Georgian - South Ossetian - Russian Conflict

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In summary, the USA will try to mediate between Russia and Georgia, but thinks that Europe and Nato should do more.
  • #281
seycyrus said:
I want to see how this 2000 figure was arrived at. Especially since the Russians are now saying 133.

I first heard the number 2000 in one of the first reports about the conflict. This number was quoted by Russian Ambassador in Tbilisi. At that time Georgian troops were still in Tshinvali, and any reliable count of casualties was impossible, in my understanding. After that, some other numbers were reported: 1600, 1500, 1492, but none of them had any documental backing. The best we can say at the moment is that "several hundreds of civilians" were killed.
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  • #282
It may be poor timing and that is why we see such sparse coverage of the conflict in U.S. media. For example, say that the "liberal" media covers it and sides with Russia. The Right wing media will just accuse them of siding with communism and of being traitors. If the right wing sides covers it and sides with Russia, it will make the Republicans look bad because they are the current administration who Russia is blaming for the conflict. I'm sure CNN would cover it if there wasn't an election to lose, and so would fox. Best thing to do is mostly ignore that game. The fact is though that Russian media seams to want to use it's state controlled media to exaggerate to make the U.S. and Georgia look as worse as possible. If you notice, American media will be careful not to lie, but they may leave certain things out. Yet in some instances it seams Russian media is just flat out lying.
  • #283
sketchtrack said:
Yet in some instances it seams Russian media is just flat out lying.

Care to give an example?
  • #284
meopemuk said:
I first heard the number 2000 in one of the first reports about the conflict. This number was quoted by Russian Ambassador in Tbilisi. At that time Georgian troops were still in Tshinvali, and any reliable count of casualties was impossible, in my understanding.

Which is to say that the 2000 number was at best a guess, and at worst at blatant fabrication. Shall we reiterate that Russian and South Ossetian officials both had strong incentives to exaggerate the body count?

meopemuk said:
The best we can say at the moment is that "several hundreds of civilians" were killed.

No, the best we can say at the moment is "we still don't have a very good idea, but appears that the Georgian attack and Ossetian/Russian counterattack each took comparable tolls on civilian life."
  • #285
quadraphonics said:
Which is to say that the 2000 number was at best a guess, and at worst at blatant fabrication. Shall we reiterate that Russian and South Ossetian officials both had strong incentives to exaggerate the body count?

Most people understand that exact body count cannot be available during the conflict and even for some time after the conflict ended. I remember some outrageous claims of casualties after the 9/11 attack. It took a while before the numbers settled down.

quadraphonics said:
No, the best we can say at the moment is "we still don't have a very good idea, but appears that the Georgian attack and Ossetian/Russian counterattack each took comparable tolls on civilian life."

However, in my view it (even if it's true) doesn't mean that both sides bear equal responsibility for the conflict. My personal opinion is that there is no justification for attacking a city with regular army and deadly modern weaponry. This kind of behavior must be stopped immediately and punished. Once the genie of war is let out of his bottle, it is very difficult to put him back. Atrocities occur on both sides and civilian population suffers the most. Look at any military conflict in history and you'll see my point. This is why it is so important to keep the bottle tightly closed. That's what Saakashvili failed to do, and that's why he is the guilty party here.
  • #286
meopemuk said:
Most people understand that exact body count cannot be available during the conflict and even for some time after the conflict ended.

And yet, this forum and others have been filled with people screaming "2000 dead!" in righteous indignation, and accusing anyone who questions these figures as an evil Western propagandist out to destroy Russia. You may recall that America didn't invade anyone on the presumption of a maximal body count after the attacks on NY and Washington. Instead, they went to the UN, sought a peaceful solution with the Taliban, and only then, a month after the fact, with the facts known to everyone and diplomatic channels exhausted, was an actual military response undertaken.

meopemuk said:
My personal opinion is that there is no justification for attacking a city with regular army and deadly modern weaponry. This kind of behavior must be stopped immediately and punished.

