Arrest warrant issued for Wikileaks founder, for sex crimes

  • News
  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
  • Start date
In summary: Julian Assange is the founder of WikiLeaks and has been accused of rape. He is wanted by the Swedish government for questioning in a rape probe. It is unknown where Assange is at this time. It is speculated that he may be in the United States. If Assange is arrested, it is possible that he will be extradited to Sweden.
  • #36
NobodySpecial said:
Or they turn the leak into the story rather than the details of soldiers shooting civilians.
When the armed insurgents are using civilians in a war zone, the insurgents are at fault. The video proved that. Let's not confuse the facts.
Physics news on
  • #37
Evo said:
When the armed insurgents are using civilians in a war zone, the insurgents are at fault. The video proved that. Let's not confuse the facts.

Exactly, a perfect point which is tied into my point in the other thread.
  • #38
Werg22 said:
The Swedes provided assistance to the Nazis, even when they claimed to be Neutral..

If this is your argument for why Swedish arrest warrants shouldn't be trusted, you should just stop arguing
  • #39
I think this is a Gov't set up and consider him dead. Once dead will it trigger a massive release of all his documents and can the Gov'ts find his cache before this happens?
  • #40
Fabchester said:
I think this is a Gov't set up and consider him dead. Once dead will it trigger a massive release of all his documents and can the Gov'ts find his cache before this happens?

This isn't movie.

I see no reason why the governments would set him up like this. As I said before, if they wanted him gone they could do it a lot more effectively than some trivial sex charges which don't even carry jail time by the look of it.

Also, why would the government "consider him dead" based on these charges? He won't be going anywhere.
  • #41
but they need to discredit him and his reputation. killing him is to easy
  • #42
Evo said:
When the armed insurgents are using civilians in a war zone, the insurgents are at fault.
I generally agree. Moreover, I extend that same logic to other situations.

If unscrupulous diplomats make shady deals with corrupt officials and the shenanigans get revealed to the public and endanger security, the dealmakers are at fault. This whole Assange hunt seems to serve quite nicely as a means of deflecting attention away from people that did a lot of unsavory things.
  • #43
Gokul43201 said:
I generally agree. Moreover, I extend that same logic to other situations.
Indeed - the continued failure of an english player to win Wimbledon lowers moral and harms the country. From now on the scores of any British player in any international competition must be kept secret.
  • #44

Ivan Seeking said:
Why are you are assuming that he didn't rape anyone?

read the other thread. something about not using a condom. $700 fine and no jail time.
  • #45
Office_Shredder said:
If this is your argument for why Swedish arrest warrants shouldn't be trusted, you should just stop arguing

I was answering this claim in particular: by MATLABdude: "The timing of this is terrible--it looks like people are out to 'get' him under spurious charges, rather than for legitimate reasons (which these may well be, especially if it's the Swedes who are pressing these)."
  • #46

Proton Soup said:
read the other thread. something about not using a condom. $700 fine and no jail time.
Besides, even if he did, interpol was never after rapists. Closest is children molesters, which does not apply. Interpol websites nowhere mentions they could go after him (at least according to the current charges).

So even if I were to accept that he already has done harm (I suspect the most worrisome is what could come in the future), the situation is not being handled lawfully. At some level, there is a double standard. My objection to this thread is that the current "diplomacy issue" is obviously dealt with using questionable diplomatic deals.
  • #47

Interpol isn't 'after him'. At least get what's going on straight.
  • #48
zomgwtf said:
Interpol isn't 'after him'. At least get what's going on straight.
I do not understand why you are saying that. As of right now, interpol's website still has a up for Assange.
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  • #49
humanino said:
I do not understand why you are saying that. As of right now, interpol's website still has a up for Assange.

All that happens is if Assange is in a interpol country they are requested to contact Sweden and say he's there and allow them to request for extradition and begin the extradition process to Sweden.

He doesn't get arrested or anything he's not wanted it's just a request by interpol on behalf of Sweden. He is wanted by Sweden and INTERPOL is making this known, that's it that's all.
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  • #50

zomgwtf said:
Well, thank you for attempting to clarify what this means, but as a matter of fact I already know that. You are trying to dismiss my argument by claiming that I believe interpol staff arrest people ?
  • #51

humanino said:
Well, thank you for attempting to clarify what this means, but as a matter of fact I already know that. You are trying to dismiss my argument by claiming that I believe interpol staff arrest people ?

