Cantors diagonalization argument

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of creating a list of all real numbers between 0 and 1 by picking different integers along the diagonal. However, this method ultimately proves that the assumption of being able to list all real numbers was incorrect.
  • #1
I am sure you are all familiar with this. The number generated by picking different integers along the diagonal is different from all other numbers previously on the list. But you could just put this number as next element on the list. Of course that just creates a new number which is missed, but if you successively kept putting the number missed as indicated by the diagonal wouldn't you eventually hit all real numbers on the interval (0,1)? I mean isn't it the same as saying that we haven't hit the rational number 5/32 but that it is coming later in the sequence we use to pair the rationals with natural numbers.
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  • #2
"I am sure you are all familiar with this. The number generated by picking different integers along the diagonal is different from all other numbers previously on the list. "

Partially true. Remember, you made the list by assuming the numbers between 0 and 1 form a countable set, so can be placed in order from smallest to largest, and so your list already contains all of those numbers.
Now, when you go down the diagonal to create the new number, the procedure discussed does not stop at any particular row (say the 500th). Instead, it shows you can go down all rows, creating a number that is different from EVERY other number in your (assumed to be complete) list. So now you have this:

* You assumed you could list every possible number, and that you have done so
* You find out your assumption was wrong

That is the key to the argument.

FAQ: Cantors diagonalization argument

1. What is Cantor's diagonalization argument?

Cantor's diagonalization argument is a mathematical proof, developed by mathematician Georg Cantor, that demonstrates the existence of uncountable infinities. It is a method of showing that for any set, the power set (set of all its subsets) is always larger. In other words, there are more real numbers than there are natural numbers.

2. How does Cantor's diagonalization argument work?

Cantor's diagonalization argument works by constructing a new number that is not in the original set, using the diagonal of an infinite table of numbers. This new number is formed by changing the digits of the numbers in the table, and it is guaranteed to be different from any number in the original set. This proves that the original set is incomplete and there are more numbers than can be listed.

3. What is the significance of Cantor's diagonalization argument?

Cantor's diagonalization argument has significant implications in mathematics, particularly in the field of set theory. It shows that there are different levels of infinity, and that some infinities are larger than others. This has challenged the traditional understanding of infinity and has led to further developments in the field.

4. Is Cantor's diagonalization argument controversial?

Yes, Cantor's diagonalization argument has been met with some controversy, particularly among mathematicians and philosophers. Some have argued that it relies on assumptions that cannot be proven, while others believe it is a valid and important proof in mathematics. The debate continues to this day.

5. How is Cantor's diagonalization argument used in other areas of mathematics?

Cantor's diagonalization argument has been used in various branches of mathematics, such as analysis, topology, and logic. It has also been applied in computer science, particularly in the theory of computation and in the study of algorithms. Its implications have led to further developments in these fields and have expanded our understanding of infinity and the nature of sets.

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