Is foul language the New Normal ?

  • Lingusitics
  • Thread starter Mr. Robin Parsons
  • Start date
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    Language Normal
In summary, Mr. Parsons, it seems that you feel that Michelson/Morley and Sir Oliver Lodge were not able to fully appreciate the potential of the third alternative.

Is foul language the New "Normal"?

  • I experience it, all the time, everywhere

    Votes: 6 30.0%
  • I experience it, in the workplace

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • I experience it, at home

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I experience it, at only in restricted places (examples please)

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • I experience it, only sometimes

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • I experience it, not at all

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Is appropriate for these forums

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Is NOT appropriate for these forums

    Votes: 5 25.0%

  • Total voters
  • #1
Mr. Robin Parsons
Is foul language the New "Normal"?


So "foul mouthed" language, is it really as prevalent as some people would like us all to think? Or is it just a "social misnomer" inasmuch as some people do not realize that, outside of their circle of friends, things, like this kind of language, are NOT the norm.
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  • #2
I wasn't aware that swearing is even allowed on these boards. When it is done, it's edited so as not to influence the younger kids.

I'll admit I've done it a time or two, but Not consistently, and never blantantly. I will say that I never swear in public, and very rarley at all at home. Here it depends on who I'm addressing, and it's very situational.

I'd like to see if anyone else posts on this first before I comment any farther.
  • #3
I also encounter malicious throat-
  • #4

Mr. Robin Parsons, my guess is
that you started this thread in
reaction to another thread in
which the foulest of all possible
language was hurled at you.

I would like to assure you that,
as an observer of that thread,
I was very surprised by that per-
son's resorting to this. I haven't
been here very long but, so far,
haven't seen anything else like
this. In my view his use of that
language was an abberration.

I don't understand the term "social misnomer". Would you

It is a pity because it was other-
wise a fascinating thread.
  • #5
"I encounter the workplace"

I work in a factory and most of my co-workers cuss like, well, like factory workers. I myself never use foul language.

Outside of the shop, I have two discrete social circles. I have my family, and a group of friends who are fairly "intellectual". In my discussions with these people, vulgar words are as rare as vulgar topics of discussion. The other group consists of people who are sexually promiscuous, heavy drinkers, drug abusers, or all of the above. The linguistic habits of this latter group are pretty much what one would expect them to be.

However, even these individuals would not use obscene language when placing a fast food order, speaking to a cashier at the grocery store, addressing a courtroom, school roomn, or town hall meeting, etc. Such language is simply not appropriate for any public forum, including this one. Even the most vulgar and foul-mouthed to individual should understand that.
  • #6
"Social Misnomer" is derived from the idea that most of the persons, whom I have encountered, who have admitted to trying something like Marijuana, end up telling me that; "Everyone (I know) Smokes it".

It is my inclusion of the (I know) that indicates what the 'social misnomer' actually is, everyone "you know" in the circles of friends that you have, and interact in.

As I have explained, to some of the people who have used the 'everyone' line with me, that is a perception that excludes an eye upon the greater reality of simply your own, tight, circle.

Having been involved in a great diversity of backgrounds, and peoples, in the years that I have worked, at many a diverse employment, I have encountered many places #1) with lots of cussing, #2) some with less, #3) some with none, #4) some where you would be fired on the spot for it, so my perception of the reality of it is somewhat enlarged to a degree that I have a more generalized perception of things, hence the four notations above.

But I was curious, as I had been enjoying the idea that such language was NOT in general usage in these forums, as I (sometimes) find the usage of such terms as simply a form of intellectual/(ineffectual)

EDIT PS I really like what Lurch stated! I agree!
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  • #7
Is it ****! What sort of ****ing question is that?
  • #8
What sort of gay-assed forum is this, where you can't even say **** or ****?
  • #9
Mr. Robin Parsons:

Thank you for the explanation.

I have to agree with you that resorting to profanity is a
form of laziness. People who indulge in it become less and
less able to articulate things
any other way. As a result they
are less and less able to under-
stand what others are saying.

I also found Lurch's post to
the point and very well put.

jcsd:I wish your two posts were
as funny as you thought they were.
Maybe someday. Keep trying!
  • #10
Yeah go **** yourself, you ****ing pouff.
  • #11
Originally posted by jcsd
Yeah go **** yourself, you ****ing pouff.

There is no need for such overcompensation here, jcsd. Your homosexuality will not be counted as a mark against you in these Forums. We are more interested in your ideas.
  • #12
Mr. Robin Parsons,

Actually, I am interested in
finding out where you were go-
ing with the assertion that
both Michelson/Morley and Sir
Oliver Lodge missed out on the
'third alternative'.?

Unfortunately in the other thread
you didn't get the chance to
explain this.

  • #13
Oh my! jcsd is burning my ears (eyes) with such an appaling use of obscene language, i really wish someone (greg) would put an end to this!
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  • #14
Since when has S****horpe been an offensive word that need's editing?
  • #15
Originally posted by jcsd
What sort of gay-assed forum is this, where you can't even say **** or ****?

