Can Everyone Develop a Talent for Playing Piano By Ear?

  • Thread starter QuantumTheory
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation reveals that when the person was young, they were able to play songs by ear on the piano, without any formal training. They were able to play most of Beethoven's pieces and any tune, even those with black keys. However, it is questioned whether this is truly a talent or not, as the person may not be playing the songs correctly or with proper timing. It is suggested to record themselves playing and compare it to a professional recording to determine their skill level. The person also mentions playing Beethoven's symphonies, but it is pointed out that it is impossible to play them on piano without proper training. Overall, it is concluded that while the person may have some musical ability, they may not be
  • #36
QuantumTheory said:
Oh, I can't speak japanese on this forum, polite or impolite. Yet people can speak latin here and not in get in trouble. Please warn me again for being so nice. I do appreciate the (2) kind comments I got. To everyone else, SEE YA. Go study physics or something and stop spending and wasting your life away on a forum. i have better things to do than spend time on a forum with rude people. (Even my mom agrees here. You aren't rude? Most of you are, sorry.)

崩 堀 猛 唯 悠 庸 粒 涼 猟 累 握 偉 渦 詠 敢 棺 款 閑 幾 棋 欺。。
Physics news on
  • #37
I’m usually more of a lurker on PF, but I’d like to get a few words in. Let me be blunt with you: being able to intuitively play familiar linear melodies is in no way evidence of genius, nor is it even something worthy to boast about on a physics forum. The fact of the matter is, no one in the world, musician or not, will be impressed with the fact that you can play some themes from anyone of Beethoven’s symphonies without relying on sheet music if you don’t display any musicianship. Picking out melodies by ear and playing them on one’s given instrument is in fact, an integral part of being a musician and something that every musician should practice regularly. Someone asking if one’s ability to do this on an intuitive level is a display of talent would be comparable to me creating a thread here on PF telling everyone that I passed my Grade 12 math course, and asking if this says anything about how good of a Physicist I’ll be when I grow up. Music should be something appreciated for its own sake; if you truly want to learn how to play the piano, take lessons and go listen to more music. Thank you.
  • #38
No kidding. Who cares if you're a prodigy or not? Talent can be earned through practice.
  • #39
Listen, picking up on just the main notes of a song isn't anything too special. I for one can do it. I know several people who can as well. One of my friends can remember a song and then write out the music for it for an entire band (he's the drum major of our school band). What would be a real talent is to be able to play the entire song, every single note played, all the chords. You just have a good ear for music (or an extremely bad one).
  • #40
cyrusabdollahi said:
In something like Jazz you can afford to make slip ups and not affect the piece. In classical music, one slip up and your playing a different note from the rest of the entire orchestra, who are playing the note you should be playing. And timing is CRITICAL .

Jazz is so incredibly awesome, especially jazz piano (I'm not biased :rolleyes: ).

Piano is perhaps the "othello" of instruments. It's one of the easiest to start, but it's also one of the hardest to "master". I've been a pianist for 75% of my life and I still think I'm mediocre, given how long I've played. Being a concert pianist requires more commitment, I think, then (dare I say it?) being a physicist. You've got to be playing hours a day, everyday. If you break for just a few days, your fingers will get lazy and you'll start to slip up. That's not to mention the extreme cut-throat competition. hmm.. maybe it's not that different.

marlon said:
As QT will certainly agree on, it's



Technically it's "sol sol sol mé, fa fa fa re" :biggrin:
  • #41
QuantumTheory said:
When I was young, I never played a piano before. My mom played beetoven, and I was able to play most of it without playing a piano before. I was able to play any tune, (zelda theme, the anthem) 'by ear', meaning I can figure out the notes without reading the music.
Is this anything to cherish? Can everyone do this?

Well, can you do this for all music your heard only once?
  • #42
kant said:
Well, can you do this for all music your heard only once?

Yep. But it's not like I can figure out every chord, :).

I still can play it, using the white keys. On tune. The zelda theme is pretty hard to play though..
  • #43
QuantumTheory said:
Yep. But it's not like I can figure out every chord, :).
I still can play it, using the white keys. On tune. The zelda theme is pretty hard to play though..

