Identities for solving log questions

In summary, the conversation is about the possibility of more logarithmic identities and how to solve questions involving logarithms. The participants discuss using substitution and log identities to solve equations and the importance of understanding the properties of logarithms. They also discuss clarifying specific questions and how to approach different types of logarithmic equations.
  • #71
SammyS said:
The domain for [itex]1/\sqrt{2-5x-x^2}[/itex] is the interval: (-2, 3) .

It isn't [itex]\sqrt{2-5x-x^2}[/itex], it is [itex]\sqrt{2-5x-3x^2}[/itex]...
Physics news on
  • #72
Pranav-Arora said:
It isn't [itex]\sqrt{2-5x-x^2}[/itex], it is [itex]\sqrt{2-5x-3x^2}[/itex]...
I corrected my post.
  • #73
SammyS said:
I corrected my post.

But when you find the domain interval of 2-5x-3x2, it isn't (-2,3)..:confused:
  • #74
Pranav-Arora said:
But when you find the domain interval of 2-5x-3x2, it isn't (-2,3)..:confused:
You're right.

The domain of [itex]\sqrt{2-5x-3x^2}[/itex] is [-2, 1/3].

So, the domain of [itex]1/\sqrt{2-5x-3x^2}[/itex] is (-2, 1/3).

However, that does give the same the domain, [itex](-2,\,2-\sqrt{15}))[/itex], for the overall expression.

I apologize. I should have been more careful in composing my earlier posts.
In my defense, those errors come from what appear to be typos in the post that displayed the answer key. That's not a very good excuse on my part. I should have been more careful. (Too much cutting & pasting without checking!)​
  • #75
SammyS said:
You're right.

The domain of [itex]\sqrt{2-5x-3x^2}[/itex] is [-2, 1/3].

So, the domain of [itex]1/\sqrt{2-5x-3x^2}[/itex] is (-2, 1/3).

However, that does give the same the domain, [itex](-2,\,2-\sqrt{15}))[/itex], for the overall expression.

I apologize. I should have been more careful in composing my earlier posts.
In my defense, those errors come from what appear to be typos in the post that displayed the answer key. That's not a very good excuse on my part. I should have been more careful. (Too much cutting & pasting without checking!)​

Thanks Sammy for solving my question. :)
I will work on it and if i find any doubts, i would post it here :)...

And no need to apologize because the hint itself is too confusing. When i read it first, i too didn't noticed the typo...
  • #76
These graphs (made by WolframAlpha) may help.




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  • #77
Hi Pranav-Arora! :smile:

No more questions?
I'm surprised!
I had expected another problem by now! :wink:
  • #78
I like Serena said:
Hi Pranav-Arora! :smile:

No more questions?
I'm surprised!
I had expected another problem by now! :wink:

There are more questions but i was trying to again solve them before posting...:wink:.
You will soon be getting more questions by me...:biggrin:
  • #79
So here's my next question:-

[tex]log_\frac{1}{\sqrt{5}}(6^{x+1} - 36^x) \ge -2[/tex]
  • #80
Hi Pranav-Arora! :smile:

Pranav-Arora said:
So here's my next question:-

[tex]log_\frac{1}{\sqrt{5}}(6^{x+1} - 36^x) \ge -2[/tex]

So did you try anything?
  • #81
I like Serena said:
So did you try anything?

Yep, i substituted y at the place of 6x and got this:-

6y-y2 [itex]\le[/itex] 5

I solved it and got [0, log6 5]
but the answer in the answer key is (-[itex]\infty[/itex],0][itex]\cup[/itex][log6 5,1)...:confused:
  • #82
Pranav-Arora said:
Yep, i substituted y at the place of 6x and got this:-

6y-y2 [itex]\le[/itex] 5

I solved it and got [0, log6 5]
but the answer in the answer key is (-[itex]\infty[/itex],0][itex]\cup[/itex][log6 5,1)...:confused:

Seems as if you understand quite a lot already! :smile:
Just a few details left...

What's the difference between your answer and the answer key?
That is, what should change in your equation to make it match the answer key more or less?
EDIT: Scratch that, how does your equation mismatch the answer key? :wink:

Also, could you show a couple of intermediary steps?
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  • #83
Pranav-Arora said:
Yep, i substituted y at the place of 6x and got this:-

6y-y2 [itex]\le[/itex] 5

I solved it and got [0, log6 5]

This problem isn't quite as simple as that.

If you have x>y, then ax>ay only if a>1. If 0<a<1 then we need to switch the inequality. It seems like you did this already but then you ended up with an answer that would assume you didn't? Anyway, [tex]a=1/\sqrt{5}<1[/tex] in this case so you'll need to switch it.

The second problem is you haven't considered when the original question is valid. Remember that you can only take the log of a positive value.
  • #84
Mentallic said:
The second problem is you haven't considered when the original question is valid. Remember that you can only take the log of a positive value.

I have switched the inequality sign and you are right, i didn't took this case:-

[itex](6^{x+1} - 36^x) > 0[/itex]

I like Serena said:
Also, could you show a couple of intermediary steps?

I did a step wrong...
So i will correct it here:- (If there any mistakes, please tell me)

6y-y2 ≤ 5
[itex]\Rightarrow[/itex]y2-6y+5 > 0
[itex]\Rightarrow[/itex](y-1)(y-5) > 0
[itex]\Rightarrow[/itex]y [itex]\in[/itex] (-[itex]\infty[/itex], 1][itex]\cup[/itex][5, [itex]\infty[/itex])
[itex]\Rightarrow[/itex]6x [itex]\in[/itex] (-[itex]\infty[/itex], 1][itex]\cup[/itex][5, [itex]\infty[/itex])

From this how i will find the value of x?
  • #85
Pranav-Arora said:
From this how i will find the value of x?