By... attacking a city with regular army and deadly modern weaponry? I thought there was "no justification" for that? And, anyway, it's not as if Russians have any authority to criticize anyone for sending regular armies against cities. It was done, openly and unapologetically, throughout the Soviet period, and then again by the Russian Federation in Chechnya, and now again in Georgia.

meopemuk said:
That's what Saakashvili failed to do, and that's why he is the guilty party here.

Right, Russia's actions and policies towards Georgia over the past decade had nothing to do with it. It's all just a choice that one man made in a vacuum. Also, it's preposterous to assume that there is only one guilty party. Perhaps this mistaken premise is the reason you misunderstand me so often: when I dispute your claim that Russia (and Ossetia) is innocent in this war, I'm not implying that Georgia must then by innocent. Both polities are ruthlessly pursuing what they perceive to be their interests, without any hesitation to use brutal means against anyone that stands in their way. The United States and NATO also bear some responsibility, although much less than any of the belligerent parties.

But the fact remains that Russia is much more powerful than either Georgia or South Ossetia, and so bears much more responsibility for the political environment of the Caucusus region. Had Russia decided, say, 10 years ago that Ossetians weren't worth spoiling relations with Georgia over, and instead sought constructive engagement and a downgrading of Ossetian issues, it's likely that none of this would have come to pass. But instead Russia decided to flex its muscles in the Caucusus, inflame the Ossetian and Abkazh independence movements, and intimidate Georgia (pushing it into the arms of NATO). Russia has the power to unilaterally set the terms of its relationship with Georgia, but the reverse is not true. Sure, it would be great if Georgia hadn't stormed into South Ossetia at the time, and in the manner, that they did, but the underlying political pressures and provokations that led to that action would have produced a similar result sooner or later anyway. Russia is too smart by half not to have known this, and so it follows that a military confrontation with Georgia was exactly what Russia was seeking. Which is why they already had troops massed on the border, a propaganda campaign ready to go, and so on. This stuff is a standard Russian ploy for dealing with smaller neighbors/provinces (again, see Chechnya/Dagestan).
  • #287
seycyrus said:
Watcha talking 'bout Willis?

This is not the first occurence of civilian casualties in a regional conflict!

In other conflicts, they do a pretty good back of the envelope calculation. None of this "multiply by 20" garbaje! (For you non-spanish speakers, that's spanish for garbage)
Immediately after the 9/11 attacks reporters spoke of deaths in the 10s of thousands. Several days after the 9/11 attacks New York City authorities put the death toll at 6,700. TWO YEARS later they were still revising the numbers to arrive at the eventual death toll of 2,752.

The initial estimated death toll following hurricane Catriona was 10,000. It was 6 months before an accurate tally was arrived at of 1,300 and even then the figure was only an estimate as several hundred missing were still unaccounted for.

If it is that hard to compile accurate records in American cities during peacetime with the resources of the US federal gov't to draw upon then imagine how much more difficult it is to obtain accurate records for a backward country in a ravaged war zone amongst a displaced population subjected to shell and rocket fire a close hit from which doesn't leave a lot left to count.

Your contention that S Ossetia and Russia must be deliberately exaggerating the numbers can only mean you also believe that the US authorities deliberately inflated their initial estimates in these two disasters or given your faith in the powers of western journalists to compile numbers instantaneously perhaps they should have had CNN or the BBC perform the body count for them.
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  • #288
quadraphonics said:
And yet, this forum and others have been filled with people screaming "2000 dead!" in righteous indignation, and accusing anyone who questions these figures as an evil Western propagandist out to destroy Russia. You may recall that America didn't invade anyone on the presumption of a maximal body count after the attacks on NY and Washington. Instead, they went to the UN, sought a peaceful solution with the Taliban, and only then, a month after the fact, with the facts known to everyone and diplomatic channels exhausted, was an actual military response undertaken.
So it is a numbers game?? You flip flop so fast on this it's hard to keep up :smile:

Now to take your analogy further and to relate it closer to the events in S Ossetia, if after the first wave of planes had struck NYC and a second wave was on it's way would you have advocated that the US should petition the UN before intercepting the second wave or would you have expected them to act immediately to prevent any more innocent lives being lost??

