Can we use this method to efficiently check if $N$ is composite?

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  • Thread starter evinda
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In summary, we can check if a number $N$ is composite by considering a small prime $R$ and computing the remainder when $(X+A)^N$ is divided by $X^R-1$ using the repeated squaring trick. If $R$ is small enough, we only need to try a small number of values for $A$ until we find one for which the remainder is not equal to $(X^N+A)$ mod $(N, X^R-1)$. This proves that $N$ is composite. When expanding $(X+A)^N$, the remainder has only $R+1$ terms instead of $N+1$, making it easier to compute. We can use polynomial long division to find the
  • #1
Gold Member
Hello! (Wave)

According to some notes, we can check if $N$ is composite as follows.

We consider a reasonably small prime $R$.
Instead of computing $(X+A)^N$ in order to check whether $(X+A)^N \mod{N}=(X^N+A) \mod{N}$ , we compute the remainder when $(X+A)^N$ is divided by $X^R-1$. That's done using the same method we learn in algebra class for dividing one polynomial by another. What's nice about the remainder is that it has only $R+1$ terms, as opposed to $N+1$ for the expansion of $(X+A)^N$. So if $R$ is small enough , we can actually compute the remainder - using the repeated squaring trick. It is obvious that the identity

$(X+A)^N \mod{(N,X^R-1)}=(X^N+A) \mod{(N,X^R-1)}$

is always true when $N$ is a prime.

If $N$ is composite , and if we choose the right value of $R$, then we need to try only a small number of $A$'s until we find one such that

$(X+A)^N \mod{(N, X^R-1)} \neq (X^N+A) \mod{(N, X^R-1)}$.

Once we find such an $A$, we have proved that $N$ is composite. There is a deterministic way to pick the $A$'s.First of all, why does the remainder of $(X+A)^N$ divided by $X^R-1$ have $R+1$ terms and not $R$ ?Secondly, how can we compute the remainder using the repeated squaring trick and without writing the expansion of $(X+A)^N$?
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  • #2
evinda said:
First of all, why does the remainder of $(X+A)^N$ divided by $X^R-1$ have $R+1$ terms and not $R$ ?

Hey evinda! (Smile)

That looks like a typo.
We'd get a polynomial up to power $R-1$, so the number of terms should indeed be $R$.

evinda said:
Secondly, how can we compute the remainder using the repeated squaring trick and without writing the expansion of $(X+A)^N$?

If $N$ is for instance even, we can write $(X+A)^N \equiv ((X+A)^2)^{N/2} \equiv (X^2+2AX+A^2)^{N/2}$.
Now we can take the remainder of $X^2+2AX+A^2$ and repeat. (Thinking)
  • #3
I like Serena said:
Hey evinda! (Smile)

That looks like a typo.
We'd get a polynomial up to power $R-1$, so the number of terms should indeed be $R$.

Do we justify it as follows?

We have that $(X+A)^N=(X^R-1)(X^{N-R}+p(X))+r(X)$ for some polynomials $p(X)$ and $r(X)$ with $\deg{r(X)} \leq R-1$.

So the remainder of the division of $(X+A)^N$ by $X^R-1$ has at most $R$ terms.

I like Serena said:
If $N$ is for instance even, we can write $(X+A)^N \equiv ((X+A)^2)^{N/2} \equiv (X^2+2AX+A^2)^{N/2}$.
Now we can take the remainder of $X^2+2AX+A^2$ and repeat. (Thinking)

Ok... But how do we find like that the remainder of $(X+A)^N$ divided by $X^R-1$ ? (Thinking)
  • #4
evinda said:
Do we justify it as follows?

We have that $(X+A)^N=(X^R-1)(X^{N-R}+p(X))+r(X)$ for some polynomials $p(X)$ and $r(X)$ with $\deg{r(X)} \leq R-1$.

So the remainder of the division of $(X+A)^N$ by $X^R-1$ has at most $R$ terms.

