Breaking Down the 2016 POTUS Race Contenders & Issues

In summary, the top contenders for the 2016 US Presidential Election are Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and Bernie Sanders. The major issues that are being discussed are the lack of qualifications of the contenders, their stances on jailing all of the other candidates, and the stances of each candidate on various issues.
  • #981
Even though he's considered a "neocon" and was advisor to Rubio, Boot has a point there .

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  • #982
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  • #984
Evo said:
Please remember that this is Current Events and that your article is both current and acceptable. Yours is neither.
Evo, there go those figners again. I think the "is" should have been "should be"
  • #985
phinds said:
Evo, there go those figners again. I think the "is" should have been "should be"
I have had no sleep all night thanks to psycho dog and thunder storms. Thanks "figners" :-p
  • #986
Evo said:
Please remember that this is Current Events and that your article is both current and acceptable. Yours is neither.

fixed - article turned out to be a bait and switch

sorry about that
  • #987
Evo said:
I have had no sleep all night thanks to psycho dog and thunder storms. Thanks "figners" :-p
Ouch. My wife's sister had exactly the same problem. Dog once jumped through the screen of an open window (during a thunderstorm) and went bonkers in the street. My sympathy.
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  • #988
jim hardy said:
fixed - article turned out to be a bait and switch

sorry about that
Don't worry about it, I know you try. :smile:
  • #989
Evo said:
Don't worry about it, I know you try. :smile:
I agree. He's very trying :-p
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  • #990
phinds said:
I agree. He's very trying :-p
  • #991
phinds said:
I agree. He's very trying :-p

Fair Anne agrees with both of you. .. :rolleyes:
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  • #992
re Astronuc's link
“ Trump’s incendiary rhetoric is undercutting what could be an effective critique of the Obama administration’s record on terror...
“That is a legitimate criticism,” Boot continued. “What Trump is saying is not a legitimate criticism. What he is saying is just plain nuts.”

Boot is right on with his " He has left a vacuum of power that has allowed ISIS... to flourish."
so as Boot told Ms Couric , Trump has a grain of truth behind his hyperbole but he missed the mark
I highly recommend this eye opening PBS Frontline
which shows it would be more correct to credit Bush/Rumsfeld/Cheney with sprouting Isis and Obama/Hillary with nurturing it.

Memo to Trump: Quit trying to be a comedian. If you want good political parody hire Jon Stewart. You just can't compete.

old jim
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  • #993
With Bernie Sanders Out, Young Adults See Third-Party Appeal (POLL)

Many young voters, like many older voters, are dissatisfied the presidential nominees from both major parties.
Just 22 percent say they’re satisfied with a choice of Clinton and Trump, with a majority “very” dissatisfied. Twice as many of those 30 and older are satisfied, 43 percent.

That dissatisfaction could influence turnout, often a concern with young adults. They account for 21 percent of all adults but just 14 percent of likely voters in the survey, produced for ABC News by .

It also encourages a look elsewhere. When Libertarian Gary Johnson and Jill Stein of the are included, Clinton leads Trump by 19 points among under-30s, 43-24 percent, with 16 percent supporting Johnson and 10 percent supporting Stein – their best among any age group.
So hopefully, they'll show up at the polls in November.
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  • #994
I saw something astonishing (to me, at least) on the local TV news tonight. A poll gives Trump only a 2% lead in South Carolina. South Carolina? :wideeyed:

Trump, Clinton nearly tied in new South Carolina poll (WYFF-TV, Greenville)

New poll: Clinton, Trump ‘virtually tied’ in SC (The State, Columbia)

This poll was commissioned by the state Democratic party, so Trump's people are dismissing it. But the state Republican chairman sees this as a sign that his party needs to take this race seriously. I'm skeptical myself, even though I'm a Democrat. SC has been solidly Republican in Presidential elections the whole time I've lived here. You have to go back to 1976 to find a Democrat (Carter, from neighboring Georgia) winning SC.