The Russians however despite the continuing Georgian aggession rather than respond militarily immediately showed great restraint by first going to the UNSC seeking a resolution calling for an immediate cease fire and a return to the status quo ante which unfortunately the US and the UK saw fit to block leaving Russia with no other viable option other than to respond with force.

btw reportedly the US and the UK gave their reason for refusing to sanction Russia's request for a resolution as being because it included words saying force should not be used to settle the conflict which makes their subsequent bleating about Russia's use of force ludicrously ridiculous.
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  • #289
quadraphonics said:
You may recall that America didn't invade anyone on the presumption of a maximal body count after the attacks on NY and Washington. Instead, they went to the UN, sought a peaceful solution with the Taliban, and only then, a month after the fact, with the facts known to everyone and diplomatic channels exhausted, was an actual military response undertaken.

Yes, this is true. But it is also true that nobody was killed in America on September 12, 13, 14,... So, there was no rush to take immediate military action. Do you see the difference with the situation in Tshinvali?

quadraphonics said:
Right, Russia's actions and policies towards Georgia over the past decade had nothing to do with it. It's all just a choice that one man made in a vacuum. Also, it's preposterous to assume that there is only one guilty party. Perhaps this mistaken premise is the reason you misunderstand me so often: when I dispute your claim that Russia (and Ossetia) is innocent in this war, I'm not implying that Georgia must then by innocent. Both polities are ruthlessly pursuing what they perceive to be their interests, without any hesitation to use brutal means against anyone that stands in their way. The United States and NATO also bear some responsibility, although much less than any of the belligerent parties.

Welcome to the real world! That's what all countries do all the time: forming alliances, bullying their neighbors, imposing sanctions,... This is called "world politics". More powerful countries have more leverage, smaller countries suffer the most. I think that USA is a world champion in promoting its interests at the expense of others. Russia is not far behind. This is "business as usual". However, once in a while somebody crosses the line. And I think it was Georgia who crossed the line this time.
  • #290
meopemuk said:
Yes, this is true. But it is also true that nobody was killed in America on September 12, 13, 14,... So, there was no rush to take immediate military action. Do you see the difference with the situation in Tshinvali?

There was very much a rush to take immediate action. We know now that there was no "second wave" of attacks on its way, but the assumption at the time was that there was.

meopemuk said:
Welcome to the real world! That's what all countries do all the time: forming alliances, bullying their neighbors, imposing sanctions,... This is called "world politics". More powerful countries have more leverage, smaller countries suffer the most. I think that USA is a world champion in promoting its interests at the expense of others. Russia is not far behind. This is "business as usual". However, once in a while somebody crosses the line. And I think it was Georgia who crossed the line this time.

And the fact that Russia pushed them into crossing said line doesn't enter your moral calculus at all? The result is "trick the other guy into shooting first, and then you can do whatever you want and claim to be moral." Which, of course, is exactly the game being played here.
  • #291
quadraphonics said:
And the fact that Russia pushed them into crossing said line doesn't enter your moral calculus at all? The result is "trick the other guy into shooting first, and then you can do whatever you want and claim to be moral." Which, of course, is exactly the game being played here.

I think criminal codes in all countries make a clear distinction between provoking/instigating murder and the act of murder itself. The respective punishments are usually quite different.
  • #292
quadraphonics said:
And, anyway, it's not as if Russians have any authority to criticize anyone for sending regular armies against cities. It was done, openly and unapologetically, throughout the Soviet period, and then again by the Russian Federation in Chechnya, and now again in Georgia.

I am not going to defend Russians on each and every occasion. In the 20th century they performed more than their "allowed" share of crimes and atrocities, especially against their own people. But the recent war with Georgia is a different matter. I think that in this case Russia tried to behave as a responsible member of the world community, only to be unfairly cursed from all sides.

