Cooling of Neutron Stars and Urca-process

In summary, the direct Urca process cannot cool neutron stars due to the Pauli exclusion principle. However, the modified Urca process, which involves an additional neutron catalyzing the reaction, is allowed as a means of cooling the star. This process may be related to cooper pairing and has been studied in many-body theory. While it is not the only solution, it has been shown to potentially provide rapid cooling of the star. Ultimately, the cooling of neutron stars remains a hot topic in theoretical physics and further research is needed to fully understand the process.
  • #1

in a lecture I was told that the cooling of neutron stars cannot happen via the 'direct' Urca process (beta decay and inverse beta decay), because the created particles cannot go into occupied states (Pauli exclusion). The 'modified' Urca process was introduced, with an additional neutron catalysing the reaction. Now what is the crucial difference here, that makes the modified Urca process an allowed one as opposed to the direct Urca?

Thank you for your answers.
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  • #2
That is a hot topic [pardon the pun] in theoretical physics. The direct urca process cannot work on a neutron star for reasons as stated. But, neutron stars must eventually cool to remain in conformance with the laws of thermodynamics. The modified urca process is an attempt to satisfy this demand. I don't particularly care for the additional neutron thing as a solution. Quark soup is a messy affair.
  • #3
Okay, but why is the modified Urca allowed? Has it to do with cooper pairing leading to different statistics?
  • #4
That is one possibility. See, for example:
Neutrino Emission from Cooper Pairs and Minimal Cooling of Neutron Stars
  • #5
I think that arguments and estimates based on fundamental relations of many-body theory show that one realization of this phenomenon could produce very rapid cooling of the star via a direct nucleon Urca process displaying a T5 dependence on temperature.
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  • #6
What we see appears to suggest neutron stars cool very near the low limit required by thermodynamics. I believe that rules out the URCA process. I am guessing here, as are most theorists.

FAQ: Cooling of Neutron Stars and Urca-process

1. What is the Urca process and how does it relate to the cooling of neutron stars?

The Urca process is a type of neutrino emission that occurs in the core of a neutron star, in which protons and neutrons combine to form a neutron and a proton, releasing energy in the form of neutrinos. This process is important for the cooling of neutron stars because it allows the star to lose thermal energy and cool down.

2. How do neutron stars cool down and how long does it take?

Neutron stars cool down through a combination of processes such as neutrino emission, photon emission, and conduction. The exact timescale for cooling varies depending on the initial temperature and composition of the neutron star, but it can take anywhere from a few hundred thousand years to several million years.

3. What is the role of superfluidity in the cooling of neutron stars?

Superfluidity is the property of certain particles, such as neutrons, to flow without any resistance. In neutron stars, superfluidity plays a crucial role in cooling by allowing the neutrons to move more freely and carry away thermal energy more efficiently.

4. Can the Urca process be observed in other astronomical objects?

Yes, the Urca process can also occur in other dense, compact objects such as white dwarfs and certain types of supernovae. However, it is most commonly observed in neutron stars due to their extremely high densities.

5. How does the cooling of neutron stars affect their magnetic fields?

The cooling of neutron stars can have a significant impact on their magnetic fields. As the star cools, the magnetic field strength may increase due to the conservation of magnetic flux. However, at very low temperatures, the magnetic field may decay due to the effects of superconductivity. The exact evolution of the magnetic field during cooling is still a topic of ongoing research.