Seems fine to me.

evinda said:
Ok... But how do we find like that the remainder of $(X+A)^N$ divided by $X^R-1$ ? (Thinking)

Let's pick an example. (Wait)

Suppose we pick $(X+A)^N=(x+1)^2$ and $X^R-1=x-1$.
Can we use polynomial long division to find the remainder? (Wondering)
  • #5
I like Serena said:
Let's pick an example. (Wait)

Suppose we pick $(X+A)^N=(x+1)^2$ and $X^R-1=x-1$.
Can we use polynomial long division to find the remainder? (Wondering)

Using the euclidean division, we get that $x^2+2x+1=(x-1)(x+3)+4$.

But in order to apply the euclidean division, we write out the expansion of $(x+1)^2$, don't we? (Thinking)
  • #6
evinda said:
Using the euclidean division, we get that $x^2+2x+1=(x-1)(x+3)+4$.

Yep. So $(x+1)^2 \equiv 4 \mod{(x-1)}$.

evinda said:
But in order to apply the euclidean division, we write out the expansion of $(x+1)^2$, don't we?

So let's pick $(x+1)^4$ as another example.
We have that:
$$(x+1)^4 \equiv ((x+1)^2)^2 \equiv 4^2 \mod{(x-1)}$$
  • #7
I like Serena said:
Yep. So $(x+1)^2 \equiv 4 \mod{(x-1)}$.

I like Serena said:
So let's pick $(x+1)^4$ as another example.
We have that:
$$(x+1)^4 \equiv ((x+1)^2)^2 \equiv 4^2 \mod{(x-1)}$$

I see... And then we apply the euclidean division of $x^4+1$ by $x-1$ and get that the remainder is $2$ and so we deduce that $4$ is composite, right?
  • #8
evinda said:
I see... And then we apply the euclidean division of $x^4+1$ by $x-1$ and get that the remainder is $2$ and so we deduce that $4$ is composite, right?

Yes, since $2\not\equiv 4 \mod 4$. (Nod)
  • #9
I like Serena said:
Yes, since $2\not\equiv 4 \mod 4$. (Nod)

I see... (Nod)

We could deduce that $8$ is composite as follows, right?

We have that $(x+3)^8=((x+3)^2)^4$.

Also $(x+3)^2=x^2+6x+9=x^2-1+6x+10 \pmod{x^2-1}=6x+10 \pmod{x^2-1}$.

Therefore, $(x+3)^8=(6x+10)^4 \equiv (-2x+2)^4 \pmod{8}=(2x-2)^4 \pmod{8}$.

And then, we have that $(2x-2)^4=((2x-2)^2)^2=(4x^2-8x+4)^2 \pmod{x^2-1}$.

$4x^2-8x+4= 4x^2-4-8x+8 \equiv 4(x^2-1)-8x+8 \equiv -8x+8 \pmod{x^2-1} \equiv 0 \pmod{8}$.

And so we have that $(x+3)^8 \equiv 0 \pmod{8, x^2-1}$.

By applying the euclidean division of $x^8+3$ with $x^2-1$, we see that the remainder is 4.

Since $4 \not\equiv 0 \pmod{8} $ we deduce that $8$ is composite.
  • #10
In order to show that $13$ is a prime number ,I have done the following:

$$(x+2)^{13}=(x+2)^{12} (x+2)=((x+2)^2)^6 (x+2)$$

$$(x+2)^2=x^2+4x+4=(x^2-1)+4x+5 \equiv 4x+5 \pmod{x^2-1}$$


$$(x+2)^{13}=(4x+5)^6 (x+2) \pmod{x^2-1}=((4x+5)^2)^3(x+2) \pmod{x^2-1}$$$$(4x+5)^2=16x^2+40x+25=16x^2-16+40x+41 \equiv 40x+41 \pmod{x^2-1} \equiv x+2 \pmod{13}$$Then we have that: $(x+2)^{13}=(x+2)^3(x+2) \pmod{13, x^2-1}=(x+2)^2 (x+2)^2 \pmod{13, x^2-1}$.

