Ballentine's Ensemble Interpretation Of QM

In summary: I can't remember the word, but it has to do with merging with the quantum state.In summary, the paper discusses how the Ensembles could be merged with the quantum state, which could lead to new discoveries in the field.
  • #246
Nugatory said:
It depends (as with all interpretations) on what you consider to be a problem. How do you feel about the faster-than-light propagation of the collapse? Or the notion that the wave function that collapses is real, it collapses simultaneously at two different points, but no information is conveyed by its collapsing?

(Come to think of it, I could parody some of the arguments in this thread by asserting that entanglement at a distance "falsifies" Copenhagen while denying the sea of unstated assumptions from which that assertion emerges).

If it is correct as I and Demystifier think, to consider the ensemble interpretation as equivalent to QM being an effective theory by ignoring the pilot wave and other hidden variables, then there is no problem (especially afer Bell, who was inspired by dBB).

It's also no problem if one does not exclude that special relativity may be emergent, eg. .

Actually, isn't the wave function real in dBB? For example, classifies the wave function as real but incomplete in dBB.
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  • #247
bhobba said:
IMHO when done right, Copenhagen and the Ensemble Interpretation are more similar than people generally think. I am also partial to Consistent/Decoherent Histories, which some say is Copenhagen done right, but its a bit more complex than I think is necessary. To me however it's closer to MW than Copenhagen.
The more I learned about interpretations, the more similar they seemed to me. If we sort them from classical to literal quantum mechanical, we only get gradual differences for adjacent ones. dBB could be viewed as underlying the ensemble interpretation. If we take a more empiricist viewpoint, the ensemble interpretation is very similar to Copenhagen which in turn is very similar to consistent histories if you are right. From there, it is only a minor step to the MWI. And since dBB could be considered a single branch of the MWI, we are back at the start.
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  • #248
atyy said:
But given that dBB is one realization of the ensemble interpretation, shouldn't we credit the ensemble interpretation to dBB (instead of Ballentine)
As I and Ken G have written in some earlier posts, there are different motivations to stick to the ensemble interpretation. Many people use it because they think that theories cannot do better in principle than to relate experimental ensembles to models about these ensembles. For example, I don't think van Hees would agree with your statement and he is one of the most prominent advocates of the ensemble interpretation here.
  • #249
kith said:
As I and Ken G have written in some earlier posts, there are different motivations to stick to the ensemble interpretation. Many people use it because they think that theories cannot do better in principle than to relate experimental ensembles to models about these ensembles. For example, I don't think van Hees would agree with your statement and he is one of the most prominent advocates of the ensemble interpretation here.

But that point of view had no teeth against a claim that there is necessarily no more fundamental reality than the wave function, until dBB.
  • #250
atyy said:
But that point of view had no teeth against a claim that there is necessarily no more fundamental reality than the wave function, until dBB.
I don't understand. Why should it have "teeth" against something which it doesn't oppose?
  • #251
kith said:
I don't understand. Why should it have "teeth" against something which it doesn't oppose?

If we try an interpretation in which the wave function is everything, yet applies only to ensembles, we obtain a contradiction because we still need classical apparatus to perform measurements and cause state vector reduction. The existence of classical apparatus as fundamental in the ensemble interpretation prevents the wave function from being everything.
  • #252
If dBB stands for de Broglie-Bohm, I disagree with the statement that it is a flavor of the ensemble interpretation, because it adds "trajectories" to the quantum-mechanical particle description in a fancy non-local way. However, this doesn't add anything to observable predictions compared to quantum theory in the other interpretations that just take the probabilistic view (particularly of course the minimal statistical interpretation).

On top, as far as I know, there is no proper de Broglie-Bohm interpretation for relativistic quantum-field theory. So I don't see any merit of the de Broglie-Bohm interpretation compared to the minimally interpreted QT but a lot of additional trouble introduced.

I've also seen that there are statements about the incompatibility of the minimal statistical interpretation with the (in my opinion clearly observed) quantum-Zeno effect. In interpretations with a collapse, the effect is explained that whenever an observable is measured, the system right after the measurement necessarily "collapses" to an eigenstate of the corresponding self-adjoint operator (which one in the case of degeneracy is determined by the state immediately before the measurement by the projection postulate of the collapse interpretation).