So why/how does "restricting yourself make you {insert jcsd's words *here*}?

How does cursing prove anything, about you, other then that you are willing to freely curse, and apparently?? lack vocabulary??
  • #16
Mr. Robin Parsons,
Ignore the flak and let the heath-
ens rage. I am interested in hearing about that third alternative. Please.

  • #17
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
So why/how does "restricting yourself make you {insert jcsd's words *here*}?

How does cursing prove anything, about you, other then that you are willing to freely curse, and apparently?? lack vocabulary??

This from a man whose got a banana raping another banana in his avatar

Swearing is the only way I can express myself.
  • #18
jcsd: Much better.

Mr.Robin: Danke Schon.

  • #19
I am one that has cursed a lot in the past but am trying to change my ways, but have a question and its relevant as well! (shock)

If you where to hit your self on the hand with a hammer what would you say other than " ****ing ****** can't believe **** **** ****!" how would you express that without cursing?
  • #20
You asked the right person. I
do carpentry work all the time.
I find that if you pay just a
little bit of attention, you
will never hit yourself anywhere
with the hammer.
  • #21
Originally posted by Andy
I am one that has cursed a lot in the past but am trying to change my ways, but have a question and its relevant as well! (shock)

If you where to hit your self on the hand with a hammer what would you say other than " ****ing ****** can't believe **** **** ****!" how would you express that without cursing?

And here I thought the english just said "oh dear, I seem to have smashed my hand with a hammer. This is MOST certainly unfortunate- tut tut"

I do want to point out that those english swearwords you taught me don't even come close to passing for swearing to me.

To me "bloody" is about as bad a word as "dork". So I, and probably the rest of the forums except for the english people, don't take it as offensive.

So if I offended you with them, apologies.
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  • #22
That would only be if there were
someone else present. Alone he
would resort to "Ye-Gads!"
  • #23
And here I thought the english just said "oh dear, I seem to have smashed my hand with a hammer. This is MOST certainly unfortunate- tut tut"

I do want to point out that those english swearwords you taught me don't even come close to passing for swearing to me.

To me "bloody" is about as bad a word as "dork". So I, and probably the rest of the forums except for the english people, don't take it as offensive.

So if I offended you with them, apologies.

If i remember correctly i also said that although its classified as slang that nobody that i know if gets offended when bloody is used, what other english swearwords did i/ us english teach you. seeing as english is origionally our language all swears our english anyway, unless you get clever and link all of them to there latin roots(if they have them that is).
  • #24
No, you're right. All the clas-
sics are post-Roman Anglo-Saxon.
They are amazingly durable and
have withstood the test of time.

The strange thing is that I
learned that bit of history from
a very proper old lady: one of
my high school English teachers.
She would never have used any of
those words herself but it turned
out that whenever she heard any
of the kids using them, rather
than scold them, her impulse was
to explain how old those words
were and where they came from.
That's how much she loved the
English language.

  • #25
Originally posted by Andy
If i remember correctly i also said that although its classified as slang that nobody that i know if gets offended when bloody is used, what other english swearwords did i/ us english teach you. seeing as english is origionally our language all swears our english anyway, unless you get clever and link all of them to there latin roots(if they have them that is).

Sadly enough, though my relatives hail from the isle of wight and sussex, my cockney is non-existent. What's a gent to do? What little I do gather is that the english swear words are mild in comparison to some of the several other languages I can add color too:wink: (I can say things in arabic that would make any sailor blush)

i believe "wanker" is the worst english word I know and probably the only other swearword at that... hehe. The english are known for many things.. horrible insults is not one of them, which can be thought of as a blessing depending on your point of view. Of course everyone takes insults in their native language more personal than in another language- a lot of times they don't make sense unless taken in cultural context.
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  • #26
So "foul mouthed" language, is it really as prevalent as some people would like us all to think? Or is it just a "social misnomer" inasmuch as some people do not realize that, outside of their circle of friends, things, like this kind of language, are NOT the norm.

I'm not really sure about outside my circle, but i do know that in my school, swear words litter sentences quite frequently. It isn't uncommon to cuss to emphasize things.
  • #27
I believe that foul language has indeed become more prevalent. What this is however is not a reflection of reality, I believe it is an amplification of an unreal, dramatized, portion of society.

Look at how foul language is used: for emphasis, to show anger or high emotion, to showoff or appear tough to peers, out of habit (usually developed from showing-off), or for humor.

Most of these are not conversational they are the exceptions not the norm. Movies and TV frequently use foul language, but they are depicting drama not normal life. Normal life is boring, polite conversation does not cause tension and tension is drama. What movies fail to realize is that when overused, foul language loses its ability to shock and becomes invisible and no longer produces tension. It just becomes annoying. This is true also in real life. Too much foul language lacks power, it is just annoying.
  • #28
Originally posted by Bubonic Plague
I'm not really sure about outside my circle, but i do know that in my school, swear words litter sentences quite frequently. It isn't uncommon to cuss to emphasize things.