$(x+2)^2=x^2+4x+4=(x^2-1)+ 4x+5 \equiv 4x+5 \pmod{x^2-1}$.$(4x+5)^2=16x^2+40x+25=(16x^2-16)+40x+41=x+2$.
So, $(x+2)^{13}=x+2 \pmod{13, x^2-1}$.By applying the euclidean division of $x^{13}+2$ with $x^2-1$ we get that the remainder is $x+2$.Since $(x+2)^{13} \pmod{13,x^2-1}=(x^{13}+2) \pmod{13, x^2-1}$ we deduce that $13$ is prime.
  • #11
Yep. Nice! (Happy)
  • #12
I like Serena said:
Yep. Nice! (Happy)

Great! (Smirk) What is the time complexity of the repeated squaring trick?
  • #13
evinda said:
Great! (Smirk) What is the time complexity of the repeated squaring trick?

Hmm... we just did 2 and 4 with R=1 (actually not a prime but we'll overlook that), and 8 and 13 with R=2.
How many squarings did we need? (Wondering)

evinda said:
Since $(x+2)^{13} \pmod{13,x^2-1}=(x^{13}+2) \pmod{13, x^2-1}$ we deduce that $13$ is prime.

Btw, this is not sufficient to prove that $13$ is prime.
According to the theorem we have to verify the same thing for a number of different values of $A$. (Nerd)
  • #14
I like Serena said:
Hmm... we just did 2 and 4 with R=1 (actually not a prime but we'll overlook that), and 8 and 13 with R=2.
How many squarings did we need? (Wondering)

In order to show that 4 is composite we needed 1 squaring, to show that 8 is composite we needed 2 squarings and for the number 13, we needed 4 squarings. So for the last 2 numbers, we needed $\lfloor{\log_2{n} \rfloor}$ squarings, right? (Thinking)

I like Serena said:
Btw, this is not sufficient to prove that $13$ is prime.
According to the theorem we have to verify the same thing for a number of different values of $A$. (Nerd)

Is this sure? Because according to my notes:

If $N$ is composite , and if we choose the right value of $R$, then we need to try only a small number of $A$'s until we find one such that

$(X+A)^N \mod{(N, X^R-1)} \neq (X^N+A) \mod{(N, X^R-1)}$.

Once we find such an $A$, we have proved that $N$ is composite.

  • #15
evinda said:
In order to show that 4 is composite we needed 1 squaring, to show that 8 is composite we needed 2 squarings and for the number 13, we needed 4 squarings. So for the last 2 numbers, we needed $\lfloor{\log_2{n} \rfloor}$ squarings, right? (Thinking)

There you go. We have the time complexity for the case we only have to try one value of A, and for a value of R that is sufficiently low with respect to N.
Note that the 'normal' way to check if N is prime, is to check divisibility of all numbers up to $\sqrt N$.

evinda said:
Is this sure? Because according to my notes:

Yes. It's what it says there.
We need to try a number of A's until we find the inequality.
And we have tried A=1, and found it gave an equality.
So we would need to try again. (Thinking)
  • #16
In order to show that 4 is composite we needed 1 squaring, to show that 8 is composite we needed 2 squarings and for the number 13, we needed 4 squarings. So for the last 2 numbers, we needed $\lfloor{\log_2{n} \rfloor}$ squarings, right? (Thinking)

Since $\lceil{\log_2{13} }\rceil=4$, we need $\lceil{\log_2{n} \rceil}$ squarings, thinking about it again... Don't we? (Thinking)
I like Serena said:
There you go. We have the time complexity for the case we only have to try one value of A, and for a value of R that is sufficiently low with respect to N.
Note that the 'normal' way to check if N is prime, is to check divisibility of all numbers up to $\sqrt N$.

