correct: you're saying humans are better than bots in these games?
  • #93
Nik_2213 said:
Um, having watched gamers battle the near-AIs in 'first-person shooters', I must wonder if such 'bots' would suit the 'brains' of the many missile types an attacker must throw at an AI defense...
Virtually nothing in a video game can be applied to real life. The AI (and I use AI in the loosest possible sense of the term) is extremely limited and designed to give the player a fair challenge. So no how matter how good or bad they appear to be, they are designed for a video game and nothing else.
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  • #94
Drakkith said:
Virtually nothing in a video game can be applied to real life.
Exactly. To start with, the scripts of those bots are based on the objects around: in real life the starting point is, that what objects are around?
Also, the allocated resources. Those bots are just part of a game, a dozen or so (in case of space genree: maybe some dozen, up to maybe a hundred or two) running around as a background task of the game, while a combat AI would run alone on its hardware.
Very different, in every aspect.
  • #95
Note also what happened when Alphastar from Deepmind learned to play Starcraft...
This was despite the fact that the interaction time was artificially limited and -as far as I remember- it was only allowed to do one thing at a time, which obviously wouldn't be the case if the goal was just to create a system that could win with no restrictions .

Another -possibly more relevant example- would be the results from DARPA's Alphadogfight trials last year

It is worth pointing out that even in this case there were restrictions in that the AI was simulating flying a F-16. The current generation of aircraft are designed for human pilot, a purpose-built AI controlled drone meant for dogfighting could be designed very differently and could also sustain high g-forces for an extended period of time.
The same obviously applies to a spacefighter.
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  • #96
Not impossible, stupid. Why would you build a fighter jet designed to maneuver in space and dogfight upclose and personal? Space is big and there is no cover in space, the enemy you are fighting whoever they may be can already see you coming before you can even take a shot and they already have a railgun slug or missile heading straight to you before you even know it and even if you get closer and survive the main weapons yoi still got to worry about their CQC/defensive weapons like Point Defenese Cannons.

Basically, space combat will take place in great distances like 100,000 km to 1,000,000 km or more because of the effective range of weapons being limited but you can still see your enemy you just got to get close to make sure your railgun slugs or missiles doesn't miss the enemy ship.

Realistic space fighters would look more like the rocinante or morrigan class patrol destroyer because they are not fighter jets they are small ships providing fire support from different directions, and not dogfight like the X-wing and colonial viper. Even if you accomplish to conduct a dogfight in space its basically suicide not just because of the weapons firing up close, but the fuel you waste maneuvering and dodging shots and then there's the G-force you got to deal with that puts so much stress on the pilot or crew. Maneuver too fast, you get lots of G-forces and too much G-forces could either knock out the crew or potentially kill them.
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  • #97
Wow, tell us what you really think, @Jojomanrul3z 😂

Seriously, you're making a lot of assertions that can be contested, we're in the sci-fi forum, after all. But I note you're advocating missiles in space, asserting that they are workable. I literally am wondering about missiles in space for my latest novel, which is a military space opera. Surely, your arguments against space fighters apply to them, too? Why would they work when fighters won't?
  • #98
Melbourne Guy said:
Wow, tell us what you really think, @Jojomanrul3z 😂

Seriously, you're making a lot of assertions that can be contested, we're in the sci-fi forum, after all. But I note you're advocating missiles in space, asserting that they are workable. I literally am wondering about missiles in space for my latest novel, which is a military space opera. Surely, your arguments against space fighters apply to them, too? Why would they work when fighters won't?
Missiles work because they have no pilots. When a ship has a pilot the ship is limited to how much G-force their crew or pilot can take. Missiles don't have that limitation meaning they can maneuver and accelerate faster without turning the crew into paste.

Plus the question being asked is are fighters impossible in a realistic sci-fi so that's my answer.
  • #99
Jojomanrul3z said:
Missiles work because they have no pilots. When a ship has a pilot the ship is limited to how much G-force their crew or pilot can take. Missiles don't have that limitation meaning they can maneuver and accelerate faster without turning the crew into paste.
While this is all correct, we already use missiles and piloted fighters, so it's not nearly as simple as you're implying. One major, major limitation to both fighters and missiles in space combat is fuel. Unlike missiles used in the atmosphere that burn all their fuel very quickly after launch and then use the air to maneuver, missiles in space MUST use fuel for any maneuvering. This puts a pretty strict limitation on them in terms of effective range. Put simply, the longer the range is, the less fuel the target has to burn to force a large burn of the missile. And the faster the closing velocity the more this is exacerbated.

