Have You Seen Danger? - Concerned about Health

  • Thread starter Evo
  • Start date
In summary, Danger is worried about his last online conversation with Georgina in which she mentioned his health and his brother in law's death. Danger is also worried about his last online conversation with Georgina in which she mentioned his health and his brother in law's death. Danger is also worried about his last online conversation with Georgina in which she mentioned his health and his brother in law's death. Danger is also worried about his last online conversation with Georgina in which she mentioned his health and his brother in law's death. Danger is also worried about his last online conversation with Georgina in which she mentioned his health and his brother in law's death. Danger is also worried about his last online conversation with Georgina in which she mentioned
  • #36
Thank you Georgina. I can't think of anything that would help, except he worked for a check cashing store, moved into his Mom's house, had a cat and some interesting cars.
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  • #37
I think he also had an interesting relationship - but I am not sure if the details has been officially posted, so I am not going to add them here; could be he gave them on chat or something. Or even it wasn't him. But I doubt it will make looking for him easier. Especially as the relationship ended when his GF moved to her Mom several states away. Or something like that.

Browsing his older threads may give some more leads - like here and here. And here is the information about ending his relationship.
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  • #38
Did he ever mention the name of the bar that he always went to? He posted a picture of him and W there at Halloween. They would surely know him.
  • #39
Borek, I think that you've got some pretty good leads. I'm sure that the hospital won't give out personal information but, maybe they would be willing to pass a message - especially if they see this thread and how much he is missed.
  • #40
Borg said:
Borek, I think that you've got some pretty good leads. I'm sure that the hospital won't give out personal information but, maybe they would be willing to pass a message - especially if they see this thread and how much he is missed.
The problem is that it was relatives of his girlfriend that were hospitalized, no relationship to Danger.
  • #41
Evo said:
The problem is that it was relatives of his girlfriend that were hospitalized, no relationship to Danger.

That would definitely make it tougher. Still, we might be able to get a real name andor last known address.
  • #42
I doubt that, Borg. The heart surgery hospital in Edmonton he would have been talking about would have been the University of Alberta hospital. It was a someone from his ex-girlfriend's family who had the surgery. They'd have no record of him nor would they give it out. Hospitals don't get information about every relative and friend who visits someone in hospital, nor would they even keep that information for long.

What's puzzling me, though, is his description about driving over 3 hours to get to the hospital in Edmonton. I'm trying to figure out which direction he'd be coming from. If he was in Calgary or close by, they have facilities equal to here. I don't know why they'd make the trip to Edmonton. His ex's family, he said, lives 500-odd-km away from where they were, but for some reason I thought that W's family was in Ontario, and that's much farther than 500km. Actually, re-reading those threads just further confused where I can think of where he'd be.
  • #43
When Danger first started posting here he listed a town in Alberta I'd never heard of as his location. Later he changed his location to Calgary.

A look at a map of Calgary and the town of Cochrane to the north west rings loud bells: the image of his avatar popped into my mind when I read the name.
  • #44
GeorginaS said:
What's puzzling me, though, is his description about driving over 3 hours to get to the hospital in Edmonton. I'm trying to figure out which direction he'd be coming from. If he was in Calgary or close by, they have facilities equal to here.

The family might have been in Edmonton though even if Danger did not live there so it makes sense with the info I gave you. Either way I believe the Stollery in Edmonton has the leading heart program and most children with such issues would go there.
  • #45
scorpa said:
The family might have been in Edmonton though even if Danger did not live there so it makes sense with the info I gave you. Either way I believe the Stollery in Edmonton has the leading heart program and most children with such issues would go there.

You're right, Scorpa, I was leaving out the small-person aspect of the heart surgery issue. Of course they'd be at the Stollery.

And yes, they'd come here if the family was here.

I'm still waiting to hear back from my Southern Alberta folks. A last name would be a huge help.
  • #46
There is no picture, but he claimed to own a very specific car:


I wonder if hobbyists in the area would not know where it stands. But that's a loooooong shot, and we can't be sure of the area in the first place (his Mom's backyard can be anywhere).