1976: Ford (R) 43%, Carter (D) 56%
1980: Reagan (R) 50%, Carter (D) 48%, Anderson 2%
1984: Reagan (R) 64%, Mondale (D) 36%
1988: Bush 41 (R) 62%, Dukakis (D) 38%
1992: Bush 41 (R) 48%, Clinton (D) 40%, Perot 12%
1996: Dole (R) 50%, Clinton (D) 44%, Perot 6%
2000: Bush 43 (R) 57%, Gore (D) 41%
2004: Bush 43 (R) 58%, Kerry (D) 41%
2008: McCain (R) 54%, Obama (D) 45%
2012: Romney (R) 55%, Obama (D) 44%

Also, the percentages in this poll are 41% Trump, 39% Clinton, 5% Johnson (Libertarian), 2% Stein (Green). That leaves a lot of undecided voters.
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  • #995
jtbell said:
South Carolina? :wideeyed:
Some time ago I saw an interview of former long term Democratic US Senator from South Carolina, Fritz Hollings ('66-'05), about SC politics. IIRC, he was asked a question about how he raised money in SC. His answer was something like, "I can't raise any money in South Carolina! I have to go out to Hollywood or the like for money"
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  • #996
Found the interview (Bill Moyers 2008)

FRITZ HOLLINGS: That’s right. We didn’t go home on the weekends. We tried to get out Thursday afternoon or night or at least early Friday morning to go to the West Coast for fundraisers. That’s why Hollywood and that’s why Wall Street has got that much influence. I’m not going to South Carolina. They got no money for a Democrat. I have to travel all over the country.

Hollings was proof that a democrat can be elected to national office from SC in these times, but I'd also say a GOP candidate really has to work at screwing it up to lose there.
  • #997
Another independent candidate for president. An unusual election becomes more unusual.

There is the Libertarian and Green parties, and now Independent candidate Evan McMullin since 5 days ago.
“There are a lot of Americans out there who are really, really struggling. They’re struggling under wage stagnation, a lack of other economic opportunities, and at the same time they don’t feel as if the government is hearing them,” he said. “That’s real. Donald Trump has tapped into that in a way that other candidates did not. What he did, though, is he took it a step further and combined that frustration with people’s darkest prejudices and deepest fears.”

“This is a guy who does not care about Americans the way you need to care about Americans in order to lead them, in order to be their president,” McMullin said. “The president of the United States should care about the struggles of Americans. He or she should care about their aspirations. This is what leadership is.”

Evan McMullin, the former chief policy director for Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives, will offer discontented members of his party an option this November by launching an independent, conservative bid for president.
McMullin was born in Provo, Utah, and earned a bachelor’s degree in international law and diplomacy from Brigham Young University and a master’s in business administration from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

Six things to know about independent presidential candidate Evan McMullin
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  • #998
Astronuc said:
Another independent candidate for president. An unusual election becomes more unusual.

There is the Libertarian and Green parties, and now Independent candidate Evan McMullin since 5 days ago.
He has no plans on how he's going to do anything except he's opposed to women's rights.
  • #999
Just saw an article in Time magazine where the OpEd writer opined some like this: I don't think Hillary is crooked but she has such an unwavering belief in her own righteousness that she does things that are wrong but does not see them as wrong.

Personally, I think it goes beyond that because when confronted with her sins, she, like Bill, just avoids the issue and starts parsing words and splitting hairs instead of admitting any wrongdoing.

She is her own worst enemy, as Trump is his (although he takes it to a whole 'nother level).
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  • #1,000
It was claimed by Rand Paul in an interview with Fox News that Clinton's emails revealed the location of ambassador Stevens who was killed in the Benghazi attack.

Edit by Mod: Inaccurate opinion piece deleted, these are against the new Current Events rules, thank you for looking up the information.

I had not heard about this and wanted to know how true it is. According to PunditFact it is half true.

Napolitano said emails released to the public show Clinton discussed "the location of Ambassador Stevens, who of course was murdered, in Libya."

To clarify, Stevens was not the ambassador to Libya at the time, and the emails occurred about 18 months before the Benghazi attacks that killed him.

Clinton received at least six emails that discussed Stevens’ location in Libya, though the terms are vague -- for example, saying he was in Benghazi at an unidentified hotel.

The context of Napolitano’s statement gives the impression that the emails contain information that would have been damaging if released, but it was widely noted in the media at the time that Stevens was in Benghazi, and on at least one occasion, reporters encountered him at the hotel where he was living and working.

The statement is partially accurate but leaves out important details and context, so we rate it Half True.

Please note that the video link, or a similar one, was included in a previous post by mheslep, which was deleted. The interview appears to be only three days old, so I don't think it would have been the reason for deletion. However, if it was then no problem with deleting it.
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  • #1,001
Blogs are not allowed.
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  • #1,002
  • #1,003
mheslep said:
That's good. What does it have to do with my post?
Look at your URL that you posted, it's their Blog section. And it's not a mainstream news source either. It's just for distribution in the Capital Hill area. Any news articles outside of their blog section would require fact checking for accuracy
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  • #1,004
Evo said:
Blogs are not allowed.

mheslep said:
That's good. What does it have to do with my post?

@Evo , I think you've gotten mheslep mixed up w/ Turtlemeister, in whose post you deleted a blog reference.