I don't think that this is a valid contradiction to the ensemble interpretation, because the collapse description is just an effective hand-waving way to describe the dynamics between the measurement apparatus and the measured system. There are papers on this that show that you can explain the quantum Zeno effect without taking recurse to the collapse assumption. It's explained by the standard quantum dynamics with time-dependent interaction Hamiltonians between the measured system and the measurement apparatus, e.g.,

Dynamical quantum Zeno effect
S Pascazio, M Namiki
PRA 50, 4582 (1994)
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  • #253
vanhees71 said:
I've also seen that there are statements about the incompatibility of the minimal statistical interpretation with the (in my opinion clearly observed) quantum-Zeno effect.

I don't think so either. The question is not whether a correct ensemble interpretation exists with quantum Zeno effect, but whether Ballentine's 1998 exposition of the quantum Zeno effect with regards to the ensemble and Copenhagen interpretations is correct.

vanhees71 said:
I don't think that this is a valid contradiction to the ensemble interpretation, because the collapse description is just an effective hand-waving way to describe the dynamics between the measurement apparatus and the measured system. There are papers on this that show that you can explain the quantum Zeno effect without taking recurse to the collapse assumption. It's explained by the standard quantum dynamics with time-dependent interaction Hamiltonians between the measured system and the measurement apparatus, e.g.,

Dynamical quantum Zeno effect
S Pascazio, M Namiki
PRA 50, 4582 (1994)

Yes, this is available also in Copenhagen, it just depends on how much of the universe one explicitly includes in the Hamiltonian. But in Copenhagen both explanations are correct. Does the ensemble interpretation really not allow wave packet reduction (defined within the ensemble interpretation) as the explanation? As I understand, the ensemble interpretation still has state vector reduction, and if everything (Hamiltonian, state, state vector reduction) applies to ensembles, shouldn't what is acceptable in Copenhagen just carry over to the ensemble interpretation?
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  • #254
atyy said:
Actually, isn't the wave function real in dBB? For example, classifies the wave function as real but incomplete in dBB.
From my understanding there are at least 4-5 different varieties of BM with respect to the ontology of the wave function.

1. Durr/Goldstein/Zhingo/Maudlin: wave function is kind of "real" as it is nomological (a law of nature).
2. Valentini: wave function is a non-local field
3. Bohm/Hiley: wave function is an informational field that guides the particle?
4. David Albert: there is just a single 3N-dimensional wavefunction, and the division of reality into separate three-dimensional objects, including organisms, is just the product of our internal representation. Thus, for Albert objects exist as single points, evolving one way or another in this very high-dimensional space.
  • #255
atyy said:
If we try an interpretation in which the wave function is everything, yet applies only to ensembles, we obtain a contradiction because we still need classical apparatus to perform measurements and cause state vector reduction.
Why do we need state vector reduction if our description isn't about single runs of the experiment?
  • #256
vanhees71 said:
If dBB stands for de Broglie-Bohm, I disagree with the statement that it is a flavor of the ensemble interpretation, because it adds "trajectories" to the quantum-mechanical particle description in a fancy non-local way.

I don't think that means it can't be a variety of the ensemble interpretation. The point of an ensemble approach (as I understand it) is to describe the statistics of an ensemble of systems that have the same macroscopic description (in terms of preparation). It doesn't rule out the possibility that there might be a more fine-grained description of what's going on for a single system, it's just agnostic about it.
  • #258
vanhees71 said:
Already the interpretation of the Heisenberg uncertainty relation is, as discussed in this forum, at least questionable.
Is there really a standard interpretation of the hup as discussed in this forum? (I assume you mean this PF quantum physics forum)
  • #259
kith said:
Why do we need state vector reduction if our description isn't about single runs of the experiment?

Take an ensemble and make a measurement. Then let it evolve and make another measurement.

Don't you need state vector reduction to handle this case?
  • #260
atyy said:
Take an ensemble and make a measurement. Then let it evolve and make another measurement. Don't you need state vector reduction to handle this case?
No, you would get wrong predictions. The ensemble is not in an eigenstate after the first experiment because you have measured different values in different runs. In order to get an eigenstate you have to filter the ensemble which means you have to implement a projective (unitary) time evolution.
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  • #261
kith said:
No, you would get wrong predictions. The ensemble is not in an eigenstate after the first experiment because you have measured different values in different runs. In order to get an eigenstate you have to filter the ensemble which means you have to implement a projective (unitary) time evolution.

So is it the case that state vector reduction in the ensemble interpretation is not merely wave function collapse of Copenhagen, just renamed and reinterpreted? At least from a naive view of the wave function as one's subjective information, it would seem that something like state vector reduction should occur as an analogy to Bayesian updating.
  • #262
kith said:
dBB could be viewed as underlying the ensemble interpretation.

