- #71
As such, the entire atmosphere is not simply considered as a filter, but is also an emitter.
The author of that statement may be a physicist, but he's seemingly forgotten about conservation of energy. Sure, the CO2 absorbs heat, and then may re-emit it... but in doing so the emitting molecule "cools" again, so there's no net heat gain anywhere. Shuffling it around the atmosphere doesn't increase "global warming" - unless it acts on water vapor and affects cloud formation, which can alter the "greenhouse effect". And, since the direction of re-radiation can be 50% in the "upward" direction, and 50% in the "downward" direction, eventually it's all pretty much going to escape the atmosphere. Of course, any "10 year old" could have told us that, in noticing how quickly the air cools down after sunset.
I guess no "physicist" is immune from blunder, eh?