By the way, South Ossetians are not angels either. After the first war with Georgia in 1992-1993 the region was devastated and there were no jobs at all. The main occupation was producing and smuggling counterfeit alcohol and hard liquor to Russia. I remember a wave of deadly vodka poisonings in Russia in mid 1990's. So, hard measures against smugglers were taken by Russian border guards.

In more recent events, I read an interview (in a Russian newspaper, by the way) with one of the leaders of S. Ossetian militia, in which he calmly tells about how they torched Georgian villages near Tshinvali. He told: "we don't want Georgians to come back".

As Don Rumsfeld famously said: "war is messy", and you don't want to be anywhere near it when it is unleashed. When somebody (usually a well-groomed man in a comfortable palace) decides to start a "noble" shooting war on some phony pretext (be it assassination of a prince, or "international solidarity", or "weapons of mass destruction", or Russian bullying), they make me mad. They don't understand (or don't care) what they are playing with.
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  • #293
Now that a few days have gone by, and several different posters have provided links, we may begin to summarize what we know and what has been conjectured.

  • We know Russia did pre-position elite troops that had to have been moved clandestinely over several weeks to the South Ossetian border.
  • We know Russia may have tested a Cyber attack against Georgia at about the same time they began to pre-position troops.
  • We know a minority of South Ossetians are separatists, backed by Russian "peacekeepers." They were given papers identifying them as Russian citizens (even though they lived in the disputed South Ossetian province of Georgia) - but these people did not allow the separatists to enter Russia.
  • Reports came from Georgia that Georgian citizens in South Ossetia were being terrorized by the Separatists.
  • Georgia sent its own peacekeeping force to protect its citiizens from the other "peacekeepers."
  • The disputed areas were emptied of most occupants, and both sides attacked each other.
  • The Russians attacked through the tunnel, under the mountains, bringing in a comparatively huge military contingent, citing genocide by the Georgian military - coordinated by a Cyber attack launched from 1,000 separate locations in Russia, that mirrored the techniques tested earlier.
  • Besides the elimination of internet observers from reporting first-hand, Russia forbade international journalists from reporting.
  • Reasons cited by Russia for the actions have been genocide by Georgia.
  • Reasons cited by Georgia for the actions have been Russia-backed atrocities.
  • Reasons cited by the international press have been Georgia's desire to maintain sovereign integrity - and the Russian desire to force the Caspian Sea oil pipeline to be routed through Russia.

The political agenda aside, facts need to be verified.
  • #294
Art said:
n 2005, Reporters Without Borders was awarded the European Parliament's Sakharov Prize for freedom of thought and is funded partly from the European and American gov't though most of it's funds it raises itself through sale of photo albums. It has also been granted consultant status by the UN. It's a little harsh to liken the European parliament, the US gov't and the UN to alien abductors don't you think?...
Not at all. I find it humorous that EU gave an award and monies to the RSF that purports to evaluate EU press freedom, and then the RSF loads up the top of its list with EU countries. That US 'funding' AFAICT was indirect through the NED and minuscule. Anyway that's all beside the point. Any organization that places Germany/Austria where one can be found guilty of "" , above the United States in press freedom has badly stumbled. The US first amendment, declaring at day one that 'congress shall make no law', made press freedom more fundamental in the US as nowhere else. RSF would do far better to limit itself to publicizing shortcomings, which the US surely has, and as other NGOs have long done. That is do journalism, rather than blathering on with some broadly flawed ranking system which must inevitably descend into a biased popularity contest.
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  • #295
WmLambert said:
Hi WmLambert,

I suspect that most of your "facts" are not accurate.

[*]We know Russia did pre-position elite troops that had to have been moved clandestinely over several weeks to the South Ossetian border.

I am not sure where you get this information. As far as I know, first regular Russian troops arrived in Tshinvali 12 hours after the initial attack by Georgian army. Russia has a major military base in Vladikavkaz (North Ossetia, Russia), which is about 100 km to the North from Tshinvali. So, there was enough time to respond even without "clandestine" accumulation of troops.