That's true - but only if you want to hold to the much more natural view that what you observe is there prior to observation and the ensemble is independent of the actual observation. You need something like DBB, Nelson Stochastics or Primary State Diffusion to underlie it for that. The advantage over those interpretations is you can leave it up in the air exactly how its done - its just done - somehow.

That's why I hold to the ignorance ensemble interpretation with decoherence. It APPEARS to be like that - it isn't really like that - but you can hold to the fiction it is, and if anyone 'calls your bluff' so to speak you can say - observationaly its exactly the same - but really it isn't.

As the link I am won't to give on decoherence and the measurement problem states, decoherence does not touch the central issue (generally called the problem of outcomes) so does not solve the measurement problem. That's true - but what I would add is that's not really the claim of decpherence enthusiasts like myself - its that it APPEARS to solve the issue.

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  • #263
atyy said:
So is it the case that state vector reduction in the ensemble interpretation is not merely wave function collapse of Copenhagen, just renamed and reinterpreted?
State vector reduction and collapse are two names for the same thing. They refer to the "reduction" of a superposition to an eigenstate in a single run of the experiment. They are not part of the ensemble interpretation because individual outcomes are not associated with states there.
  • #264
atyy said:
And is wave function collapse really not needed in the Ensemble interpretation? Isn't there also state vector reduction?

Cthugha said:
Yes, you have state vector reduction. However, if you do not consider the wave function as real, you also do not need to interpret state vector reduction as collapse.

kith said:
State vector reduction and collapse are two names for the same thing. They refer to the "reduction" of a superposition to an eigenstate in a single run of the experiment. They are not part of the ensemble interpretation because individual outcomes are not associated with states there.

I see your point, but I think Cthugha said the opposite when he replied to me above. :confused:
  • #265
atyy said:
I see your point, but I think Cthugha said the opposite when he replied to me above. :confused:
Cthugha seems to use "state vector reduction" if we consider the wave function to be only a calculation tool and "collapse" if we are realistic about it. I agree that this distinction could be made but I don't agree that any of these notions is used in the ensemble interpretation.
  • #266
kith said:
Cthugha seems to use "state vector reduction" if we consider the wave function to be only a calculation tool and "collapse" if we are realistic about it. I agree that this distinction could be made but I don't agree that any of these notions is used in the ensemble interpretation.

That's interesting. I wonder whose version of the ensemble interpretation Cthugha is using. I looked briefly at Ballentine, and he really doesn't seems to have it.

But if there is no collapse, how is filtering possible as a method of state preparation?
  • #267
Sorry, if I was misleading. There are two ways of how state vector reduction can enter.

One way is found when you consider the wave function as real and perform some measurement. Here state vector reduction is another name for collapse.

The second way is found, when one performs a conditional measurement, so you pick a subensemble out of a full ensemble. This can be referred to as state reduction, though I admit that there are people out there who find this terminology unacceptable and would insist that one should pick a different name and state reduction is reserved for changes due to the results of single measurements.

State reduction in the sense of collapse does not exist in the ensemble interpretation. Also, please note that I am personally not really adhering to the ensemble interpretation.
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  • #268
atyy said:
But if there is no collapse, how is filtering possible as a method of state preparation?
Maybe take another look through Ballentine's chapters 8 and 9? :biggrin:
  • #269
strangerep said:
Maybe take another look through Ballentine's chapters 8 and 9? :biggrin:

OK, I will. But let me just make sure I understand you are disagreeing Cthugha's statement (ie. it's not just that I used the term "collapse" instead of "state reduction"):

Cthugha said:
The second way is found, when one performs a conditional measurement, so you pick a subensemble out of a full ensemble. This can be referred to as state reduction, though I admit that there are people out there who find this terminology unacceptable and would insist that one should pick a different name and state reduction is reserved for changes due to the results of single measurements.
  • #270
audioloop said:
well, nonlinear quantum mechanics make different predictions than standard quantum mechanics (a linear one), then is another model.
Yes, one important service that the various interpretations could provide is guidance toward the next theory. Here we would have to let nature adjudicate what works, so there would be no purpose in "preferring" one interpretation over another, except for personal guidance in our own efforts to find the next theory if we were ambitious enough to try. A key role of theory is not just to explain what we've already seen, but also to help us know what we might want to look for next. I think that's the place where the interpretations have the most value, and who knows which one will be the most helpful there. Thus we see both the advantages and disadvantages of a "minimal" interpretation like the ensemble approach-- it keeps us from going too far out on a limb, but it also provides minimal opportunity to jump to the next branch.
  • #272
atyy said:
Yes, this is available also in Copenhagen, it just depends on how much of the universe one explicitly includes in the Hamiltonian. But in Copenhagen both explanations are correct. Does the ensemble interpretation really not allow wave packet reduction (defined within the ensemble interpretation) as the explanation? As I understand, the ensemble interpretation still has state vector reduction, and if everything (Hamiltonian, state, state vector reduction) applies to ensembles, shouldn't what is acceptable in Copenhagen just carry over to the ensemble interpretation?