Your whole post was about Interpol 'going after him' this is false. Interpol is not after him Sweden is. That was the whole point I was making, you said something false I corrected it I wasn't dismissing what you said at all about is the Red notice acceptable based on the charges in Sweden and I never said I was soooooooo where you going with this?

It's good you know that by the way.
  • #52

zomgwtf said:
Then thank you for correcting mistake, and clarifying what the standard procedure is. I still remain concerned about the "diplomacy deals" behind this procedure, and I still think there is a double standard here. If it is not acceptable to release classified/private mails potentially harmful, neither is it acceptable that precisely what Assange is trying to fight is being used against him and the whole majority of news agencies do not report it.
  • #53

humanino said:
Well, thank you for attempting to clarify what this means, but as a matter of fact I already know that. You are trying to dismiss my argument by claiming that I believe interpol staff arrest people ?

Now to just to dismiss your argument I would like for you to support the claim that INTERPOL is not a tool to be used by member nations in the apprehension of wanted persons otherwise known as fugitives.

Based on what I said before about it not being INTERPOL who is after Assange but Sweden it becomes clear that what you said is false.

The persons concerned are wanted by national jurisdictions (or the International Criminal Tribunals, where appropriate) and Interpol's role is to assist the national police forces in identifying or locating those persons with a view to their arrest and extradition.
Specifically the part about Interpol's role. Assange is a fugitive wanted by Sweden, Interpol's job is to help Sweden get him to their country. Precisely what they are doing right now.

Unless of course you have something to quote to support your claim that they don't issue wanted red notices for persons unless it has to do with child molestation or whatever you were going on about.
  • #54
I said that I searched on interpol website what justifies the red notice for Assange, and I have failed. It may be that it is there, but I just did not find it. In that case, I would appreciate help. However, I think I put reasonable efforts into trying to find what the justification is. He is not a child molester. Was there ever a rapist on red notice by interpol ? I think not.

Maybe could justify the red notice, but then let the red notice be about intellectual property, not rape. In any case, if somebody thinks they know what justifies or could justify his red notice according to interpol guidelines, please let them help me !
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  • #55
humanino said:
I said that I searched on interpol website what justifies the red notice for Assange, and I have failed. It may be that it is there, but I just did not find it. In that case, I would appreciate help. However, I think I put reasonable efforts into trying to find what the justification is. He is not a child molester. Was there ever a rapist on red notice by interpol ? I think not.

Maybe could justify the red notice, but then let the red notice be about intellectual property, not rape. In any case, if somebody thinks they know what justifies or could justify his red notice according to interpol guidelines, please let them help me !

Go to 'Fugitives' section of the website and then go to WANTED. That's what the red notice on Assange is issued for. It has nothing really to do with the crime commited but the fact that he is a fugitive of Sweden.

Now it's a whole other ball park whether or not this is the real reason behind Sweden apprehending Assange or not. I tend to think it is since America is still looking into it's legal abilities at apprehending Assange right?
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  • #56

zomgwtf said:
Go to 'Fugitives' section of the website and then go to WANTED. That's what the red notice on Assange is issued for. It has nothing really to do with the crime commited but the fact that he is a fugitive of Sweden.
Well, I had already looked in there. And I searched many examples, but none I could find compares. This is simply preposterous that they use interpol to be after him for those charges. Assange was in contact with the prosecutrix and suggested several times that they either meet at the swedish embassy in the UK, by teleconference, or at the local police. It is not like he refuses any cooperation or was hiding before.
zomgwtf said:
Now it's a whole other ball park whether or not this is the real reason behind Sweden apprehending Assange or not. I tend to think it is since America is still looking into it's legal abilities at apprehending Assange right?
If I were convinced the two are unrelated, I would be more comfortable with the red notice. I am not even saying there should not be a red notice. I am just saying not for the current charges (alleged "rape", about which he was willing to cooperate).
  • #57" ...

And kudos to PayPal for doing the right thing.
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  • #58
Gokul43201 said:
If unscrupulous diplomats make shady deals with corrupt officials...

