Is Consciousness Beyond Physical Explanation?

  • Thread starter Q_Goest
  • Start date
In summary, according to Chalmers, naturalistic dualism says that there are some phenomena that can't be explained by explaining the coming and goings of material things. These phenomena are called "mental phenomena". Chalmers argues that these phenomena are not explained by appealing to any description of the physical state of the world that isn't a description of what physically occurs.

Are you a dualist?

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  • #141
Maui said:
My question was about "thinking". Point me to a source from physics that says that properties of matter are responsible for the process of thinking.

Are you aware of the disease schizophrenia? Are you aware that there are drugs such as haloperidol which, although not a cure, can allow many of the afflicted to live reasonably normal lives as long as they take the medication? Schizophrenia is a classic thinking disorder. Moreover you must be aware that there are many drugs (too many) available legally and illegally that affect mood, emotion, the way we sense things. Why do you think people experiment with LSD or Ectascy ? If thinking and consciousness are such ineffable, mysterious non physical qualities, why are they affected by chemicals to such a degree?

It's true we don't know, in a deep sense, exactly how they work, although many receptor systems have been identified. How come something as physical as a chemical have such profound and mostly predictable psychic effects if there wasn't some physical connection?

If you want more detail on the current state of knowledge of the pharmacological treatment of schizophrenia:
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  • #142
Maui said:
My question was about "thinking". Point me to a source from physics that says that properties of matter are responsible for the process of thinking.

As I've already stated, psychology has well accepted the tenants of neuroscience by now. There's not as much resistance from religious fanatics to exploring the brain-mind problem nowadays. Previously, it would have been sacrilegious to claim that there was no such thing as some nonphysical "soul" and so not much research was done in it: psychology was isolated from neuroscience.

That's not the case anymore, not in the last 20 or 30 years, but especially not in the last 10 years. People are getting over the fact that they're not magical beings, just like they got over the fact that they don't hold the center of the universe in centuries past.
  • #143
Galois was a dualist and look where it got him. I haven't read any of the posts in this thread except for the OP and I have no intention of wading through it all. However, this quote caught my eye.

Q_Goest said:
Furthermore, any two identical physical states produce the same mental states.
Has anyone in this thread pointed out that according to the latest understanding (that is since 1926) two identical physical states don't necessarily produce the same subsequent physical state, let alone the same mental state?
  • #144
Jimmy Snyder said:
Galois was a dualist and look where it got him. I haven't read any of the posts in this thread except for the OP and I have no intention of wading through it all. However, this quote caught my eye.

Has anyone in this thread pointed out that according to the latest understanding (that is since 1926) two identical physical states don't necessarily produce the same subsequent physical state, let alone the same mental state?


Meh, I argue philosophy (which I am already skilled at), not physics (which I am putting off until after my mathematics is solid and far-reaching).

If two 'identical' systems diverge in states, either:

A: they aren't actually identical

B: they are 'identical', but only to the level we can measure sameness

C: the divergent states are a result of interaction with other things
  • #145
G037H3 said:
If two 'identical' systems diverge in states, either:

A: they aren't actually identical

B: they are 'identical', but only to the level we can measure sameness

C: the divergent states are a result of interaction with other things
Clearly, A and C are not the case when two physical states are identical without the scare quotes. B is Einstein's "Hidden Variables" objection.
  • #146
Jimmy Snyder said:
Clearly, A and C are not the case when two physical states are identical without the scare quotes. B is Einstein's "Hidden Variables" objection.

what's wrong with C?

for all we know, one of the two things that are the same happen to be bumped by some fleeting random spike in energy, and it causes a chain reaction that results in a non-deterministic change
  • #147
G037H3 said:
what's wrong with C?
QM has something to say about what can happen to two systems that are in the same state. State includes all bumps.
  • #148
Jimmy Snyder said:
QM has something to say about what can happen to two systems that are in the same state. State includes all bumps.