So at the 'normal' way, the time complexity is $O(c \lceil{\log_2{n} \rceil})=O(\log n)$, right?

I like Serena said:
Yes. It's what it says there.
We need to try a number of A's until we find the inequality.
And we have tried A=1, and found it gave an equality.
So we would need to try again. (Thinking)

Yes, because we may find that $(X+A)^N=(X^N+A) \pmod{N, X^R-1}$ for some $A,N,R$ but for some others $A,N,R$ it could hold that $(X+A)^N \neq (X^N+A) \pmod{N, X^R-1}$.

So we have to check the equality/ inequality for sufficient different values of $A,N,R$, right?
  • #17
evinda said:
Since $\lceil{\log_2{13} }\rceil=4$, we need $\lceil{\log_2{n} \rceil}$ squarings, thinking about it again... Don't we? (Thinking)

Erm... whatever... I'll stick to $O(\log_2 n)$. (Whew)

evinda said:
So at the 'normal' way, the time complexity is $O(c \lceil{\log_2{n} \rceil})=O(\log n)$, right?

That should be $O(\sqrt N)$. (Worried)

evinda said:
Yes, because we may find that $(X+A)^N=(X^N+A) \pmod{N, X^R-1}$ for some $A,N,R$ but for some others $A,N,R$ it could hold that $(X+A)^N \neq (X^N+A) \pmod{N, X^R-1}$.

So we have to check the equality/ inequality for sufficient different values of $A,N,R$, right?

We want to find whether a specific $N$ is prime or composite.
And I believe we select one specific $R$.
So we would need to check for sufficient different values of $A$ until we find an inequality (or not).
It does say that there's a "deterministic way to pick the $A$'s", so whatever that is, we need to check all of those.
Suppose there are $k$ values of $A$ that we have to check, then the time complexity becomes $O(k\log_2 N)$. (Thinking)
  • #18
I like Serena said:
Erm... whatever... I'll stick to $O(\log_2 n)$. (Whew)


I like Serena said:
That should be $O(\sqrt N)$. (Worried)

Oh yes, that's what I meant. I wrote the time complexity when using the repeated squaring trick.
I like Serena said:
We want to find whether a specific $N$ is prime or composite.
And I believe we select one specific $R$.
So we would need to check for sufficient different values of $A$ until we find an inequality (or not).
It does say that there's a "deterministic way to pick the $A$'s", so whatever that is, we need to check all of those.
Suppose there are $k$ values of $A$ that we have to check, then the time complexity becomes $O(k\log_2 N)$. (Thinking)

I understand... (Smile)

It says at my first post that $R$ should be small enough. How small should it be? Is there a relation in respect to $N$ that it should satisfy ? (Thinking)
  • #19
evinda said:
It says at my first post that $R$ should be small enough. How small should it be? Is there a relation in respect to $N$ that it should satisfy ? (Thinking)

We would need to investigate. In practice it may be a matter of trial and error.
If we pick $R=N+1$ we won't do any squaring tricks, but we will immediate be done, only to repeat for different values of $A$.
Presumably we would need $O(\sqrt N)$ different values for $A$, meaning it would be just as fast as the 'normal' method.

More generally the complexity is $O(k(1 + \lceil\log_2\frac N {R-1}\rceil) = O(k\log_2 \frac N R)$.
Basically it all depends on how many values for $A$ we will need to try.
Do you have any information on this "deterministic way to pick the $A$'s"? (Wondering)
  • #20
I like Serena said:
If we pick $R=N+1$ we won't do any squaring tricks, but we will immediate be done, only to repeat for different values of $A$.
Presumably we would need $O(\sqrt N)$ different values for $A$, meaning it would be just as fast as the 'normal' method.
We would need to check all the values of $A$, such that $(A,N)=1$, i.e. $\phi(N)$ values. So the time complexity would be $O(\phi(N))$, right?

I like Serena said:
More generally the complexity is $O(k(1 + \lceil\log_2\frac N {R-1}\rceil) = O(k\log_2 \frac N R)$.