Is that the case, or is the sausage making just ugly? I keep thinking this is just a case where nobody wants to hear the truth about the nature of politics and diplomacy.

I don't know the details of all information released. What I have heard about didn't strike me as unusual or irregular.
  • #59
Ivan Seeking said:
Is that the case, or is the sausage making just ugly? I keep thinking this is just a case where nobody wants to hear the truth about the nature of politics and diplomacy.

I don't know the details of all information released. What I have heard about didn't strike me as unusual or irregular.

I've moved my response here:

It seemed more appropriate in that thread.
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  • #60

Swedish warrant arrives; UK to arrest Assange

The arrest warrant issued by the Swedish court has been submitted to the Scotland Yard on Monday, Dec 6. European media reported that Assange will be held soon. It is expected that British authorities may handover Assange to Sweden over the rape allegations made by two Swedish women.
  • #61
Ivan Seeking said:
Is that the case, or is the sausage making just ugly? I keep thinking this is just a case where nobody wants to hear the truth about the nature of politics and diplomacy.

I don't know the details of all information released. What I have heard about didn't strike me as unusual or irregular.

Many, many things revealed would be crimes, or things that raise suspicion of crimes.
  • #62
There is of course the insurance policy which the government is very worried about; namely that if anything happens to him, he has threatened to release an encryption key for an extremely damaging document dump.
  • #63
Galteeth said:
There is of course the insurance policy which the government is very worried about; namely that if anything happens to him, he has threatened to release an encryption key for an extremely damaging document dump.

Yes, that is a very interesting choice of insurance policies. If a country or organization wants to see that information, all they have to do is kill Assange?

Fortunately for Assange, he was arrested in London this morning.
  • #64
In court this afternoon (GMT). Going to be a good show.
  • #65
Blackmail is on par with any information he might be holding - IMO.
  • #66
hmmm it seems it's more than just a rape allegation but four.

She said the first complainant, Miss A, said she was victim of "unlawful coercion" on the night of 14 August in Stockholm.

The court heard Assange is accused of using his body weight to hold her down in a sexual manner.

The second charge alleged Assange "sexually molested" Miss A by having sex with her without a condom when it was her "express wish" one should be used.

The third charge claimed Assange "deliberately molested" Miss A on 18 August "in a way designed to violate her sexual integrity".

The fourth charge accused Assange of having sex with a second woman, Miss W, on 17 August without a condom while she was asleep at her Stockholm home.
Two different girls four different allegations I believe 3 separate occassions. This is pretty serious if you ask me.
  • #67
BobG said:
Yes, that is a very interesting choice of insurance policies. If a country or organization wants to see that information, all they have to do is kill Assange?
You may not understand the logic because you do not understand his point of view. He obviously dedicated his life and became passionate to the point where he is not reasonable anymore. From this point of view, it does make sense (at least it may make sense to him) that if his life were to be terminated, he would at least want the insurance that the information is not lost. I think it is pretty clear that he has extreme ideologies.
  • #68
zomgwtf said:
hmmm it seems it's more than just a rape allegation but four.

Two different girls four different allegations I believe 3 separate occassions. This is pretty serious if you ask me.
The quote does not match the transcript I have seen. Can you please indicate where this quote comes from ?
  • #69
humanino said:
The quote does not match the transcript I have seen. Can you please indicate where this quote comes from ?

The quote is from the live feed at the website. It's attributed to Gemma Linfield 'for the Swedish authorities.'

Actual I just google searched for the full quote and found articles. A lot all dated for today:

This is the one from the Guardian.
  • #70
I'm interested in the source too, not that I have any reason to not believe it.

From what I read (although I think this was from Assange's lawyer) the two women maintained good relations with Assange after the alleged incidents had taken place, and until they found out about the other's existence. That was when they pressed charges.

Edit: Here's the link:

And the quote:
Both women have declared that they had consensual sexual relations with our client and that they continued to instigate friendly contact well after the alleged incidents. Only after the women became aware of each other’s relationships with Mr. Assange did they make their allegations against him.
Whether it's true or not, I don't know, but I imagine that's just a matter of checking the records.
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