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W.r.t. recovering the metric, it doesn't uniquely define an inertial frame. The local Lorentz group IS the invariance group of the local metric.Careful said:If you want it very strict : - say - the preferred spaces in a static universe; you can carefully relax this condition furthermore. Moreover, in line of my argument it is irrelevant how to determine such frame operationally; but I guess you can retrieve the metric in free space by studying deviations in light paths (and reflection times) between different free falling mirrors (and by defining your units).
W.r.t. the operational meaning being irrelevant, then if this is necessarily so then by the same failure of operational distinction then the point made if requiring this argument is also operationally meaningless.
I don't know what you mean about "velocity almost up to c" unless you are selecting a specific inertial frame. Either the 4-velocity is a unit vector or a null vector.Yeh, so what ? Is that against observation ? What if special relativity is only valid for elementary particles with velocity almost up to c (but not quite) in almost empty space ?
Let's see if I can reproduce your reasoning:
a) There's a preferred inertial frame.
b) The relativity group is approximately the Lorentz group (or has a Lorentz subgroup).
c) The action of the relativity group is approximately linear on local space-time coordinates and 4-momenta.
d) These "approximations" loose precision the farther one gets from the preferred inertial frame.
e) These divergence from SR is sufficient to imply FTL signals in the preferred frame never result in backward in time signals in any inertial frames.
Is this a good summary or have I misunderstood?
Let us see...Of course one does.
Yes, I used the accelerated case as an example because the advanced and retarded solutions are distinct... see below.Euh that doesn't make any sense to me. The retarded field exists without any acceleration. Moreover, if no external force is used, there is no acceleration at all for a single electron (there is enough discussion on that point in the literature concerning the Lorentz Dirac equation).
And also the field strength arising equivalently from the ADVANCED propagator. The situation is time symmetric.Euh, for an electron at rest (or uniform motion), the Coulomb field = Field strength arising from the RETARDED propagator.
I would rather you said, Gravitons are as yet not well defined hypothesized quanta which may be approximately resolved in terms of plane-wave solutions around...Gravitons are plane wave solutions of the linearized field equations around a flat background metric; hence the local causality principle simply follows from the well known causality theorems for hyperbolic partial differential equations. If I linearize around de Sitter, I get different null geodesics (expanding congruences) and hence different causality properties.
Firstly let's stick to classical gravitational waves until such time as a reasonable QG theory is presented. Secondly even photons do not uniquely correspond to plane wave phenomena. That is just one of the many bases into which they may be resolved.
Thirdly, your linearization around de Sitter has the same well known causality theorems for hy. p.d.e.s when you look at them in terms of equivalent pdes in the 1+4 dimensional flat space in which the de Sitter manifold is a unit pseudo-sphere. The characteristics of the equations may project onto curves on the pseudo-sphere rather than "straight lines" but they have the same local topology and no qualitative distinction in the global setting w.r.t. causality. Asymptotically they are the same and hence they are the same with regard to local causal structure.
Let me make it clear. Say you are observing that "the electron" within a one particle system to be in a specific region of space. You are not making a local observation when you couple this with the "one particle system" assumption because there is an implicit rejection of cases where you observe an electron as stated and additionally do not observe an electron elsewhere.That doesn't make any sense to me (and denying the reality of the measurement of Alice, being Bob, doesn't really help in making progress IMO).
It is not that the measurement (a local action) causes a global effect, but rather your system definition causes you to reject those cases or globally prevent those cases where distant electron counts correlate to the count of 1 or 0 at the given local.
The restriction to outcomes where only one particle is ever detected globally (globally in the sense of a larger region then you are resolving locales) is a non-local conceptual constraint when you consider the idealized system with fixed total=1 particle number.
The physical locality of the situation is seen when you consider two subsequent such global measurements of particle counts at all locals.
You will never see physically observable quantities causally propagate FTL (according to the current theory).
For the rest, you basically say : nothing real can correspond to the quantum waves -->> what is the use of BM ? Again, why do you think the first thing is true at all ?? Some people would say particles are not reall at all, but merely localized field exitations, and that it is the wave which is fundamental (Einstein was one of them).
I would phrase it differently:
Nothing observable can correspond to the quantum waves -->>...
As to why I believe this beyond the causality arguments I've made...
I look most often to Bell inequality violation in QM and EPR experiments.
There is in my opinion a much simpler derivation of Bell's inequality which doesn't require any locality issues be brought up per se, but rather only that you can actually find commuting observables. Bell's inequality is simply the triangle inequality when you assume:
a) An objective state of reality prior to measurement.
b) That the probabilities of outcomes derive from a probability measure over the set of states of reality.
c) That two measurements can be made without the outcome of one affecting the other (usually handled by spatially separating them and using locality arguments but not necessarily done this way).
I believe (c) and that (b) necessarily follows from (a) and the assertion that the measurement is causally determined by the prior state.
(a) seems to be the most intuitively obvious but so to was the assumption of absolute time pre SR. Parse the classical notion of "state" more closely and note that it had an operational meaning since it is classically assumed that all properties can be independently measured and thus the state of reality can in principle be empirically determined. Once you invalidate this classical assumption you find that "objective reality" is not quite physically meaningful. In quantum theory you start with measurements and forget about states. The "wave functions" "state vectors" "kets" etc which are best labeled "mode vectors" are representatives of classes of systems which have been measured with respect to a certain maximal observable. Maximal no longer being "complete" in the classical sense of defining a state.
BTW I am also one of those people who say "particles are not real" (rather I would say they are actual pheonmena as opposed to e.g. the conceptual status of the wave functions representing them.)
But I also give the same status to the "fields". They are all pheomena, out there but not reducible to "transitions between states of reality". Ultimately "an electron" is the causal correlation between "electron emitters" and "electron detectors". Similarly for photons et al.
What then are the wave functions? They are representations of equivalence classes of such emitters or detectors, said representations giving also information about partial correlations between inequivalent emitter-detectors. When you propagate a wave-function you are simply specifying how under the given dynamics earlier and later acts of emission yield equivalent behavior with respect to measurements in the future of both acts. All is expressed in terms of the actual empirical elements, the measurements (provided you don't additionally tack on an ontological interpretation of the wave function).
Given then that this operational interpretation by its formulation addresses any and all questions of what can be observed (given the theory itself specifies limits via the uncertainty principle), then adding another level of ontological interpretation can at "best", add nothing or at "worst" predict deviations from the predictions of QM. Even so said deviations can still be recast in purely operational terms.
I assert that this is a great virtue in physics. Sticking to the operational language forces one to ask the right questions (those which can be empirically tested) an not to waste time on artificial distinctions.
With regard to Bohmian interpretation I'll ask Mammy to summarize my position:
"It just ain't physics! It ain't PhysICS! It ain't PHYsics!"
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