How do we get this time complexity? (Thinking)

I like Serena said:
Basically it all depends on how many values for $A$ we will need to try.
Do you have any information on this "deterministic way to pick the $A$'s"? (Wondering)

No, it isn't given any further information. (Shake)
  • #21
evinda said:
We would need to check all the values of $A$, such that $(A,N)=1$, i.e. $\phi(N)$ values. So the time complexity would be $O(\phi(N))$, right?

Erm... that is a lot of values to check... and I'm not aware of a straight forward method to find those. (Sweating)
If we find an $A$ such that $(A,N)\ne 1$, we already know that $N$ is composite!
And if we find that all possible values of $A$ are co prime, we already know that $N$ is prime.

How do we get this time complexity?

If $N \le R-1$, there is nothing to reduce, meaning we have $k$ checks - one for every $A$.
If $N \le 2(R-1)$, we need to use one iteration of the squaring trick for every value of $A$.
If $2^{m-1}(R-1) < N \le 2^m(R-1)$, we need to reduce $m$ times for every value of $A$.
So in general we need $mk$ reductions, where $m = \lceil\log_2\frac{N}{R-1}\rceil$. (Thinking)
  • #22
I like Serena said:
If we find an $A$ such that $(A,N)\ne 1$, we already know that $N$ is composite!
And if we find that all possible values of $A$ are co prime, we already know that $N$ is prime.

Yes, I understand. (Nod)

I like Serena said:
If $N \le 2(R-1)$, we need to use one iteration of the squaring trick for every value of $A$.
If $2^{m-1}(R-1) < N \le 2^m(R-1)$, we need to reduce $m$ times for every value of $A$.
So in general we need $mk$ reductions, where $m = \lceil\log_2\frac{N}{R-1}\rceil$. (Thinking)

Could you explain to me how we deduce this? I haven't understood it... (Sweating)
  • #23
evinda said:
Could you explain to me how we deduce this? I haven't understood it... (Sweating)

Suppose $N<R$, how many squaring reductions do we need? None yes?
And for $N=R$ we need 1 squaring reduction.

Now how big must $N$ be in relation to $R$ before we need 2 squaring reductions (that reduce the polynomial to one of degree $R-1$)? (Wondering)
And for which $N$ do we need 3 squaring reductions for the first time?
  • #24
I like Serena said:
Suppose $N<R$, how many squaring reductions do we need? None yes?


I like Serena said:
And for $N=R$ we need 1 squaring reduction.
Yes, for $N=R$ we will compute $(X+A)^R=((X+A)^2)^{\frac{R}{2}} \pmod{N, X^R-1}$ and since $\frac{R}{2}<R$ we won't do any further squaring reductions. Right?

I like Serena said:
Now how big must $N$ be in relation to $R$ before we need 2 squaring reductions (that reduce the polynomial to one of degree $R-1$)? (Wondering)

That's what we get when making 2 squaring reductions:

$$(X+A)^N=((X+A)^2)^{\frac{N}{2}}=(X^2+2AX+A^2)^{\frac{N}{2}}= ((X^2+2AX+A^2)^2)^{\frac{N}{4}} \pmod{N, X^R-1}$$

So in this case it has to hold that $\frac{N}{4}<R$.
I like Serena said:
And for which $N$ do we need 3 squaring reductions for the first time?

When we make 3 squaring reductions:

$$(X+A)^N=((X+A)^2)^{\frac{N}{2}}=(X^2+2AX+A^2)^{\frac{N}{2}}=((X^2+2AX+A^2)^2)^{\frac{N}{4}}\pmod{N, X^R-1}= \\(((X^2+2AX+A^2)^2)^2)^{\frac{N}{8}} \pmod{N,X^R-1}$$

So in this case it has to hold that $\frac{N}{8}<R$.

