- #106
DanP got it right. Hot women get hit on all the time by creepy, or stupid, or insecure, or plain boring guys. You need to be different (hence, memory-worthy) without being creepy.
Also, never give your number - always take hers. It's in our culture that women seldom take the initiative, and it's also very different if she can call you whenever she wants - there is nothing unexpected for her and she knows for sure she got you in her hand and that you are not the guy who takes control. It doesn't matter the least if any of this is actually true. It only matters what people think and feel.
Most guys come up to hot girls and are like "woah I want you and you know it, pleeeeaaaaase take me", albeit not in those words. Don't be that guy. The "you got me slightly interested, now you need to show me that you warrant that"-attitude while showing humor, confidence and that you are interesting yourself works much better.
You know those great salespeople who somehow invoke the feeling in their customers that the potential buyer wants to please the salesguy, even though he is the one who, objectively, needs to convince you? That's not.. entirely unlike!