When teenager do it, it's a form of immation designed to make them "sound cool". They think that it will impress their peers. In some cases they learn it in various places (including at home) and think that it's a legitimate way to express themselves, not realizing that overuse minimizes the effect. Unfortunately it carries over into adulthood.
  • #29
Originally posted by jcsd
#1) This from a man whose got a banana raping another banana in his avatar

#2) Swearing is the only way I can express myself.

#1) **AHEM** if you look carefully, you too will note that the participants, are all willing, freely willing.
(And it's called "D-A-N-C-I-N-G" not 'rape')

#2) And that statement, is a self deception, because, it contains NOT ONE SWEAR WORD but it successfully expresses YOU!

Perhaps after, if I've the time, I will respond to some of the rest, which I have enjoyed reading!

PS Andy, the word is OUCH!
  • #30
The banana at the front doesn't exactly look to happy about it :)

To tell the truth my own postion is that there only words, nothing to be too concerned with, which is why when people use them as intensfiers it shouldn't be a problem though if people are just being vulgarians and swear for the sake of swearing then that's a load of ****.
  • #31
Originally posted by jcsd
#1) The banana at the front doesn't exactly look to happy about it :)

#2) To tell the truth my own postion is that there only words, nothing to be too concerned with, which is why when people use them as intensfiers it shouldn't be a problem though if people are just being vulgarians and #3) swear for the sake of swearing then that's a load of ****.

#1) You mean that one that's yelling "WO'HOOOOO"??

#2) If they truly are "only words" and employed as intensifiers, then why them?, why not "other" intesifieing words that are not generally seen as so offensive in nature, gutteral in thought, and considered vulgar in use.

#3) As for "swearing for the sake of swearing", doesn't that just show an acceptence of a habit, acceptence of a desire to be considered forwardly offensive? contempt of possible listeners?, unwillingness to seek acceptence, socially, by verbal derrision(sp?)?
  • #32
though my relatives hail from the isle of wight and sussex,

Cool i live just the other side of the Solent near Southampton and the New Forest.

Come on Robin how many people can honestly say that they say ouch when they are hurt in an accident, most do curse when this happens and the vast majority would at least say "god dammit".
  • #33
Originally posted by Andy
Cool i live just the other side of the Solent near Southampton and the New Forest.
Come on (Mr.) Robin (Parsons) how many people can honestly say that they say ouch when they are hurt in an accident, most do curse when this happens and the vast majority would at least say "god dammit".

Firstly, for someone who wanted to take me to task over "knowning the other", considering I have been your age, but you have never been mine, you obvious false sense of familiarity, that have been using, really shows you for what you are.

Also, the simplicity that I had, just today, asked a friend of mine who does carpentry work, he said he says "OW" too, as did I when I worked in that trade, and in the trade of mechanics, as well.

So your statement of; "most do" simply shows that you are 'self assumptive' in your conclusions, unless (of course) you can back that up with some independant proof(s). Otherwise, you simply tell us all that you are making up the "Facts" as you go along, sharing nothing with us, the readers of these postings, save your over active imagination.
  • #34
Originally posted by Andy many people can honestly say that they say ouch when they are hurt in an accident, most do curse when this happens and the vast majority would at least say "god dammit".

A preacher once told me that when a person loses control what "comes out" is what they are "filled with."

When you think about it, this is true. If a person dwells on cursing and uses swear words on a regular basis this is what will come out when upset or out of control. But, if the person does not frequently use swear words, these will not be what would come out.

I can't say which is the vast majority, but I do believe that this is true. If a person has never heard or rarely hears or uses a swear word, they probably would not use one if injured or upset.

I actually heard the preacher who told me this say, "Ow! Praise God!" When he scraped his knuckle doing a car repair. I looked at him kind of strangely at his response to the scrape and he added, "I'll think of a good reason (to praise God) later." He was a good man who truly practiced what he preached. I certainly don't think this is a common reaction, but just an illustration of my point.
  • #35
Originally posted by Artman
A preacher once told me that when a person loses control what "comes out" is what they are "filled with."

When you think about it, this is true. If a person dwells on cursing and uses swear words on a regular basis this is what will come out when upset or out of control. But, if the person does not frequently use swear words, these will not be what would come out.

I can't say which is the vast majority, but I do believe that this is true. If a person has never heard or rarely hears or uses a swear word, they probably would not use one if injured or upset.

I actually heard the preacher who told me this say, "Ow! Praise God!" When he scraped his knuckle doing a car repair. I looked at him kind of strangely at his response to the scrape and he added, "I'll think of a good reason (to praise God) later." He was a good man who truly practiced what he preached. I certainly don't think this is a common reaction, but just an illustration of my point.

Beautifully stated, IMO Thanks, from one who has worked as a mechanic, and knows a completely different meaning to "Punching a Head" or "giving it a 'shot' in the head" and bled, and skin, and IMO Silence is the very best manner of reaction to such things, as that is the most responcible for one's own actions.

It was another thread I had started in Philosophy, "Who/What controls your mind?"...if I can find it I'll link it.

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