The problem is that there is no clear definition of what's "the" Copenhagen interpretation. For me the difference to the ensemble interpretation is pretty small. The only difference is that within the Copenhagen interpretation the state (represented by a statistical operator) is taken as a real object, i.e., it is assiciated to, e.g., a single particle. Then, however the collapse assumption is nearly unavoidable, because if you find a certain value for an observable and you assume that then the single system has to take this value with certainty when measuared again immediately after the first measurement, you must assume that the state has changed to a pure state represented by a (normalized) eigenvector of this observable to the measured eigenvalue. More concretely, the standard Copenhagen interpretation determines this vector by the projection postulate
[tex]|\psi \rangle=N \sum_{\beta} |a,\beta \rangle \langle a,\beta|\hat{\rho}|a,\beta \rangle,[/tex]
where the parameter(s) [itex]\beta[/itex] in the orthonormal basis of eigenvectors [itex]|a,\beta \rangle[/itex] to the measured eigenvalue [itex]a[/itex] of the observable [itex]A[/itex].
That's so, because an observable has only a determined value if the system is in an eigenstate of the measured observable.

In the ensemble interpretation you don't need this collapse as the result of the measurement, because the state does not represent the single particle (or more general system) but an ensemble of equally prepared particles (or systems). Thus the state does not need to collapse necessarily to an eigenstate in the way of a non-unitary time evolution describing a single system.

Within the ensemble interpretation, If you decide to filter out a subensemble according to the measurement of the observable (provided your measurement process admits such a filtering), then you simply get a new (in general smaller) ensemble of particles (or systems) described by the corresponding eigenstate as in the Copenhagen interpretation.

E.g., in a properly built Stern-Gerlach apparatus, out of an ensemble of arbitrarily prepared particles, you get clearly separated particle beams which almost certainly sort the different spin states. If you simply dump all particles in all these beams except one, you have prepared an ensemble with particles with a certain spin state. Up to the "dumping" of the particles you can describe the Stern-Gerlach apparatus by solving the Schrödinger equations for particles with spin in an inhomogeneous magnetic field, i.e., by the usual unitary time evolution.

In this sense there is only very little formal difference between the Copenhagen and the no-collapse interpretation. The difference is more philosophical, whether you interpret the state as a real physical object associated with a single system (Copenhagen a la Heisenberg) or as a mathematical description of an ensemble of particles (Ensemble Interpretation).
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  • #273
Ken G said:
Yes, one important service that the various interpretations could provide is guidance toward the next theory. I think that's the place where the interpretations have the most value, and who knows which one will be the most helpful there. Thus we see both the advantages and disadvantages of a "minimal" interpretation like the ensemble approach-- it keeps us from going too far out on a limb, but it also provides minimal opportunity to jump to the next branch.
Good point. Previously, I thought that no-go theorems may help us in this direction by eliminating certain interpretations but I've become more sceptical lately because it seems that one can always question some of the assumptions of most, if not all these no-go theorems. Perhaps, the only way out of this stagnation will be to test models that make different predictions than QM. There are a few such models but experiments aren't yet feasible.
  • #274
vanhees71 said:
Within the ensemble interpretation, If you decide to filter out a subensemble according to the measurement of the observable (provided your measurement process admits such a filtering), then you simply get a new (in general smaller) ensemble of particles (or systems) described by the corresponding eigenstate as in the Copenhagen interpretation.

E.g., in a properly built Stern-Gerlach apparatus, out of an ensemble of arbitrarily prepared particles, you get clearly separated particle beams which almost certainly sort the different spin states. If you simply dump all particles in all these beams except one, you have prepared an ensemble with particles with a certain spin state. Up to the "dumping" of the particles you can describe the Stern-Gerlach apparatus by solving the Schrödinger equations for particles with spin in an inhomogeneous magnetic field, i.e., by the usual unitary time evolution.