Wait, did you just say zelda is harder to play correctly than beethoven's music? :-p

Do you realize that the people who can play certain songs perfectly need to practice several hours everyday?

Anyway, take some piano classes and get good at it. Just because.
  • #44
moose said:
Wait, did you just say zelda is harder to play correctly than beethoven's music? :-p

Do you realize that the people who can play certain songs perfectly need to practice several hours everyday?

Anyway, take some piano classes and get good at it. Just because.
Agreed - Hard work trumps genius.
  • #45
wayyy too many people said:

Are there lyrics or words? Is there a vocalist involved? If not, the term "song" does not apply; yet many of you are using that word without discretion. Stop referring to Beethoven symphonies as "songs" - they're not!

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  • #46
Quote: "Listen, picking up on just the main notes of a song isn't anything too
special. I for one can do it. I know several people who can as well.
One of my friends can remember a song and then write out the music for it
for an entire band (he's the drum major of our school band). What would
be a real talent is to be able to play the entire song, every single
note played, all the chords. You just have a good ear for music (or an
extremely bad one)."

Sorry, I can't see past page 3 for some reason, I didn't see your response.

Good , I'm glad you can do it. Of course THAT would be a real talent, but very, very few people can do this!

Thanks, I think I have a good ear for music as well.

I never said I was a child prodiguy, i never said I was a genius, i just asked if it was a talent. You don't seem to think so, and no one else does. Of course, it requires some talent. This is my opinion on this, this is my parents opinions on tihs, my friends, and my grandparents, as well as everyone in real life I know.

In fact, this is why I'm not posting here anymore. I only responded to the nice comment you gave me.

If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. In fact, don't use sarcasm either.
  • #47
My dad's brother [died when very young] had no training on the piano, but he also had an uncanny ability to play music by ear. People would drive many miles just to hear him perform. He was considered a prodigy, but since the only competitors were beef ranchers and cows in the Black Hills of South Dakota, the word prodigy is suspect, IMO.
  • #48
I never said I was a child prodiguy, i never said I was a genius, i just asked if it was a talent. You don't seem to think so, and no one else does. Of course, it requires some talent. This is my opinion on this, this is my parents opinions on tihs, my friends, and my grandparents, as well as everyone in real life I know.

Look, tallent means you have some natural ability at something. So, yes, you do have some built in talent. But what everyone here has been saying is that a lot of people have your natural tallent through practice and time. You asked us if your talent was something to cherish, and we told you no, if you can't handel honest criticism then don't ask questions. Your talented, but not skilled nor proficient.
  • #49
cyrusabdollahi said:
Look, tallent means you have some natural ability at something. So, yes, you do have some built in talent. But what everyone here has been saying is that a lot of people have your natural tallent through practice and time. You asked us if your talent was something to cherish, and we told you no, if you can't handel honest criticism then don't ask questions. Your talented, but not skilled nor proficient.

What you said, and many others, was NOT critism, nor was it honest. In fact, it wasn't even critism, it was downright arrogant. Sorry. You really do fail to see this?

Thanks for saying I actually have talent this time.
  • #50
Cyrusabdollahi said:
Sorry, I wouldn't exactly call playing that 'talent.' Playing Beethoven is one thing, playing it 'correctly' is entirely another. You may know the notes, but a true professional will have the timing correct to a T. If you can do that, which I HIGHLY doubt, then yes, you are GOOD. This is why classical music weeds out the good from the great. In something like Jazz you can afford to make slip ups and not affect the piece. In classical music, one slip up and your playing a different note from the rest of the entire orchestra, who are playing the note you should be playing. And timing is CRITICAL .

then you can't play the song. You can play part of the song. There is a big difference.

I was not joking or being arrogant when I said that, I was being honest . If you don't like it, don't ask for others opinons.
  • #51
cyrusabdollahi said:
I was not joking or being arrogant when I said that, I was being honest . If you don't like it, don't ask for others opinons.

Not you, I was takling about the other people. Especially the sarcastic comment, "And have a nice new year." Oh joy, thanks. Yo had some sense in you, thank god.
  • #52
Yo had some sense in you, thank god.

