- #176
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Careful said:** if you try to construct a non-vague theory by simply getting rid of the second kind of dynamics, then the theory no longer predicts that measurments have definite outcomes, which is contrary to fact.) **
Of course that is not true, you have to change the Schroedinger equation too. By the way, perhaps this is not an issue amongst Bohm lovers, but some others might think differently.
So you're talking about GRW? It's a fine theory -- probably the second best available option.
** Bohm's theory solves the measurement problem unambiguously. It doesn't give two different dynamical rules. There is just one kind of dynamics, and everything (even the "stuff" that measurement apparatuses are made of) are all treating on an equal footing. And the theory actually predicts that measurements have outcomes -- pointers on detectors are made of particles, and these always end up in some definite place (because they're always at some definite place). **
Huh ?? The issue is that you simply don't KNOW where the particle is although it is somewhere and following a definite trajectory. So, you still have to indicate when it is that you ``percieve'' it at some spot and consequently generate a new wavepackage to guide it.
I don't follow the last part. There is no new dynamics for measurements in BM (no "new wavepackages" need to be "generated").
Moreover, Copenhagen also has only one DYNAMICAL rule, the projection postulate has nothing to do with dynamics.
So then why don't people simply drop the collapse rule and formulate the theory with sch-evolution only? Oh right, because of the measurement problem.
Let me put it less sarcastically: if there's some aspect of the mathematics which a theory requires in order to make correct contact with experiment, that bit of mathematics is dynamics. If you don't think it is, you are free to construct a new theory with a simpler dynamics -- ie, which simply never mentions the thing you think isn't real, isn't dynamical.
Me think that you cannot read between the lines.
Sorry, I didn't see anything written there.
Our ignorance is of course in the probability density of the wave function (we do not know where the particle is) and what makes it so strange is that this entity governs the dynamics of the particle through the quantum potential. Hence, the fact that this particle (or another particle in the same sample) *could* be somewhere else (in the future) is actually influencing the motion of the particle under consideration (now). If you don't find that strange, then I don't know what is to you.
If I understand your worry here, it's that in BM the wf is "merely epistemological" in that its only role is to provide a probability distribution for which positions/trajectories are actually realized. But this is just based on a confusion. The wf is not merely epistemological in BM. It is physically real, as real as the particles and their positions. What exists is particles being guided along their trajectories by the wf. Any epistemological character the wf has is *secondary* and, indeed, must be *derived* from its ontological/dynamical character. (But no worry, it can be so derived.)