[*]We know Russia may have tested a Cyber attack against Georgia at about the same time they began to pre-position troops.

Where did you get this info?

[*]We know a minority of South Ossetians are separatists, backed by Russian "peacekeepers." They were given papers identifying them as Russian citizens (even though they lived in the disputed South Ossetian province of Georgia) - but these people did not allow the separatists to enter Russia.

I think that a *majority* of South Ossetians were *separatists*. In recent years, they hold a referendum about separating from Georgia twice, and both times the majority was for independence. There were also small anclaves of ethnic Georgians in S. Ossetia, who apparently were against the independence. But after recent events most of them found refuge in Georgia proper.

Please don't write "peacekeepers" in quotation marks. Before the events of August 8th, there were Ossetian, Russian, and Georgian peacekeepers (500 soldiers from each side) stationed in the region according to an internationally recognized accord between three parties. They really managed to "keep peace" for 15 years.

Yes, Russia gave passports to most residents of S. Ossetia. Long ago Russia (which legally inherited all rights and debts of the USSR) declared the policy under which each citizen of the former USSR can get Russian passport if he/she wishes so. I guess that Georgia also offered its citizenship to South Ossetians, but most of them didn't want to have any dealings with Georgia after 1992 bloody war. There were a few other reasons why they preferred to get Russian passports:

1. they could get work in Russia. (There are not many jobs in S. Ossetia. So, quite a few people go to Russia to work and return home only on weekends.)
2. With passport they could travel around the world.
3. Senior citizens could get Russian state pension.

So, it was more a matter of survival rather than political statement. With Russian passport they could also permanently move to Russia, but not many people chose to do so, because they were attached to their land.

[*]Reports came from Georgia that Georgian citizens in South Ossetia were being terrorized by the Separatists.

There were tensions and clashes between Georgians and South Ossetians during all these 15 years. I am not sure which side was terrorized the most. This was exactly the reason why the presence of peacekeepers was so important.

[*]Georgia sent its own peacekeeping force to protect its citizens from the other "peacekeepers."

As I said, Georgian peacekeepers were permanently stationed in the area side-by-side with Ossetian and Russian peacekeepers. I heard reports that when Georgian regular army attacked Tshinvali, Georgian "peacekeepers" (now, I think, quotes are appropriate) turned their weapons against Russian peacekeepers and killed 15 of them. This was a cowardly act of betrayal.

[*]The disputed areas were emptied of most occupants, and both sides attacked each other.

In the night of August 8th, regular Georgian troops (which is a much larger force than peacekeepers, who were armed only with light weapons) attacked residential quarters in Tshinvali with heavy artillery, airplanes, tanks, etc. The area was not "emptied" of occupants. Civilians tried to hide from shells in basements. Many of them died. In the first 12 hours, the fighting was between invading Georgian army and South Ossetian militia, which basically protected their homes and families.

[*]The Russians attacked through the tunnel, under the mountains, bringing in a comparatively huge military contingent, citing genocide by the Georgian military - coordinated by a Cyber attack launched from 1,000 separate locations in Russia, that mirrored the techniques tested earlier.

Yes, Russians came in with an overwhelming military force in order to stop hostilities and save human lives. That's what peacekeepers are supposed to do. It is more likely that the Cyber attack was done by juvenile hackers, rather than by military establishment.

[*]Besides the elimination of internet observers from reporting first-hand, Russia forbade international journalists from reporting.

You can understand why Russians limited the access of journalists to the area after watching this video about misfortunes of a Turkish group

The claim is that Ossetian separatists did the shooting.

[*]Reasons cited by Russia for the actions have been genocide by Georgia.

That's right. Personally, I think that "genocide" is too strong a word, but "war crimes" describes Georgian actions more accurately.

[*]Reasons cited by Georgia for the actions have been Russia-backed atrocities.

Georgians said that they are "restoring the constitutional order". Reintegrating South Ossetia and Abhazia into Georgia (by force or otherwise) was Saakashvili's election pledge from the beginning.