Fighters have similar problems in addition to requiring enough fuel to make it back to their mothership/carrier/base and having more mass in the first place.

I'm not convinced either are 'impossible' in space combat, but both have serious limitations at this time.
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  • #100
Drakkith said:
While this is all correct, we already use missiles and piloted fighters, so it's not nearly as simple as you're implying. One major, major limitation to both fighters and missiles in space combat is fuel. Unlike missiles used in the atmosphere that burn all their fuel very quickly after launch and then use the air to maneuver, missiles in space MUST use fuel for any maneuvering. This puts a pretty strict limitation on them in terms of effective range. Put simply, the longer the range is, the less fuel the target has to burn to force a large burn of the missile. And the faster the closing velocity the more this is exacerbated.

Fighters have similar problems in addition to requiring enough fuel to make it back to their mothership/carrier/base and having more mass in the first place.

I'm not convinced either are 'impossible' in space combat, but both have serious limitations at this time.
Interesting point - one option you never see in space operas is the initial acceleration utilizing energy from the launch vessel - rail gun or whatever. If you accelerate the missile with a shipboard rail gun then you only need fuel for maneuver - same with a fighter (but the g-forces for a human pilot would place a constraint - so an other argument for drone / AI fighters)
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  • #101
Drakkith said:
While this is all correct, we already use missiles and piloted fighters, so it's not nearly as simple as you're implying. One major, major limitation to both fighters and missiles in space combat is fuel. Unlike missiles used in the atmosphere that burn all their fuel very quickly after launch and then use the air to maneuver, missiles in space MUST use fuel for any maneuvering. This puts a pretty strict limitation on them in terms of effective range. Put simply, the longer the range is, the less fuel the target has to burn to force a large burn of the missile. And the faster the closing velocity the more this is exacerbated.

Fighters have similar problems in addition to requiring enough fuel to make it back to their mothership/carrier/base and having more mass in the first place.

I'm not convinced either are 'impossible' in space combat, but both have serious limitations at
Of course fuel is a limitation for missiles, that's why ships have to get close 'enough' to make sure their weapons, which in this case are missiles, actually hit their target or else they'll just dodge it in the next few minutes or seconds and the missiles run out of fuel because the target is too far away.

Distance is the greatest friend and enemy you can have in any space battle because you can stay away from the effective firing range of your enemy, but could also limit YOUR effective range of your weapons so if you or the enemy vessel gets too close, you're fighting in point blank range. So if all you have to do is keep your distance and have advanced weapons that have more effective range than your enemy does, why have one or two man fighters get even closer? Its suicidal, stupid, and makes no sense in a strategic or tactical perspective. Your enemy's PDC, CIWS, any weapon specifically designed for close combat and point defense will rip a small fighter to shreds unless your objective is to board the enemy vessel that you have crippled earlier and the said fighter is just a space tug with guns carrying a container with troops inside.

Fighters are impossible in space not because we can't build them, but because we will never be using them because of strategic and tactical reasons. And why have a fighter when you can have more missiles at the same cost of a fighter?

BTW I am using the expanse and choldren of a dead Earth as my reference here being one of the only shows and games that uses real world physics and plausible technologies. The only ships the equivalent of a fighter would be the, morrigan class patrol destroyer and corvette class frigate/rocinante. They can be carried by a Donnager class battleship to trick the enemy that only one ship is sent to destroy them when in truth there are 7 or 13 ships and they don't go in closer they keep their distance. Get in too close to the enemy their dead.
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  • #102
Jojomanrul3z said:
Fighters are impossible in space not because we can't build them, but because we will never be using them because of strategic and tactical reasons.
A strong position to take for a battlefield which has yet to be fought on. :wink:
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Likes Melbourne Guy and BillTre
  • #103
Jojomanrul3z said:
and plausible technologies.
I'm grinning at that assumption, @Jojomanrul3z.

