- #176
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Why is Avodyne's remark confusing you? What you say is in agreement with what he said, isn't it?
Micha said:Why is Avodyne's remark confusing you? What you say is in agreement with what he said, isn't it?
Micha said:Could somebody say then in one sentence, what is the exact physical meaning of the Feynman propagator?
Edit: I'd say, it is the amplitude to find a particle at spacetime point y, when you have found one at earlier spacetime point x.
OOO said:Thanks for pointing that out, Micha. My brain has become a knot.
Micha said:Could somebody say then in one sentence, what is the exact physical meaning of the Feynman propagator?
Micha said:I'd say, [the Feynman propagator] is the amplitude to find a particle at spacetime point y, when you have found one at earlier spacetime point x.
Avodyne said:The Feynman propagator has no direct physical meaning. It simply appears as a component in the calculation of infinite-time scattering amplitudes.
Haelfix said:Hi Hans, what paper or book is that Feynman link too? Hellishly hard to find some of his old papers nowdays.
Anyway that should settle the confusion as expected.
Haelfix said:Anyway that should settle the confusion as expected.
Micha said:EDIT: What I ask myself, is, how to we design an experiment to check this?
Avodyne said:Now let's compute the propagation amplitude. This is given by
[tex]\langle x'|e^{-iHt}|x\rangle
=\int {dk\over f(k)}\langle x'|e^{-iHt}|k\rangle\langle k|x\rangle
=\int {dk\over f(k)}e^{-iE(k)t}\langle x'|k\rangle\langle k|x\rangle
=\int {dk\over f(k)}|g(k)|^2 e^{-iE(k)t}e^{ik(x'-x)}
=\int {dk\over 2\pi}e^{-iE(k)t}e^{ik(x'-x)}.[/tex]
This is not what you would get from the Feynman propagator, which would involve integrating over dk/E(k) instead of dk.
Also, this does not vanish outside the lightcone. This has nothing whatsoever to do with pair production, because we have done the calculation entirely within the one-particle subspace.
So, is it a problem? Only if you can measure it. Can you? It depends on what you mean by "measurement" in quantum field theory.
Avodyne said:Now let's compute the propagation amplitude. This is given by
[tex]\langle x'|e^{-iHt}|x\rangle
=\int {dk\over f(k)}\langle x'|e^{-iHt}|k\rangle\langle k|x\rangle
=\int {dk\over f(k)}e^{-iE(k)t}\langle x'|k\rangle\langle k|x\rangle
=\int {dk\over f(k)}|g(k)|^2 e^{-iE(k)t}e^{ik(x'-x)}
=\int {dk\over 2\pi}e^{-iE(k)t}e^{ik(x'-x)}.[/tex]
This is not what you would get from the Feynman propagator, which would involve integrating over dk/E(k) instead of dk.
Also, this does not vanish outside the lightcone.
OOO said:I think this is no surprise, since the Hamiltonian corresponding to the energy E(k)=(k2+m2)1/2 is known to be non-local. The acausal transition amplitude you calculate is just an expression of this fact. Wasn't the traditional escape from this nightmare to question, whether this is the right one-particle Hamiltonian ?
meopemuk said:There are many good reasons to believe that E(k)=(k2+m2)1/2 is the correct 1-particle Hamiltonian:
1. This form of the Hamiltonian follows from Wigner's theory of irreducible representations of the Poincare group;
2. This form is used throughout QFT with great success in calculations of scattering cross-sections, etc.
I think that the "escape from this nightmare" should be sought in another direction. Most importantly, there is no nightmare yet. The superluminal propagation is not a paradox by itself. The only real paradox is violation of causality, e.g., if one can build a machine that influences the past. I haven't seen a convincing proof that one can build such a machine by using superluminally propagating wave functions.