Edit: could be it is not that long shot, could be that's the house he moved to when they split with W: https://www.physicsforums.com/showpost.php?p=1383585&postcount=2

Edit 2: https://www.physicsforums.com/showpost.php?p=1368063&postcount=14 - still, not knowing his name this information is not worth much.

Edit 3: https://www.physicsforums.com/showpost.php?p=1205255&postcount=10 - house was built in 1911 and it is in southern Alberta.

Edit 4: https://www.physicsforums.com/showpost.php?p=527019&postcount=26 - and it was rebuilt later.

Edit 5: https://www.physicsforums.com/showpost.php?p=1349632&postcount=11 - and it is at the end of the street.

Geez, I had to stop, I am grasping at straws. But I am looking for a post where Danger wrote he needs to get the power/water back to the house, as he needs to move there.
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  • #47
Danger is shown under "Currently Active Users" for General Discussion on my screen.

00:01 PDT
  • #48
Yes he is!
  • #49
turbo-1 said:
If I can lure him to the states, I'll treat him to a few days of really high-power firearms. 10mm Auto pistols and over-loaded .45-70 rifle should be fun.

I'll settle for nothing less than an S&W .500 and a Barret M107. (What... you thought that I'd be a cheap date?)
Anyhow, you'll have to bring them up here. I really am not allowed in the US.

Evo said:
I would worry if Zom disappeared, he's like the son I never had.

If I were your son, you couldn't wean me with a crowbar...

It never crossed my mind that a bit of absence would result in such turmoil. The simple fact of the matter is that I got hooked on a stupid game.
I'll try to set the record straight from the ground up.
W left with another guy on Labour Day and moved back to Lloydminster. I moved back into my ancestral house, which my mother still owned (but she was in a care facility). She died on Oct. 16. She would have been 97 on Oct. 28, so that was neither a tragedy nor unexpected. I therefore now own the property, but only for another year (or 3 if...) It had to be mortgaged in order to obtain the money to make it habitable. If things work out, I can renew that for another 2-year term; otherwise, it has to be sold in a year.
I've always had my own internet, but while I was with W it was transferred to her phone bill. It is now all my own again.
No sympathy for the break-up, please, since I've been a lot happier since then. The weird thing about that is that the in-laws who were friends with me still are, and won't speak to her.
Zoobie... I can't recall ever mentioning it, but you're correct; I'm in Cochrane. Now forget that I said that so I won't have to shoot you.
I became unemployed at the end of '08, and have been on Social Assistance ever since (Welfare in US terms). I'm in the process of applying for AISH (Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped). I can still get around, but have to use my walker. I really want to get my driver's license this summer (I haven't had one in 6 years or so). The stupid thing about that is that, after 38 years of driving, I have to start with a learner's permit. That requires a licensed driver riding shotgun. If I had one of those available, I'd just hire him as a chauffeur. I might just take my chances on that, though. Driving in my current situation would be a mandatory 5 years in jail; driving with a learner's without backup would be a small fine. I don't think that a 5 year penalty should be much of a deterent to me, though, since I have about half a year to live (unless I can quit smoking; I'm working on that, in order to further my delusion of immortality).
Scorpa and I never met. I tried to set up a meeting when we had to go to the hospital in Edmonchuck, but she was going home at the same time. Some day, I hope.
I hope that everyone is now up to speed. A few of you have my e-mail address, and I thought that a few more had my full contact information. I will henceforth provide such to those that I thought already had it.
As for the absence... 'Adventure Quest'. It's a fairly primitive game, but one that suits my needs for now. I can go to bed in the middle of a fight and pick it up the next day. I find it very limiting, though, since the only options in any encounter are to fight or run. It's my first exposure to on-line gaming, though, so maybe soon I'll be ready for something more realistic (as long as it is turn-based).
Simply, I lost track of time in a huge fashion. That has always been a problem for me, but seems to have become even worse of late. I've been planning to file my income tax form, which I think was due some time in April... then my friend stopped by today and invited me to a Canada Day party tomorrow. Unless things have gone sideways since the last couple of hundred years, that means that tomorrow (today, by the time this is posted) is July. (Happy Freedom Festival to Hypatia, if they still do that.)
To those who e-mailed me, I hope that this covered most of your questions. I will respond to each of you individually some time soon.
Thanks to everyone for the concern.
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  • #50
Thanks, Dan. Success with the adventures.
  • #51
  • #52
Welcome back, Danger! :smile: Evo's going to be happy when she gets online.
  • #53
Danger said:
As for the absence... 'Adventure Quest'.