The Expanse has a handwavium breakthrough for ship thrust (not to mention the whole alien protomolecule aspect), and Children of a Dead Earth is no better:
Every technology, from the Nuclear Thermal Rockets to the Magnetoplasmadynamic Thrusters to the Railguns, was implemented using actual equations from Engineering and Physics textbooks and white papers
They can include an Alcubierre warp drive in that, no worries, it's "plausible" by your definition.

But with fighters, you're assuming we haven't geneered humans to withstand extreme gees, it's about as likely as the space battles you can create in Children of a Dead Earth. Or uploaded fighter pilot minds to their ships!

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy," it's science fiction, 'realistic' depends on when and where you're setting your story!
  • #104
Melbourne Guy said:
I'm grinning at that assumption, @Jojomanrul3z.

The Expanse has a handwavium breakthrough for ship thrust (not to mention the whole alien protomolecule aspect), and Children of a Dead Earth is no better:

They can include an Alcubierre warp drive in that, no worries, it's "plausible" by your definition.

But with fighters, you're assuming we haven't geneered humans to withstand extreme gees, it's about as likely as the space battles you can create in Children of a Dead Earth. Or uploaded fighter pilot minds to their ships!

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy," it's science fiction, 'realistic' depends on when and where you're setting your story!
Okay then what is the question actually implying then? Realistic sci-fi set in modern times or set in a time where we have already colonized the whole solar system? Is it a hard sci-fi that uses real world physics and plausible technologies today? Can they jam all types of wavelengths? Any conditions we need to take into consideration?

Yes we have geneered humans to withstand extreme gees but only for a limited time. Too much of it they are either going to get knocked out or just die.

Im only using The Expanse and Children of a Dead Earth as a 'reference'. Mainly how they fight in the void. And also handwavium is literally nothing new. Every sci-fi story does that. Why do they do that? Simple. Its just another genre of entertainment. People don't care about the physics, the science, they just want a story to like and feel relatable.

But if were trying to go realistic and just ignore real world physics and science and make up our own tech and theories that doesn't even look like it is plausible at all and is not in accordance to real world physics then what's the point of calling it realistic/hard-sci-fi then?

"Hard science fiction is a category of science fiction characterized by concern for scientific accuracy and logic."

Since the question has the word realistic. I am assuming it is hard sci-fi set decades or hundreds of years into the future that has tech and plausible tech still in bounds with actual physics and science. Hence my answer.
  • #105
Jojomanrul3z said:
Of course fuel is a limitation for missiles, that's why ships have to get close 'enough' to make sure their weapons, which in this case are missiles, actually hit their target or else they'll just dodge it in the next few minutes or seconds and the missiles run out of fuel because the target is too far away.

Distance is the greatest friend and enemy you can have in any space battle because you can stay away from the effective firing range of your enemy, but could also limit YOUR effective range of your weapons so if you or the enemy vessel gets too close, you're fighting in point blank range. So if all you have to do is keep your distance and have advanced weapons that have more effective range than your enemy does, why have one or two man fighters get even closer? Its suicidal, stupid, and makes no sense in a strategic or tactical perspective. Your enemy's PDC, CIWS, any weapon specifically designed for close combat and point defense will rip a small fighter to shreds unless your objective is to board the enemy vessel that you have crippled earlier and the said fighter is just a space tug with guns carrying a container with troops inside.

Fighters are impossible in space not because we can't build them, but because we will never be using them because of strategic and tactical reasons. And why have a fighter when you can have more missiles at the same cost of a fighter?

BTW I am using the expanse and choldren of a dead Earth as my reference here being one of the only shows and games that uses real world physics and plausible technologies. The only ships the equivalent of a fighter would be the, morrigan class patrol destroyer and corvette class frigate/rocinante. They can be carried by a Donnager class battleship to trick the enemy that only one ship is sent to destroy them when in truth there are 7 or 13 ships and they don't go in closer they keep their distance. Get in too close to the enemy their dead.
Well, technically there isn't any gravity or air resistance, so once up to speed they just need enough fuel to maneuver.

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