Arrest warrant issued for Wikileaks founder, for sex crimes

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  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary: Julian Assange is the founder of WikiLeaks and has been accused of rape. He is wanted by the Swedish government for questioning in a rape probe. It is unknown where Assange is at this time. It is speculated that he may be in the United States. If Assange is arrested, it is possible that he will be extradited to Sweden.
  • #71
Gokul43201 said:
I'm interested in the source too, not that I have any reason to not believe it.

From what I read (although I think this was from Assange's lawyer) the two women maintained good relations with Assange after the alleged incidents had taken place, and until they found out about the other's existence. That was when they pressed charges.

Edit: Here's the link:

And the quote:Whether it's true or not, I don't know, but I imagine that's just a matter of checking the records.

So it's a statement from his people saying that he didn't rape them but they both were in good relations after the event until after they found out about each other. This is likely but it's also not surprising that he would say he didn't rape the girls... is it? This is why he needs to be arrested evidence brought forth and go through the proper process. Just because you say you're innocent doesn't mean you get to run away from the law.
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  • #72
I don't have an opinion on whether or not he should be arrested. I'm not privy to the level of information that would allow me to take a position on that. But given the sequence and confluence of events, I believe there's reason to be suspicious of the way things are proceeding.
  • #73
Gokul43201 said:
I don't have an opinion on whether or not he should be arrested. I'm not privy to the level of information that would allow me to take a position on that. But given the sequence and confluence of events, I believe there's reason to be suspicious of the way things are proceeding.

Perhaps but the only way to know is as things unfold in the case right?

I tend to think it's less suspicious based on the fact that these two girls are just regular people. They aren't government officials and I'm not sure that the government would trust them in a conspiracy against Assange. I mean 'keep quiet say he raped you and we'll give you money'... but all it would take is for one person to speak out that is part of this case. I lean more towards the rape allegations are a separate event and hope that Sweden is just following through based on the popularity that Assange has gained.

I don't think it would look good on the Swedish legal system if two girls came alleging rape and they didn't invetigate properly. (based on how famous Assange is)

BTW, I posted the source for that quote from before above, you posted right after so I'm not sure if you noticed it.
  • #74
Yes, I saw it after I posted. I guess I'd have been a lot less suspicious if the case hadn't first been dismissed by the lead prosecutor, before being reopened a week later, with no new charges. But yes, we won't know until events pan out.
  • #76
zomgwtf said:
hmmm it seems it's more than just a rape allegation but four.

Two different girls four different allegations I believe 3 separate occassions. This is pretty serious if you ask me.

Who knows? Might be. Might not be." , including that at least one of the girls texted and tweeted about her conquest. Then came questions of a possible CIA link. Then chaos and confusion.

Perhaps that's by design of Assange's lawyers. Perhaps it's by design of one or more of the governments whose classified info was leaked. Perhaps it's merely the natural order of things, entropy doing it's worst during times of a heated issue, with emotions running high on most sides.

We can't really know, at this point, as we're on the outside.

In the meantime, as time goes by, at least some of the truth will come out in the wash. My viewpoint as a retired veteran is that Assange, who is undeniably known to have released damaging, classified information into the public domain, is off the streets, at least for the time being, and in my book, that's a good thing.

My sole hope is that ultimately, the truth will out and justice will prevail based on the truth, not any of the rampant smear campaigns.
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  • #77
mugaliens said:
My sole hope is that ultimately, the truth will out and justice will prevail based on the truth, not any of the rampant smear campaigns.

That would be hard to imagine.
  • #78
CRGreathouse said:
That would be hard to imagine.
Agreed. Assange has already been pilloried and publicly smeared in the press, without a single hearing or trial. Even if the charges against him are dropped today, any Google search on Assange will pull up "rape" and "sexual assault" for the rest of his life.
  • #79
turbo-1 said:
Agreed. Assange has already been pilloried and publicly smeared in the press, without a single hearing or trial. Even if the charges against him are dropped today, any Google search on Assange will pull up "rape" and "sexual assault" for the rest of his life.