OOO said:I for one find the prospect of describing the propagation of a single particle by
an equation like
[tex]i\partial_t \psi = \sqrt{-\partial_x^2+m^2} \psi[/tex]
somewhat "itchy".
meopemuk said:There is no way around it. The principle of relativity (the Poincare group) + quantum mechanics lead directly to this equation. All details of the proof can be found in first five chapters of http://www.arxiv.org/abs/physics/0504062
meopemuk said:I think your derivation is correct and what you got is exactly the "amplitude of finding the particle at point x' at time t if it was released from point x at time 0". Indeed, this amplitude does not vanish outside the lightcone. And I am ready to accept that this fact can be measured, in principle.
meopemuk said:But there is no contradiction with the principle of causality yet. You still need to prove that superluminal propagation of wavefunctions can be used for sending signals back to the past. Can you do that?
Micha said:Avodyne, I think your result breaks Lorentz invariance.
Avodyne said:We really need a better model of what it means to measure something. The obvious thing to do is model particle detectors as external sources coupled to the field. I strongly suspect that this will render the effect unobservable.
Micha said:Avodyne, I think your result breaks Lorentz invariance.
meopemuk said:It doesn't matter what kind of physical device will be actually used for this measurement. It is only important that this is a position-measuring device ...
Avodyne said:The issue (as I see it) is whether we can actually build such a device.
Avodyne said:In the "source model" of measurement, described above, I can show that, as I conjectured, there is not a disturbance outside the lightcone. If our ability to manipulate particles corresponds to having sources that we control, then I think this result shows that the fact that the wave function does not vanish outside the lightcone cannot be measured.
meopemuk said:What about a ruler?
meopemuk said:What is the relevance of the scalar field [itex] \phi(x,t) [/itex] to measurements of position?
meopemuk said:The position observable of a single particle is represented by the corresponding Newton-Wigner position operator
Avodyne said:[tex][a(k),a^\dagger(k')]=f(k)\delta(k-k'),[/tex]
Now we need to decide what a position eigenstate is. Certainly two
eigenstates at different positions should be orthogonal, so we have
[tex]\langle x'|x\rangle = h(x)\delta(x'-x),[/tex]
Now let's compute the propagation amplitude. This is given by
[tex]\langle x'|e^{-iHt}|x\rangle
=\int {dk\over f(k)}\langle x'|e^{-iHt}|k\rangle\langle k|x\rangle
=\int {dk\over f(k)}e^{-iE(k)t}\langle x'|k\rangle\langle k|x\rangle
=\int {dk\over f(k)}|g(k)|^2 e^{-iE(k)t}e^{ik(x'-x)}
=\int {dk\over 2\pi}e^{-iE(k)t}e^{ik(x'-x)}.[/tex]
This is not what you would get from the Feynman propagator, which would involve integrating over dk/E(k) instead of dk.
Also, this does not vanish outside the lightcone. [...]
Haelfix said:Here we go with the Newton-Wigner position operator schtick again.
The literature on that particular is vast, and needless to say controversial
and murky to the nth degree. It is completely undefined for
interacting field theories,
Which theorems?and likely the operator itself is a nogo by various powerful theorems.
strangerep said:Those k's are 3-vectors, right?
strangerep said:I think there's an error in the above. If your x's are 4-vectors, then the simplistic expression above is not justified.
strangerep said:But if your x's are 3-vectors, then the way you act on them with [tex]e^{-iHt}[/tex] below is incorrect. (You can't move between equal-time points via a pure time-translation.)
Avodyne said:In QFT, position is defined as the argument of the quantum fields, just like time.
Avodyne said:The Newton-Wigner operator is a global object that cannot be written as the integral of a local density (in this respect, it is unlike momentum or energy). So it's not at all obvious to me how you would build a device that measures it.
strangerep said:It would all need to be re-done with 4-momentum integrals, and 4-positions, using
the [tex]\delta^{(4)}(k^2 - m^2) [/tex] in appropriate places.
Haelfix said:So even though I completely agree the path integral shouldn't be thought off as saying something like Feynman originally thought (eg amplitudes between space like separated paths), he is perfectly justified in pointing out that upon a measurement, you will have pair creation ambiguities. No amount of free field handwaving gets around this.