Well, I already said that I'm avoiding a physics interpretation, I was just using pure logic. o_O
  • #149
G037H3 said:
If two 'identical' systems diverge in states, either:

A: they aren't actually identical

B: they are 'identical', but only to the level we can measure sameness

C: the divergent states are a result of interaction with other things

Didn't you miss:
D: they are not deterministic
  • #150
Upisoft said:
Didn't you miss:
D: they are not deterministic

I was only discussing a comparison between two things, not universal laws.

I take it that universal laws are much more complex than an endless number of comparisons between things.
  • #151
G037H3 said:
I was only discussing a comparison between two things, not universal laws.

I take it that universal laws are much more complex than an endless number of comparisons between things.

But the list you you put assumed that the low that controls the way the two systems diverge has to be deterministic. Right?
  • #152
Upisoft said:
But the list you you put assumed that the low that controls the way the two systems diverge has to be deterministic. Right?


i was just separating possibilities into major likely groups
  • #153
Then what about

D: the systems were identical and now they are not.
  • #154
Upisoft said:
Then what about

D: the systems were identical and now they are not.

what i was talking about was reasons
  • #155
G037H3 said:
what i was talking about was reasons

But you exclude non deterministic law as a reason. If you did not, then I don't see where it fits in A, B or C.
  • #156
Jimmy Snyder said:
Has anyone in this thread pointed out that according to the latest understanding (that is since 1926) two identical physical states don't necessarily produce the same subsequent physical state, let alone the same mental state?

And what is a mental state? How is it defined? How are mental states in any way distinct from the physical states of the brain in an objective sense?

EDIT: Galois wasn't a duelist. That was the problem.
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  • #157
SW VandeCarr said:
How are mental states in any way distinct from the physical states of the brain in an objective sense?
If mental states are physical states (non-dualist?) then all the more does my first post hold. According to QM, the same physical states do not necessarily lead to the same subsequent physical states and since mental states are physical states, do not necessarily lead to the same mental states.
  • #158
Jimmy Snyder said:
If mental states are physical states (non-dualist?) then all the more does my first post hold. According to QM, the same physical states do not necessarily lead to the same subsequent physical states and since mental states are physical states, do not necessarily lead to the same mental states.

I don't even know why you bring that point. The brains are unique, thus they are always in different state. There is no need to go as deep as QM.
  • #159
SW VandeCarr said:
EDIT: Galois wasn't a duelist. That was the problem.

  • #160
Upisoft said:
I don't even know why you bring that point. The brains are unique, thus they are always in different state. There is no need to go as deep as QM.
I didn't bring the point. The OP wrote:
Furthermore, any two identical physical states produce the same mental states.
All of my posts have been narrowly focused on this.
  • #161
Jimmy Snyder said:
I didn't bring the point. The OP wrote:

"Furthermore, any two identical physical states produce the same mental states."

All of my posts have been narrowly focused on this.

Ah, sorry, after 10 pages I've got a little lost. :confused:

Anyway, if the physical states and mental states are of different origin, then QM doesn't help. You can't apply QM on mental states.

On other hand, if they are the same thing, then again there is no need to bring QM, because the physical state is the mental state. And the OP statement is correct.
  • #162
Upisoft said:
Ah, sorry, after 10 pages I've got a little lost. :confused:

Anyway, if the physical states and mental states are of different origin, then QM doesn't help. You can't apply QM on mental states.

On other hand, if they are the same thing, then again there is no need to bring QM, because the physical state is the mental state. And the OP statement is correct.
No, as I stated in my first post, QM says that two identical physical states do not necessarily produce the same subsequent physical state. Therefore, in contrast to the OP's statement, they do not necessarily produce the same mental state. This is so whether they are different (dualism) or the same (non-dualism?)
For reference, I quote the OP one more time:
Furthermore, any two identical physical states produce the same mental states.
  • #163
Jimmy Snyder said:
No, as I stated in my first post, QM says that two identical physical states do not necessarily produce the same subsequent physical state. Therefore, in contrast to the OP's statement, they do not necessarily produce the same mental state. This is so whether they are different (dualism) or the same (non-dualism?)
For reference, I quote the OP one more time:

I think that OP say that P(physical) and M(mental) are related this way P->M. And you are arguing that QM say P->P' and P->P'' are both possible. But then, the OP only argues that P->M, P'->M' and P''->M''. There is no contradiction. What you say is quite compatible with what he say :biggrin:. And yet you don't sound like you agree with OP...
  • #164
Upisoft said:
I think that OP say that P(physical) and M(mental) are related this way P->M. And you are arguing that QM say P->P' and P->P'' are both possible. But then, the OP only argues that P->M, P'->M' and P''->M''. There is no contradiction. What you say is quite compatible with what he say :biggrin:. And yet you don't sound like you agree with OP...

I can't speak for Jimmy Snyder but as far as what you quoted, I don't disagree although I claim to be a non dualist. I do argue that so called mental events are simply signatures of potentially observable events in the brain. However unlike the public observation of an experimenter reading tracks of particle motions in a cloud chamber as signatures of sub-atomic events, signatures of physical events in the brain may be both public and private. The private signatures are sensations which can only be experienced by the individual. I can't rule out the possibility that some advanced science couldn't transfer these sensations to another "observer". In any case, my basic view is that there is just one nature and if you rule out the supernatural, you cannot be a dualist.

Our knowledge is of course limited, but the question is: Are there hard limits which we cannot ever hope to exceed? There may be. Present physical theory requires that we cannot know of events outside of our light cone or directly observe events inside a black hole. Special and General Relativity may be replaced by a new theory someday, but the point is that even censored knowledge doesn't refute physics or a monist nature.
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  • #165
SW VandeCarr said:
I can't speak for Jimmy Snyder but as far as what you quoted, I don't disagree although I claim to be a non dualist. I do argue that so called mental events are simply signatures of potentially observable events in the brain. However unlike the public observation of an experimenter reading tracks of particle motions in a cloud chamber as signatures of sub-atomic events, signatures of physical events in the brain may be both public and private.
That depends on many things that we still don't know. Let's assume you are right. Also let's assume that the processes in the brain are sensitive enough to experience the uncertainty principle. In this case we cannot study the brain without disturbing it. Or, in other words, if I'm able to read you thoughts I'll be changing them in the same time.

SW VandeCarr said:
The private signatures are sensations which can only be experienced by the individual. I can't rule out the possibility that some advanced science couldn't transfer these sensations to another "observer". In any case, my basic view is that there is just one nature and if you rule out the supernatural, you cannot be a dualist.
Even if we are able to transfer the sensory input from person to person we will not be able to observe what they observe. The problem is that observation is done by analysis of the sensory input and it will be still your unique wired brain that will do the analysis in a different way.

Of course there is just one nature, but what OP wonders about is if we will be able to explain the "essence" of everything. The mathematics of QM may predict pretty well what happens with quantum systems, but is the mathematics the essence of QM?

For example, if you want to represent the spin of an electron all you need are two real numbers. If you have two electrons, you would expect (classically) that 4 numbers will suffice (2 x 2 = 4) to describe their state. But no, QM says you will need 6. It looks like 2 more degrees of freedom just popped out of nowhere, just because you've put 2 electrons together. Weird, right? Yet pretty natural as we have the mathematics covering it. But do we know what is the "essence" behind this phenomenon?

I'd say it all depends on what you call the "essence".

SW VandeCarr said:
Our knowledge is of course limited, but the question is: Are there hard limits which we cannot ever hope to exceed? There may be. Present physical theory requires that we cannot know of events outside the our light cone or directly observe events inside a black hole. Special and General Relativity may be replaced by a new theory someday, but the point is that even censored knowledge doesn't refute physics or a monist nature.
I think it is just problem of the definition. One can always label everything natural and try to find some laws governing it. The problem is that others can always say the law is not enough and there must be something else that explains the weirdness of the law.
  • #166
Sorry, Maui, didn't notice this post from you until now. Wasn't neglecting you.