[*]Reasons cited by the international press have been Georgia's desire to maintain sovereign integrity - and the Russian desire to force the Caspian Sea oil pipeline to be routed through Russia.

Whatever Georgian desires were, now they can forget about S. Ossetia and Abkhazia. They can get back these pieces of land only after eliminating everyone who lives there. In my opinion, all this talk about pipelines is nonsense. Russia already has a pipeline, which goes from Azerbaijan to the port of Novorossijsk.
  • #296
It happened another Kosovo...

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has declared that Russia will recognise the independence of Georgia’s breakaway republics of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. He made the announcement in Sochi following a unanimous vote for the republics’ independence by both houses of the Russian Parliament in Moscow on Monday."
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  • #297
meopemuk said:
Most people understand that exact body count cannot be available during the conflict and even for some time after the conflict ended. I remember some outrageous claims of casualties after the 9/11 attack. It took a while before the numbers settled down.

Yes, but people who voiced opinions against the outrageous claims were not labelled as being part of some conspiracy machine.

From the very beginning of this incident, we have seen every source that laid even the barest of blame at Russia, Or for that matter, even questioned some of the numbers or other "facts" put out by the russian controlled media, being labelled as "western media propaganda".

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  • #298
meopemuk said:
... opinion, all this talk about pipelines is nonsense. Russia already has a pipeline, which goes from Azerbaijan to the port of Novorossijsk.

You cannot see how controlling *all* of the pipelines might provide some sort of economic leverage?
  • #299
meopemuk said:
In my opinion, all this talk about pipelines is nonsense. Russia already has a pipeline, which goes from Azerbaijan to the port of Novorossijsk.

Teoretician, it is not about having a pipe - it is about not allowing anybody else to have one.
  • #300
meopemuk said:
... It is more likely that the Cyber attack was done by juvenile hackers, rather than by military establishment.

More likely? How did you determine that?

The coincidence of timing is certainly enough to raise the possibility that it was part of a well timed attack by the Russian government.

To simply dismiss it as, "a bunch of kids", is a bit premature.
  • #301
seycyrus said:
Yes, but people who voiced opinions against the outrageous claims were not labelled as being part of some conspiracy machine.

From the very beginning of this incident, we have seen every source that laid even the barest of blame at Russia being labelled as "western media propaganda".

How very Orwellian :biggrin: See post #300 for an example of an unfounded conspiracy theory.
  • #302
Art said:
How very Orwellian :biggrin: See post #300 for an example of an unfounded conspiracy theory.

The label "western media bias" was thrown around with alarming alacrity.

To attribute a cyber attack on the scale that was being discussed, apparently timed as it was, to a prank is ridiculous.

Without evidence, that is.
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  • #303
The Russian media cannot control all independent thought.

Andrey Illarionov (radio station "Echo of Moscow", which still has some courage to air independent voices) was a former economic adviser to Putin, the President of Russian Federation. This says Russia started it.

On searching his name, this came up. This is from Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.

BTW... There were deaths following on the heels of the attack on the World Trade Center. Please recall the hysteria following the anthrax letters being sent to members of Congress, and killing people who merely handled the letters. The little red laser dot of fear was playing over all the collective chests of American citizenry ever since. It was only a few weeks ago that we may have received as still unproved closure on the anthrax letters.

Also, BTW... The military pre-positioning of elite troops from the Moscow area was no fiction. The top-level troops are far and few between in Russia, and even these elite troops performed poorly. Getting them pre-staged was a big deal, and NOT just reaction to events in South Ossetia.

It is now said that the U.S. is bringing weapons into Georgia to counter the Russian bear. If so, Putin and Medveded must think twice about the military catastrophe they face when their inferior military conscripts face modern weapons, and motivated defensive troops. The way into South Ossetia is the easily blocked Roki tunnel. Any troops this side of the mountains are cut off from supply-lines - and Russia's air capabilities have shown themselves incapable to fly over the mountains without being shot down. A few thousand-dollar shooulder fired ground to air missiles negate the entire Russian air force.

