God's Existence: Beyond Existing and Nonexisting?

  • Thread starter Universe_Man
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In summary: But even if that something is ultimately proven to exist, it doesn't mean that we can say that God does, too.
  • #176
universe |?yo?n??v?rs| noun ( the universe) all existing matter and space considered as a whole; the cosmos. The universe is believed to be at least 10 billion light years in diameter and contains a vast number of galaxies; it has been expanding since its creation in the big bang about 13 billion years ago.

ORIGIN late Middle English : from Old French universe or Latin universum, neuter of universus ‘combined into one, whole,’ from uni- ‘one’ + versus ‘turned’ (past participle of vertere).

universe noun 1 the physical universe cosmos, macrocosm, totality; infinity, all existence, Creation; space, outer space, firmament.

The part I accented bold is really not a scientific truth at all, but a very persistent and very popular misconception.

The universe is not 'created' in the Big Bang. The Big Bang theory is only about the notion that the universe was denser, hotter and smaller in the past, and does not claim that the universe started from a singularity.

General Relativity predicts it's own break down at the singularity and is known to be incomplete, since quantum mechanical effects need to be taken into account.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #177
heusdens said:
The part I accented bold is really not a scientific truth at all, but a very persistent and very popular misconception.

The universe is not 'created' in the Big Bang. The Big Bang theory is only about the notion that the universe was denser, hotter and smaller in the past, and does not claim that the universe started from a singularity.

General Relativity predicts it's own break down at the singularity and is known to be incomplete, since quantum mechanical effects need to be taken into account.

I suggest you contact the publishers and writers of the Oxford Dictionary and either alert them to your opinion or become one of the Oxford Dictionary researchers/writers.

I will have to amend one of my own earlier statements however

rather than accepting the idea of "evolution" as a fact (considering the contraditions found between QM and GR) my statement should read

"It is an indisputable fact that the universe has an awareness of itself".

PS. note: nothing to do with the vestigial concept of a god. Relative to the topic I'd say the concept of a god could be replaced with the concept of "the universe".
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  • #178
okey... Now after reading this long thread, after all those contributions, I'm confident that the existence of god is something weird. I'm not saying that god doesn't exists but taking it as our little knowledge about this whole universe.

But after all the idea of existence of a higher being isn't that bad from my point of view; it gives many people a psycological relief and can act as a very good reason for being good, Its not the matter of being good when deeply talking. It's the matter of being more than a number of atoms arranged in a specific way which makes us what we are, & the whole process being nothing more than a chance or a set of probabilities. God may or maynot exist, I really don't think that the existence of god from in depth philosophical or scientific points of view is necessary.

When we look at the phenomena of god from psycological point of view, its just perfect (I'm not taking the religious ideas into account, just the idea of god), Someone/Something perfect taking care of you, in your lonliest days when there is no one who you can count on... always with you, a perfect friend etc... This is not bad from psycological point of view. It will certainly stop many people from going crazy at some points.

I guess you all got what I mean, I'll be delighted to know your comments :)
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  • #179
baywax said:
Itself. If humans are part of the universe then the universe has consciousness.


Is the Earth aware of itself because humans live on it?
  • #180
gil7 said:
I calculated:
1 in 1300 people can have a real "connection" with God.
That's why God is the most difficult "subject".
Please explain what you mean and how you came up with those numbers. As it stands, it has no meaning.
  • #181
baywax said:
It is an indisputable fact that the universe has evolved an awareness of itself.
No it's not an indisputable fact. Prove it

In other words don't make nonsense claims like this unless you have the ability to prove it.
  • #182
Evo said:
No it's not an indisputable fact. Prove it

In other words don't make nonsense claims like this unless you have the ability to prove it.

Philosophically and objectively the proof is in the fact that humans have an awareness of the universe and humans are one component of the entire universe.

When a person demonstrates an awareness of their self they do so with one single component of their entire body which is their brain. This is where I can say that the universe has developed an awareness of itself through one of its components which is the human species.

Now, there may be others with this ability but for now we humans are only aware of our own awareness of the universe.
  • #183
baywax said:
Philosophically and objectively the proof is in the fact that humans have an awareness of the universe and humans are one component of the entire universe.

We may be aware of the universe, but we are not self-aware of the universe (and its processes), that is: we are aware of the universe in the same way that I am aware of you; I know you exist and know some things about you and the way you function, but I am not self-aware of you -- not in the same sense that your brain is aware of yourself.

so all you have proven is that the universe has developed awareness, not self-awareness.
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  • #184
Evo said:
Please explain what you mean and how you came up with those numbers. As it stands, it has no meaning.
How I explain it?
We have another “part of the body” in the 5th dimension (but not a Kaluza-Klein dimension).
This means the Superstrings theory is not correct.

yes, you have indeed disproved string theory with that one sentence:

e=mc^2 means that the energy that makes up our bodies and solar winds (?) somehow interact in a fifth dimension where space-time has a diameter of roughly 10-33 CM, giving us telekinetic abilities!

the only thing worse than religion, is religious science.
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  • #185
so are you saying you can't have both faith and logic but it's ok to have faith in logic?

p.s. you guys (girls too) are great :!)
  • #186
moe darklight said:
We may be aware of the universe, but we are not self-aware of the universe (and its processes), that is: we are aware of the universe in the same way that I am aware of you; I know you exist and know some things about you and the way you function, but I am not self-aware of you -- not in the same sense that your brain is aware of yourself.

so all you have proven is that the universe has developed awareness, not self-awareness.

I'll admit that the idea of "self" is an anthropocentric concept and may not apply to the universe. If you're brain has a conscious awareness of every function in your body then you are truly self aware. But, I really doubt its true. This is why many functions in our bodies are deemed "autonomic". They are automatic functions that we are blissfully unaware of.
  • #187
baywax said:
I'll admit that the idea of "self" is an anthropocentric concept and may not apply to the universe. If you're brain has a conscious awareness of every function in your body then you are truly self aware. But, I really doubt its true. This is why many functions in our bodies are deemed "autonomic". They are automatic functions that we are blissfully unaware of.

the conscious part of you brain is unaware of them, but the brain (or, rather, nervous system) is aware of almost everything that goes on in your body...

it's weird, but your brain knows more than what it tells you it knows. what you consider "self," is just the information that your brain is putting out at this point in time that it thinks is in need of more elaborate thinking... but millions of other things are going on in the background that the brain as a whole is aware of, but not the conscious parts of the brain (the parts that say "I am me"). ... there is no use in constantly having to think about breathing, swallowing, your endocrine system, blood-sugar levels, etc., it's best to keep those things in the background, and use our intellect for dealing with external stimulation or problem-solving situations -- so our brain has evolved to "keep those things to itself."

your brain may not be aware of what goes on a sub-cellular level, but it has a pretty good idea of what is happing throughout your body in each organ.
what is the hydra cluster doing right now? ... if we were self-aware of the universe as the brain is self-aware of us, my question wouldn't seem ridiculous.
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