Me, some sense? That’s a Look, people aren’t always going to kiss your as$ all the time. Take criticism with a grain of salt. If all there doing is bashing you, to hell with them. Listen to the criticism that’s honest and will help you out. This is a good life lesson for you, otherwise you will run around screaming at the whole world, and no one will care. (Sorry to be so blunt, but it’s important you recognize this)
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  • #53
cyrusabdollahi said:
Me, some sense? That’s a Look, people aren’t always going to kiss your as$ all the time. Take criticism with a grain of salt. If all there doing is bashing you, to hell with them. Listen to the criticism that’s honest and will help you out. This is a good life lesson for you, otherwise you will run around screaming at the whole world, and no one will care. (Sorry to be so blunt, but it’s important you recognize this)

I wasn't referring to you!

I will take arrogance with a grain of salt, yes, in fact I should. I am leaving htis forum, because those type of people I don't want around me (They bring me down). I shouldn't be treated that way as well.

I will listen to critism that's honest, there have been about 2 of those type posts, here, however (on this thread, on other threads, otherwise). I don't listen to arrogant, snobby, and rude comments. Like many in this thread.

My mom (who is very wise, mind you) also agrees that many of the comments here are totally innapropriate (especially for someone who is just growing up, learning life, and is 17, like myeslf).
  • #54
You're 17, you should be able to handel something this mild life throws at you by now (You're not a little kid, anymore). At 17 you better damn well know about life, or its going to hit you in the face, and HARD. Life is rough .

I am leaving htis forum, because those type of people I don't want around me (They bring me down). I shouldn't be treated that way as well.

I would not advise that, this is one of the TOP forums you will ever find in physics, I promise you. Stay for the physics. You will get help in science in the proper forum's with no attitude or arrogance, this I promies you. The general forum is where we all let loose, if you can't handel it, stay out. I think your blowing this WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY out of proportion. (Catch my drift?)

I will take arrogance with a grain of salt, yes, in fact I should. I am leaving htis forum, because those type of people I don't want around me (They bring me down). I shouldn't be treated that way as well.

Then you will never stay around anywhere in your life. What did I just tell you? Not everyone will kiss ur butt, and u won't find a place full of people that do. In fact, you're better off if they don't .

Just ignore the comments that you don't care for, that's what I do.
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  • #55
You know, it seems to me that you have this all figured out. There really was no need to post this thread at all! You've obviously made up your mind that you're musically gifted (and you've told us that your mother and other close family can attest to this fact), and you're right; any naysayers are arrogant and they are people that are out to get you. Remember that in the future, should you get into an argument with anyone, and they disagree with you, they are wrong.
  • #56
QT said:
I am leaving htis forum, because those type of people I don't want around me (They bring me down). I shouldn't be treated that way as well.
Yes Marlon was a bit of a jerk. You're going to find that there are a lot of people like that, even nice people who are like that, out there in the world. You'll have to learn to get along with it if you're going to get anywhere. Not necessarily accept it but learn to deal with it in a mature manner. You tend to get a bit dramatic. This is the second or third time I have seen you say you aren't going to come back to this forum.
As already stated this is one of the best forums you will find online and there are quite a few nice people here. If you can't hack it, what few knocks come with participating in this forum, then it would probably be better for you to stay and learn to deal with it because any where else it is likely to be worse. Unless ofcourse you want to join a christian youth site or some such thing.
  • #57
First of all, tell your mom to go away. You should be able to handle criticism. This isn't third grade. If you like the piano, play the piano. No one is stopping you. You're taking everyone's remarks at face value. Calm down. Stop pouting. Read between the lines, and see what others have to say. Take it with a grain of salt. Move on.
  • #58
cyrusabdollahi said:
You're 17, you should be able to handel something this mild life throws at you by now
"Handel"! I get it! Good one
  • #59
subliminal messages, I tell you, but in all honesty, he should stop haydn behind his mom.
  • #60
QT, I've been a member of this forum for some time despite the lack of posts. But buddy, you have to stop acking questions like, "can I do this? Or that?; If I did this... or that.." We don't determine what you can and cannot do. You do determine that yourself by trying it. So please stop asking questions like this. You think Albert Einstein went around and said things like, "can I be a physicist if I blah blah blah blah?" Just do it! Work at it and go for it. We don't know you, and really we don't give a damn what you did and what you think you can do because you of what you did. It's really dumb trying to seek approval from a bunch of strangers on the internet. If you actually do take advice on the internet that seriously.