Also recall, that prior to the Russian attack, Georgia was undergoing very successful economic growth and becoming a viable state on the international scene. A CATO forum on the success of Georgia presented this data:
Following the Rose Revolution of 2003, the former Soviet Republic of Georgia began far-reaching reforms in governance and economic policy that are turning the country into a post-socialist success story. Georgia now ranks 44th out of 141 countries on the Economic Freedom of the World index, is cited by the World Bank as one of the world's leading reformers, and is sustaining economic growth of more than 9 percent per year.
  • #304
WmLambert said:
...It is now said that the U.S. is bringing weapons into Georgia to counter the Russian bear. ...
WHERE is it now said?
  • #305
seycyrus said:
To attribute a cyber attack on the scale that was being discussed, apparently timed as it was, to a prank is ridiculous.

By the way, the Internet domain .ru (Russia) is presently blocked completely inside Georgia. All Russian television channels are blocked as well. I can't say anything with certainty about the Russian "cyber attack", but these are definite examples of government suppressing the free speech.
  • #306
Just heard it on TV as I was typing. It was either CNN or Fox.
  • #307
WmLambert said:
Just heard it on TV as I was typing. It was either CNN or Fox.
I believe you misheard.
  • #308
WmLambert said:
It is now said that the U.S. is bringing weapons into Georgia to counter the Russian bear.

"Angering Russia, the U.S. sent the missile destroyer USS McFaul to the southern Georgian port of Batumi, well away from the conflict zone, to deliver 34 tons of humanitarian aid on Sunday. The McFaul left Batumi on Tuesday but would remain in the Black Sea area, said Commander Scott Miller, a spokesman for the U.S. Navy's 6th Fleet in Naples, Italy. The U.S. Coast Guard cutter Dallas, meanwhile, was headed for Georgia with a shipment of aid. It may try to enter Poti."
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  • #309
Yes, it was Fox (In between the Democrat Convention coverage.) The statement was put out as a news statement with the caveat that there is no official confirmation, yet.
  • #310
Who did Fox cite as a source? Russia?

Nothing shows up on a foxnews search for US Georgia arms, nor anything on the web at large outside of '' or the like.

I assert the claim that the US is shipping arms to Georgia has no credibility.
  • #311
mheslep said:
Who did Fox cite as a source? Russia?

Nothing shows up on a foxnews search for US Georgia arms, nor anything on the web at large outside of '' or the like.

I assert the claim that the US is shipping arms to Georgia has no credibility.

They might want to ship some legs too, after all the bombing etc...
  • #312
meopemuk said:
By the way, the Internet domain .ru (Russia) is presently blocked completely inside Georgia. All Russian television channels are blocked as well. I can't say anything with certainty about the Russian "cyber attack", but these are definite examples of government suppressing the free speech.

FYI, suppressing the speech of your enemies during a war is not the sort of suppression that gets Westerners worked up. The whole freedom of speech thing is more about allowing one's own citizens to freely speak their mind about the conduct of their own government.
  • #313
Fox did report as posted.

to Fox said:
...Also Tuesday, Medvedev accused the U.S. of shipping arms to Georgia under the guise of humanitarian aid, a charge the White House denied.
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  • #314
WmLambert said:
Fox did report as posted.
Now we have the source - The Russians say the US is currently shipping arms to Georgia. Needn't have gone to Fox for that. Here's some more of what the Russians say:
Medvedev blames U.S. for world financial crisis
Two-headed ‘baby monster’ born in U.S.
Assassination of A. Litvinenko via Polonium:
Britons trumped up phoney investigation
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  • #315
I like the russian articles, they say Russia has nothing to gain through conflict, but they don't give any reasons why. Then at the end they say South Ossetia and Abkahazias will move further and faster from Georgia because of the conflict. Id doesn't really make sense. Isn't that what Russia wants, and through conflict that is what they get. Isn't that kind of hypocritical.

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