@mheslep, evo's post clearly refers to the post directly above hers
  • #1,005
I need some clarification. If a notable person posts something in a blog it is verboten? But if he says the same thing or is quoted in a newspaper or in an interview it is OK?
  • #1,006
phinds said:
Evo, I think you've gotten mheslep mixed up w/ Turtlemeister, in whose post you deleted a blog reference.
No, I deleted a blog post of Mheslep that he posted just a bit ago.
  • #1,007
Transcript from VP Biden's remarks at Hillary Clinton Campaign Event , Scranton, PA
...He's even showered praise on Saddam Hussein, one of the most violent dictators of the 20th century, a man who repeatedly backed terror attacks against Israel because he was supposedly -- the reason he admires him -- he was a killer of terrorists, that's why he likes Saddam.

He would've loved Stalin, he would've loved Stalin. Look, this -- this says a lot about his approach that explains why he so often embraced tactics of terrorists, enemies themselves...

"Biden on Trump: 'He would have loved Stalin' - POLITICO"
  • #1,008
gleem said:
I need some clarification. If a notable person posts something in a blog it is verboten? But if he says the same thing or is quoted in a newspaper or in an interview it is OK?
It's been our policy for years, no blogs, no op-ed, no opinion pieces. If it becomes mainstream news, and can be proven, then it becomes acceptable. Also, remember, this is no longer politics, this is Current News Events, it has to be something that has made news headlines.

Hint: If you find something mentioned in a blog, try to find the source.
  • #1,009
@Evo, After looking back at the video that you deleted I see that the news section that it was presented in was called the "Personal Story Section", which I guess could be construed as an opinion section, in which case I agree with your decision based on the rules.

However, I question the usefulness of the rule because it seems that posting someones opinion statements is okay as long as it's not presented in an opinion piece or section. Seems kind of silly. For example, look at the quote in this post; "He's even showered praise on Saddam Hussein...the reason he admires him -- he was a killer of terrorists, that's why he likes Saddam." This is an opinion because Trump never said that he admires or likes Hussein, at least not in the North Carolina speech that I watched. In fact he went out of his way to say what a bad guy he was.
  • #1,010
TurtleMeister said:
@Evo, After looking back at the video that you deleted I see that the news section that it was presented in was called the "Personal Story Section", which I guess could be construed as an opinion section, in which case I agree with your decision based on the rules.

However, I question the usefulness of the rule because it seems that posting someones opinion statements is okay as long as it's not presented in an opinion piece or section. Seems kind of silly. For example, look at the quote in this post; "He's even showered praise on Saddam Hussein...the reason he admires him -- he was a killer of terrorists, that's why he likes Saddam." This is an opinion because Trump never said that he admires or likes Hussein, at least not in the North Carolina speech that I watched. In fact he went out of his way to say what a bad guy he was.
I deleted it once already but mheslep insisted on reposting it and found a source that was acceptable. I try to keep junk out, but I can't keep all junk out. If it was up to me, I would delete it in a heatbeat.
  • #1,011
TurtleMeister said:
For example, look at the quote in this post; "He's even showered praise on Saddam Hussein...the reason he admires him -- he was a killer of terrorists, that's why he likes Saddam." This is an opinion ...

That's a quote from VP Biden a couple days ago. In this case because of his position, his opinion is the news, is the current event, accurate or not.
  • #1,012
Evo said:
I deleted it once already but mheslep insisted on reposting it and found a source that was acceptable. I try to keep junk out, but I can't keep all junk out. If it was up to me, I would delete it in a heatbeat.
Transcript of the US VPs speech is junk?
  • #1,013
mheslep said:
Transcript of the US VPs speech is junk?
If it's junk, doesn't matter who says it. Trump needs no help in digging himself a hole and I don't approve of other's doing it for them. Don't bring yourself down to the other person's level is what I always say.

Like Michele Obama said "when they go low, we go high". That's what I want to see.
  • #1,014
mheslep said:
That's a quote from VP Biden a couple days ago. In this case because of his position, his opinion is the news, is the current event, accurate or not.
Of course it's not accurate. I guess accuracy is not important as long as the source is acceptable?
  • #1,015
TurtleMeister said:
I guess accuracy is not important as long as the source is acceptable?
We should strive for accuracy. A proper way to handle the situation is to indicate so-and-so reports . . . . , and then try to indicate if it seems accurate or not, and preferably find a video of the actual statement.

I've seen both Trump and Clinton mis-quoted, and I've seen conflicting statements in the media. I've also seen various media quote/attribute statements to other media sources without checking the accuracy of the statements. That's poor journalism.
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