Are we really concerned about his public image?:confused:

Did he take the time to verify all of the information that he released (as a legitimate press would be expected to do) - was he worried about anyone else's reputation?
  • #81
mheslep said:"

If PFC Manning had been found guilty, I'd say the fine Berkeley Councilmen are also guilty of treason.

I doubt if this surprises anyone. I recall a thread a few weeks ago where we discussed why it was acceptable to ban the US Flag in public schools (so it didn't enrage people not of American origins).

In a way, I'm glad this lunacy is coming out - we have 2 more years of Obama - then we can take our country back from the Far Left Side (hmmm...hmmmmm-shhh ...I'm chanting).:rolleyes:
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  • #82
Naturally, Obama is to blame for the decision of the Berkeley Council.
  • #83
WhoWee said:
I doubt if this surprises anyone. I recall a thread a few weeks ago where we discussed why it was acceptable to ban the US Flag in public schools (so it didn't enrage people not of American origins).

In a way, I'm glad this lunacy is coming out - we have 2 more years of Obama - then we can take our country back from the Far Left Side (hmmm...hmmmmm-shhh ...I'm chanting).:rolleyes:
Don't count me among your 'we', as the Berkley Council does not control the country, and though I disagree with him on most things, nor has the President announced any hero awards for Manning.
  • #84
mheslep said:
Don't count me among your 'we', as the Berkley Council does not control the country, and though I disagree with him on most things, nor has the President announced any hero awards for Manning.

I didn't expect you would (join the "we").

As for the President, time will tell. It seems we are accumulating a plateful of controversial cases - including Fort Hood. Maybe his (Clinton-like) move to the center will insulate him?
  • #85
I'm sorry if this has been said earlier in the thread: I am busy and unable to read the entire thing.

As far as I'm aware, Julian Assange definitely had consensual sex with these women, but the grey area I believe is surrounding the use (or lack thereof) a condom. I believe in Switzerland this is a touchy subject.
  • #86
encorp said:
As far as I'm aware, Julian Assange definitely had consensual sex with these women, but the grey area I believe is surrounding the use (or lack thereof) a condom.
The argument is something like that the women agreed to sex with a condom - the condom failed so technically he didn't hold up (snigger) his part of the bargain - so the sex wasn't as agreed therefore non-consensual - therefore rape.
Unsurprisingly this isn't the first time this has happened in the land of Abba - although it is the first time that has prompted an international arrest warrant.
I believe in Switzerland this is a touchy subject.
Possibly but since this happened in Sweden it probably doesn't matter what a bunch of chocolate eating not-even-getting involved monkeys think.
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  • #87
NobodySpecial said:
The argument is something like that the women agreed to sex with a condom - the condom failed so technically he didn't hold up (snigger) his part of the bargain - so the sex wasn't as agreed therefore non-consensual - therefore rape.
Unsurprisingly this isn't the first time this has happened in the land of Abba - although it is the first time that has prompted an international arrest warrant.

Possibly but since this happened in Sweden it probably doesn't matter what a bunch of chocolate eating not-even-getting involved monkeys think is irrelevent.

Ops! I wonder how I typed Switzerland? Hehe

Thanks for the clarifications, however.
  • #88
NobodySpecial said:
The argument is something like that the women agreed to sex with a condom - the condom failed so technically he didn't hold up (snigger) his part of the bargain - so the sex wasn't as agreed therefore non-consensual - therefore rape.
Unsurprisingly this isn't the first time this has happened in the land of Abba - although it is the first time that has prompted an international arrest warrant.

there was also an allegation of having sex with one of the women while she was sleeping.
  • #89
NobodySpecial said:
The argument is something like that the women agreed to sex with a condom - the condom failed so technically he didn't hold up (snigger) his part of the bargain - so the sex wasn't as agreed therefore non-consensual - therefore rape.
That's the story to Assange's lawyer, not any other neutral party and certainly not from the prosecutor.
  • #90
The details of his sex life with apparent "wikileaks groupies" is nothing but a distraction - he needs to be let out on bail - put him back on the street and watch his actions closely.
  • #91
mheslep said:
That's the story to Assange's lawyer, not any other neutral party and certainly not from the prosecutor.
Until there is a justice decision, it is certainly not up to PF members whether Assange's or the prosecutor's story is true.
  • #92
humanino said:
Until there is a justice decision, it is certainly not up to PF members whether Assange's or the prosecutor's story is true.

