Is Cheating a Lucrative Business for College Students?

In summary, the Florida college professor gives cheating business students an ultimatum - confess, retake the test and attend an ethics class, or don't graduate. Those that confess and take the ethics class are allowed to graduate, but those that don't graduate are given a low average score on their final exam.
  • #106
DanP said:
Get over it. None is blaming the teacher for the fact someone stolen information from him.


when you are cheated by a huge percentage in a test, this only means one thing: you are incompetent to administer the test and the school procedures are a sorry joke.

1. Yes, some people are blaming the teacher (eariler posts)
2. How can you say that the admin is incompetant when the only way the students were able to get the questions were by breaking the law? It is not like he copied the questions out of the back of the students book or accidently posted the test online. He got questions from a place that students should never be able to access. Students broke the law to get the test.

Just out of curiosity, what do you think he should do in this scenario?
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  • #107
D H said:
You do realize that the only way to study from the test bank was to have obtained it illegally?

if you were a member of a national fraternity, how many academic terms would it take for members to reconstruct a test bank ?
  • #108
By the way, I accept that people cheat. I am not naieve to that. However, when cheaters get caught they must be prepared to face the consequences.
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  • #109
DanP said:
Ppl cheat all the time. In schools, at jobs, in married life, in their civil life (taxes for example), in amateur and professional sports, just about anywhere. You have to be blind not to see it. Just watch carefully.

Ppl aren't good or bad. We are what we are.

It is not a binary system. When you get into the jail (I'm sure your argument that everyone cheats will not affect jury decision) you may actually get some knowledge why some people have longer sentences.
  • #110
D H said:
You do realize that the only way to study from the test bank was to have obtained it illegally?

Is that true? Howe do we know?
  • #111
Upisoft said:
It is not a binary system. When you get into the jail (I'm sure your argument that everyone cheats will not affect jury decision) you may actually get some knowledge why some people have longer sentences.

This is not my argument, this is a simple observation. You should understand that it cannot constitute a defense of any kind, but nonetheless, most humans will gladly cheat given the opportunity.

Second, I don't discuss here the gravity of antisocial behavior and the lengths of appropriate punishments.
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  • #112
What if you didn't cheat and got a low score, but then say you cheated (poorly) so you can retake the test? Technically that would be cheating on your test, so you don't have to feel bad about saying you cheated because you did.
  • #113
Selling test keys could actually be a big business, I know Cornell has one class with 1,100 students - one could easily make a years salary selling a single test key.