In this sense there is only very little formal difference between the Copenhagen and the no-collapse interpretation. The difference is more philosophical, whether you interpret the state as a real physical object associated with a single system (Copenhagen a la Heisenberg) or as a mathematical description of an ensemble of particles (Ensemble Interpretation).

Would you agree with Cthugha that in the ensemble interpretation this filtering can be called "state reduction"?

Cthugha said:
The second way is found, when one performs a conditional measurement, so you pick a subensemble out of a full ensemble. This can be referred to as state reduction, though I admit that there are people out there who find this terminology unacceptable and would insist that one should pick a different name and state reduction is reserved for changes due to the results of single measurements.
(Excerpted from Cthugha's post #267)
  • #275
bohm2 said:
Perhaps, the only way out of this stagnation will be to test models that make different predictions than QM. There are a few such models but experiments aren't yet feasible.
Yes, and by suggesting such experiments, we find the greatest value of the interpretations, if only we could find one that can actually be done! As we've seen on this thread, sometimes there is an experiment interpreted as being contrary to an interpretation, but it usually just means the interpretation itself is being misrepresented. The experiment is not a winner until it obtains a result that the current formalism of quantum mechanics would not have predicted.
  • #276
atyy said:
Would you agree with Cthugha that in the ensemble interpretation this filtering can be called "state reduction"?

Let me clarify a bit what I was intending to say. In chapter 9.5 (page 243 in my edition) Ballentine discusses a neutron spectrometer subject to fluctuations. Here he agrees that the "reduced" state has physical significance under some circumstances, but should be considered as a phenomenological description of the environment on a system, where the environment has been left out of the definition of the system for convenience. He then argues that one may also include the environment in the definition of the system directly, thereby avoiding this apparent reduction.

This is of course correct. It isalso not really different from simplistic collapse interpretations. In those (at least in most), the collapse also describes some external impact on some system, usually via some external detector outside of the system. However, one may also choose to describe a larger system including the detector. This whole system now is in a superposition state and you need another external detector to collapse the new system. You can continue this chain until you reach the wave function of the universe which cannot be collapsed as there is nothing outside of the system.

This is somewhat in line with information-theory-like interpretations where state reduction is an update about our subjective knowledge of the system.
  • #277
Cthugha said:
Let me clarify a bit what I was intending to say. In chapter 9.5 (page 243 in my edition) Ballentine discusses a neutron spectrometer subject to fluctuations. Here he agrees that the "reduced" state has physical significance under some circumstances, but should be considered as a phenomenological description of the environment on a system, where the environment has been left out of the definition of the system for convenience. He then argues that one may also include the environment in the definition of the system directly, thereby avoiding this apparent reduction.

This is of course correct. It isalso not really different from simplistic collapse interpretations. In those (at least in most), the collapse also describes some external impact on some system, usually via some external detector outside of the system. However, one may also choose to describe a larger system including the detector. This whole system now is in a superposition state and you need another external detector to collapse the new system. You can continue this chain until you reach the wave function of the universe which cannot be collapsed as there is nothing outside of the system.

This is somewhat in line with information-theory-like interpretations where state reduction is an update about our subjective knowledge of the system.

Is Ballentine's description of the neutron interferometer correct? I don't have access to Summhammer (1982), but a couple of other things which seem pretty close describe the first element as something like a beam splitter, in contrast to Ballentine's description of the first element as something that according to Copenhagen would do a measurement, ie. is his claim that Copenhagen would use Eq 9.18 a strawman?
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  • #278
vanhees71 said:
... For me the difference to the ensemble interpretation is pretty small. The only difference is that within the Copenhagen interpretation the state (represented by a statistical operator) is taken as a real object, i.e., it is assiciated to, e.g., a single particle. Then, however the collapse assumption is nearly unavoidable, because if you find a certain value for an observable and you assume that then the single system has to take this value with certainty when measuared again immediately after the first measurement, you must assume that the state has changed to a pure state represented by a (normalized) eigenvector of this observable to the measured eigenvalue. ...
...The difference is more philosophical, whether you interpret the state as a real physical object associated with a single system (Copenhagen a la Heisenberg) or as a mathematical description of an ensemble of particles (Ensemble Interpretation).