Maui said:
What do you mean by "before people have made them"? Before they were aware that they would make them?

Yes. Up to six seconds before they push the button, the fMRI analysis can predict their answer, even though their instructed to push the button immediately when they make a decision.
It's clear to me that if you had ANY links whatsoever about how thinking and perception arise, you'd have posted them by now. All i can see is speculation about circuits in the hope that you'd find a mechanism for personal subjective experience that will confirm your or someone else's thesis.
I HAVE posted them! It was in a thread about willpower, months ago. I encouraged you to look up that thread so we don't repeat old arguments. This isn't exactly a new topic here at physicsforums.

...and of course LOGIC! And logic only exists in minds(especially the ability to predict possible outcomes). Surprized?

surprised? no.. not at all, why should I be? This is irrelevant to our discussion. We both know and use logic. The discussion is about whether the logical operations are handled by a physical brain or some... nonphysical... soul thing?

You do, of course, realize that a simple set of transistors can do logic for us? Isn't it interesting that our neurons work in a similar way? Even physically, the way the handle currents is comparable.
Making choices is a good indicator of a well functioning mind.

Exactly, which is an indicator of a well-funcitoning brain. This is well established by the psychiatric community.
  • #167
Maui, I'll save you some time:

from the thread "Do Mental Events Cause" (also started by Q Goest)
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  • #168
Upisoft said:
Also let's assume that the processes in the brain are sensitive enough to experience the uncertainty principle.
Why does this argument apply to the brain, but not to quantum systems sensitive enough to "experience the uncertainty principle"?
  • #169
Upisoft said:
What's your point? There are no cooking recipes in the physics textbook either. That does not mean the cake is unphysical...

Are you able to identify the difference between a cake and a conscious mind? If not, there is no hope.
  • #170
SW VandeCarr said:
Are you aware of the disease schizophrenia? Are you aware that there are drugs such as haloperidol which, although not a cure, can allow many of the afflicted to live reasonably normal lives as long as they take the medication?

What is this supposed to prove? That there is a connection between body and mind? Where did i even once engaged in debating against such a point?

And how does what you say explain how conscious thoughts arise from inanimate matter? Or even what thoughts are?
  • #171
Maui said:
Are you able to identify the difference between a cake and a conscious mind? If not, there is no hope.
There are lots of differences. That doesn't mean any are relevant.
  • #172
Pythagorean said:
That's not the case anymore, not in the last 20 or 30 years, but especially not in the last 10 years. People are getting over the fact that they're not magical beings, just like they got over the fact that they don't hold the center of the universe in centuries past.

We did great so far, science has advanced 10 feet and now there remains less to be known. The problem is that there are now 10 less feet in a million mile road to complete knowledge. The other problem is that the deeper we probe, the greater the confusion and the possibility of all current knowledge collapsing(since science is a tool for investigation based almost entirely on unverifiable assumptions).

For starters, you might want to address the issue of what 'thinking' is. What is a thought? You don't have to be desparate, as there are close to 7 billion people who don't know too.
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  • #173
Hurkyl said:
There are lots of differences. That doesn't mean any are relevant.

Like the difference that any recipe for a cake could be adequately explained by high-school physics and perfectly explained by quantum chemistry.
  • #174
Upisoft said:
the OP only argues that P->M, P'->M' and P''->M''.
No, he argues that if P->M and P->M', then M=M'
For reference, I quote the OP one more time:

Furthermore, any two identical physical states produce the same mental states.
QM says that if P->P' and P->P'' then it is not necessarily true that P'=P''
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  • #175
Hurkyl said:
Why does this argument apply to the brain, but not to quantum systems sensitive enough to "experience the uncertainty principle"?
Because the quantum systems are sensitive enough. But the question is if the brain has any significant sensitivity, or if it is more like computers that have definite states despite the quantum fluctuations. If the latter is true then we can stick electrodes in every neuron and record/analyze the data. (Or we may find way to do that observation in more gentle way :biggrin:)

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