Of course not - perhaps this thread should be closed?
  • #93
WhoWee said:
The details of his sex life with apparent "wikileaks groupies" is nothing but a distraction - he needs to be let out on bail - put him back on the street and watch his actions closely.

He can't be let out on bail according to the law. That's his own fault.
  • #94
From Sweden's Penal Code
A person who by violence or threat which involves, or appears to
the threatened person to involve an imminent danger, forces another
person to have sexual intercourse or to engage in a comparable
sexual act, that having regard to the nature of the violation and the
circumstances in general, is comparable to enforced sexual
intercourse, shall be sentenced for rape to imprisonment for at least
two and at most six years. Causing helplessness or a similar state of
incapacitation shall be regarded as equivalent to violence.
If having regard to the nature of the violence or the threat and
the circumstances in general, the crime is considered less serious, a
sentence to imprisonment for at most four years shall be imposed.
If the crime is gross, a sentence to imprisonment for at least four
and at most ten years shall be imposed for gross rape. In assessing
whether the crime is gross, special consideration shall be given to
whether the violence involved a danger to life or whether the
perpetrator caused serious injury or serious illness or, having regard
to the method used or the victim's youth or other circumstances,
exhibited particular ruthlessness or brutality. (Law 1998:393)
Section 2
A person who, under circumstances other than those defined in
Section 1, makes someone engage in a sexual act by unlawful
coercion shall be sentenced for sexual coercion to imprisonment for
at most two years.
If the person who committed the act exhibited particular
ruthlessness or if the crime is otherwise considered gross, a sentence
of at least six months and at most four years shall be imposed for
gross sexual coercion. (Law 1992:147)
I am only posting this because there seems to be several myths floating around the internet about various rape or surprise sex or what have you laws.

It appears there are 3 levels of rape and 2 levels of sexual coercion. Regular, lesser and gross for rape and regular and gross for sexual coercion.

I think that Assange under these allegations would be chaarged for lesser rape and gross sexual coercion. This would be max 4 years and 6mths to 4 years respectively.
  • #95
WhoWee said:
Of course not - perhaps this thread should be closed?
It is neither for me not for you to tell. Either of us could report the other however. On my part, I guess staying away from the discussion should do just fine.

Fortunately for me, I speak other languages, which allows me to benefit as well from non-US point of views and reports.
  • #96
humanino said:
Fortunately for me, I speak other languages, which allows me to benefit as well from non-US point of views and reports.
I don't do as well as you do, but there are enough posts to allow me to get some glimpses from outside the US.
  • #97
humanino said:
Until there is a justice decision, it is certainly not up to PF members whether Assange's or the prosecutor's story is true.
Yes well the place to put that comment was after the introduction of the story by Nobody above, where it was given as a neutral narrative without attribution.
  • #98
Julian Assange is asking, "Why has no evidence been provided even to me and my defense attorneys?" (regarding the sex crimes).

I think they have to provide the evidence only inside the court room. So it might be ok not to provide evidences to Julian Assange or his defense attorneys. But I wonder what evidence the "rape victim"'s side come up with. The incident had no witnesses (it was no orgy party).
  • #99
jobyts said:
Julian Assange is asking, "Why has no evidence been provided even to me and my defense attorneys?" (regarding the sex crimes).

I think they have to provide the evidence only inside the court room. So it might be ok not to provide evidences to Julian Assange or his defense attorneys. But I wonder what evidence the "rape victim"'s side come up with. The incident had no witnesses (it was no orgy party).
Have any sources?

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