You set y = 6x.

So x = log6 y

but of course this is only true for y > 0, limiting the solutions for x! :smile:

Oh, and you included the boundaries 1 and 5 in your solution set for y, but these should be excluded!
EDIT: Scratch that. I keep making mistakes here, I'm sorry to say. You changed ≤ into >, but that is not proper, because the equality is still possible.
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  • #86
I like Serena said:
You set y = 6x.

So x = log6 y

but of course this is only true for y > 0, limiting the solutions for x! :smile:

Oh, and you included the boundaries 1 and 5 in your solution set for y, but these should be excluded!

Do i need to take this case?
6y-y2 > 0

If so, after finding the domain interval, what should i do? :confused:
  • #87
Pranav-Arora said:
Do i need to take this case?
6y-y2 > 0

If so, after finding the domain interval, what should i do? :confused:

Yes, you need to take this case and find the solution set.
You also have another solution set for the complete equation.

Those need to combined, that is, you need to take the intersection of both solution sets.
That is, because a solution can only be a solution, if when you fill it in in the original equation, all domain-requirements of the functions you use must be satisfied and the entire equation must be satisfied.

Btw, I edited my previous post, since I made a mistake there.
I'll try to be more careful from now on! :smile:
  • #88
I like Serena said:
Yes, you need to take this case and find the solution set.
You also have another solution set for the complete equation.

Those need to combined, that is, you need to take the intersection of both solution sets.
That is, because a solution can only be a solution, if when you fill it in in the original equation, all domain-requirements of the functions you use must be satisfied and the entire equation must be satisfied.

Btw, I edited my previous post, since I made a mistake there.
I'll try to be more careful from now on! :smile:

I solved this case:-

6y-y2 [itex]\ge[/itex] 5

but how would i solve 6x = -[itex]\infty[/itex]? :confused:
  • #89
Hi again Pranav-Arora! :smile:
Pranav-Arora said:
I solved this case:-

6y-y2 [itex]\ge[/itex] 5

but how would i solve 6x = -[itex]\infty[/itex]? :confused:

This has no solution, since 6x is always positive! :wink:Actually, you solved:

6y-y2 ≤ 5
⇒ y ∈ (-∞, 1]∪[5, ∞)

So your solution set for y is (-∞, 1]∪[5, ∞).

To find the solution set for x, you need to calculate x = log6 y, but only for those y for which log6 is defined.
That is for the set (0, 1]∪[5, ∞).

That would be: (-∞, log6 1]∪[log6 5, ∞)
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  • #90
Thanks!It worked! :smile:

My next question:-

[tex]\log_3\frac{|x^2-4x|+3}{x^2+|x-5|} \ge 0[/tex]
  • #91
Hi Pranav-Arora! :smile:

Pranav-Arora said:
Thanks!It worked! :smile:

My next question:-

[tex]\log_3\frac{|x^2-4x|+3}{x^2+|x-5|} \ge 0[/tex]

Hmm, that's not a question - it's a problem.
What is your question? :wink:

I suspect that the log should bother you no more by now, nor the matter of the domain of the log function.

The only new thing is the absolute value function...
And I'm not sure whether you fully understand when an inequality inverts and how exactly...

Perhaps show a few steps...?
  • #92
I like Serena said:
Hi Pranav-Arora! :smile:

Hmm, that's not a question - it's a problem.
What is your question? :wink:

I suspect that the log should bother you no more by now, nor the matter of the domain of the log function.

The only new thing is the absolute value function...
And I'm not sure whether you fully understand when an inequality inverts and how exactly...

Perhaps show a few steps...?

When i tried to solve it, i wasn't able to go further than this:-

[tex]\frac{|x^2-4x|+3}{x^2+|x-5|} \ge 1[/tex]

I am not able to figure out what should i do next? :confused:
  • #93
Pranav-Arora said:
When i tried to solve it, i wasn't able to go further than this:-

[tex]\frac{|x^2-4x|+3}{x^2+|x-5|} \ge 1[/tex]

I am not able to figure out what should i do next? :confused:

What would happen if you multiplied left and right by the denominator?

Can you separate this in a number of cases for x?
That is, for instance, what would the signs of the absolute values be if x > 5?
For which values of x would one or the other absolute value invert its sign?
  • #94
Pranav-Arora said:
When i tried to solve it, i wasn't able to go further than this:-

[tex]\frac{|x^2-4x|+3}{x^2+|x-5|} \ge 1[/tex]

I am not able to figure out what should i do next? :confused:

What would happen if you multiplied left and right by the denominator?

Can you separate this in a number of cases for x?
That is, for instance, what would the signs of the absolute values be if x > 5?
For which values of x would one or the other absolute value invert its sign?
  • #95
I like Serena said:
What would happen if you multiplied left and right by the denominator?

Can you separate this in a number of cases for x?
That is, for instance, what would the signs of the absolute values be if x > 5?
For which values of x would one or the other absolute value invert its sign?

Absolute values are positive why are you asking me "what would the signs of the absolute values be if x > 5?" :confused:
  • #96
Pranav-Arora said:
Absolute values are positive why are you asking me "what would the signs of the absolute values be if x > 5?" :confused:

What I meant is that you can write an absolute value without the vertical bars if you put the appropriate sign before it in combination with a domain restriction.

For instance:
|x-5| = (x-5) if x > 5
|x-5| = -(x-5) if x < 5
  • #97
Look at the denominator. Can it be negative?


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