Glad to hear it wasn't anything more serious.
  • #54
Wow! You're here!:smile:
I'm so excited!
  • #55
Danger said:
As for the absence... 'Adventure Quest'.
Ironic. That's what a bunch of us were involved in while trying to find you. :smile:
  • #56
Danger, I ought to ban you! :devil:

I am so glad that you are ok. DO NOT EVER DO THAT AGAIN!

You left us for a video game? :mad: I'm going back to sleep, I'll yell at you more later.
  • #57
Evo said:
Danger, I ought to ban you! :devil:

I am so glad that you are ok. DO NOT EVER DO THAT AGAIN!

You left us for a video game? :mad: I'm going back to sleep, I'll yell at you more later.
Are you guys married? :biggrin: :smile:
  • #58
Borek said:

Glad to hear it wasn't anything more serious.

:smile: Welcome back danger. :smile:
  • #59
Borg said:
Welcome back, Danger! :smile: Evo's going to be happy when she gets online.

Evo said:
Danger, I ought to ban you! :devil:

I am so glad that you are ok. DO NOT EVER DO THAT AGAIN!

You left us for a video game? :mad: I'm going back to sleep, I'll yell at you more later.

Make that, AFTER she kills you. :smile:
  • #60
Welcome back. Did I ever see anyone so loved? I don't think so.
  • #61
Borg said:
Make that, AFTER she kills you. :smile:

I have nothing against a little friendly necrophilia, but I prefer to approach it from the 'breathing' side of the equation...
  • #62
Danger said:

You need a brother! there is room for two.:devil:
  • #63
RonL said:
You need a brother! there is room for two.:devil:

You'll have to discuss that with Evo's agent. As far as I know, she doesn't roll that way.
  • #64
!Danger!111! :smile: You gave us a scare, glad you're back!
  • #65
Uh, this? Because I am always happy to waste time on new games. Though, Evo may hate me for encouraging you. Glad to see you're safe.
  • #66
Tedjn said:
Uh, this?

Yeah. Pretty lame, huh? Still, it beats the hell out of solitaire majong. I'd like to find a game that has more interactivity, but is still turn-based since I have physical limitations that rule out real-time playing.
As for Adventure Quest, I'm a level 90 human, sub-species Werepyre. I have my level 10 (maximum allowed) in Rogue, Pirate, Martial Artist, Knight, Ninja, Beastmaster, etc., with a few more pending.
  • #67
I'm playing Mah-Jongg next Saturday, so you need not miss me then! :smile:
  • #68
arildno said:
I'm playing Mah-Jongg next Saturday, so you need not miss me then! :smile:

Aye, but you're probably playing real Mah-jongg as opposed to the solitaire version. The real thing is essentially Oriental poker (with no racist intent in the terminology) whereas the solitaire version is simply matching patterns to eliminate them until there is nothing left.
  • #69
Danger said:
Aye, but you're probably playing real Mah-jongg as opposed to the solitaire version. The real thing is essentially Oriental poker (with no racist intent in the terminology) whereas the solitaire version is simply matching patterns to eliminate them until there is nothing left.

Rather more like whist than poker, I think, you need to construct a "winning hand"

And yes, it is the multiplayer version.

If we're lucky, we'll be finished after 10 hours or so.

And, it is Sunday, rather than Saturday (need to update you all).
  • #70
Welcome back!

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