Can Everyone Develop a Talent for Playing Piano By Ear?

  • Thread starter QuantumTheory
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation reveals that when the person was young, they were able to play songs by ear on the piano, without any formal training. They were able to play most of Beethoven's pieces and any tune, even those with black keys. However, it is questioned whether this is truly a talent or not, as the person may not be playing the songs correctly or with proper timing. It is suggested to record themselves playing and compare it to a professional recording to determine their skill level. The person also mentions playing Beethoven's symphonies, but it is pointed out that it is impossible to play them on piano without proper training. Overall, it is concluded that while the person may have some musical ability, they may not be
  • #71
marlon said:
bring it on sucka...i am right here, right next to you...

I always knew that stuffed whale on the ground was you!
Physics news on
  • #72
Pengwuino said:
I always knew that stuffed whale on the ground was you!

ooo buuhuuu, is this the best you can do, hu ?

marlon, still charged and ready to go...:cool:
  • #73
You are indeed wasting your time and ours on these forums. You post nothing but inane threads which invite responses for you take as an insult.

If you wish to get benefit from these forums you need to start posting questions about math and physics in the appropriate forums. Ask questions designed to advance your knowledge of math and physics. You can indeed learn something here if you wish. So far I have not seen any effort on your part to do this.
  • #74
Integral said:
You can indeed learn something here if you wish. So far I have not seen any effort on your part to do this.

He has not yet learned any physics here, that is very true. However, he has learned this :

1) he ain't no musical prodigy
2) he ain't no linguistic prodigy
3) he ain't no calculus prodigy

This is some tough news, so let's go easy on him:rolleyes:

  • #75
Ive heard enough of this QT bashing. You guys think you can just waltz in here like your the emperor, on the anniversary of the new year and be rude! Just because QT wants his own fanfare does not make him a bad person, even if he did find out he's only common. He said he could hear some Beethoven, yet all you guys did was bash him and egmont him on. With your tempest mindsets, I would be suprised if he ever comes back in here again. You guys took much humoreske in bashing him and insulting his intelligence. I am appalled.
  • #76
cyrusabdollahi said:
Ive heard enough of this QT bashing. You guys think you can just waltz in here like your the emperor, on the anniversary of the new year and be rude! Just because QT wants his own fanfare does not make him a bad person, even if he did find out he's only common. He said he could hear some Beethoven, yet all you guys did was bash him and egmont him on. With your tempest mindsets, I would be suprised if he ever comes back in here again. You guys took much humoreske in bashing him and insulting his intelligence. I am appalled.

Go read all of what he's posted in the past.
  • #77
Go read my post u dolt! You're missing the point of it, because your not learned in classical music.
  • #78
cyrusabdollahi said:
Go read my post u dolt! You're missing the point of it, because your not learned in classical music.

read the rest of my post because you haven't seen how he acts.
  • #79
Dude, you will understand the point of my post if you tell Chi to come read it, trust me. Marlon might understand as well.
  • #80
cyrusabdollahi said:
Ive heard enough of this QT bashing. You guys think you can just waltz in here like your the emperor, on the anniversary of the new year and be rude! Just because QT wants his own fanfare does not make him a bad person, even if he did find out he's only common. He said he could hear some Beethoven, yet all you guys did was bash him and egmont him on. With your tempest mindsets, I would be suprised if he ever comes back in here again. You guys took much humoreske in bashing him and insulting his intelligence. I am appalled.
A feeble effort. How long did you spend on this post, two minutes?

edit: Beethoven didn't write any humoreskes, and AFAIK waltzes either.
  • #81
cyrusabdollahi said:
Dude, you will understand the point of my post if you tell Chi to come read it, trust me. Marlon might understand as well.
Well, I did just now read your post, so now Pengwuino will soon understand what you meant just as soon...


I, uh...

No, I don't know what you're talking about.
  • #82
I'm pretty confused now myself.
  • #83
I clarified it in post no. 80.
  • #84
horray, rachmaninoff got most of it. He just missed the words: anniversary + waltz = Strauss, fanfare+for+the+common = copeland,
  • #85
cyrusabdollahi said:
horray, rachmaninoff got most of it. He just missed the words: anniversary + waltz = Strauss, fanfare+for+the+common = copeland,
Didn't notice those. I don't really like J. Strauss, and I really, really hate Copland (though, at least I can spell his name write :-p)
  • #86
Yeah, Copland is pretty bad. J. Strauss is great, if you don't like him you lack taste.
  • #87
rachmaninoff said:
I clarified it in post no. 80.

Sometimes it takes a minuet for things like that to sink in (even if it's in a liszt right in front of you).
  • #88
WHAT!? Aaron Copland is awesome! Fanfare for the Common Man and Appalachian Spring are just two of his most popular but he has a lot of other really great orchestral and choral works.

  • #89
Jelfish now you really don't have any taste BE GONE!~!~~~ lol, chi, I thought you had some trebble with that one.
  • #90
Ah, geez folks, I go away for a few days, and this is what I return to. :rolleyes:

Okay, while QT has somewhat asked for the teasing by starting out asking if we think he has talent and then posting that he doesn't care what we think anyway, this seems to have gone a bit too far.

QT, being able to match notes you hear to the keys on a piano is, unfortunately, not sufficient to indicate any talent. This doesn't mean you have no talent, it just means this is not adequate to determine if you do. Even those with talent require training to develop that talent and make it something special.

What you have demonstrated is basic aptitude that will make it easier for you to learn to play the piano (or any other instrument) should you choose to take lessons. Having some sense of pitch, which is what matching sounds to keys is, will help you more quickly recognize wrong notes when you play them as you learn.

As with any interest, if it pleases you to do it, pursue it. We would do you a disservice to tell you that your skill translates into a special talent if it doesn't, but that does not mean you can't take lessons and develop a talent. Whether you ever develop any extraordinary talent or not doesn't really matter as long as you enjoy what you play.
  • #91
Did anyone else notice that the only reason we were being hard on QT was because he takes things the wrong way and was affected by it? It obviously happens everywhere too. If someone pokes fun at somebody and the person gets mad, soon enough more people join in just because the person is being a tight ass.One thing though, rarely do you find that you have a talent in something without working with it for a while. Everything takes time.
  • #92
What's really funny is that we always give him really good advice, yet he totally ignores it and finds something to be insulted about.

Look at the "Can I do Calculus?" thread in the Academic section. 95% of the replies were genuine and very helpful, yet he found ways to be insulted. Same with the "What's your IQ thread," we gave him good advice and told him not to worry about his IQ -- especially not to compare it to other peoples -- yet, somehow, he got insulted.

If he’s trying to find something he’s good at, that’s great for him, I think most people do some soul searching at that age. However, most people don’t expect to be hailed as the great messiah of physics at 17 when they haven’t taken a physics course!