So in general, making $i$ squaring reductions, it has to hold that $\frac{N}{2^i}<R$, right?
If so, how do we use this to find the time complexity? (Thinking)
  • #25
evinda said:
Yes, for $N=R$ we will compute $(X+A)^R=((X+A)^2)^{\frac{R}{2}} \pmod{N, X^R-1}$ and since $\frac{R}{2}<R$ we won't do any further squaring reductions. Right?

To be exact, it depends on whether $N=R$ is even or odd.
For even $N$ we would compute $(X+A)^N=((X+A)^2)^{\frac{N}{2}} \pmod{N, X^R-1}$.
And for odd $N$ we woud compute $(X+A)^N=((X+A)^2)^{\frac{N-1}{2}}(X+A) \pmod{N, X^R-1}$.
Still, let's count this as 1 'squaring reduction'.
evinda said:
That's what we get when making 2 squaring reductions:

$$(X+A)^N=((X+A)^2)^{\frac{N}{2}}=(X^2+2AX+A^2)^{\frac{N}{2}}= ((X^2+2AX+A^2)^2)^{\frac{N}{4}} \pmod{N, X^R-1}$$

So in this case it has to hold that $\frac{N}{4}<R$.

Yes, so for $N < 4R$ we need at most 2 squaring reductions.
What is the highest value of $N$ that 1 squaring reduction suffices?

evinda said:
When we make 3 squaring reductions:

$$(X+A)^N=((X+A)^2)^{\frac{N}{2}}=(X^2+2AX+A^2)^{\frac{N}{2}}=((X^2+2AX+A^2)^2)^{\frac{N}{4}}\pmod{N, X^R-1}= \\(((X^2+2AX+A^2)^2)^2)^{\frac{N}{8}} \pmod{N,X^R-1}$$

So in this case it has to hold that $\frac{N}{8}<R$.

So in general, making $i$ squaring reductions, it has to hold that $\frac{N}{2^i}<R$, right?
If so, how do we use this to find the time complexity? (Thinking)

The time complexity is given by the number of squaring reductions ($i$) that we have to do.
Can we solve the inequality for $i$? (Wondering)
  • #26
I like Serena said:
To be exact, it depends on whether $N=R$ is even or odd.
For even $N$ we would compute $(X+A)^N=((X+A)^2)^{\frac{N}{2}} \pmod{N, X^R-1}$.
And for odd $N$ we woud compute $(X+A)^R=((X+A)^2)^{\frac{N-1}{2}}(X+A) \pmod{N, X^R-1}$.
Still, let's count this as 1 'squaring reduction'.

I like Serena said:
Yes, so for $N < 4R$ we need at most 2 squaring reductions.
What is the highest value of $N$ that 1 squaring reduction suffices?

For $N=3R$ we need at least 2 squarings, and for $N=2R$ we need 2 squarings. So the highest value of $N$ that $1$ squaring reduction suffices is $N=R$, right? (Thinking)

I like Serena said:
The time complexity is given by the number of squaring reductions ($i$) that we have to do.
Can we solve the inequality for $i$? (Wondering)
$\frac{N}{2^i}<R \Rightarrow \frac{N}{R}<2^i \Rightarrow i>\log_2{\frac{N}{R}}$.

But.. don't we need to find an upper bound of the number of squaring reductions?
  • #27
evinda said:
For $N=3R$ we need at least 2 squarings, and for $N=2R$ we need 2 squarings. So the highest value of $N$ that $1$ squaring reduction suffices is $N=R$, right?

How about $N=R+1$?

evinda said:
$\frac{N}{2^i}<R \Rightarrow \frac{N}{R}<2^i \Rightarrow i>\log_2{\frac{N}{R}}$.

But.. don't we need to find an upper bound of the number of squaring reductions?

Then let's try to find that upper bound, or rather, the lower bound for $\frac N{2^i}$. (Thinking)
  • #28
I like Serena said:
How about $N=R+1$?