Then here's a list of things you can and cannot do:
1. You can't do physics.
2. You can't be a rock star.
3. you can't do that or this.(Whatever that may be)
4. You cannot open doors anymore with your hands.
5. You can open doors using your feet. Good luck!
6. You can no longer blink but when you close your eyes keep them shut and go to sleep.
7. If you accidentally close your eyes, keep them shut for 3 hours and then open them. 3 hours is considered the length of a nap.
8. You can no longer use the toilet to do private business.
9. You are to do your private business in your backyard.
10. If you do not have a backyard, then do your private business in your room.

Im running out of ideas.
Anyone care to add to the list?

PS: If your looking for inspiration, this forum might not be the right place to be looking. Here's some serious advice. Look for inspiration from dead historical figures. There's nothing wrong with that. Look for inspiration in your family, and when you do find that inspiration. Don't go blabbering all about it in this forum or any forum for that matter like you did here.

I got tons of inspiration, but I didn't go around forums asking people whether I can do calculus or play the piano like a prodigy. I went for what I wanted and I just did it. Just be careful what you get yourself into, you might find yourself unhappy with it like me. Doing calculus is no big deal, or playing the piano is no big deal. Millions of people can do it, and to tell you the truth Calculus is actually easier then Algebra! I know a blonde that can do Calculus!(No offence blondes!) grr I hate tutoring that damn boring, repetitive, algebra. It's all repetitive and a joke. I want chaos dammit! Unpredictability! **** YOU MATHEMATICS! x + x does not equal 2x! HAHA!

Yikes, sorry got carried away.
  • #61
TheStatutoryApe said:
Yes Marlon was a bit of a jerk.

I think you are a hughe jerk for calling me a bit of a jerk.

Pfff, i am leaving these forums...

marlon:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
  • #62
zeronem said:
Then here's a list of things you can and cannot do:
1. You can't do physics.
2. You can't be a rock star.
3. you can't do that or this.(Whatever that may be)
4. You cannot open doors anymore with your hands.
5. You can open doors using your feet. Good luck!
6. You can no longer blink but when you close your eyes keep them shut and go to sleep.
7. If you accidentally close your eyes, keep them shut for 3 hours and then open them. 3 hours is considered the length of a nap.
8. You can no longer use the toilet to do private business.
9. You are to do your private business in your backyard.
10. If you do not have a backyard, then do your private business in your room.
Im running out of ideas.
Anyone care to add to the list?

11. You cannot speak Japanese
12. You cannot play Beethoven symphonies after one hearing only
13. You cannot call me a jerk
14. You CAN, however, knock out TheStatutoryApe's teeth

marlon, who is really insulted and leaving these forums filled with rude people:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
  • #63
What a bratty guru. :-p
  • #64
One thing about the internet, you will get honest opinions, nobody will suck up to you. You can either live in a dream world, or realize the truth. :smile:

Anyway, are you desperately trying to find something you're good at or what?
  • #65
TheStatutoryApe said:
What a bratty guru. :-p

He disrespected a guru!

*runs before the almighty mod power comes crashing down and takes out innocent civilian pengwuinos*
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  • #66
TheStatutoryApe said:
What a bratty guru. :-p

no no, what a bratty Ape...

Damn you, how dare you speak up like that to Beethoven's only true reincarnation !

I will kick your <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep>

err, regards, errr


and all the best for 2006 to you too :rolleyes: o:)
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  • #67
Pengwuino said:
He disrespected a guro!

What is a guro ?

Do i need to kick your <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> <beep> too ?

marlon, who wishes you a Happy Newyear from tha bottom of his heart.:-p
  • #68
Must.. destroy... guru!
  • #69
moose said:
Anyway, are you desperately trying to find something you're good at or what?

Indeed he is. This is the main activity of all mediocrities...

Well, i shall speak for Quantum Theory too when facing God. I speak for all mediocreties, i am their patron saint, i am their champion...

o:) o:) o:) o:) o:) o:) o:)
  • #70
Pengwuino said:
Must.. destroy... guru!

bring it on sucka...i am right here, right next to you...