I think this “nearly unavoidable” conclusion is essentially triggered by a different hypothesis than the association of the state vector to one single particle. In particular one must assume that in the experiment B involving two consecutive filters, the state vector has a definite value at the entrance of the first filter, namely the value that was measured in the experimental context A involving only the first filter (before the “dump” of all beams except one), and another value at the entrance of the second filter. There is of course no empirical evidence for the state vector taking two values (would they be equal) at different places inside the same experimental device B.

The assumption above derives in turn from another assumption whereby the experimental device can be split in two parts which respectively “prepare” a physical state and “measure” that physical state, in other words whereby the state is “available” for observation at a specific location inside the device, at the entrance of the measurement apparatus. It is then a property of a subset only of the overall device (the preparation). Again there is no empirical evidence for this.

Indeed the ensemble interpretation assigns the state vector to the ensemble of particles better than to each of them, this state being “available” for observation at the entrance of the measurement device. But in the Copenhagen view the measurement process of the state is equally fractioned over a series of discrete observations, none of which can be considered as a “measurement”: all discrete observations contribute to the statistical measurement process (actually the measurement apparatus, a set of “counters”, would it be human or material, is external to the device as described by physicists). The difference between the Ensemble- and the Copenhagen- interpretations does not seem significant since in both cases the outcome of the measurement process holds at a certain location inside the experimental device. So ultimately I don't understand how the Ensemble-interpretation can claim avoiding the "measurement problem".
Overall, I think the real trigger for the emergence of the state vector collapse (between the entrances of the first and the second filters) is the assumption that the state vector is assigned to a certain location inside the experimental device, therefore it can take different values at different locations. It is not specifically due to the assignment of the state vector to one single iteration, to “something” uniquely produced by each iteration.
  • #279
To preserve the ensemble interpretation, I'm not sure you want to break your measuring apparatus into multiple separate pieces. Instead, just think of it as a single apparatus that is capable of testing correlations on the ensemble. In other words, if you have two Stern-Gerlach apparatus lined up the same way, you expect the beam that emerges from the top of the first to all go the same way through the second, and similarly for the beam that emerges from the bottom. But rather than thinking of this as measuring or preparing the spins in two separate sub-encounters within the apparatus, simply think of it as a mechanism for generating outcomes like "up-up", "down-down", "up-down", and "down-up", and note that quantum mechanics predicts the ensemble expectation values of "up-down" and "down-up" are both zero.

So it's still an ensemble expectation value, and it still corresponds to a single apparatus, it just affords a higher level of information because it includes ensemble correlations. We still treat the entire apparatus as a single measurement, and we never have to ask if the spin was "collapsed" in any individual instance in the middle of the apparatus, because all we are trying to get is the likelihood of the 4 possible outcomes, over the conceptual ensemble that represents whatever was the preparation incident to the apparatus. The analog of the CI collapse is simply that up-down and down-up results never happen. The CI interprets collapse because it holds that each particle has a spin in the middle (and end) of the experiment, but that is not actually tested by that apparatus, only the expectation values of the instrumental outcomes.

Still, I see this as very CI-like, because to me the defining feature of CI is not collapse, it is the commitment to the idea that physics is represented by outcomes of classical devices. This is why I do see an essential role for the observer, because when Bohr says "there is no quantum world," what I believe he means is that physics is done by the physicist, and the physicist does not inhabit any quantum world. Given this, it would be unnatural to hold that collapse, as an assertion of the state of a quantum system, is the key aspect of the CI, if the CI is held to be Bohr's distrust in any such thing as a quantum system!
  • #280
From the link I referenced:

"A fact beyond doubt, confirmed by numerous experiments and accepted by supporters of all interpretations, is that the predictions of QT are probabilities.
...The fact that probabilities are predictions concerning statistical ensembles and cannot be used to make predictions on single events is not a consequence of the specific structure of QT. Rather it is true on very general grounds - by definition of the term probability.
Thus, starting from a simple analysis of the physical structure of QT we arrive immediately at a very important conclusion concerning the range of validity of the theory, namely that QT is not a theory about single particles.
If, on the other hand, we postulate - as in the CI - for metaphysical reasons that QT is a theory about single particles, we are faced with the difficult task to understand how a probabilistic theory can be a ’complete’ theory for single particles . This ’problem’ has been called ’the measurement problem’ and had to be invented eighty years ago, simultaneously with the completeness postulate of the CI . It is, not unexpectedly for many physicists, still unsolved and will remain unsolved forever because it represents a contradiction to the formalism of the QT."
Agree about this distinction of ensemble vs CI?

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