When $R$ is even, we have that $(X+A)^{R+1}=(X+A)^R(X+A)=((X+A)^2)^{\frac{R}{2}} (X+A) \pmod{N, X^R-1}$.

So considering that $R<2N$, we will need one squaring.

When $R$ is odd, then $(X+A)^{R+1}=((X+A)^2)^{\frac{R+1}{2}} \pmod{N, X^R-1}$.

So when $R<2N-1$ we will need one squaring.
I like Serena said:
Then let's try to find that upper bound, or rather, the lower bound for $\frac N{2^i}$. (Thinking)
To have one squaring, the lowest possible value of $R$ is $1$, to have 2 squarings this value becomes $2N+1$, right?
  • #29
evinda said:
When $R$ is even, we have that $(X+A)^{R+1}=(X+A)^R(X+A)=((X+A)^2)^{\frac{R}{2}} (X+A) \pmod{N, X^R-1}$.

So considering that $R<2N$, we will need one squaring.

When $R$ is odd, then $(X+A)^{R+1}=((X+A)^2)^{\frac{R+1}{2}} \pmod{N, X^R-1}$.

So when $R<2N-1$ we will need one squaring.

Then how about $N=R+2, ..., N=2R-1, N=2R$? (Wondering)
evinda said:
To have one squaring, the lowest possible value of $R$ is $1$, to have 2 squarings this value becomes $2N+1$, right?

Let's assume $R$ to be a fixed unknown value.
We want to know for which $N(R)$ we need at least 2 squaring reductions and at most 2 squaring reductions. (Thinking)
  • #30
I like Serena said:
Then how about $N=R+2, ..., N=2R-1, N=2R$? (Wondering)

When $N=R+1$ and $R$ is even , we need one squaring reduction when $R>2$.
When $R$ is odd, we need one squaring reduction when $R>1$.

When $N=2R-1$, we have that $(X+A)^{2R-1}=(X+A)^{2R-2}(X+A) \pmod{N, X^R-1}=((X+A)^2)^{R-1}(X+A) \pmod{N,X^R-1}$.

Since $R-1<R$, we need exactly one squaring reduction.

For $N=2R$, we have:

$(X+A)^{2R}=((X+A)^2)^{R} \pmod{N, X^R-1}=(((X+A)^2)^2)^{\frac{R}{2}} \pmod{N, X^R-1}$

So in this case we need two squaring reductions, right?
I like Serena said:
Let's assume $R$ to be a fixed unknown value.
We want to know for which $N(R)$ we need at least 2 squaring reductions and at most 2 squaring reductions. (Thinking)

The smallest value of $N(R)$ for which we need 2 squaring reductions is $N(R)=2R$, right?For $N(R)=3R$ we need three squaring reductions, don't we? (Thinking)

Related to Can we use this method to efficiently check if $N$ is composite?

1. Can we use this method to efficiently check if $N$ is composite?

Yes, this method has been designed specifically for efficiently checking if a number is composite. It uses mathematical algorithms and techniques to quickly determine if a number is composite or not.

2. How does this method work?

This method works by using a combination of mathematical algorithms and techniques, such as the Sieve of Eratosthenes and Fermat's Little Theorem, to efficiently determine if a number is composite. It takes advantage of patterns and properties of composite numbers to quickly identify them.

3. What are the advantages of using this method?

One of the main advantages of using this method is its efficiency. It can quickly determine if a number is composite, making it useful for large numbers. Additionally, it does not require any external resources or complex calculations, making it easy to implement and use.

4. Are there any limitations to this method?

Like any method, there are limitations to this method. It may not be suitable for extremely large numbers, as the calculations involved may become too complex. It also relies on certain assumptions and patterns, so it may not be accurate for all types of numbers.

5. Can this method be used for other types of numbers besides composites?

This method has been specifically designed for efficiently checking if a number is composite. While some of its techniques and algorithms may be applicable to other types of numbers, it may not be as effective or accurate for those cases.

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