- #71
- 3,962
- 20
Austin0 said:The difference in total distance traveled is 0.4750 = [9.9875- 9.8512 ]
I think that should be 0.4750 = [9.9875- 9.5125]
After 1 sec the accelerating object will have traveled 0.618 units so it has only fallen behind by a distance of 0.99875-0.618 = 0.3807 units. After that the speed differential is very small and getting smaller so it does not lose much more distance and only loses 0.475 units after 10 seconds.Austin0 said:If the accl F reaches v=0.8944 in 1 sec
S' has traveld 0.99875 after 1 sec while acclF has only moved a percentage of ,8944 somewhat over 50% making a lead for S' that is already a large part of the final difference in dx'
Seems OK to me.Austin0 said:,,, with a 0.10435 c velocity differential that will be reduced at a cubic falloff rate for acclF for 9 more secs.
It seems hard for the difference at the end to be so slight.
O.K. you threw me off balance by introducing two new events to an already complicated situation! Yes, your definition of my event #2 is correct for the location and time that the accelerating object reaches it terminal velocity after 10 seconds in S and I have corrected the original post to reflect that. Your Lorentz transformations of the other events are also correct, but I am not sure what you are trying to demonstrate here.Austin0 said:The events I noted above are not two views of your event 2 at all.
They are event #3
Colocation S(10, 9.9875), S'(0.4994, 0)
And event #4
Colocation S'( 10, -9.9875) , S(0.4994, 0)
Unless I am mistaken your event #2 is:
The colocation of acclF at reaching v=0.99875 with S( 10, 9.512),S'( 10, -9.512)
Is this not correct?
DO you disagree that this event #2 lies between events 3 and 4 in both frames??
Your event #3 = S(10, 9.9875) = S'(0.4994, 0), is where the CMIRF origin is after 10 seconds in S.
Your event #4 = S'( 10, -9.9875) = S(0.4994, 0) is where the origin of S is after 10 seconds in S'.
I wouldn't say that event 2 is half way between events 3 and 4 in either S or S' spatially or temporally. 0.4994 is approximately 1/20 of the time measured in the other frame. Events 2 and 3 but not 4 are simultaneous in S and events 2 and 4 but not 3 are simultaneous in S'.
I agree.Austin0 said:You could say I found it an interesting coincidence that this v was exactly the average velocity you have calculated for asslF. And it may be significant.
That is what comes out of the Lorentz transformations and I showed the calculations in post #20 of this thread. I also said it is surprising and unintuitive, but that is what comes out of the maths and it unique to constant acceleration.Austin0 said:You have the final distance from the origen and elapsed time the same in both frames for event 2.
Given that the origens clocks both read t,t'=0 and an understanding of simultaneity how do you think it is possible for clocks from both frames, colocated at a later point ,could agree on the proper time?
The second case is correct (the can of wormholes).Austin0 said:If your figures are correct and the end point of acceleration would be 9.512 in S because the acceleration was so rapid then this would seem to neccessarily imply an equally rapid deceleration relative to S'
This being the case how then could acclF end up traveling so far in S' i.e. -9.512 if the velocity differential dropped off so radically. From -0.99875 to -0.10435 in the first sec. Yes??
If on the other hand you assume that the deceleration in S' is the inverse of S
I.e. Starting out very slowly with a long term cubic increase in acceleration then that's fine but I think it would open a whole new can o' wormholes physicswise ,no?
Austin0 said:Having frame agreement on profile between S and S' would seem problematic at best ,,for one , yeh??.
I suggest you may want to look at a drawing as far as colocating the event 2 spatial points.
A drawing might help us both. Unfortunately, all the velocities are near 0.9c in the chosen example and it is hard to see anything interesting clearly in the diagram. If you are really interested I can run all the numbers for an acceleration of 0.1c per second which results in a final CMIRF velocity of about 0.7c and a average velocity of about 0.4c for the accelerating object after 10 seconds. The lines on the diagram would be more spread out then.
O.K. I take it you don't like CMIRFs . They are handy (to me anyway), because when you carry out the integration of let's say the instantaneous gamma factor to obtain the total elapsed proper time, it the CMIRF concept that allows you to justify the assumption that there is no additional time dilation due to acceleration per se.Austin0 said:I don't doubt that and I am equally bereft of books, but what I am talking about is not a quantitative one , not about having infinitesimal measurements etc. Sporadic measurements would be fine. Its the fact that CMUFOs are not a matter of measurement in an inertial frame whatever. They are an ad hoc abstract creation without history or physics , simply a handy tool for the a priori assumtion of constant proper acceleration. It seems to me possible that they have the same problem to be found with accelerated lines of simultaneity which are simply another mainifestation of CMIRFs
I.e. they may have a questionable relation to the real world and its physics but that just MHO
SO at best they appear to be a superfluous addition ,easily eliminated simply by applying differential calculus directly to the accelerated frame or is there something I am missing?
Austin0 said:OK ,,,,,well then what is the completely inertial clock that shows greater elapsed proper time ?
It is a clock traveling at a constant velocity equal to the average velocity of the accelerating clock. If this inertial clock starts out at the same time as the accelerating clock from location d1=0 in S they both end up at location d2 = 9.5125 in S at the same time.
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